Babysitter’s discovery part 02

Anna was standing right there in the doorway, staring at her. Emma saw her eyes taking everything in, the unlocked drawer, Emma’s hands applying her 7 inch dildo to her clit. Right at that moment, Emma’s pussy expelled the Ben Wa balls, and she saw Anna’s eyes staring as the balls, soaking wet with the juices of her lust, plopped onto her bed. Emma was beyond ashamed, she wished she could sink through the mattress, and disappear.

Anna thundered, “My date had an emergency call up for one of his patients, I come home early, and find you doing this? You snoop through my things, find my key, and invade my private drawer? Don’t you move!”

Emma did so, far too mortified to do anything but obey. She was so busted, my god, she felt horrified. She heard Anna in the kitchen, she was on the telephone, oh god, NO, she heard her say her Mom’s name, she was talking to her MOM! Oh my god, when her Mom heard what a pervert she was: she started to cry, big tears welling up, sobbing, she was going to be dirt, absolute dirt. Anna would hate her, never let her near her daughter. The cushy babysitting gigs, the dinners, the money, all of it, POOF, gone, just like that. And her Mom, oh my god, she trembled at the thought of what Mom would deem as fitting punishment. She just had to snoop, had to pry into another person’s private affairs, and now she had to pay the price.

She could hear Anna hang up the phone, and she returned to the doorway. Her eyes fixed on Emma.

Anna said in a firm voice, “Stop your crying, and tell me, what did you think you were doing?”

“I’m sorry, so sorry, I just couldn’t help myself, I wanted to see what sexy undies you had, and I found that key, and…”

“And your curiosity wouldn’t let it rest,” Anna finished for her.

“I’m going to check on Monica, don’t you move,” Anna warned her again.

Emma tried her best to keep in the hurricane of emotions, shame, guilt, humiliation, she felt overwhelmed, and wished she could just faint dead away. But her mind wouldn’t grant her the peace of oblivion, she stayed hellishly awake and aware of every second.

Anna returned, and she walked over to the side of the bed. She glared down, Emma squirmed, feeling like a bug pinned down.

“You do know there will be consequences for your actions, don’t you?” Anna growled.

Emma nodded, shamefaced, and she knew that she’d have to face the music, and take her punishment like an adult.

“Give me your arm, Emma.”

Emma did so, Anna reached into the open drawer, lifted out what she was looking for, and Emma heard the sound of velcro opening, felt a cuff being slipped around her wrist, that tightened up. She looked over, with a wondering expression, as her arm was pulled up above her head, and the ribbon was tied to the headboard. Anna picked up the other restraint, and went over to the other side of the bed.

Emma didn’t like they way this was turning out. She pulled her other arm tight against her chest, and refused to obey Anna’s demand for her other arm.

Anna glared at her, and said, “You snoop through my things, invade my private drawer, play with my sex toys, and think you have any say? I did not tell your Mom about what you did, when I was on the phone just now. Do you want me to call her back, and tell her EVERYTHING you did? I’m sure your Mom would love to hear how you had your teen pussy stuffed with MY Ben Wa balls, while you used MY dildo on your clit. Would you rather I do that, Emma?”

Emma felt her resistance shatter into a million pieces. She quickly lifted her arm to Anna’s hands, and felt the other restraint slide around her wrist. As Anna adjusted the tightness, and bound her other arm to the headboard, Emma was curious about the phone call.

She said, “If you didn’t call my Mom about what you found me doing, what did you call her for?”

Anna replied, “I called to tell her that I needed you to stay here overnight. I think my discipline should take that long. You wanted to see, now that you’ve seen, you must experience what you have seen. Experience is the best teacher.”

She shoved a large pillow under Emma’s hips, and pulled her ball gag out of the drawer.

“Open your mouth Emma.”

Having no choice, Emma opened up, and Anna stuffed the red ball between Emma’s lips, and buckled it shut around the back of Emma’s head. Perfect, gagged and ready. Anna picked up the crop, pulled Emma’s legs together, and used one hand to push her legs up towards her chest by the ankles. Perfect, her ass was just in the right position for whipping. Anna drew her arm back, and swung.

Emma felt the lash, and her ass lit up with pain. Her shriek of pain was totally muffled by the ball gag, and before she could even try to adjust to the sudden blast of pain, a second stinging lash was delivered, her scream again being totally gagged. She felt five hard strokes of the crop lashing her ass, the throbbing of her fiery, reddened cheeks, and her muffled howls of pain.

