Counseling [Fantasy] [F mast, MF] (1/2)

(One of a series of stories of Sexual Equity.)

In the small back office, Renee shuts the door and lowers the blinds, closing herself off from the shop. Sitting at the computer, she closes Quickbooks, and opens up her email. She finds the one labeled “VIDEO CONSULTATION with NICOLA MIRZA, MSW, LCSW” and clicks on the link to open the videoconferencing program.

After a few beeps, the call is answered. The video starts, and shows a view looking down a narrow room. In the picture, Renee sees unoccupied sofas on either side of the room; in the center, a woman in her late twenties, sits on a chair, nude, holding a tablet computer in her hands. “Hello, this is Nicola Mirza. Is this Renee Allen?”

“Um, yeah.” Renee hesitates. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting… You know you don’t have any clothes on?“

Nicola smiles. “Yes, it often takes people by surprise their first time. There are good reasons, which I’ll explain in a bit. First of all, I just want to verify a few things.” She looks down at her tablet. “It says you’re on the town council of Kelham Mill, Helenia, and that after your one-year check-in, Jessica recommended you see a counselor.”

“Yeah. I started talking to her and she said I should talk to someone. I guess you’re the someone.”

“Yes. I’m one of the counselors here in the Service Office. Let me tell you about what we do. It’s our job to meet with officeholders, like yourself, and work with you make your state service successful, both for you and the men you serve. We’re here to guide you, to help give you techniques and strategies for dealing better with the issues that come up. You should be aware that we’re not therapists, and we aren’t here to fix you, or because we think there’s anything wrong with you. State service is part of your job as an officeholder, and like any job, you may need help getting the hang of it, and that’s what we’re here for. Because we’re here to help you with your job, any expenses are paid for by the government — you won’t be charged for anything.

“Let me give you an example of what we do. The most common issue we see is a new officeholder who finds she isn’t prepared to be as open and visible as she needs to be to successfully perform service. She gets into a crib with a strange man and can’t resist the urge to cover up. So, we help her practice making her body visible, and help her become more comfortable in allowing strangers to see and touch her body. I just finished our Overcoming Shyness support group, actually, that’s why I’m in the group session room today.

“To help women learn to be more open, we counselors model this behavior whenever we meet with officeholders. That’s why I’ll be nude in all our appointments. And this is such a common problem that we assume all officeholders will have to work on it, or at least could use practice with it. So, we require all the women receiving continuing counseling be nude or wear service robes for their appointments, unless it’s family or relationship counseling where others are brought in. You should be prepared for that if we have any more appointments after today.

“But that’s just one problem officeholders have, and Jessica didn’t say why she thought you should see someone. Tell me, how is being on town council working out for you?”

“Sure.” Renee pauses to collect herself. “So, I’ve been on the Kelham Mill town council a little over a year. We’re a very small town, up here in the Helenia forests. I run the general store and deli, which is one of the only businesses in town aside from the mill itself. My dad started it back in the fifties, and I started running it a few years ago when my dad got sick. Everybody knows me here, and a lot of people thought I should run for council, so I said yes. I didn’t think the service obligation would be a problem, but…”

“But you’re finding it difficult?”

“Yeah. There aren’t that many people living here, and lots are families with children, so there aren’t that many men who sign up to receive service. And the men come into my store all the time, to buy groceries or get a sandwich. We don’t talk about service, but I can feel their eyes on me. And to be honest, I don’t look at them the same way either. I look at them and can’t help but think back to when we were fu— when we were in the crib together.”

“Renee, with me you should feel free to use any words that come to mind. You can’t help but remember when you were fucking. When you see one of these men, you think about how his cock felt inside you, the look on his face when he came, maybe the taste of his jizz.”

“Er, yeah.” Renee squirms a little.

