The Princesses in the Tower – Chapter 2, Part 6- Dorothy [Maledom] [Male supremacy][Femdom][BDSM] [Humiliation]


Today is not so thrilling. I have not a single record about some frigid asking for truncheon or being locked up. Me, girls, Vicky and the guys are doing difference by the pivotal admonitions and the bitches will remember for a while. Maybe we should pretend they are starting the riot? Thompson needs the kick to the guts and guess, who will do that? Her face is the first on my list, others are there without me knowing the names. Blood and the purple skin would just make them pretty.

Michelle is never behind and never ahead, she keeps the tempo with me and closer we are to the chief, the more often she opens her mouth.

“Vicky was proud of me and I never heard her anything about you displeasing her. I bet we are for some allowance.”

“There is a ball and Vicky´s invited. She get a permission to come with two more people. The secret is out.”

“Ball? The Council guys are partying for the whole week?”

“They are about schedule. Saw the bitches, now they will be just among the top dogs”

We open the office door.

Vicky cheers when she sees me and squints her eyes happily when Michelle´s freckles also shine in front of her.

“I will not have to repeat myself. So, listen very carefully, I shall say…”

“Are we going to the ball?,” asks Michelle.

“Oh, your intuition spared me a few seconds.”

We laugh.

“I´ve told her something. You called me, I did the math.”

Vicky understands.

“Telltale… Count how much energy and speed is required to be prepared for 7 pm.”

Michelle covers her cheeks.

“Two and quarter of hour to do something about my face? OK, I´ll do something about the basics!”

I giggle. We are like some two Cinderellas with a living mom.

Till our way doesn´t divide, we are trotting as one from the security command into barracks C-A. I don´t have a large window at my place, bitches have larger ones, just like everything, there is five of them at one place… Oh I don´t need that when I can switch on light and look into mirror. Michelle won´t do anything about her face, while mine is a God´s gift, not a canvas for a palette of makeup. I dazzle as I am. Indecisiveness kicks in when I see my figure in a black cocktail dress. I like to be sugar dressed in the thorns, not in the glaze. Blahhh, this is a dream-job, but I am not an addict anymore. There is more than one way to be intimidating. My eyes, they stab…

I hear the beeping of the text message.

*D. and M., come to meet me in the instructors’ lounge. V.*

Great! There might be some fun in work before the play. I browse for map and the short line to that place near the central library, object A-B. My arms and legs feel heady when they can breathe the evening air. The Sun is giving us the last Friday rays… Bloody hell, I´m going back in the night! I won´t get much sleep and the tomorrow is promising nothing more than some tedious surveillances. The ball better be full of glimmering and real-life Kens.

Somebody talks in the lounge, I hear the voices of two ladies, but neither of them is Vicky´s, one of them talks in a much farther distance. I can do maybe two steps and the long table is trying to break me in waist. The damned thing is being used now as an island with shipwreck survivors. Hot blonde guy with a goatee drinks the tea and some greyhound-faced warbling gal in white is putting biscuits between his teeth, waiting to the bite and finally pushing the second half whole. She is either completely androcentric or madly in love… I now recognize him, he is the one who teaches the little scraps almost everything, including the men-worship. His big pupil observes the muscles, as if they had arranged a private blowjob lesson. Replace her with me anytime, bro, for my cocksucking is an A+.

I am not noticed by them, but by another female nerdy face, long needle going through the bun of black hair. I can´t tell if she is bitch or free. There is a way to ask her.

“Are you co-lector?”

“No, I´m fully-fledged lector, bonehead! McLeaf. Georgianna McLeaf. You are the lowliest here. How does it feel?”

Why isn´t she a warden?

Vicky, dressed in robe, is standing and watching the other motherly person. That is Clara… Rosenbaum, I think, who pacifies the scraps. She talks to the cell phone.

“Agree, Roberta”, says the councilor. “I´ll talk to her and you can be present. I… No, bringing anyone here is forbidden and one of them… They might praise her for it. We must make normal kid out of her. Then you ag… Yes, Spanish flies, not just for this case. I´ll show you recordings from the ball. You and Sylvia, have a nice weekend.”

