On the hunt [mm/f, rapebaiting]

I smile in front of the mirror, applying my lip gloss. I fluff up my hair, making it nice and bouncy. Recently dyed red, while blondes might have fun, redheads catch attention faster. And that is all I want today, attention. However I get it, it doesn’t matter, as long as I do so. I do a bump, rubbing my nose before going through my clothes. I think about a blouse, but I frown, I want exposure. So instead, I take the crop top. No bra, no need for that, hoping the air might be cool enough to help draw the eyes. Then a black short, very short and loose. I don’t need anything under that either. I don’t want anyone mistaking me for respectable, not tonight. I decide to take another bump, smiling at the slut in the mirror, sitting down to throw on some heels and then I head out.

While waiting for the bus, I light a cigarette, breathing it in deeply, blowing it out my nose. I should quit but I don’t care. It’s a guilty pleasure, though most everything that pleases me makes me feel guilty. A couple guys glance at me as they walk by. I savor their looks, a drug, just a minor hit. When the bus pulls up, I toss the cigarette and get on. It’s a long ride and when an older man sits next to me, I don’t pull away. He’s not attractive, far older than I generally like, but he’s here and I’m all he’s thinking about. Despite being 20 I look younger and I know that look in his eyes. He’s trying to figure out my age, and I know what number he’s hoping it is. He doesn’t ask, just politely chats with me. I smile like an innocent good girl, despite my dress. When his hand touches my thigh, I don’t pull away. My legs part a bit. He takes the hint.

I look straight ahead mostly as his hand slips up my short skirt. I grin as I hear him gasp as he touches bare skin, hairless, just the way his kind prefer. He unzips and without even being asked I reach over. Still looking ahead as I stroke his cock at the back of the bus. He’s bad at fingering but I’m already soaked, enjoying the crude sensations as his rough fingers slip in and out. My hand, though, is expert, skilled beyond my years. My wet palm slides along the top of his head, then firmly, pumping him, alternating between fast and slow, firm and soft. I twist a bit to give his fingers easier access. Smiling, making just the softest of moans for his ears. He rolls his head back as I feel that familiar pulse in my hands. I cup his head, heat spurting on my skin. I look at him and smile as I lick my hand and then get up, moving to a different seat. I’ve made his night and I feel so sexy right now, so wanted. I know he’s looking at me still, longing, this night will be his number one fantasy for the rest of his life.

Eventually the bus pulls up to the bar. It’s on the opposite side of town from me, and my work. It at least reduces the chance I’ll run into anyone I know. Though if I did, I would still act the same. A part of me hates hiding my true self, wearing the mask of respectability. That fits some people, but not me. I’m an animal pretending to be human and tonight that mask is being tossed aside. I don’t need the pretense, tonight is about the hunt and I’m the prey. I’ve always been the prey.

I walk in, glancing around the place. It’s a run down place, not a place for the winners of life. That’s fine by me, because I’m a loser, like the rest of them here. I might be prettier and younger than most of them, but I belong here all the same. Several watch me as I sit at the bar, looks of lust and preditation. A couple guys come over, chatting with me, trying to flatter me. They’re trying entirely too hard. They’re older than me by far, probably in their late 30’s or 40’s. Hard working blue collar men, who probably drink a bit too much, bellies a bit too big but otherwise in decent shape. Skin weathered by working often in the sun. They smell of cigars and cheap beer, so aromatic. It reminds me of my dad. I smile, touching their shoulders, putting my hand on their knees when I laugh at one of their clumsy jokes. They notice the contact, their eyes locking, nodding knowingly. They buy me several drinks, which I down. I act perhaps a bit more drunk than I am, laugh a bit too hard. It’s an act but they don’t notice or don’t care. The men I want never do.

We get up to play some pool. I’m actually good at it but I somehow never win. They drape their arms on my shoulders, rub my back. One of them gets bold and puts his hand on my ass as I make a shot. I playfully slap at his hand as I touch my lip with my tongue. Then I stumble, too drunk to stand anymore. I tell them I probably had too much to drink and need to go home. Their arms are strong and warm around my waist as they help me out. I tell them I’ll wait for the bus, but they demand that they drive me home. I happily accept of course. While one drives, I drink with the other in the back. I’m “sloshed” now, too drunk to notice his hands all over me, rubbing my thighs and chest. I kiss him and he returns it, making out sloppily in the back. I’m fingered for the second time of the night, pushing his hand away after a couple minutes. I tell him I’m too drunk, I just need to get to my apartment. I need their help of course. He’s frustrated but polite. So far at least.

They help me up the stairs, my dress riding up, hands on my bare ass, their glances to each other telling me all that I need to know. I can see the plan forming in their minds. I’d smile but now isn’t the time for such things. They bring me to my door and I drop my keys, slurring my words. They kindly open the door for me, then ask if they can stay for a minute. I’m slumped on my couch, dress around my waist, legs parted. I’m drooling, eyes half lidded. They get some drinks from my fridge, sharing one, mostly feeding me more alcohol. I’m actually pretty drunk at this point, but still nowhere to the amount they think. They sit on opposite sides of me, one of them grabbing my face, kissing me. The other is pulling down my top, playing with my chest. I weakly pull away, telling them no, before rolling my eyes back, closing them. They are quiet for a minute, then resume touching, kissing me.

They slide me down, me barely muttering, still pretending to be out of it. My head is in one of their laps, as they slap and slide their cock on my face. The other parts my legs and moans as he touches me. He tells his friend that I’m soaked as he gets between my legs and pushes in. I grunt softly, as my head is pushed onto his cock. I keep my mouth limp, drooling on it, as his friend pumps in me. I rock softly, nipples hard as they pinch them. I feel my folds spread apart, his thumb finding my clit hiding beneath my hood, quivering a bit as he rubs it. He fucks me faster, telling his friend how sopping wet I am. How much wetter I’ll be in a moment. My head is jerked up and down by my hair as the other thrusts. He cums in me, without a condom. I don’t care, I savor the warmth. I moan a bit, letting my eyes flicker, asking what’s going on around a cock. They panic for a second, both pulling out. He covers my nose and mouth, as I weakly struggle. If he thinks that is keeping me from breathing he’s wrong, but I play along. I briefly enjoy the panic on his face and then flutter my eyes again, going limp. Neither of them move, then one puts his finger at my nose, then thanks god. They both chuckle, then the one who held my mouth slides between my legs as his friend gets up.

I feel him probing me, playing with my pussy, my ass, before sliding a finger into it. I whimper as he fingers it for a minute, then goes back to fingering me. He folds me in half, legs on his shoulder, head lolling to the side drooling as he shoves in. He’s bigger than his friend, taking slow deep thrusts in me. He doesn’t rush, taking his time. He bites my nipples, my neck, then chokes me lightly as he pumps in and out, taking his time. Then he slides in deep, shuddering, filling me with his cream as well. He gets up and I hear them talking, ransacking the place. All my valuables, what little I have are well hidden. They then leave, out of my life forever. I sit up, cupping my hand under me as I head to my bedroom. I look at myself in the mirror, dripping on my hand, as I get my vibrator. I put it on my clit, trying to catch the cum, smearing it on my chest, my face, trembling as I press it hard against my swollen clit. I shudder, squirting, my legs almost giving out, slumping against the wall. I lick my hands, the animal fed, before going to sleep messy. Tomorrow I can be respectable. Tonight, the animal sleeps, happy.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/gj5z3u/on_the_hunt_mmf_rapebaiting