“Renee, you shouldn’t be surprised that your feelings change after you have provided service. The main point of service is to change your feelings, even though sometimes those feelings don’t change in exactly the way we want them to. What we hope for is that the sexual act makes officeholders feel closer to the men they serve, and that they’re able to transfer those feelings of closeness to the community in general. But sometimes, as with you, their reactions center not around emotional intimacy, but around the carnality of the sex act itself. There are a number of techniques we can use to recenter your reactions, and I can work with you on those. Tell me, when you have these memories, do they make you feel aroused?”

“Well, usually. It depends on the guy, and what we did together. If it’s a hot guy, or a guy who fucked me, then yeah I start to get turned on. If he’s not so hot and just had me blow him, then not so much, it just feels weird. But either way, it’s hard to be around them, and really uncomfortable.”

“Hmm.” Nicola makes notes on her tablet. “When you’re around other men, ones you haven’t provided service to, do these reactions come up for you?”

Renee thinks for a moment, then shakes her head. “Not really. I mean, once in a while I look at a guy and wonder what he’d be like in bed, but I mean, I always did that, maybe not quite as much. It’s when they look at me that way, remembering, that I can’t stop thinking about what we did together.”

“I see. And it’s really not possible for you to avoid these men?

“No, not in the shop. I have some nephews and nieces that help out, and I have someone on deli from 11 to 19, but a lot of the time I’m in the shop by myself. Guys come in for coffee or whatever in the mornings.”

“Yes. If they were coworkers in the same workplace they’d be ineligible to receive service from you, but being a customer doesn’t count. Hmm. Let me look something up.” Nicola uses her tablet computer for a minute. “So, I was just looking through your service appointment history. You’ve had sixty-four appointments so far, but many of those are the same men, coming back. That’s not a situation that comes up a lot. We deal mostly with MPs and MLAs, and city councilors in big cities, who have many thousands of constituents, and they rarely serve the same man twice. But you… it says you’ve had one service recipient come back almost twenty times. Wow.”

“Yeah, that’s Josh. That’s another thing… Josh and I both grew up in Kelham Mill. We rode the bus down to middle and high school together. Back in high school he had a major crush on me, but I wasn’t into him. When I got on council, he started signing up for service appointments. He told me he’d been waiting for this all his life, and now he wasn’t going to throw his chance to be with me away. So, every two or three weeks when I show up at the crib, there he is. He tries to make it romantic. Our crib doesn’t have the security you have down in the big cities, so he can bring in things, and he brings me flowers, plays music, basically tries to make a date out of it. Then we fuck and he tells me he loves me.”

“That’s… surprising. Citizen service isn’t supposed to be about putting you in a personal relationship, at least, not like that. What happens when he comes into the store?”

“Well, Josh doesn’t come into the store when I’m working — he’ll come in in the evenings or on Sundays, when I’m off. He told me early on that he would wait for me to come to him, and he tries to avoid me outside the crib. And the truth is, I’ve been thinking about him a lot. When I think about being with Josh, I don’t think about just the fucking, I think about when he kisses me, holds me… I mean, I know he enjoys the sex, but that’s not all it is for him. He wouldn’t normally be my type, but I can’t help caring for him.”

“Yes. That’s exactly the feeling of closeness that service is designed to bring out, but normally we don’t want you to get close to just one man through service. I’m not sure… Renee, normally, our job here in the Service Office is to help you get used to providing service, to helping you succeed in this part of your role as an officeholder. We’re called counselors, but we’re really more like coaches, helping you develop the skills and techniques needed to provide service. This thing with Josh… I’m going to need to bring in someone to help with that. Is it okay if I talk to another counselor about what you’ve told me?”

“Sure. But you know, Josh isn’t the worst part, the worst part is being so weird and, um, turned on around the other guys after we fuck in the crib. I wish I could not feel that way.”

