[FF] Lisa and Pam part 4: Married woman falls for her best friend/coworker

Part 1[click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/gnggpc/ff_lisa_and_pam_part_1_a_married_woman_falls_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

Part 2[click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/gngwek/ff_lisa_and_pam_part_2_married_woman_falls_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

Part 3[click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/gnh1x3/ff_lisa_and_pam_part_3_married_woman_falls_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

“I knew it! God Dammit, I fucking knew it! Damn I’m good aren’t I?” Greg exclaimed. He seemed pleased with his own prowess as a detective. Lisa responded “Yes Gregory dear, you were right…” 

Lisa had come home from Pam’s house ready to admit to her husband that she had begun a lesbian affair with her best friend. When she arrived, Greg was already cooking some meals for them to eat throughout the week. ‘I fucking love his chicken marsala’ she thought. It was early afternoon on a Sunday and she had spent the previous night with Pam having hot, kinky, lesbian sex. 

“Glass of wine baby?” He asked after she settled in after arriving home. She accepted, booze will make this easier she figured. She sipped her wine and watched her husband cut veggies to go into the dutch oven with the marsala. “Baby, we need to talk” Lisa said. 

“Uh oh, sounds serious, mind if I get the marsala in the oven first?” Greg responded. Shortly thereafter Lisa sat with Greg in their family room. “So, I’m not sure where to start, so I’m just going to cut to the chase. Remember about a month ago when I went to Pam’s for her housewarming? Well, things happened that night, and they’ve continued to happen since. Greg, I’ve been cheating on you with Pam for the past month.” There, she thought, it’s all out there now. 

After Greg’s enthusiasm over his skill as a detective, he became more serious. 

“So what is it you want Lisa? Are you a lesbian? Do you want to leave me? I mean there’s a lot to unpack here love.” He asked. 

“I love you Greg, you are my best friend, my lover, my life companion, and I can’t imagine life without you. But I also love Pam, in a very different, but equally powerful way. In short, Greg, I want both of you in my life, and I know that sounds incredibly selfish, but you asked and that’s my answer.” Lisa explained. 

“So you want an open marriage? Is that what you’re saying?” Greg asked. This was the part Lisa was afraid of because, truth be told, she didn’t want to open up their marriage. She knew it was incredibly selfish, but she didn’t like the idea of ‘sharing’ her husband. She was a jealous woman and the thought of Greg fucking other women spiked a sense of anger within her. She tried to explain “Greg, this is not about going around and getting laid, my situation is that I feel physically and emotionally connected to two people, my male husband and my female best friend. It’s not like I’m going to swingers parties. And I don’t think it’s a tit for tat situation. Do you understand honey?”

“I think I understand, Lisa, you would like to be married to me, and to have a lesbian relationship with Pam, and when you’re not with one or the other of us, we should be sitting in our houses being chaste and alone, while you get either get fucked or eat pussy. Does that about sum it up?” Greg responded. This was the first time he had shown anger and it wasn’t unjustified. “I know it’s complicated Greg” Lisa began but he interrupted her “It’s not complicated at all Lisa, you’re a selfish asshole. What about Pam? Is she allowed to fuck other people? What if I want to fuck Pam too? The brief times I’ve met her, I got the sense that she would be interested, can I fuck Pam too? Or is that also off limits?” 

“Greg stop! I’m sorry that I don’t like the idea of my husband going around banging chicks. I’m just trying to be honest with you.” Lisa exclaimed. 

Greg calmed himself and spoke gently and dispassionately “Honey, this situation we’re in is a difficult one. I understand you have feelings for Pam. And, while I admit that the idea of you two fucking turns me on more than anything I’ve ever experienced, we have to figure out how this whole thing can work, for all of us. 

And, fact is Lisa, it can’t be just about what you want. If you want both of us, then you’ll have to make concessions. You can’t possibly expect both your husband and your girlfriend to practice devoted abstinence, because of your insecurities. If you want this, if you really want this, then the nature of our fifteen year marriage will have to change. And, yes, that means we have an open marriage. I’m not saying I’m gonna go out pussy hunting. But if I am attracted to a woman, and she’s attracted to me, and you’re spending the night with Pam, I shouldn’t be made to feel wrong about satisfying my own urges.

