Never clean again (M+/f, NC)

She sat in the shower, the room thick with steam, as near scalding water poured over her naked body. Her normally pale skin was bright pink, almost glowing, as heat rained down on her. She sobbed clutching her legs, oblivious to it all however, lost in her own swirling thoughts and the ever maddening buzzing of her phone on the sink. As if to punish her, it buzzed several times in a row, accompanied by dings of the messenger app.

The images of the night before wouldn’t leave her mind, nor would what she had saw on her phone. She had always been a good girl, faithful, playful perhaps but never dirty. She had had only one boyfriend in High School and while they had fooled around, she had never slept with him. It was old fashioned perhaps but in her mind, that was a gift to give her husband, or at least someone she thought could someday be her husband.

She had been so excited the night before, her first college party. She had worn a pretty dress, nothing to skimpy but she did expect or hope to turn some heads. Moving to the city, starting her degree, all this had been her first real taste of freedom and the real world, outside the bubble and safety net of her small town. She had headed out with friends, ready to tick off another first.

The party had been rowdier than she had expected when she got there, but it wasn’t too bad. A couple girls were drunk and acting out, flashing themselves and such, but she ignored them. She took a beer one of the frat guys gave her, dancing with her friends and eventually some of the guys as everyone wandered off or paired up with someone they found interesting. After a couple beers, she had started to feel woozy, but the guys were great, two of them helping her to the couch. They had sat her down, sitting on both sides of her. Things quickly got fuzzy from there. She remember kissing them, or them kissing her. Soft touches, whimpering, pushing weakly against them. Legs parted, hands warm on her thighs. She remember whispering please. She meant please stop, but they didn’t. Wet fingers touched her face, and then blackness.

Flashes, stairs, going up or down, she didn’t know. Held, walked through a crowd of people. Then a cool room, slumping to an empty bed. She couldn’t move, sounds and lights a blur, barely feeling the coolness as panties were pulled to the floor. More flashes, blinding and confusing her, as her knees were spread, she tried to whimper no. Eyes fluttering to blackness, then sharp pain bringing her briefly to reality. Someone, wearing a mask, thrusting in her. She tried to cry, too weak, too numb, arms pushing then growing limp, slumping. She didn’t feel the first gush of cum in her, nor the third or the fifth. Nothing but black and confusion.

And then, agony, as a knife was shoved in her. She could barely breathe, face in a pillow, unable to push herself up. They kept stabbing her with the knife, a searing agony in her ass. No pain in her life could compare to it as someone thrust against her again and again. They held her lap, more flashes, grunting and sobbing. Then she felt the pulse inside her, pulling out. Not a knife, the smell as he shoved her mouth on her told her the truth. She gagged, throwing up, only to have her face rubbed in it. They laughed and she slipped back into nothingness.

The worst, was when she woke to the cheering. Face still down, ass up high, constant flashes in the dark. She didn’t know what was going on, but someone was licking her eagerly, she wanted to pull away but she had no energy, no strength, she could only cry and moan, shuddering as she came as a tongue slobbered all over her sex. Then panting, heavy panting was all she heard as her mind retreated once again.

She woke, the next morning, between two guys, both sleeping as well. She sat up, every inch of her body screaming in pain. Blood was matted to her crotch, her thighs black and blue, teeth marks on her chest. She crawled out of bed, falling to the floor. She reeked, smelling something foul, clumped in her hair. She whimpered, grabbing her tattered dress, stained, pulling it on and leaving. She rushed to her apartment as quick as she could, barely able to breathe. She was numb, yet a ball of pain.

Her phone buzzed a dozen times as she drove, ignoring it. She got in, a few glances from neighbors at her walk of shame. She felt violated to her very core. Everything she was had been stolen, or so she thought. Her phone buzzed again and she looked at it. Hundreds of texts, messages, and pictures greeted her. Videos. Men she didn’t know, abusing her, using her. She threw up as she watched them defile her drunk body. And then, the worst video, texted in multiple ways from multiple people, of a dog, lapping at her as everyone cheered on. “She’s cumming” someone screamed and she went cold. She stripped, dropping her clothes as she sat down the phone on the sink, turning the water on hot, noticing nothing as white and red and brown and yellow ran down the drain as filth was washed off her body.

She sat there, lost in her thoughts, feeling not the scalding water, nor the cold as the hot ran out, oblivious to it all, except the ringing phone, and the memories. She was now the most popular girl at college and she would never be clean again.



  1. Very well written!! Will there be a deeper part as her memory returns more?

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