Nicola nods. “Okay, that’s something we can work on. I can’t help you not feel anything after providing service, sex is a powerful thing and you’re going to feel something after it. But we can try to redirect those feelings in a more productive way. Let’s work on some techniques and then we’ll have a follow-up appointment in a couple of weeks. I’ll also get some help to work on your Josh situation. Okay?”


“So, what we’re going to do is redirect your feelings after sex away from thinking about the sex act itself and toward developing closeness. You should feel a little more like you feel with Josh, only not so strongly, with all the men you serve. Later we can try to move that toward a more general closeness to the community, but that can wait.

“Our first step is to minimize the erotic charge of service by giving you something else to focus your sexual desire upon. Renee, I’m going to have to ask you about your sex life. Is that okay?”

“Sure, but there’s not much to talk about right now.”

“So, you don’t have a regular sexual partner.”

“No, I had boyfriends in college, but that was years ago. A couple times I’ve gone down to Jenkins for the weekend and ended up hooking up, but until I got on town council, I hadn’t been with anybody for a year or so. I mean, honestly I figured a service obligation was as good a way as any to scratch that itch.”

“Ah. Renee, you deserve sexual fulfillment, but your service obligation can’t be part of that. In a service appointment, you have to be completely focused on the man’s pleasure and satisfaction. We need to find you another way to satisfy your own needs. Tell me, do you masturbate?”

“Er, sometimes…”

“But not often? Not most days?”

“Oh, no. Maybe a couple of times a month.”

“Okay. Assuming you don’t have a sexual partner lined up, I recommend a steady regimen of masturbation, at least five times a week. Many women masturbate just they go to sleep or just after they wake up in the morning, but it’s up to you. Focus on your body and your feelings. If you fantasize, try thinking about people from your past, or from TV or movies, or anyone really other than the men from your service appointments. If you can bring yourself to orgasm, that’s great, but if you can’t, that’s okay too. The idea is to begin associating sexual excitement with things other than your service appointments.

“Then, just before each service appointment, masturbate again. If you have to, you can use the dressing lounge, but it would be better to go back home, to avoid associating your excitement with the crib area. Whatever you do, don’t use the crib itself. Here, the idea is to release your arousal before you provide service. Are you with me so far?”

“Jill off five times a week, plus just before the service appointment.”

“Five times or more, right. Then, during your service, try to place your attention on the man’s eyes and face, unless you’re in a position where you can’t see them. Keep looking up at him if you can, and either way, concentrate on what he is feeling and try to pleasure and satisfy him. Remember to feel grateful to him for the opportunity to prove your loyalty to your people, and humble before this man, who represents all the people who entrusted the leadership of your town to you.”

Renee nods, thinks for a minute. “So, the idea is that when I see him again, I’ll be thinking about having made him happy, rather than just about the fucking.”

“About making him happy, and also about having focused on his feelings rather than on your own.”

“Okay, I can try that.”

“Good. I’ll send you some notes on what you should do, and also include links to masturbation guides and videos — you may not need them, but you’ll have them if you do. Do you have a good vibrator?”

“I have a little egg shaped one, it feels pretty good.”

“Ah. Have you tried a rabbit vibrator? They can help stimulate you much more than the smaller ones. “

“No, I’ve heard of them, but….”

Nicola reaches over to the table next to her chair, and from a drawer pulls out a rubber pink device, a shaft with a smaller pink offshoot. “This is a rabbit vibrator. There are a lot of different kinds, but they’re all designed to both stimulate inside you and also your clitoris.”

“You put that inside? I just put my egg on my clit, and usually I get off from that.”

“Yes. Most women think this is better. Let me show you. First, I’m going to lubricate the shaft, since I’m not wet right now. You might or might not have to do that, depending.” Nicola gets lubricant from the drawer and places some on the shaft, and then spreads her legs and begins inserting the device inside her vagina. “See, it goes in this way. Let me turn it on. You can see there are two buttons, one for the inside and one for the outside.” She presses one of the buttons and over the video Renee can hear a buzz. “Hold on, let me zoom in.” Clenching her crotch to hold the vibrator, she picks up the tablet and uses it to control the camera. She first zooms the camera in close on her stomach, and then pans down, so that Renee gets a close-up view of Nicola’s sex. Nicola reaches down to hold the vibrator again.

