Poem about oral submission (I’d appreciate feedback)

Hi, I’m working on an erotic poem and I’m not sure if I’m heading in the right direction. This is the first draft – I’d love to get some feedback. I want to hint about submission through my poem, and I don’t know if needs more descriptions or something.

You’re gentle caresses one moment

Harsh whips the next

Nestled in the sweet spot between

Love and abuse

For I’m a slave to pain

Treasuring the black and blue

Left behind by you

Gentle pretence doesn’t last long

Your eyes shine with fiery dominance

Commanding me silently

My lips slick with anticipation,

Greet you eagerly

As guttural groans escape your lips

My loins burn in response

Sweet wetness running down milky thighs

A carnal cry dying around your shaft

Hot wetness running down rosy cheeks

As I crave every inch of you

With every inch of me

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/glq15i/poem_about_oral_submission_id_appreciate_feedback