She mutes the cell phone and disposes it under some handkerchiefs in her purse.

“One incident and plans are ordained.. Sorry, Vicky, this has to be one of your lieutenants.”

“Yep, its Dorothy. Dorothy, Clara.”

Too lazy to correct her that I know, we do a short handshake.

“Did I came here, cause that thing you were phoning about?”

“No, that will be taken care of by me and two co-lectors.”

“You have come at my request”, says the angryfuck Georgianna. “At the Holy submissions area I was visited by the two sons of the Dodge family. They sponsor dungeons of the Towers. Their desire is something they are ashamed to talk about, but considering who they are and whom I am… We made a very lucrative deal. One that must include wardens and some other lectors. I made a little performance script with a role for each attendant of this meeting.”

“Show it to her, Michelle is busy with her ugliness shaming issues”, says Vicky.

Georgianna gives me paper page of the printed text with some underlined section. Wow! I never dreamed I will try this. Hi, hi, hi…

“It must stay secret!”, proclaims the only guy here. “Tonight we are going against every chapter of The Announcer…Justified by friendship and armed with a love of buck!”

My section of the paper isn´t exactly individualized, so when Michelle in the blue dress comes to lounge, I am holding it in front of her nose.

“Watch and learn! There is some bloody action stored for us…

Vicky and the blond guy Weatherby are in the forefront of our gala flock. Clara and Georgianna on their tail, me with Michelle are showing back to the ever obliging natural sciences lector, whom Weatherby called once “Lucy”, I think. Thus accepting our indicated order of importance, we are getting to know the golden heart of the B complex. We can´t sit in the lobby, heirs and heiresses have the full privilege and innumerable amount. It is impossible to bow to each of them separately, so we just tend to look to the ground and backing off to company of other lectors and section chiefs. I look up admirably to the guys, do some funny faces behind the ladies and despite no one is watching me, I am changing body postures. On of them have to be the right for flaunting myself, to make people wish I left my dress right in the hall.

We don´t hear thou sound of lock this far, we notice the change by rippling of heads. We resume our formation and we are not using merely the sight to set our direction. All of us hear the regular thudding, as if something truly big wanted to talk with dude who lives on the other side of the ground. The sound effects go on, each time louder than previously. The hall is gobbling up the guests. As we are closing in, the sixth thud roars and the unusual echo comes, the wordless voice from the hollow sky. Sweet Jesus, it pervades me, how I will survive where the loudspeakers are?

The tones are now quitter and take the turns. Drumming calls our strength, the echo invites us to venture anywhere we are needed. I am now in the ballroom, the queue is dissolving. In the dark, the higher I look, the more I see. I don´t mean the movements and the reflections in the balconies. Above the door is white canvas with Tower symbols, the least visible even in blue half-light. The opposite wall is covered in black layer, made prominent by the golden emblem of golden horse and grown man giving longbows to three small boys. Brotherhood´s official seal is maybe more tasteful than the flag in the middle. The Fraternal Prefectures of Atlantic are giving the wrong kind of homage to its core predecessor. Entire half of the space is given to the field of numerous tailed stars and in the upper left corner is simple monad as a distant heritage from the Technocracy movement. The rest are three stripes – white, red and green, the last one being only reminder of Mexicans as one of the founding nations.

I don´t know, who started the chain reaction. Every staff member goes to the walls, we frame the hall. The heirs receiving our strong applause are less and less misty as the lights show their glory, now in proper spacing.

They… They´re like me. Soldiers of a kind. Men have the uniforms, women wear robes, but on them are metals of accepted daughters. Everybody must prove themselves, everybody is in a unit. I love my fellows.

“Welcome, children of the most praiseworthy!”

That is Principal Mayson´s voice. He… He stands in the wide lodge, presiding over the Tower canvas.

