An Ode to Uncertainty – Chapter 20 [MF][FF][Fantasy]

Please read chapters 1 – 19 first if you have not done so. This is not a stand-alone story. Link to other chapters in comments.


“Guards! Guards!”

The princess’ shriek echoed through the huge room. Sigrid tried her best to ignore the naked woman on the bed whose eyes were fixed on her. On her. Stupid woman. The princess clearly didn’t see the wraith as it moved slowly towards the big window.

*You’re not getting away this time*, Sigrid thought and dashed across the room.

She focused her vision to one side of the shadowy figure, the more she practiced the better she got at seeing it, now it looked almost like a human wearing a strange billowing translucent cloak. There was something so familiar about the shape that she couldn’t pin down. Sigrid reached the window before it did. She wouldn’t be able to stop it if it wanted to throw itself through the glass panes. But it stopped and moved towards the door.

Two guards burst into the room with swords drawn. Sigrid decided it was better to take command.

“It is there! Just by the bed! Don’t let it get away! Block the door!”

Her voice carried command and both guards looked nervously around the room. The princess had thankfully shut up and was pulling one of the covers up over herself, at least she was smart enough to realize that it was not her that Sigrid was after.

“By the seventh!” one of the guards gasped and grasped his sword hard enough to make his knuckles go white. “What is that?”

*He must have seen it.*

“A wraith,” Sigrid hissed between clenched teeth, slowly stalking forward. “Don’t look straight at it. Look just to one side of it.”

Four more guards piled into the room.

“You. Block the windows,” Sigrid told the first two guards and they quickly complied. “The rest of you block the door.”

*I’ve got you now*, Sigrid thought, a grin appearing on her lips.

The wraith was moving slowly backwards, into one corner. Sigrid twirled her two longdaggers and stalked closer.

“What’s going on here!” the princess shrieked.

Her lover decided that was the moment to tumble down on the floor rolled up in sheets. The wraith moved quickly and Sigrid heard the tip of its blade pass inches from her face. She ducked low and slashed with her right hand. Something caught and ripped.

*Just clothes.*

The following thirty heartbeats were a blur. Now that Sigrid had the thing cornered it fought like a fiend. She found that when she squinted slightly, she could see the outline better and there was a slight glimmering that was the thing’s blade. Sigrid pushed on, blades whirling in front of her. In one step she thrust, then slashed, thrust again. Sheathed one longdagger and let four fingerdaggers fly. There was a grunt and the wraith stumbled. Sigrid grinned and drew her longdagger again, feinted to the right, ducked and thrust. She almost had the thing in the corner now. She feinted high and went low. Up. Up. Down. Slash. Blood pounded in her ears, she had to focus to remember to breathe. Their blades clashed. Sigrid could feel the presence of the guards behind her but ignored them. It was only her and the wraith now. If her sisters could see her now, fighting an invisible creature.

*And winning.*

The wraith’s blade came whirring through the air, Sigrid ducked and thrust with both daggers. She realized half a heartbeat too late that the wraith’s blade had changed direction mid-air. She had been too eager. As the shadowy blade connected with her shoulder an ear-shattering scream echoed through her skull. It was a shriek of a thousand years of torture compressed into a single incomprehensible word. Sigrid staggered back and put her hands over her ears. The scream didn’t stop. Her shoulder burned like a hundred furnaces. The pain was unbearable and finally her mind gave out and everything went black.


There was nothing. Sigrid tried screaming but without air there was no sound. She screamed until she realized that she had no lungs to scream with. Then she stopped and looked around without eyes. Still nothing. She closed eyelids she didn’t have and went back to sleep.


“I think she’s waking up.”

Sigrid tried opening her eyes, but this time her eyelids were far too heavy to move. She didn’t recognize the woman’s voice. There was a pressure on her wrist and Sigrid felt her own pulse as the woman pressed her fingers to her skin.


She knew that voice. Master Olgric.

“Leave us, nurse Xandrine.”

There was a scurrying of feet and the closing of a door. Sigrid felt the strangely acrid scent of the Master. She hadn’t thought of it before, but she realized it had always been there. She had just been so focused on his gaunt face and eyes that she had completely ignored his scent. There was a stinging on her upper arm that quickly went away and then a burning sensation in her veins.

“You can open your eyes now.”

Sigrid tried again and this time her body responded to what she told it to do. She looked up at the Master.

“That was a very close call,” he said pressing his lips together. “You should be more careful with your body. It is far too valuable to me to die.”

She tried talking but her throat was parched.

“Drink this,” the Master said proffering a small mug filled with something heavily scented.

He helped her lifting her head and downing the warm, spicy content of the mug.

“Good. Now sleep.”

