The fire within [D/s] [Rough]

*How could you possibly say that to me*? You yell back. *I’m just so done with that behaviour of you. Everytime you tell me that I’m the one in the wrong but you don’t even dare to look at yourself in the mirror*, I reply. We don’t argue a lot, but when we do, we know exactly how to get under the other one’s skin. Your face is red and you formed your hands into fists. The situation is heated and we can’t talk normal towards each other anymore. You walk closer to me and you stop when you are right in front of me. You are taller than I am. I look so tiny compared to you. I see the fire in your eyes and I feel your warm breath against my face. You grab me under my chin with your thumb and place your index finger on my cheek. You come even closer and tell me how hot I look when I’m mad. I try to push you away and tell you to get lost. *I’m not going anywhere*, you say and you push me against the wall behind me. You grab my hands and tell me to hold them together. *Wait here*, you command me and you walk away to the drawer.

You open it and grab some rope before walking back to me. You tie my wrists carefully together. *Follow me*, you say as you pull the one end of the rope. We walk towards the wall with the hooks in it. You screwed them in not too long ago so we could have more fun together you said. You pick a hook which is above my head and you tie my wrists off right there. You bend a bit so that your face is right in front of mine and you grab my chin once more. *I’m not mad at you anymore. I saw the fire in your eyes and it made me crave you*. You look at me and pull the shirt I’m wearing over my head and place it behind my neck as my hands are tied. My boobs being revealed, as I wasn’t wearing something underneath the shirt. You grab one boob and start to suck the other one. *Don’t look so annoyed at me, I know you like it. Stop being so stubborn*. I’m not changing my attitude and you bite my nipple hard. I turn away from you and take a step back.

*Would you like the crop, cane or my hand today?* You whisper in my ear. I turn my face towards you and while smiling I tell you to fill my ass with your handprints. *Such a devious smile. I love it*, you say. Turn around and show me that lovely ass of yours. I move my ass seductively while I turn around and look over my shoulder. *Face the wall, don’t distract me*, you tell me in a serious voice. *I want you to count from 3 to 0*. I start. Threee, twooooooo. Taking breaks between each number. Before I reached one I feel a stinging pain on my right ass cheek. *I wasn’t even by 0 yet! That’s right*, you say, *but if you counted normally, you were. I’m not here to play games with you*. You continue to make marks on my booty and it doesn’t take long before it feels like they are on fire. I start to beg you to stop. *I know that you can handle a lot more and I want to see you struggle with sitting down the coming days. Remembering this moment everytime you try to sit down.* I know that I can handle a lot more but every hit on the already red and bruised area hurts even more.

After a moment you untie me from the hook but keeping my wrists together. You support me underneath my shoulders while I drop on my knees. *I know it hurts, but you handled that really well. I’m proud of you*. I can’t think of anything anymore. Even the burn on my ass doesn’t get to me anymore. *Open your mouth for me if you want to continue*. It’s just pain, it’ll be over soon I tell myself. I open my mouth and you ask me if you should help me or if I have enough energy to suck your cock. You slowly push the tip of your cock in my mouth before getting an answer. I try to say *Help me*, and you start to grin. *What did you say? I didn’t quite hear you*. *Help me!* I speak out loud this time. *Sure thing, I’ll help you. Just keep your mouth open and I’ll do the rest*. You place your hands behind my head and you start to thrust violently. Sometimes you push yourself all the way inside my throat and keep my head there until I gag. I look up towards you and notice that you are looking at me. I see that you are almost coming and you tell me to finish it off. I grab your cock with my both hands and start sucking your cock. You have still one hand in my hair and you hold me still when you are coming.

You drop down to your knees next to me and lay your head on my shoulder. You carefully untie and remove the rope from my wrists while kissing my neck. You lift me up and place me on the bed. *What do you want for breakfast love?*


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