Counseling (2/2) [Fantasy] [F mast, MF]

In a hotel ballroom, a banner says, “Good Luck Gillian — Happy Retirement After Thirty Years!” Men in suits and women in cocktail dresses gather around the bar, drinking sparkling wine as a DJ spins oldies.

Nicola brings Lisa up to meet Gillian. “Hello, Gillian, congratulations. This is my girlfriend, Lisa. Lisa, this is Gillian.”

Lisa says, “It’s so nice to meet you, Dr. Smith, Nicola tells me you’re a whiz.”

Gillian laughs “Well, maybe. I’ve learned a few tricks. Now it’s time for somebody else to use them. And call me Gillian, please.”

“Are you going to relax, now that you’ve retired?” asks Lisa.

“Well, I’m retired from the Service Office. I’m not old enough to retire for real. I’m starting a small private practice, part-time, helping women in commercial service work through their issues. So, it’s related, but different. And I’m working on my art — I have a show at a gallery in Jenkins next month.”

Nicola asks, “Jenkins? Why Jenk– oh, you’re going to the wedding.”

“Ha. It’s just a coincidence, actually. But in thirty years I’ve never had a client invite me to her wedding, so I thought I’d go, and meet the man who singlehandedly forced a session of the Joint Lords-Representatives Conference on State Service.”

Lisa looks puzzled. Nicola explains, “Lisa, it’s because of Gillian that the new rule was passed, saying that men can only receive service from the same officeholder once every year for an MP or MLA, and once every six months for a councilmember. I brought in Gillian to help with the councilor in Kelham Hill who was serving the same man over and over, and Gillian suggested they begin a real relationship, and that’s why we’ve been invited to the wedding. Meanwhile, Gillian took it to Parliament and got the rule changed.”

Lisa says, “Oh. Well, congratulations, Gillian. Nicola got the invitation and told me about it, but she didn’t tell me the details, just said she had been a client. I think we should go, Nicola. See the forest parks, that kind of thing.”

“Lisa, let’s talk about it later, okay?. Would you mind getting me a refill?” says Nicola.

Lisa sighs. “Sure. Gillian, congratulations again,” and walks away with Nicola’s glass.

“And what does Lisa do for a living? Are the two of you serious?” asks Gillian.

“Don’t worry, my service isn’t a problem for her. She’s a legislative aide. Wants to be in Parliament herself someday. I met her when she went was in the Future Leaders Program. She actually likes to hear me talk about my service, it’s preparation for her future, she says. And yes, we’re serious, we moved in together last month.”

“Ah,” says Gillian. “Sorry, I’ve spent too much time doing relationship counseling not to wonder about that.” Lisa returns and hands a glass to Nicola as Gillian says, “That’s a beautiful dress, by the way. Sets off your skin beautifully. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in clothes before.”

Nicola looks down self-consciously at her bright yellow long-sleeved wrap dress, hemline below the knee. “Thank you. Lisa picked it out.”

Lisa says, “I wanted Nicola to have at least one nice thing to wear. When we moved in together, all her clothes fit into one grocery sack!”

“I see. That’s pretty extreme, Nicola.”

Nicola looks down again, and mumbles, “It’s part of my own counseling regimen.”

Gillian says, “Really? I didn’t realize…”

Nicola sighs. “So you know they gave me the Overcoming Shyness group to lead, right? Well, the reason is because I’d been in it for years as a client, and the members already knew me. Growing up, my family was very conservative, and I wore traditional clothing until I went to university. I knew I didn’t want to live out that culture anymore, but it was a real challenge to feel comfortable with others seeing my body. Finally, Amy told me—”

“Amy Robertson?” asked Gillian.

“Right, Amy’s my counselor. Amy told me the only way to get past it was just to not have any other choice. So we got rid of every stitch of clothing I had except for a few sports bras and athletic shorts, and a few thongs. Oh, and if it gets below 19 I wear a coat outside, but it hardly ever does here in Dorchester. I commute in those, but since the Service Office dress code is a choice between business dress or dressing for service, and athleticwear isn’t acceptable, I have no choice but to be nude in the office. This is the first day in four years I’ve worn something, other than my coat, that covers my legs, or my waist.”

