[FF] Lisa and Pam part 1: A married woman falls for her best friend/coworker

Lisa rang the doorbell and waited. Lisa had a head full of doubts. She couldn’t really understand why she felt so nerved about visiting her friend Pam’s house.

Lisa and Pam worked together and, over the course of the past several years they had become very close. Though, oddly, they never really hung out socially. They texted one another all the time and sent each other snapchats. It was all very innocuous and, while there were occasional undertones or innuendos of flirtation, nothing was ever overt. They never crossed that invisible, but still very real, line.

And even this get together was innocent. Lisa was visiting Pam’s new house. It wasn’t a housewarming, since Pam hadn’t invited anybody else from the office. But instead, Pam insisted that the two friends enjoy a simple evening of wine and appetizers and office gossip and decorating ideas.

But Lisa was conflicted. She wasn’t horny for her friend and she definitely wasn’t a closeted lesbian, she couldn’t even really classify herself as bisexual. But she felt a closeness to Pam that was comfortable and easy. Lisa did not want to have sex with Pam, but she did feel a strong emotional connection to her.

Until now, they had never been alone together in a social context. Their entire relationship was through their phones. A digital realm where every response or utterance is measured. When they were face to face it was in a professional capacity, where again, most dialogue is measured or restrained. Lisa was unsure how this would go, and she was afraid that if it sucked, she and her new best friend would have lost something.

So, between the strong emotional connection that acted as a magnet between the two of them, and the worry that it would be weird or awkward, Lisa felt a little like a nervous teenager. Which is to say, annoyingly insecure.

Pam opened the door and greeted Lisa with a big warm smile. A hug would have to wait because Lisa brought some gifts and food as a housewarming. Pam grabbed up some of the items and lead Lisa to the kitchen. Packages placed, and coat removed, they finally embraced. A warm hug between friends.

After a tour and several glasses of wine and nibblers, they settled in on the sofa. They laughed and talked and drank. They looked into one another’s eyes, they casually touched, they gradually moved side by side looking at furniture on their phones. And then they kissed. There was no build up, they just kissed. A few pecks, and then more lip, and then tongue.

They broke their kiss as both women’s passions had shot up frighteningly fast. Lisa spoke first and explained that she wasn’t sure what had just happened. Pam agreed that what happened was completely unexpected and weird.

They got more wine and decided to watch a show on tv. They settled in and sort of mutually decided to cuddle. Lisa still didn’t want to have sex with a woman, but she was enjoying this new level of closeness with Pam.

As the evening wore on, both women fell asleep in each other’s arms in front of the tv. When they awoke it was late so Lisa decided to stay the night. Lisa climbed into bed next to Pam. As their bodies spooned Pam whispered to Lisa that she loved her. Lisa returned the sentiment. They rolled to face one another and kissed again.

They were both still a bit groggy from their wine naps and, though their bedtime preparations had livened them a bit, neither woman was fully awake. So it was very much like a waking dream. Their tongues swirled and their hands explored. They pressed their breasts together as they kissed and ran their hands along the curves of each other’s body. They were both ample middle aged women, both with huge breasts and large asses. Their bodies were an undulating landscape of soft, pillowy pleasures.

Lisa slid her hand under Pam’s panties and Pam followed suit. Lisa felt Pam’s wetness on her fingers, she felt her own wetness on Pam’s fingers. They caressed one another in the most intimate of ways as their soft bodies pressed together and their soft lips danced. Their mutual touching was so instinctive, Pam and Lisa knew how best to touch each other, they knew when to apply pressure to the clit, they knew when a finger should penetrate each other’s pussy, they knew when to go harder or softer. As they slowly reached an intense climax together they held each other tight. They didn’t speak, they just existed in the moment, breathless and satisfied. They drifted to sleep in one another’s arms.

Lisa awoke to the early morning sun. Pam was still asleep. She studied Pam, the curve of her hips, the slight whistle in her nose as she breathed. She pressed herself against Pam’s body and drifted back to sleep again.

Lisa awoke again, Pam was gone and she smelled coffee. She found her shirt and went in search of the coffee she smelled. Pam greeted Lisa with a smile, a hot cup of coffee, and a delicate peck. They sat on the sofa again and talked over coffee.

They both agreed that what happened between them was not to be taken lightly, but it was also something neither wanted to cast aside or forget. What happened between then wasn’t even necessarily a sexual engagement, but rather a physical extension of their shared intimacy as friends. Lisa still did not want to have sex with a woman, but she felt for Pam in a way that transcended gender. She simply felt so strongly for Pam that kissing and touching seemed almost logical.

They both seemed of the same exact mindset. They were two friends who loved one another and out of this love grew a desire for a greater level of physical intimacy. Neither knew exactly where this was heading, but both knew that there was something very beautiful about how they felt when they were together. As friends, and now as something just a little more.