“OK, so you can see the shaft is inside, vibrating. It’s pressing up against my G-spot, which is very sensitive. Then when I push it in a little further, you can see the stimulators press up against my clit.” She presses the second button on the vibrator, and Renee hears a second, slightly different buzz. “Mmm, so I move it around just a bit to get it in just the right place…” Renee sees that Nicola’s clitoris is sticking out a little, and sees Nicola hold the vibrator to it. “Hold on… let me show you how I use it.” With one hand Nicola uses the tablet to zoom the camera back, and then Renee sees her put down the tablet and rub her nipples with that hand, while moving the vibrator slightly with the other. “Oh, so I rock the vibrator up and down, so it goes… in and out just a bit… while keeping the top part on my clit.” Nicola begins to moan softly, and after a while she tenses and moans more loudly; it’s obvious to Renee that she’s reached climax.

“Wow,” says Renee. “You really went all in there.”

After a pause, Nicola shrugs before removing the vibrator from herself and putting it aside. “In any other field, it would seem strange to try to teach something just with descriptions, without demonstrating it. If I were a voice coach, I’d sing notes for you; if I were a soccer coach, I’d show you how to pass and dribble. This is no different.” She takes a tissue and wipes her hands, then another and wipes her sex. After throwing them away, she picks up the tablet and begins tapping on it.

“So, I’ll have a vibrator like this sent to you, courtesy of the Service Office. I’ll send you our sampler erotica book and video, too, just so you have something new to concentrate on. They’re full of short pieces of all different types — you won’t like all of them, but most women find something in them that turns them on. Try it out. Finally, I’ll set up a follow-up counseling appointment in two weeks from today, the same time. How does that sound?”

Renee nods. “Sure. Thanks. Um, do I really have to be nude for the next appointment?”

Nicola says “Unless there’s a specific reason why you shouldn’t be, you should be nude, or if you happen to have a service robe, you can wear that. Trust me, almost everyone gets used to it before the next counseling session is over.”

“Thanks. See you in a couple of weeks, I guess.”

“See you then.” Nicola cuts the connection.

Two weeks later, Renee is again in the store office, setting up the video conference. This time, instead of wearing her usual store-insignia polo shirt and slacks, she is wearing only a thin, transparent robe. At the appointed hour, she places the call.

Again, she sees the room with the couches, with Nicola again nude in the chair. This time, though, there is another woman sitting next to her. She is older, Renee thinks maybe in her fifties. She is also wearing a transparent robe, like Renee’s, and Renee can see her body perfectly through it.

“Hello again, Renee. Renee, this is Gillian Smith, one of our more senior counselors. Gillian, this is Renee Allen, Kelham Mill Town Councilor and proprietor of the Kelham General Store.”

Renee tries not to look down at herself. “Hello, Nicola. Hello, Gillian, nice to meet you,” she says.

“Thank you, Renee. Nicola’s told me about your situation. Before we go on, though, can you tell us how the last two weeks have gone?”

“Um, okay. Well the um, masturbation has gone pretty well. Nicola, you were right about that vibrator. It’s really good, I get off more easily than I ever have before. I’ve been doing it every day since I got it.”

“That’s great,” said Nicola. “And did you do it before your service appointments?”


“So,” Nicola asks, “how does it make you feel? Did it change the way you react towards the men you have been serving, when you see them in the store?”

“Well, mostly. I definitely don’t get worked up when I see them, the way I did before. But it’s still awkward, sometimes.”

“I see,” says Nicola. “Tell me how the service appointments went.”

“Um, okay, I guess. I tried to focus on their pleasure and not my own, like you said.”