Sigrid tried holding her eyelids open, but they became heavy as lead once more.

“She should be waking up any moment now.”

Sigrid recognized the nurse’s voice.

“She’d better be. We’ve been waiting for over a bell now.”

Was that Jarl’s voice? Sigrid slowly opened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling. It was far above her and gleamed white in the sunlight.

“Ah. See. Be gentle with her now. She will be very tired.”

The face of a young woman looked down at her, then disappeared and was replaced with Jarl’s face.

“The Master says we should be happy that you’re alive. You really should be more careful,” Jarl said furrowing his eyebrows.

Sigrid did her best to scowl at him but was fairly certain that she failed miserably.

“Hush. She did what she did to protect you and your unborn child.”

Mirja’s face appeared next to Jarl’s. Over the next quarter of a bell the two of them argued about if Sigrid’s course of action had been the right one or not. In the meanwhile, Sigrid got most of her bearings back and was even able to sit up in bed. Her left shoulder was still completely numb and whenever she tried moving her left arm, pain lanced up into her skull.

“Do you know what happened after I fell?” Sigrid croaked.

The two others stopped arguing and looked at her. Mirja sighed and Jarl crossed his arms across his chest. He looked a lot more muscular than he had before. Sigrid was surprised that she hadn’t noticed before.

“Six of the house guards died and four more are in bed with injuries. No trace of the culprit.”

Jarl’s words hit hard.

*I failed.*

Sigrid’s head fell.

“But without you, it could have been even worse,” Mirja said, taking Sigrid’s hand and slowly running her fingers over the back of it. “And Master Olgric has promised that you will be out of this bed within the week.”

Sigrid sighed and lay down.

“You very likely saved Else’s life,” Jarl said, nodding slowly. “And my unborn child’s.”

There was a weak smile on his lips, but Sigrid just turned away. She closed her eyes and a while later the two of them left.


The Master had been right, and before next Cleansingday Sigrid was out of bed and felt almost completely restored. She guessed that it had a lot to do with the potions that the Master prepared for her each evening. They put her into dreamless sleep for the better part of the night and day.

She was sitting up at a small table eating breakfast that Xandrine had brought her when he entered through the door. He had been visiting her twice a day to take tests, inject or make her ingest something. But this time he was carrying a heavy tome with him that he put down on the table. She drew in his scent, it had become so familiar of the last week, that mix of a hundred strange chemicals and something else, that she had concluded was likely something magical.

“How are you feeling today?”

“Completely restored,” Sigrid said honestly. “Can you let me out now? I have to get back to chasing the wraith.”

The Master raised an eyebrow.

“And what makes you think that would be a good idea?”

Sigrid was completely unprepared for his words and her mouth opened and closed.

“Given how your last encounter ended, I would suggest you do not go up against that being again, not until you have something that gives you an advantage.”

*He’s right*, she thought her shoulders sagging.

She had been so intent on going back out there for a rematch.

“Furthermore. There have been no sightings of the thing since the events at the princes’ mansion. I have an acolyte keeping his eyes on the tracking device at all times and nothing.”

He shook his head.

*It’s hiding. I hurt it. I scared it.*

There was some satisfaction at that thought and it brought a smile to her lips. Master Olgric stood up and put his hands on her temples. She felt a chill run through her body. He nodded slowly.

“I think you are fully restored. Very good healing properties. Another strong indicator. Sit up on the edge of the bed.”

Sigrid swallowed down the last of the eggs on her plate and got up on the edge of the bed.

“Lay down, pull your gown up and spread your legs.”

She hesitated for a second. She wasn’t wearing anything under her gown, and she was fairly certain that the Master knew that. He raised one bushy eyebrow. She shrugged and did as she was told.

*It’s not like he hasn’t seen it before*, she thought as his hand ran over her bare stomach.

“Using Animancy for determining pregnancy is not as accurate as using Matrimancy, but I do not want any of those wenches getting involved,” he muttered as he slowly pressed down his fingers into her stomach.

It wasn’t unpleasant, just strange. She thought she could feel a tingling sensation every time his fingers moved. And the thought of him seeing her quim made her strangely aroused.

*Clearly a sign that I am fully recovered*, she thought with a smile.

She couldn’t help but wish that he would take that massive tool of his and put it inside her. She still remembered the last time. It had been very pleasant indeed. The Master grunted once more and moved his fingers. She lifted her head and looked up at him. He shook his head.

“It may be too early to tell,” he said with a sigh.

Sigrid kept her legs spread as the Master stood up. She thought about what Mirja had said about voicing her desires.

“Shouldn’t you put your seed in me again?”

Master Olgric looked down at her in surprise.

