Writing an Erotica for a 19 year old female friend: What do girls like?

I jokingly promised a friend of mine to write her an erotica starring her and a guy she used to have a major crush on for her birthday. I just remembered this and have less that 48 hours to write this erotica. I’ve never read an erotica before so do not really know much about them. What are some “must haves” for a good erotica?

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/gbf1h6/writing_an_erotica_for_a_19_year_old_female


  1. Good Erotica conjures imagery, pulls the reader in, and if it’s personalized you want as many reality based details as you can to make it more engaging.

  2. She wants to be courted. Have her meet this guy out on a date at a bar and let him guide the conversation. Have him ask about her interests and comment on how cool and important they are. He keeps the focus on her.

    Then he asks a more personal question about something she said that’s maybe just a bit too personal. He takes it back but she’s kinda hot about it already so she offers to share if he will, too. A quid-pro-quo. A truth or dare.

    Truth or dare is sexy as hell. Always will be and always has been.

    She answers his question and gets to ask him a question that he has to respond to seriously. *BUT*, make sure the question is still somehow about her. If he commented on her dress earlier, she can ask him how he really feels about the amount of cleavage she’s showing. Don’t go into specifics about this guy’s past or details about him. Keep it about the girl.

    They keep going and he dares her to get them more drinks, but to make sure the bartender gets a good view of her tits. Again, his truths and dares are about her and her truths and dares are about her. This keeps things focused and sexy.

    The night wraps up and she decides to finish up by one last dare: for him to come home with her. Or to go home with him, if you want to be able to make up the surroundings.

    He’s obviously got a nice place, (it’s erotica), so she’s turned on by that, too. They make a game out of removing an article of clothing from each other, one at a time. The foreplay has to be extended. Make her *need him*. Talk about her pupils dilating and the butterflies in her tummy and the heat in her groin. Then have her make the first move, grabbing his dick through his pants and leading him away into the bedroom.

    I cannot reiterate this enough: *She has to be the one in control*. Otherwise you’re writing a kinda-rapey fantasy about your friend and she won’t appreciate that. She can take him to the bed but he can’t fuck her. She has to be in control. She can push him down and ride him, but don’t use specific words.

    Depending on how prudish your friend is, (probably not a lot since she wants this erotica lol), you could have her give him a blowjob and make it a mutual masturbation session. It could go one of a thousand ways.

    Make sure your story’s climax isn’t the climax, (get it?), but that it’s when she finally makes the decision to go all in. Maybe she’s grinding him and finally overcomes her fears and takes her bra off, or she lets him lick her, etc. It’s not about her cuming, but about her overcoming something. A fear or worry about how she looks or might look. She’s 19. She’s got doubts. Emphasize how she’s able to enjoy the moment once she’s overcome her fears.

    But keep it about her, and keep it about the moment. Don’t insert yourself.

    And that’s all my advice, with examples.

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