Gillian says, “Renee, I see that you had three appointments since you talked with Nicola, and that the last one was with the person you’ve serviced so many times. Let’s talk about the other two, first. Can you take us through what happened during those? Start with the first one, two weeks ago.”

“Um, okay. That was Nathan, he’s one of the teachers — we have a small school in town, and he teaches grades four and five. Nathan wanted me to blow him, so he sat back in the chair and I took his pants down and started. I tried to look up into his eyes but um, you know, I’ve got his dick in my mouth, and I can’t really look up too much, and when I did, I couldn’t see his face. It didn’t take him long to come, and I swallowed, like always. I kneeled down and did my ‘thank you for the opportunity to serve,’ line, and he said ‘No, thank *you*,*’* before leaving.”

Gillian says, “And what were you thinking about while you did it?”

“Well, I was just trying to, you know, do a good job — lick the right way, press down, move him in and out so he would come. I wasn’t focused on my feeling sexy. I guess I was thinking about him, but not, you know, so much as a person, more as, you know, a job to do. I mean, before I was on council, I liked Nathan, he’s a friendly guy when he comes into the store, good with the kids of course.”

Gillian says “I see. Tell me about the next one.”

“Well, that was Dylan, he works in the mill. Dylan wanted me to ride him, so he laid on the bed and I got on top. I could look down at him and see his face, and I tried real hard to imagine what he might be thinking, but I didn’t really know. Still I was able to, you know, figure out which way I moved that he liked, and which way would keep him hard without making him come too soon. Eventually of course I got him off. For five minutes he couldn’t hardly move, or say anything, so I guess I did pretty good. I kneeled down and said thank you, and he patted me on the head and left. Dylan’s kind of gruff, doesn’t talk much. Still, for him that was pretty nice. I feel pretty good about that one.”

Nicola said, “Well it sounds like you did a good job of providing service. When you were on top of him, did you remember to feel grateful, and humble?”

“I think so. Mostly I was trying to imagine what he wanted, how to make him happy.”

Gillian asked, “And did either Dylan or Nathan come into the shop afterwards?”

“Yeah, they both did. Nathan came in a couple of days after the appointment, got a sandwich and an iced coffee. He tried to hide it, but I could feel him looking me up and down and it felt kinda uncomfortable. Dylan comes in almost every morning and gets coffee and a donut. He doesn’t say much. He looked at me too, but somehow, I don’t know, I didn’t mind so much. I mean, it’s still not great, but it’s not quite as creepy with him. It seemed more natural, like of course he wanted to look, we had just fucked. I used to think about guys after, too, but getting myself off so much has taken the edge off, I think.”

Nicola says, “Do you think maybe it was because you felt closer to him, because he was happy with you, and because you were thinking about him during the service?”

“I mean, maybe? I guess I was thinking more about how he might feel.”

Nicola says, “I think that’s exactly what we were going for. It’s going to take practice, but I think if you keep concentrating on the men’s feelings, then you’ll be able to imagine yourself in their shoes, and you’ll find it easier to accept the way they are around you, and the way you are around them.”

Gillian then speaks. “Yes, that will help you cope better when the men around you are frequent service recipients. But I want to talk about other things, too. First, let’s talk about the man who has received service so often from you. How did the most recent service go?”

“Oh, well… Josh was Josh. He brought in flowers, played French songs on his phone, kissed me… He said he wanted to hold me first, so we spent like five minutes, just me leaning back into him, and he had his arms around me. Then he said he wanted to make love, so we fucked, you know, me on my back, him on top.He was nice, remembered what he did before that I liked. And I tried to look into his eyes, but I just couldn’t, it was too hard, he loves me and…” Renee starts to sniffle a little. “I don’t know why it makes me sad.”