“Gentlemen among you might long for sleep after various episodes of passion, which makes me and the other servants of the Reeducation program extremely appreciative for their presence. The first weekend ahead of us means the new way of inmates’ preparation. After all, day doesn´t pass here without unique kind of enlightenment. The heiresses will be more involved, walking by side and talking to our Rapunzels during the model of social life. Tonight, however, dance and meet new people in the realm of free citizens.”

There we are at the point when people say: “And the fun begins.” Well, I´m not a dancer. I see the people pulling the other person; they could very well be paper butterflies on sticks. I wouldn´t do it even with the hottest of our lectors. I´m rather searching for the tallest guys, eyes sliding from the shoulders down, taking notes and creating puzzle of my hypothetical ideal man.

Michelle is looking for a dance, she´s parading to the heirs no less. I stop the fool.

“They wouldn´t be holding you for long. Let them dance with their sisters.”

“You think they are incestuous?”

“Should we try? If they’ll get a hard on by looking at a sibling or at freckled gargoyle? Hi, hi, hi.”

She doesn´t laugh. Perhaps she will give a hard on to that single guy, who turns down every woman and is impatient to cross the hall. Has a glasses and dull asymmetrical face, but cool brown hair and does every step like on a parade. . Yep, that´s Mayson. Me with Michelle go a little closer, not so much because of Principal himself, we follow the lead of Vicky, another not-dancer.

“You have spoken about the social things. Stay on the floor and talk to them”, she says.

“Victoria I would gladly get them know, but honchos of head honcho are only summoning, not descending…” He points out the Brotherhood canvas.

“Cao and Neumann want to discuss something about the security, possibly other issues…”

“And you will have to tell me security things after everything will be agreed upon.”

“That´s a chain of command for you. Come to think about it, they asked me about it, if I have no consultants to add and I can see you as such. We can climb as a team.”

“Daniel, I did not expect…”

“Vicky, we want to go as well!”, I shouted. “Consultants of the consultant!”

Mayson smiles. “Some cute asses would be welcomed. Fellows will like couple of them coming voluntarily.”

Vicky looks too thoughtful to make a joke.

“Oh, if it comes to triple dating, I choose Cao. Sorry, Daniel, but he is the Mr. Influence.”

The way up has a lot of stairs, owing it to the fact they are low, so the rise towards the nest of power is not strenuous. The clicking of heels against music of the ball is lost at the top. On the right there stands a miniature waterfall that is in truth not so small and the water is murmuring. Neumann pays attention to that very thing, stiff on his chair. Cao is the one who stands up as we come close by.

“Fellow Mayson, we thought you don´t have the suites. And that in case you would come with someone, that it would be only one person.”

“Victoria´s lieutenants haven´t come to sit, fellow Cao. They know how to respect superiors.”

Consultants have the entire offices, dude!

“Thank you. So, Madame, take a seat… Fellow Mayson, you are so far good in presentation. I hope you like the Tower as much as our guests do.”

“It´s a key institution of our system. I believe in my mission to bring inmates to their senses and the decent families to satisfaction.”

Cao nods.

“The institution is marvelous. Although, I always disliked the name “The Princess Tower”. What about you, fellow Neumann? Doesn´t make it sound us like fairy-tale villains?”

The other councilman disagrees vehemently. “No! It´s not just romantic, it also makes inmates feel loved. I also heard it was put there to make them remember they are vassals of the state – daughters of the Princeps himself. Besides, fellow Cao, maybe not you, but I was frequently entertained myself by the idea I´m a bad guy.”

Slant eyes are suggesting that Cao´s brain is startled.

“Fellow Mayson, dear Madame, I have heard that the special inmate of the Tower was put to the soft torture, yesterday…”

“Janine Thompson?”, asked Vicky. “She wasn´t alone. I talked to her personally. This will make that simpleton remember to behave for weeks. If she will do something at least of that magnitude, it will be worse and…”

“You are not doing anything worse to her on a physical level, that´s a type of deed, my prognostic section forbids in any case! Only a total cretine would think you can reeducate ideologue of her magnitude. You make sure of her survival. She can have nightmares for the rest of her life, that´s the point, but she´ll survive, graduate, her henpecked husband will apply for her and they will freeze in Nunavut. But the public should be assured she is alive and no woman should want to live like her”

“Good”, says Mayson. “I want them to change, if partially in some cases. We have a stern people who know their limits.”