Lisa freshened up to drive home and she gave Pam a goodbye hug and kiss. As their lips met, something triggered in both of them. All their rationalisms, their proclaimed innocent touching, their agreement to enjoy a casual exchange of kisses and some light petting, all of it suddenly melted. The goodbye peck and then another, and then the lips parting and the tongues dancing, suddenly propelled their lust. This feeling they were experiencing was not an innocent extension of friendship, this was suddenly, unexpectedly, pure lesbian lust.

And it didn’t abate, it didn’t diminish, it grew from a spark into a bonfire. Their hands began exploring, they grabbed each other’s asses and clasped one another’s tits. Lisa realized that, for the first time in her life, she wanted to eat pussy. She desired it, she wanted to feel the heat, smell the scent, and taste the wetness between Pam’s legs. And she could tell Pam wanted the same thing. They were standing in the hallway near the door and feverishly shedding clothes. It was desperate and hungry and sloppy. First the shirts and bras flew off. They pressed their breasts together relishing the feeling of soft mounds of feminine flesh pressing against each other. Lisa took Pam’s large soft tit into her mouth as Pam moaned in delight. Lisa stood and dropped her pants, kicked off her shoes and pulled down her panties. Pam, in concert, slid her sweatpants and panties down over her large round ass. They pressed their naked bodies together and kissed.

Lisa suddenly dropped down, pushed Pam against the wall, and dove into Pam’s pussy. It was hot and wet and dirty. It smelled of stale piss and sweat and female musk. Lisa not only didn’t mind the smell, she loved it, she wanted to be covered in Pam’s cunt juice. Lisa devoured Pam’s cunt like a woman possessed. Sucking, licking, smelling and moaning. Pam gasped and moaned as her best friend sucked her pussy. Pam shuddered with orgasm as Lisa consumed a flood of viscous fluid flowing from Pam’s swollen pussy.

She stood and Pam grabbed her face and brought their lips together. Pam was as much kissing Lisa as she was lapping at her own cunt juices. Again without words, they went to Pam’s bedroom. They collapsed together kissing and feeling each other’s bodies. Pam made her way down Lisa’s body and began to return the favor from the hallway.

Lisa felt Pam’s soft lips and tongue exploring her pussy. In a word is was like fireworks. Her cunt was exploding with pleasure. She was mad with lust and she demanded Pam 69 her. Pam was all too happy to accept as she threw her body around and lowered her sex onto Lisa’s face. Lisa licked Pam’s cunt as Pam licked Lisa. Both women moaned and writhed and ground their sex into one another’s hungry mouths. Soon they were both exploding with intensely powerful orgasms. Their mutual screams only barely muffled by the labia pressed to each of their faces. They straddled the edge of epic orgasm for what seemed like forever before both plunging over and giving in to the sheer intensity of their burning sapphic desires. Pam moved and laid beside Lisa. They stared at one another for a long while, their hair was a mess and their faces were glistening from each others orgasmic fluids. Pam spoke first “so should we talk about this?”

Lisa looked at her friend. She drew her face closer to Pam’s. She looked into Pam’s eyes and responded “fuck me again Pamela, I want you to fuck me again.” They dove back into one another. It was as hungry as the first time but it was also slower. Where the first time had been desperate, this was softer, more deliberate. They teased each other with fingers and tongues.

After a few more small orgasms they laid next to one another stroking each other’s pussy. Pam whispered to Lisa “I wasn’t lying last night when I said I loved you”. To which Lisa responded “Oh Pam, I love you too”. And with that both women climaxed hard on each other’s fingers as they kissed and professed their love for one another.

They laid together, sweaty, dirty, and sexually spent. “What now?” Pam asked. “I’m not sure.” Lisa replied. Something very intense had happened between them. They could not pretend, as they had earlier planned, that they were just friends who were affectionate. They’d both just experienced hardcore lesbian sex, both for the first time in their lives. There was no going back at this point and, more to the point, neither woman wanted to. But Lisa was married and she loved her husband very much. She knew she would have to tell him, but she wasn’t ready for that just yet. She also knew she wasn’t going to be able to turn off the feelings that had been ignited within her.

They agreed to continue to text, and to act as if all was normal. They also made plans to get together a couple of weeks down the road. As Lisa left her lesbian lover she had a jumble of feelings. The whole ride home she thought hard about this and considered slowly pulling back from Pam.

She arrived home and headed for the shower. She was resigned to do the right thing. She would have a long talk with Pam. She would tell her that she just couldn’t continue this. She had convinced herself. And then, just before she got in the shower, she got a snapchat from Pam, it was of her hand spreading her wet pussy lips. The caption read “can you come over Tuesday afternoon?”

Lisa sat on the bathroom floor, positioned her phone, spread her legs and spread her pussy lips. She snapped the pic and captioned it “yes”.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/gnggpc/ff_lisa_and_pam_part_1_a_married_woman_falls_for


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