Gillian says, “It’s okay. I think it makes you sad because he’s sad, because you know he loves you and he knows the only way he can be with you is because of your job. You really do care about him, don’t you.” Renee nods. “Renee, you need to understand that what you’re feeling is perfectly normal. The purpose of service is to get you to imagine yourself in the place of the men you serve, and what you’re feeling is a reflection of Josh’s feelings for you.

“The way I see it, you have the more general problem of how you deal with men who know you, and the specific question of how you deal with Josh. I want to talk about that general problem first. Okay?”

“Okay, I guess.”

“So, I’ve talked to a few town councilors over the years in situations similar to yours. In my experience, it’s not possible for women in your situation to really use their service experience in the way it is intended. Because you know all these men personally, you can’t use your experiences to imagine what the whole town feels — you know how these individual men feel and the specifics overwhelm what ought to be more general.

“The first way they deal with it is the way that Nicola is having you work on. Although it’s not exactly your situation, we often see a woman who has difficulty when, after she serves a man, she has to deal with him in another context, or a woman who finds it hard to let go of sexual thoughts when she’s around men in her regular life. Nicola gave you the advice we give them, and it can help you feel more comfortable, less awkward, interacting with men in one way in the store, and in a different way in the cribs.

“Now, that probably is the best way of dealing with it. But it does entail building up emotional closeness with a lot of people you might not have chosen to be close with, and it can become harder and harder to keep those two ways of dealing with them separate. You may find yourself emotionally drawn into these men’s lives. Sometimes, that’s a good thing, bringing you intimate friendships you might not have had otherwise; but sometimes, it’s uncomfortable to get that close to so many people.

“There is another alternative you should be aware of. While in most circumstances we strongly encourage city councilors to perform service in their towns, so that they use service to better represent their constituents, that’s not really happening for you anyway. It’s possible for you to sign up for a service appointment at any crib. Since you only have five appointments a month, it would be reasonable to come down to a larger town and do all your service appointments on a single day before going back. Or even, you could come down on the last day of one month and do your month’s appointments, and then stay overnight and do your next month’s appointments on the first day of that month. We could arrange a crib to be available for you to sleep in overnight.

“That’s obviously a lot of appointments to do all at once, and I don’t know how hard it is for you to get out of your town for a couple of days. But it’s something to think about.”

Renee looks thoughtful. “I knew we could take an appointment anywhere, since I heard about women doing them on vacation. But I hadn’t thought about getting away from the men in town like that.”

Gillian says, “Well, yes, and ‘getting away’ is the right way to put it. The main drawback is that where you do your service is public, and it will become obvious that you’re avoiding the local men. Men can resent that and feel spurned, and your fellow councilors can resent that they are doing what you won’t.”

Renee frowns, “Yeah. And, truth is, I can’t really get away from the store that long anyway, at least not very often. It doesn’t sound like that would work for me.”

Nicola says, “Renee, do you happen to know how the other councilors in Kelham Mill deal with the problems you face?”

Renee says, “Not really, but the others don’t work in a store like me — they work for the school, or for Heritage and Parks. One works on the computer for a company in the States. They don’t have to see the men as much outside of the crib.”

“Well, it sounds like the path you’re on now is the best one for you. I’m glad I’ve been able to help with that.” Nicola makes a small satisfied smile.

“But then there’s Josh,” Gillian points out.

Renee looks sad again. “Yeah.”

Gillian shakes her head. “Renee, there’s not much I can suggest that would help deal with the Josh situation head-on. The regulations about service didn’t envision this situation. If you packed all your appointments into a single week each month, rather than once a week, Josh might not be able to have quite as many appointments with you, but that would help only a little bit.

“What I’m going to suggest is pretty unconventional, and it’s really outside of my role as a Service Office counselor, but hear me out. It might feel unfair and manipulative for Josh to take advantage of your situation. But I don’t think it really is. After all, if it weren’t him, it would just be some other man you’d be serving, so it’s not like you’re doing anything you wouldn’t be doing otherwise. So it’s not unfair. And while he is trying to change your feelings about him, that’s what all of us do when someone feels differently about us than the way we want them to — we talk to them, we give them things, we act differently around them. Josh is just using something that isn’t available to most people, most of the time.