Here, here.

Cao´s pressed lips hint of pedantry.

“Stern people have their downsides. Just as we aren´t in position to ditch religious leaders, we can´t be silent to pamphlets of those pseudo-fellow naggers. They like to talk about the danger of rape and the Towers are a bait of such tragedy really happening. To minimalize the threat is in everybody´s interest.””

“I offer the helpful product”, says Neumann.

“Your companies produce everything, don´t they? OK, fellow, we´ll consider it, but don´t overvalue them.”

“Clara is ordering Spanish flies, I am in short of bromine. Please, distinguish after the delivery”, jokes Vicky again.

“Brotherhood has revived the circulation of the product and the profit.” Neumann is gathering the new energy himself. “The auctions at the end of the school year will crown the big push of the industry. Trade with people is too much tempting to be completely nonexistent and trade with women comes from the instinct of man.”

Cao shrugs.

“It is not about the moment when somebody pays for them. They are born to be servants. If we want to treat them as prisoners or slaves, that´s purely our choice. We feel sense of life from giving the commands, they from obeying.”

Girl taking commands from a woman has it best…

Neumann is not letting him interrupt his musings. “I hope this is making the world wealthier and more natural. Also it gives us so much of wherewithal, I can finally see shooting of a first-rate Perry Rhodan movie!”

“I don´t understand! Who is Perry Rhodan?”

Neumann explains like hypnotized. Perry Rhodan is some character from German kiddie books, who flew to the Moon and now fights the whole universe. That´s about it in a nutshell.

“Fellow Neumann, I knew you are a beta….”

“He is follower of the inspirational imagination”, says Mayson. Cao snaps back from the stone face.

“My apologies. This wasn´t what I have expected!”

“We both started as diplomats. Recently we are losing temper in private. We will revisit our former lives the next week.”

“Where are you going?”

“To Anglo-Wales Prefecture. We will negotiate with Scottish and Irish.”

“I´m at disposal. You´ll speak with foreign politicians and I´m directing the mine of bribes.”

What? Are we going to load airplanes with bitches?

“There´s a different game to be played”, admonishes Neumann Principal´s suggestion.

“No later than at the end of September, the Towers principals will be invited to the e-conference with Prefects and one or two naggers representatives. This is mostly classified. Ladies, do you have something to do for like an hour and half?”

“Yes, yeah, yeah”, we answer.

“Then come back. The single mean underage has caused us abrupt distress.”

I don´t know which rascal dared to make problems and how she made Cao and Neumann discuss it. Curiosity in my head is retreating to playfulness. Vicky founds Georgianna for us. In her dress and rapid running, she is flickering like a flame, the parquet is burning purple.

Picking up Clara and also Weatherby, we are on the move and our ignited plum is checking the dancing couples. She gives me a shove and I focus on square-jawed lean guy. I talk to lady pinned against his waist first.

“Sorry, honorable fellow. I am warden and your partner must come with us. He is surely a pervert without comparison. With his brother he went into our locker room and waited to that indecent part we had no more modesty than yet unaccepted women we are guarding!”

“He must also be the one little girls accused of he offers them cigarettes for services”, says Clara.

“No wonder they can´t tell writers apart, miserable wretches”, comments Weatherby drily.

“Edward Dodge, come with us for the disciplinary procedure”, shrieks Georgianna.

He steps behind her. The lady proclaims: “Oh, no! Oh, no!“ in a machine-like fashion. She must be on it.

“Where is your brother, horrid stain?”

“He is with his girlfriends on the left side, mistress!”

Christian did a Swedish dating… Princeps agrees, so let the old norms be damned.