Gillian says, “Oh. It must be scary to open up that door again, if It feels like the only way you’ve succeeded is to take away your ability to fail.”

“It is. But Lisa’s right. I can’t live like that forever. I wanted to come to your party, and we may end up going to Renee’s wedding…”

Lisa speaks up. “Honey, I love and admire you for your openness. Maybe nobody else does, but I see the moments where you reach to hide yourself, and you steel yourself against it and force yourself to open up again. I see how strong you’ve made yourself. You help inspire me, just like you inspire all the people in your group. I’m so proud of you. I know you are strong enough to wear something only when you really need to, and put it aside the rest of the time.”

Nicola nods. “Okay. I will. Thanks, baby.” Wiping her eyes, she looks at Gillian and says, “I bet you thought you were done with Service Office relationship counseling, huh?”

Gillian laughs. “I haven’t lost the habit yet, I guess. Thirty years…”

Lisa asks, “Will you miss it, your job in the Service Office?”

Gillian says, “Well, to be honest I’m getting kind of tired of the counseling. So many of the problems are the same ones, over and over — I can’t tell you how many jealous men I’ve had to guide through to the idea that just because a woman serves another man with her body doesn’t mean that she’s been faithless to her husband.

“But I’ll miss the other counselors. And I’ll miss fulfilling my service obligation. That feeling of giving another person pleasure, in such a fundamental way, I know it’s something I’ll miss doing. The feel of a new cock in my pussy, or in my mouth… and of course the satisfaction of watching a man come, especially inside me. Even though it sounds like it would be the same, it’s somehow different, every time. I’m not as young as I used to be and it’s more physically taxing than it once was. Thirty men a month is a lot. But I know I’ll miss it.”

Lisa says, “You really mean it, it’s not just a thing you get through for your job.”

“Oh, absolutely. It didn’t start out that way. It was disconcerting, having to genuflect, humble myself before men, to serve them. That’s really the hard part. Even when I started, I had two academic degrees, and sometimes here were boys fresh out of high school, and I had to kneel down before them, call them sir, and use my body in whatever way would gratify their lusts. But I came to understand the satisfaction one gets in giving another person pleasure. To give of yourself to someone, whoever it is, doesn’t make you lesser; it makes you more. It doesn’t empty you; it fills you up. I have three more service appointments I have to do before my pension is final, and I’m going to do my best to bring them as much pleasure and joy as I can, to make the most out of it.”

Nicola smiles. “Thanks, Gillian, I’m sure the men you have served appreciated your service. And, all of us counselors appreciate your work here, too. Especially, I’m grateful for your help with the Renee Allen case. It would never have occurred to me to tell her to go out with the guy. And it looks like it worked out.”

“Sure did,” said Gillian. “For her, and for everyone. It would have been so much worse, if the story had been ‘state service system fails’ instead of “state service system brings happiness.’”

Nicola nods. “Thanks, and congratulations again—” She is interrupted by someone tapping a spoon on a glass, and the room becomes quiet. They all turn to look.

“Hi, everybody. If you don’t know me, I’m Rebecca Upston, Parliamentary Commissioner for State Service, and it’s my pleasure to be the one bidding Gillian a fond farewell after thirty years of work here in the Service Office.

“As you know, we all work very hard in here helping out officeholders perform service, and Gillian here has helped hundreds of women figure out how to perform state service with dignity and meaning, and of course happiness, gratitude, and humility.

“Gillian has helped our officeholders, and that has helped make them better leaders. But more than that, the work that she does, that all of us do, has made state service successful for our leaders, and this in turn has preserved and protected the system of Sexual Equity. And it is this system that has done so much to make our country the least oppressive, fairest, and I believe, best country in the world to live in.

“Gillian has done as much as anyone to make that a reality, and this is something we should all be grateful for. Thank you, Gillian, for everything, and good luck in your future adventures.” Rebecca claps, and the room fills with applause and clinking champagne flutes.


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