“The other thing you should be aware of is that it’s natural that, when you have sexual relations with someone, you become closer to him emotionally as well as physically. For example, women in commercial service often feel emotionally attached to their clients, even though both parties know it’s a commercial transaction. Men and women in arranged marriages usually fall in love after a time. And the whole state service system is based on sex bringing people closer. So you shouldn’t feel bad that your feelings are being affected by your repeated experiences with Josh. That just shows that you’re a human being, one with normal emotions and responses. You’re having a very natural response to something that Josh is doing, and you don’t need to feel that you’re bad for having that response, or that Josh is bad for wanting you to feel better about him.

“So if you’re really thinking about Josh a lot, really beginning to care for him, maybe the best thing is to go ahead and begin seeing him outside the cribs, in a relationship outside the bounds of state service. He might not have been your type when you went to high school together, but both you and he will have changed since then. Maybe it’s time to give him a real chance.”

Renee says, “But… I thought that was wrong. I can just do that? I thought we were supposed to stay away from the men we serve, to not ask about them, to treat them as strangers! I’ve been trying to do that.”

Nicola speaks up. “Renee, that’s true normally, but your situation is very different. Even knowing Josh’s name is more than we’d ideally like officeholders to know about the men they serve.”

Gillian adds, “Renee, if we could start over, stop this from ever happening, maybe we could figure out some way to avoid it. But what’s happened has happened. If despite everything you didn’t care for Josh and didn’t want anything to do with him, I wouldn’t suggest this. But I don’t think you should let the guidelines around state service keep you apart.”

Renee just sits for a minute, looking down. “I’m gonna need to think about it.”

“Of course, it’s entirely up to you.” Gillian smiles. “But you should understand, while I wouldn’t suggest it if I thought you weren’t interested, I’m not just saying this for your sake. It’s the primary duty of the Service Office to keep the system of state service running well, to preserve the bargain that is Sexual Equity. I don’t think Josh is doing anything bad, he’s following the rules, but he’s using the system in a way that wasn’t intended. The best thing for the system is for him not to do that anymore. If you began a real relationship with him, that would not only be good for you and Josh, but good for the system as a whole. In a way, good for the whole country.”

Nicola says, “Not that we’re saying do this just for the country!”

Gillian smiles. “No. Do it for you, but if you do, feel good about it.”

Renee looks up at them. “Okay. I’m not saying I’ll do it, but I’ll think about it.”

“Good.” Gillian looks at her watch. “Nicola, do you think you have time to work a little more with Renee on empathy techniques?”

“I think Renee has had enough to take in for one day. Renee, I’m going to set up another call for us, again two weeks from today. Is that okay?”

“Okay,” says Renee. “This is a good time for me, the store is slow in the afternoon and Tayla can handle both the deli and the cash register.”

Nicola notes the appointment on her tablet. “Great. Renee, I just want to tell you, that while I don’t know much about Kelham Mill specifically, I work with a lot of councilors all over New Dorset, in big and small towns. I know that it’s hard figuring out how to lead the people and make the best decisions for your communities, and there are often very heated opinions on both sides of every issue. I just want to say thank you for your work. I’m sure that your service obligation seems like a lot to put up with, just to help run your small town. But I want you to know that even here in the capitol, we know that the country runs because of people like you. Thank you.”

“Sure,” says Renee. “No problem.”

“Okay. Renee, I’ll see you again in two weeks. Keep masturbating regularly and remember to concentrate on the man’s feelings during service.”

Gillian says, “Renee, it was nice to meet you. I believe you’ll be able to work this through, with Nicola’s help. It was nice to meet you.”

“You too,” says Renee. “Goodbye.” She leaves the meeting.


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