“It would increase the chances, would it not?”

He blinked. Then he nodded.

“You are right,” he said continuing to nod. “Are you sure that you are ready for it?”

Sigrid nodded eagerly. Maybe a little too eagerly.

“Very well,” the Master said, starting to unbuckle his belt.

Sigrid breathed heavily as the Master’s flesh was revealed. He stepped towards her and she blushed as his fingers touched her quim.

He would know how excited she was. She lay back and closed her eyes to not see the expression on his face. Then she felt him press against her wet lips and slide inside. She couldn’t help but smile as he invaded her. Just laying there letting him pleasure himself using her quim and finally spilling his seed in her made Sigrid more relaxed than she had been in weeks. She opened her eyes as he slid out of her again. He nodded curtly and pulled his pants up again under his robe and fastened his belt buckle.

“Let’s hope it sticks this time.”

For some reason Sigrid wished that it wouldn’t so that he would have to take her again.


Sigrid drew her cloak tight. She had never worn a cloak before but Master Olgric had insisted that she did. She had, after much argument, agreed. On the condition that it was easy to cast off. She had tried the buckle many times and it only took an instant to let it drop from her back. It was tightly woven wool treated in a manner that Sigrid had not fully understood. It was light, yet very warm.

*Magic, I guess.*

She quietly thanked the Master as the cold winter winds swept through the vast city bringing the smoke of a hundred thousand hearths to her nostrils. She hadn’t thought it would be possible for the city air to become any worse. But oh, was she wrong. Even though it was not freezing the winds pulled all heat from the houses making everyone frantically trying to heat up their abodes. And the air suffered, especially up here on the rooftops. Sigrid pulled a cloth over her face and sighed once more. Bringing up the compass she tapped it slightly.


It had been completely dead for the last month. Not a single sighting of the wraith.

*But I didn’t get to where I am by giving up*, she thought pulling her hand through her hair.

Jarl was asleep twenty feet below her. She could have guarded him from her room up in the tower, but it felt better this way. There was a stirring in her stomach. It had been doing that for a few weeks now. She was not stupid. She knew what it meant. Something was growing in there. The thought of it made her shiver. A stranger was growing inside her. She pushed the thought away and looked out over the city again. She could barely see the next hill.

*Damn this fog. Or smoke. Or whatever it is.*

It had been six weeks since the wraith’s last attack and Sigrid could feel it in her bones that it would be back soon.

*I know a predator readying for the strike when I see it. Even if I can’t actually see it.*

She knew that she had to confront the princess. She had waited as long as she could now, but all the silly woman talked about was that damn ball. The same one that Mirja was talking about. She sighed. It would be the perfect place for the wraith to strike. Hundreds of nobles disguised, and no bodyguards allowed. Except for the imperial guard, but there was no way they would care about a minor noble from the far north. Sigrid looked up at the castle, she could see the twisted towers as shadows in the early morning light.

*A thousand nooks and crannies to get lost in. Or to lose someone in.*

She sighed once more. She had to talk to him today.

“Prince Jarl. I will not be able to protect you there if someone wants to harm you. As you clearly must understand now that someone intends to.”

Sigrid never pleaded. Ever. She could see the princess fuming behind the young prince. It was past noon, but the princess had in a bad mood since morning and Sigrid had waited too long already. She was standing by the foot of the table where most of the opulent lunch still sat untouched. Jarl looked at her. He picked up a chicken leg and started chewing. There were four guards stationed around the room. At least Jarl had agreed to double the house guards, but that would do little good in the imperial castle.


Uttering the word was harder than climbing the Wall of Thorns. Blindfolded.

“Oh, make that girl shut up! I’m tired of her whining,” the princess sighed. “I am going to that ball!”

*Whining? Six of your guards died and you think I am whining? You deserve to die you retarded, inbred strumpet. You’re even worse now when you’re pregnant than before.*

Outwardly Sigrid stayed calm, the only thing visible was her fingers quickly running over all ten throwing daggers. Nine. Nine throwing daggers. She could feel the empty spot like a lost finger.

*I’m going to get you back, Freya*, she promised her lost dagger.

At least she had hurt the thing, and it had carried the dagger with it when it fled. Jarl chewed for a moment. Looked over at Else, then back at Sigrid.

“We’re going. You will have to do your best.”

*Well, that won’t be easy as I won’t be allowed in,* Sigrid cursed silently.

Princess Else smiled a victorious smile. Sigrid did her best to kill the princess with her eyes. How in the seventh were she going to protect the buffoon of a prince if she couldn’t be by his side? She would never be allowed in. Unless …


“I need a date for the ball. And an invitation.”

Mirja looked up at her raising an eyebrow.

