When We meet…

**When we Meet…**

We’ve been aching to meet for what feels like eternity.

Meeting you online was the best thing that happened at hard time in my life, and our conversations have been deep and meaningful to full blown erotic.

I have never wanted someone as bad as I’ve wanted you.

You eyes entrap me and your smile draws me in.

When we finally get to meet. I hope it goes like this…

I come to you, I’ve waited forever for this.

I wonder what you’ll smell like…

My heart races as I prepare for our meeting and stress what to wear.

*I get to hold your hand…*

I wonder if you’re doing the same clothing dance I am of hangers to chest looking in the mirror. I feel like a teenager, but i’m too excited.

*I get to kiss your lips…*

My thoughts are all about you and our date, I don’t care what I wear. I get to see, meet, you in person. Plus my suitcase only has so many choices and I thought about this night forever.

I worry that the table won’t be ready at the restaurant and arrive way too early to ever admit. We’re forced to sit outside but that okay, the weather couldn’t be better. Our restaurant doesn’t matter, I don’t think I’ll be able to eat I’m so nervous, so excited. I know it’s your favorite though, we’ve talked about it, and I know we’ll love anything on the menu,

*I hope you’re on the menu…*

I fidget with my phone, the water, my napkin. People watching, glancing at the entrance if it’s you or not. I’m excited, my stomach isn’t full of butterflies, these are pterodactyls.

*Are you nervous?…*

Finally I see you arrive, right on time. My heart drops. I try to play it cool, but my face betrays my composure; I am all smiles from ear to ear.

You look stunning. I love you you dress.

My eyes first notice your eyes, large warm. I see your soul.

*You have the best eyes…*

You smile make my heart skip a beat, and I can’t help but notice your dress, your legs. My eyes dart a once over of your perfect figure. Starting from your heels up your bare legs, over your hips, up to your chest, pausing, and back up to your face.

*I wonder what is underneath…*

We hug. My arms wrapping around you for the first time. I melt. Your skin is soft. You smell amazing. My hart jumps. My groin throbs.

I feel like I’ve known you forever. I feel like we should kiss,

*God you smell so good…*

I can’t help it and I need to kiss you, but I still feel like I should ask. I pull from our embrace and look at you and ask “May I…” as I bring my nose to yours and you finish my request for me. Our lips meet for the first time and you taste amazing. Your lips are soft, plump. sweet. A wave of pleasure and relief comes over me.

You’re here. I’m thrilled. I’m aroused. Our kiss leads to a rush of blood flow to all the right places, and I break our kiss before people start to stare.

We sit down and pull your chair out for you. We both cannot stop smiling. My face will hurt for days, and I’m okay with that..

*I hope to leave you a little sore too…*

What we order doesn’t matter and we each enjoy each other in the flesh and sip our drinks. Our talk flourishes. They also do. I’ve know you forever and this feels right.

You foot drops its shoe and runs up and down my leg, driving me wild, but you know this. I smile at you and you give me an evil little grin. We both instantly knew where this event would lead to, breakfast, the moment our eyes locked in person. We have talked about this moment so long and you know I love to tease. You also know you love to be teased…

Your foot travels up and up my leg. It’s on a hunt. You find your target. You caress instantly stiffened my cock the moment you touched my leg. You foot nudges my head as you boldly fondle me under the table. My speech stutters and you smile knowingly.

*You’re going to be punished for this…*

I ask you if you brought IT. You wink at me and say of course, that we both know where this date was headed. You inform me, as you move back to caressing my leg in waves, riding higher each stroke until you find your target and come back down.

*My head spinning…*

You tell me IT is in with a play in your voice and instruct me to turn open the app. I do so and see you were not teasing. Your Lush vibrator is in your pussy as we speak, it must have been since before you got here because neither one of us has left this table. I couldn’t have stood up if I wanted to.

*Its your turn…*

I take control of your device and see you jump at the vibration. Its soft at first but I build it in waves. The crowd and restaurant is loud enough I can take you to max without anyone hearing a peep. I see your face flush as I rhythmically move the controls in gradual building waves. We’ve done this numerous times at home before we’ve met. Still amazed at what long-distance sex toys exist.

My strokes are only to tease; however, I do not hesitate to set a pattern and let the toy run my program while I set the phone down. I talk to you, calmly like nothing is occurring as I watch you try to keep your composure, wiggling slightly smiling slightly well in your eyes back every so often as the intensity builds.

I take our play one step further. I sent you to a low mode, something pleasurable but not too much. The waiter comes over to check in with us. Every time he does or anyone else does for that matter I turn the intensity up to near max while you speak.

*I can’t wait any longer….*

You tell me you I can’t wait any longer, that you have to have me. I tell you I was thinking the same and joke about dessert, offering a cream filled cake with an insinuating tone. You continue with my tone and tell me I have all the cream filling you need.

Lets go.

We get up and I wouldn’t say you’d pull to the car, but you lead the way in a brisk pace. The waves of the toy’s program I sent is still working and building strong and stronger now that we are away from the table.