You came home today and dropped a bombshell on us. So, can I just explain to you that if you want to continue your relationship with both she and I, you will be gaining something you want for yourself, but you’ll be giving something up as well.”

Lisa sat quietly for a moment and then finally she spoke “You’re right, about everything. For some reason, and this is going to sound ridiculous, but for some reason I feel like it’s different because Pam is a woman. What I experience with her is something I can’t experience with you. And, yup, now that I said it out loud, it does sound ridiculous.”

Greg paused “So you’d be ok with me being with another person if that other person was a man?”

Lisa responded “Well, being honest? Yes, I guess that would make more sense to me. I mean think about it, if Pam’s name was Paul you would probably be viewing this differently wouldn’t you? Like, if I was having an affair with another man you would be thinking ‘what’s he got that I don’t have?’ Wouldn’t you? But with Pam the answer to that question is pretty cut and dry- she has breasts and a vagina, she’s my own gender and that’s a big part of my love for her.” 

Greg thought on this and responded “I suppose that does actually make some sense.”

Lisa said “I mean it’s unfortunate that you’re not bisexual, but if you were, I would be ok with you having a boyfriend, because he could give you things that I never could.”

And then Greg laid a bombshell “Um, ok, so… honesty right? So before we met I had sex with a couple of men, I never told you because, well, just because I guess. But I will admit that, lately, like for the past couple of years, I’ve been thinking about what it was like, that’s kind of why I started licking you after I cum. I like the taste of cum and I fantasize often about the cocks I had in my mouth, how they felt, how they smelled, all of it.”

Lisa was stunned, but also found herself getting tingly down below. “Oh my God baby, I had literally no idea. I mean I honestly thought you were as straight as they come. That’s kinda fucking hot honey.”

“Really, you’re getting turned on by the thought of me fucking another guy?” Greg asked. 

“Yes, yes I am. I’m surprised as much as you, never thought much about dudes fucking but now that I am, yeah I’m really fucking turned on!” Lisa answered. 

Greg said “Interesting, ok, I think we’re making progress here Lisa. Now, there’s another question, that you know I have to ask: what are the chances of a threesome with me you and Pam?” 

Lisa smiled and responded “Actually, my love, the chances of that are pretty fucking good. Pam has expressed interest several times and I’ve been my normal insecure self about the whole idea. But, as I sit here with you now, I can honestly say, I think it would be pretty amazing to be with the two people I love at the same time. But let’s take this one step at a time ok? It will happen for all of us when the time is right ok?

Lisa moved to her husband and pressed her lips to his. Suddenly, the undercurrent of lust they were both feeling turned into a raging torrent. They kissed deeply and passionately. Lisa broke the kiss and said “I need you inside of me”

Greg replied “let me pull the chicken out and I’ll meet you in the bedroom.”

Their lovemaking was slow and sensual as they spoke to each other about their experiences with gay sex. Lisa told Greg about her sex with Pam and Greg told Lisa about the men he had fucked. They had never felt closer as they moaned and fucked and shared openly with one another. The scene ended with a sweaty orgasmic Lisa squatting on her husband’s face feeding him his own creampie from her cunt. 

The rest of their evening was comfortable and wonderful. They ate, they drank, they talked and laughed. As they wound down and climbed into bed Lisa asked “So, are you, um, going to try to find a boyfriend?” Greg thought for a moment “I’m really not sure, I mean, maybe? Probaby? Gay men are a risky population to have sex with. I guess if I found a guy, in my situation, that I was attracted to, I would enjoy that. But I’m definitely not looking to go out sucking on dirty dicks. For now, I’m happy with sharing these fantasies with you and, if I do meet a guy, I will tell you from the start. Deal?”

“Deal. I love you Greg.”

“I love you too Lisa”

The husband and wife drifted to sleep in each other’s arms content in their new beginning together. 

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/gnhgie/ff_lisa_and_pam_part_4_married_woman_falls_for