“You want to go to the ball?”

*Want to? No. Have to? Yes.*

She nodded.

“Can you get me an invitation?”

“By the seventh,” Mirja laughing. “What makes you think that I would be able to get you an invitation to the Emperors Ball?”

Sigrid raised an eyebrow.

“Oh. You mean that I should ask Leopold?”

*On a first name basis are you now?*

Mirja narrowed her eyes as if she had read Sigrid’s mind. A shiver ran through her, it felt the same way as with Master Olgric. But as far as she knew neither of them could do so. Mirja sighed.

“I’ll see what I can do. Now go. I have to study for finals.”

Sigrid nodded and left. Both Mirja and Jarl were spending most of their time with their noses in books and when Jarl wasn’t studying, he was being privately tutored by Master Cerdic. It gave Sigrid a lot of free time. There was no point in standing outside the Elemancy building all day. She wasn’t allowed in anyway. So, she went to see Irese. More than one afternoon was spent in bed with the voluptuous woman. Sigrid would get wet before she even reached the parlor and when she finally got to put her lips around Irese’s hard nipples she often reached her peak without even touching herself.

Now it was she that was on her back with her legs spread wide and the blonde woman was pleasuring her with her tongue.

“You are with child,” Irese said suddenly and looked up at her, her lips glistening with Sigrid’s juices.

Sigrid stared down at the courtesan. How did she know?

“Yes,” she whispered.

Irese smiled and went back to flicking Sigrid’s clit with her tongue. Sigrid lay back, closed her eyes and let her mind relax, trying her best to forget about Jarl, Else and most of all the wraith. She felt Irese’s fingers touch her rear.

“Do you still want me to?” Irese asked.

Sigrid didn’t answer, instead she pulled her legs up, exposing her rear further. Irese took the que and Sigrid gasped as the lady of the night slowly pushed her fingers up her rear. Her fingers were slick with the grease that she always used.

“Further. All the way in,” Sigrid breathed, pressing her eyes closed.

The pleasure and pain of having Irese’s hand up her rear made her mind grow ecstatic and as the woman started moving it, she only lasted a few heartbeats until Sigrid squirted all over Irese’s face.

“Thank you,” Sigrid said as Irese crawled up and lay next to her.

“You’re welcome,” Irese said with a smile, then her lip twisted up. “Who’s the father?”

Sigrid blushed fiercely.

“No one you know,” she said looking away.


“I think that I have determined your lineage,” Master Olgric said the next time Sigrid entered his study.

Sigrid felt her heart beat harder in her chest. She had never really known her parents. The Sisterhood had cared for her as long as she could remember. The only memories of her mother were the songs she used to sing.

“Come,” he said patting a chair next to him.

There was a stirring in her stomach again. She knew that it was just her body preparing itself, Mirja had been very clear about that. But she couldn’t help but think that it was something moving in there. She sat down next to Master Olgric and looked at the paper he had in front of him. She couldn’t read the text and the numbers were even more incomprehensible.

“You are from the fourth of the tetradecadon as far as I can determine. There are clear signs that have been found in at least six different expeditions that match with your traits.”

Sigrid hadn’t understood a word that the Master had said, but she nodded her head. She hated looking stupid. She hesitated.

“So I am a Westerling?”

The Master turned towards her.

“I really don’t like that word. But yes you are a Westerling. Westerling,” he shook his head and sighed.

“What do you mean?”

The Master looked at her and pressed his lips together taking a deep breath.

“Calling the Old Ones Westerlings is as if I would call anyone from the north a Northerling.”

Sigrid blinked.

“So they are not called Westerlings?”

Master Olgric scoffed.

“Of course not. That’s just what we imperials people call them. We cannot properly pronounce their own word for themselves, but it sounds something like *Ai-Ae-Leh’kt-Aaah-La*.”

The syllables, even though they were not correctly prononouced, ran like small rivulets of icy water through Sigrid’s mind until it unlocked something in a deep chasm at the base of her being.

“*Æleh’kt Ǎla,”* the words ran out of her throat.

She rembered now. That was what the female had asked her. If she was one of them. The Master’s eyes widened. Then he nodded.

“Is she still here?” Sigrid asked.

The Master’s lips pressed hard together. Then he shook his head.


This was chapter 20 of our book An Ode to Uncertainty.

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1 comment

  1. Chapter 1


    Chapter 2


    Chapter 3


    Chapter 4


    Chapter 5


    Chapter 6-7


    Chapter 8-9


    Chapter 10


    Chapter 11


    Chapter 12


    Chapter 13


    Chapter 14


    Chapter 15


    Chapter 16


    Chapter 17


    Chapter 18


    Chapter 19


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