We get to the car and you jump me. Begging to let you cum in between breathless kisses. Our hands grope one another body as we contort ourselves to be closer while sitting in the front seat. One hand in your hair, pulling you to me, the other hand continues to move over your body, grabbing your breast, your ass, before it spreads your legs to find your bare pussy. The toy and you are the only things under that dress. I pull the toy out and feel how wet you are from our tease. The toy still moving I press it on and hold it over your clit. You moan and break our kiss. Moaning, breathless our faces just near each other, you submit to the pleasure. I can see the ecstasy building in you as your body starts to stiffen.

*Not like this…*

I stop you before its too late and you climax. While I know you have a few rounds in you.

*Maybe well have a late breakfast…*

I don’t want your fist orgasm to be in a car, like this. You pout and whimper at the halt of my pleasure. I kiss you sweetly. You grab my bulge tightly In play and frustration.

You understand my reasoning but will not go silently… you tell me to drive and I do so your hand still on my crotch as I lead us back to my hotel.

As soon as the car is in motion you unzip my pants pull out my cock.

You grabs the shaft in your hand every so lightly and stroke me as I’m drive.

*Your hands are cool, soft… this amazing…you’re amazing*

Your strokes get faster and longer as you start to build me up. All I hear is the click of the seatbelt because it’s all I can do to keep focused on the road. You lean over and your head falls into my lap.

*Oh My God…*

Your lips tease the head of my cock. Your lips are cool as you swallow my warm head as far as you’re able. Your hands working the rest of my shaft as you begin to move up and down. Your mouth comes off my cock but your hand never stops moving, working the shaft, cupping my balls. Your tongue moves, all be a at a funny angle given the steering wheel over my cock in no way that is other then amazing.

I though I had trouble driving before..

You being toward faster and faster and you feel me tense. You prolong your work until we get close to the hotel. You work faster and faster and start to feel me stiffen and moan in the ways you were just before I…. As the car slows you pop up, leaving me wet dry and throbbing as we pull up to the hotel. You tuck me back in my pants before the valet meets you at your door and takes the keys.

Oh she’s good….

We walk into the front entrance arm in arm. Cool. Casual. Never leading on that we are RACING to the room. Never leading on to what we did in the restaurant. In that font seat. All that teasing with the….

*Shit. We left the vibrator in the car. The Valet must have some ideas now.. oh well I have other toys…*

As the elevator doors close we look happy and calm. Once shut, we jump each other like ravenous animals. Lips are kissed. Bodies are caressed, hands wonder under clothing, and neck and shoulder are bitten. As the doors open all appears well. Except our hair…

We full out run to the room and I fiddle with the door as you kiss my neck, bitting me with slow open soft bites.

*Open you stupid door…*

The key card swipes red… I try again as you keep biting and kissing and pulling at me…

*Is this even the right room…?*

Our kisses lead me to the wrong door. One section down the key works like a charm, and the door flings open.

You literally rip off my shirt at the buttons.

*I can always get antoher…*

You undo my belt and pull it off with one big jerk and a look of very proud accomplishment. You then drop to your knees and get me out of the rest of my clothing with a big down on my pants and boxers.

My cock springs to your face, as you intended, and you take me into your mouth. Hands on my shaft and balls moving faster.

I pull you up and have your dress off in one simple pull. Not only were you without panties, but you had no bra either.

*I thought so…*

Naked. I cary you to the bed and drop you down, jumping on top of you. Kissing your lips, bitting your neck and begins to trail myself down your body. I kiss your breasts nibbling at your nipples, lightly girding them in my teeth as my other hand pinches the other and squeezes and pulls at your breast. My kisses move down your body over your navel. My hands linger over your breast and continue down your body following the skin my tongue leaves behind.

When I get to your groin I kiss over your mound, and kiss over your groin very careful to bite and avoids your lips.

I spread your legs and kiss and nibble at your thigh and its not until I make my way all down to your toes do I double back up your leg and hover over your pussy. I let my warm breath test you as my lip slowly move over yours. Nothing to penetrate your lips yet. My breath over your clit teasing you as much as I can..

*God I love this…*

After what feels like hours I lick the side of your pussy, then the other then down the center over your clit in one hard flat swipe. Then another: and another; and another. My pointed tongue moves back down your clit as my flat Tonge takes you up.

*God I love this…*

You are dipping wet and I enjoy every minute of it. I easily work my fingers inside you in a beckoning motion over your g-spot. You move and squirm and I continue to take in your glory and just as I eat my fill of your beautiful pussy, being sure to alternate my tongue patterns and pressure over your clit.

Your moans tell me you want more,

*Oh but angel we have so much more to get to..*

I slowly end my kisses and work my way back up to your arms and you grab me. Kiss me. I roll over to the side of you and kiss you. Slowing our lust.

You look over and see a bag.

You ask of what and simply respond, thats my bag of tricks… are you game… we have quite the night ensured for us….

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/gian4d/when_we_meet