Nudist Camping Part 1 (repost)

editors note: This is a repost from a long time ago in a different subreddit. I had forgotten all about it and was going to write about my stop at the nudist campground and somehow just didn’t get to it. I guess that is my life on the road enjoying being busy and active. I will try to remember to finish it this time, but for now just enjoy.

I just keep wearing less and less clothes and wanting to be naked more and more. In searching my next destination I found a nudist camp ground, and although nervous I had to check it out.

After a 5 and a half hour drive I was ready to relax. A nice man older man who was clothed met me at the gate. I was actually a little surprised that he was clothed but then again I did not know what to expect.

He gave me the rules of the resort. Clothing is optional so wear as much or as little as you want. Try not to stare if you can as it might make some people uncomfortable. No sex in public areas such as the beach, the pool, picnic areas, or on public trails.

Then he summed it up as ‘be cool, have fun, be friendly, and be accepting. It is a nudist resort and most people are here just to enjoy nature as nature made them.’ He really sounded like an old hippy when he explained it that way.

“Your site is #34. About a mile down this little road you will begin to see the camp sites. Stay to the right as the road loops around. You don’t have direct lake access but you are very close to the beach. Enjoy yourself and if you have any questions look for the people in the yellow hats or visors with our logo.”

I thanked him and I was off. I was excited and curious. On my way in I saw an older couple. He had short shorts on, she was topless with very skimpy bikini bottoms. I was slightly disappointed. They were also the only people I saw.

I parked and got my RV in just the right spot. I stripped faster than I think I ever had. I surprised myself at how excited I was and just how much I was looking forward to this. I was completely here just to be naked and free.

I put out my lawn furniture, my fake grass rug, and grabbed Beaux (my dog) to take him for a walk.

I was not disappointed in my walk. I saw a lot of people just hanging out at their campsites in various states of undress. Some were completely naked, some just had bottoms. There was definitely more guys than girls. Other than the lack of clothes it was really no different than any other camp site.

As I circled the campgrounds I got a lay of the land. I saw one other guy taking his dog for a walk, he was completely naked. I tried so hard not to look at him below his chest and succeeded. He smiled at me as we passed and gave me a friendly hi but kept on walking.

After about an hour walk I had a good layout of the campground. I brought Beaux back to our site and he was happy to rest in the sun. I did a little reading just outside my camper and watched for people passing by. I was a little surprised that there was not many people walking around so I made my way to the beach.

There were far more people there. It seemed like everyone was in conversation. There was a little tiki hut that sold cold drinks. I got myself a small fruity drink that had a good punch of rum and settled down on my towel. It wasn’t long before a nice couple sate close enough to me to strike up a conversation.

It was very strange to have a “normal” if not a bit forced conversation completely nude with two others who were also completely nude. Everything seemed completely normal and it was a little disappointing to be honest.

I enjoyed the day lounging by the lake, I struck up a few more conversations as I had another couple of drinks. I found myself casually watching people as they came and went. There were a few very nice looking guys who had very nice cocks. There were also a few nice women, both old and young, who had great bodies.

A few couples exchanged kisses on the beach, several guys took a little extra time putting sunscreen on either their own bodies or on others.

As the sun went down, nothing really had happened interesting except for the freedom of being completely naked. I made a nice dinner and sat down under the stars to feel the cool air gently flow over my hardening nipples.

Just sitting in my reclining chair watching the stars feeling completely free made me tingle all over. My hands slowly teased my nipples, giving them a gentle pinch, sending a shooting sexual throb through my body.

My hands slowly moved down my soft flat belly to my inner thighs. They slowly traced their way up to meet my pussy that was starting to get wet already. I wanted to cum right there but did not let myself. I wanted me to want it.

I sat up and grabbed Beauxs leash, he was instantly into going for a walk.

Except for most people still not wearing clothes it seemed like any other campground. I decided to head up one of the many trails crisscrossing the property and low and behold I finally found what I was looking for.

First there was a few creepy guys seemingly just out for a walk. I could almost see them behind me rubbing themselves as I walked by, them staring at my bare ass walking down the trail.

After a few turns and well away from any notice of campfire light I heard a rustle in the woods. I turned and saw the shadows of two forms, clearly in a very close embrace. I paused and let my eyes try to pick out exactly what was happening.

As I focused things were clear. One was going down on the other, their head slowly moving back and forth giving a long deep slow blow job. I was getting wet.

I was also not sure what to do next. I crept a little closer to the live shadows and now they turned into dark bodies. It was a guy who was slim with a nice erection and a sexy woman, also slim, giving him a great blow job.

My hands found my clit and I stood watching playing with myself. I know they knew I was there so I did not try to hide. I enjoyed the show for a few moments then decided to move on.

The rest of my walk was uninteresting so when I got back to my RV I reclined back, let the night air embrace my body and decided to finally let myself cum.

This is going to be a good time.
