Pet Play for Lovers – The Hunt

“Maggie! You give those keys back right now.”

Maggie makes a pouty face and pretends to hand the keys over before pulling away and grinning slyly.

“I can’t play now. I have to go to work. Give me the keys.”

Maggie runs and hides behind the couch.


Maggie sulks as she comes back and hands the keys over.

“Thank you. We’ll play after work, I promise.”

James heads out for another workday.

With another day behind him, James stands ready to unlock the door when a blur flashes by him, snatching the keys from his hand. Cackling maniacally, Maggie makes a run for the tree-line while James is left looking at his empty hand. “That little bitch!”, James mutters to himself. If Maggie wants a chase, she’s going to get one and the head-start given while James collects himself isn’t going to save her. It’s on now.

Upon entering the forest, the hunter immediately picks up the trail. His prey’s footprints in the leaf litter are obvious. The hunter follows the trail down to the river to find his prey hiding poorly on a rocky out-cropping. She’s taunting him. Sneakily, the hunter circles back and approaches quietly from another direction. As he closes in, a loose rock underfoot gives away his position and his prey dives elegantly into the water and escapes across the river, giggling as she disappears into the trees once more. After stripping down, the hunter silently enters the river and picks up the trail on the other side. Judging by the direction of the footprints, the hunter knows his prey is headed for a small clearing in the trees. With a bit of luck, he can cut her off at the pass.

The delicious morsel moves swiftly but the hunter uses his knowledge to his advantage and surprises his prey by jumping out in front of her. The look of panic on her face as she skids to a halt and back-pedals whets the hunter’s appetite. He grins devilishly as he pounces. His prey is no easy meal, however. She rolls to the side, dodging the attack and takes off through the dense trees with the hunter right on her heels. She dives over a fallen log, glancing back briefly to see if she gained any ground but the hunter plows through at full speed, splintering the log into a million pieces. In a desperate attempt to escape, the prey scrambles up a tree much too small to support the weight of her pursuer. With his prey cornered, the hunter slows down and calmly approaches the tree. He takes a hold of it with both hands and shakes it violently. His prey struggles to hold on but it’s no use. She falls and is caught in one arm of her pursuer while he snatches the keys out of the air with his free hand. The hunter throws his prey over his shoulder and carries her off to be devoured. It’s over.

One might expect terrified screams from a captured animal but this one laughs and squeals delightfully as she’s laid down on a soft clover patch in the clearing. The hunter removes all the inedible parts in preparation for feeding and kneels over his prey, savoring the fruits of his labor. Her shy smile and flush face devoid of fear betrays her need to be fed upon. Her soft skin and shiny hair indicate good health. This one is going to be positively scrumptious. The hunter takes a hold of her waist, lifting her from the ground. Bringing her to his mouth, he devours her ass and pussy while she goes limp, resigned to her fate as a meal. His face now wet with delicious juices, he pins her to the ground and consumes every part of her with his powerful hands, tenderizing them in preparation for the main course. Her involuntarily rocking her hips back and forth tells him she’s ready. Flipping her over face-down, he lifts her hips to a convenient height. Stretching her arms out in front and keeping her face down, she tilts her hips, offering herself for consumption. She gasps quietly as he slides inside her. Slowly at first, he plunges repeatedly, gaining speed and increasing power with each thrust. At half power, his prey cries out and shakes, nearly falling from his grasp but he takes hold more firmly, holding her in position as he continues to sate his hunger. Now at three quarters power, she convulses again, babbling incoherently, draining the last of her energy so she can’t even hold herself up but the hunter isn’t finished. Supporting her entirely, he pounds her with all his power as she flops around like a rag-doll, unable to act, the only life-sign being pitiful whimpering, the sound of which pushes the hunter over the edge. He unloads deep inside her, ironically filling his prey and draining his energy. Now themselves again, James lays down in the soft vegetation, still inside his Sweet Girl Maggie, holding her against his chest while they recover from the rigors of the hunt.

Some time later, back at the house and ready for literal dinner, James can’t help but feel he forgot something important. Maggie has her sweater and collar. He has his clothes. A mystery for sure. It’s only when they get right to the door that they realize what’s missing and facepalm in tandem. The keys are out there somewhere still.


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