He is in the middle of them, makes a pirouette with one, takes the hand of the other. Looks younger than Edward and softer overall.

We do our stunt. Christian is actually claiming innocence until I take him by the ear and Michelle does the same with Edward. We can’t afford the slow stumbling, most guests don’t know about the program. It would be even more awkward if somebody saw us between the buildings. Once we get “the delinquents” on the fresh air, we pull them only by collars of their shirts for the shortest route to the dungeons. Georgianna chooses the part full of autopsy tables and coffins. She commands heirs to lay down in their underwear and considering her tone, nobody would ever want the order to be repeated. Edward and Christian show us how they look in boxers and I am accepting the uniforms. Michelle is puffing like I don´t remember her from the ball. Hi, hi, hi… The amount of guys isn´t the decisive quality. Georgianna borrows the coat from the natural sciences teacher.

“My name is Georgianna McLeaf. Tonight I´m going to be Ms. Judge, before that, however, I must become Ms. Doctor.”

She lifts the arm and moves the fingers individually. Aggressively she grabs Christian´s body inside the boxers. She accompanies the clutching, pressuring and stretching with a frightening face and the lying man is avoiding her gaze. He starts to exhaling deeply, when the front of his boxers is supported by something else than Georgianna´s hand. Edward has arrived to the same state just by watching it. Georgianna thrusts the hand into the pant leg and diminishes the effect by some strangling of his balls…

“These are healthy young men, so they can be tried.”

She returns the lab coat and makes the duo stand. Clothes stay on the bed. Under the new instructions the boys are brought to external Holy submission installation. Georgianna pushes something on the ground and the fire in the middle of stone circle lights up. I see some.. Set pieces of the African village of about twelve huts. Edward and Christian kneel before the Georgianna, who is watching the fire.

“How do you plea, defendants?”

“Guilty”, says Edward. Innocent”, insists Christian.

Somebody needs the longer trial.

“Will anyone serve as this person´s advocate?”

Weatherby tries to raise a hand, but recedes, to Vicky´s amusement.

“Give out your testimonies!”

The three fake witnesses say what they presented during the fake arrest. Edward “snitches out” his brother too.

“Both of these insidious lechers are found guilty. Their sentence is The Justice of the Amazons!”

She goes to the biggest hut and returns with a medium sized ropes. She bounds one brother´s hands and she uses the opposite end to immobilize the other pair of legs. Lovingly instructs Edward to do a few circles around a fireplace, pulling the Christian through the grass. Common whimpering makes them annoying and refreshing at the same time.

Georgianna stops them and puts them and puts the second rope to use. She ties up Edward´s cock and does a loop around Christian´s neck on the other side. The brothers can take a rest, but it ends soon and the round two forces Christian to hold his head over the ground unless he plans Edward to taste agony. Every lady here smirks whenever it happens.

The delinquents are waiting for the third part of the sentence completely bound, each on one side of the fireplace. Georgianna, me and Michelle change in the hut, taking straw skirts, leather tops, spear and spotting the mouths with bloody red color. Different dance tradition turns me on. We are jumping around the fire and the guys like kangaroos on acid, clashing the spears and pushing the blunt ends right up captured anuses, always only for the moment. As when the pointy ends pierce tiny random skin-covered place.

The treated Dodge brothers are sleeping in “the morgue” next to the clothes and their dance partners must have went through dozens, if not tens of handsome suitors. Tonight´s privy party would shit themselves laughing, if the masochism cost Christian either of his girlfriends. The family lot badly spent. Upon the return I saw the myriad of guests, some of them possibly could have come later. The savage girl opened me to the party spirit and I dig what the people are sharing. Higher Brotherhood people are heavy with problems they can´t solve now, so they talk about the future, not about the present. Please, Cao and Neumann. I must be wary when kicking Thompson and you are reading space crap. Can´t you deal in the raunchier stuff?

“Thankfully, you haven´t went off us.” Nuemann is unprecedentedly serious. “Now about the poor girl on the infirmary…”
