Slave girl

As a strong black woman who has fought for civil rights! I don’t believe in slavery or being called the N word! I do however have a strong “Fantasy”!

I wake up on breeding day, it’s a beautiful morning and I’m allowed to sleep in, I just lay in bed enjoying the small freedom because my body is programmed to wake up before dawn to start picking cotton! But breeding day is my reward. Well it’s masters reward but I get to enjoy it.

After I’m up and dressed I’m lead to the plantation house, this is where I’m washed and cleaned, oils are put in the bathwater, and the masters wife sprays me with a nice perfume! I’m dressed in a cotton sack to allow easy access to my pussy during breeding, and provide me comfort, holes are cut out for my arms and head…

Breakfast is wonderful, fresh fruits, chocolates, tea, freshly baked breads. I’m able to invite one person to keep me company, I always choose someone different because I want to stay humble and show all the women that breeding is an award!

After breakfast I’m lead to the stockades, it’s an all day event white men come to watch a black bitch get breed.
As I’m locked into place I smile because the best part is yet to come. Hint: this isn’t it!
So the strongest, fastest slave men line up in shackles. They too have had a nice morning, not as nice as mine but they were showered down, and given a nice breakfast, plus none of them were allowed to have sex for a month, so just one glimpse of a woman sets them off!
At least 10 of them line up behind me 10 of the best of the best!
Some even come from other plantations.

One by one they line up behind me. My master is the one who spits on his hand lubes the black cock and leads it into my pussy. He calls his lube the lucky wad in hopes that one of the 10 slaves would successfully impregnate me!

The white woman watch in jealousy as one by one I’m fucked by a black stud, every dick is huge, and sends me into an eye rolling orgasm, hours go by and my pussy flaps looked destroyed like elephant ears. I’m pouring out cum from my pussy, I’m tiered it’s been hours of fucking, because each slave gets a second chance at being the winning seed! Ironically no one will ever actually know who the winner is!

After my black pussy is destroyed I’m let out of the stockade, the white woman hate me because they are horny and probably won’t be satisfied, except some of them will sneak out the house to fuck one of the black studs in the barn! But it’s still seconds to a black bitch! They will suck my cum off the black dicks! As jealous as they are today is my day!

I’m destroyed, tiered, I’m bathed fed well and my day soon comes to an end.

But that night my master pays me a visit! He’s nice to me, he tells me how proud he is, that I was a star, he ask how I’m doing, he kisses me, tickles me, I’ve bore 4 good slaves for him and I’m still young!

The other slaves girls pretend to be sleeping but they can hear the slave master talk to me. They are jealous but they are kind they are happy for me.

My slave master takes off his pants and gets on top of me! His white cock is my reward, it pleases me he fucks me and I whisper don’t cum in me!

This always sets him off he puts his hands around my neck and whispers “black bitch you don’t tell me where to cum!” It sets him off and he unloads his sperm into me, I cum with him completely satisfied!

I try to kiss him but he gets off me and slaps me. He pulls up his pants and tells me not to get comfortable! That I’ll always be a black bitch!

I let my masters cum fester in my pussy and each slave girl gets up to taste masters cum out of my pussy…

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