Anna ungagged her, and walked to the foot of the bed, and slowly stripped out of her dress. Emma stared, Anna was wearing ivory white crotch-less panties, her dark, neatly trimmed bush framed by the open crotch. A white garter belt held up her jet black nylons, and Anna unhooked her matching white bra, and tossed it away. Anna’s breasts were like ripe fruit, succulent, and topped with very large, dark pink nipples. She gave Emma that hard edged stare, and Emma was sweating, her wrists were securely restrained, she couldn’t move her arms an inch. She was completely under Anna’s control, and Anna could do anything. The pain of her freshly paddled cheeks were an immediate reminder of that.

“I was planning of having some wonderful sex with my date, but being a doctor, and having that emergency call up, things don’t always work out like they were planned. I’m horny, and since you snooped, you are going to become my sex toy, just like my other toys you felt the need to snoop for. You are going to pleasure me, and you’d better pleasure me well, my little snooper! How much, if any pleasure you get, will depend on me, and me alone,” Anna growled.

Anna grinned as she reached into her drawer of pleasure. She pulled out a bottle of warming lube, and told Emma what she was going to do with it.

“I am going to lube you up, my little snooper. This warming lube will get your pussy burning with lust, and I’m going to let that lust consume you for a while, until I MAY allow you to cum.”

Emma felt Anna’s fingers spreading her open, and the lube being applied. It was fast acting, and Emma could feel her pussy warming up quickly. She felt a large glob being applied to her clit, oh my god, the warming was incredible, she could feel her pussy starting that lust burn.

“Now, my little snooper, you will service me!”

Emma watched, fascinated, as Anna straddled her head, and her pussy loomed up so close. She could feel the heat, smell the rich, intoxicating scent. Anna slipped two fingers down, and parted her lips, letting Emma see inside. Emma felt her pulse start to pound, that deep pink interior, all slick and wet with her juices. Emma’s pussy responded in kind, the warming gel was making her pussy churn, she could feel her juices start to flow, that tickling itch right between her thighs.

Anna lowered her pussy, took Emma’s head between her hands, and pulled her against her pussy.

“Now, my little snooper, lick me, lick my cunt! Lick me until I cum all over your face! Lick me, NOW!” Anna barked.

Emma was feeling the lust starting to churn through her. She may have never licked a pussy before, but she eagerly followed orders, her tongue darting out, running her tongue up and down the lips, then sliding into that inviting channel to lap at Anna’s drooling juices. She heard Anna make grunts and moans of pleasure, as Anna slowly rotated her hips, letting Emma’s tongue swipe all over her. Emma licked her eagerly for a few minutes, then Anna moved to position her pink, rock hard clit right over Emma tongue.

“Now, lick me, lick my clit, and make me cum!” Anna ordered.

She lowered herself down, and again grasped Emma’s head, pulling her against her throbbing clit. Emma’s tongue shot out, running over that twitching orgasm button, making Anna squeal with pleasure.

“Yes, oh yes my little snooper, there, oh my god right there! Mmmm, keep that up!”

It took only a few more swipes of Emma’s tongue across that twitching button, until Anna howled with pleasure, her juices gushing like a river, soaking Emma’s face as she squirmed around wildly, cumming all over Emma’s face. Anna let out moans and cries of pleasure as she rode that blissful wave, letting the wonderful feeling of release surge through her.

Anna lifted up, and Emma said, “Please oh please, I feel like I’m on fire, please…”

Anna gave her the hard, flinty stare again, and Emma felt her stomach drop.

“My sex toys don’t beg me, and neither should you! Remember who’s servicing who!”

She stuffed the ball gag back into Emma’s mouth, grabbed her legs, bent them back again, and again delivered a stinging lash to Emma’s cheeks, the strike of the crop made the pain flare anew, her howl of pain blocked by the gag, making her senses reel. Anna put down the crop, and started to rub firmly at the well whipped cheeks, making Emma moan as her freshly whipped ass felt the hard rubbing, making her cheeks burn, that was more sensation than she wanted.

“No more begging, any more begging, and you will get another lash across the ass. If you forget, and beg 2 more times, that will be it. You will go home, AFTER I tell your mother all about what you did before I got home. Do you understand, Emma?”

Emma nodded, and Anna removed the ball gag. Emma was breathing deeply, the pain of her ass paddling was pretty intense. The thought that Anna may have had other women, or possibly babysitters like her, over here for discipline crossed her mind.

“Anything you’d like to say to me, Emma?” Anna said, a stern look on her face.

“I understand what you told me Anna, and I will cause you no more trouble” Emma said meekly.

Anna said, “Good girl, you are learning, and I have more to teach you.”



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