Coach D part 2

Coach D showed up as promised to cut my grass, he was in soccer clothes.

Are those the only clothes you own? I asked him trying to sound funny.

I’m not going to cut your grass in a suit. He says laughing.

I laugh so hard I snort. Fuck Annabelle??‍♂‍ get it together your not 12 you’re a grown woman!

Coach D has his own equipment, he explains he cuts grass to keep cash in his pocket and to keep him busy since retirement. I ask him what kind of pizza he likes and how long it would take for him to finish so I could order it.

I let him get to it trying not to bother him. I go into the kitchen and watch him cut my grass. ? it’s so funny I’ve never watched my husband cut the grass. Coach takes of his shirt his black body is Hot! He has sweet dripping from his bald head. I could see a bulge in his pants but now that I think about it, it was probably his cell phone.
As I continue to watch him he sees one of my kids basketball balls, picks it up and shoots towards the basketball goal.
He completely misses and I giggle at the attempt.

I don’t know why, but the way he smiles afterward gets me wet!
If the quote you miss 100 % of the shots you don’t take had a face his would be it!
Like missing his shot was no big deal because he won the game!
It was his confidence! Like he couldn’t be defeated!

I was wet between my legs I ran up to my room and grabbed my dildo… I needed something inside me! I imagined Coach penetrating me. I push my dildo inside me and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. I couldn’t stop twitching I’ve never had an orgasm like this Fuck!

After I was done I made some ice cold lemonade. I put my fingers into his to stir it up. ??‍♂‍ I don’t know why I did that! I thought it be sexy or something.
He’s finished cutting the yard it usually takes my husband all day. ??‍♂‍ why am I always comparing him to my husband.
I hand Coach his drink and he gulps it down.

Thirsty much? I tease

He smiles, thank you! But what about the pizza?

??‍♂‍ I fucking forgot about the pizza.

Coach D smiles. Next time because this was a horrible first date. I smile he funny.

Coach looks at me and ask me why I don’t bring snacks to practice?

This gets me emotional… I’ve told my husband how horrible the single moms treat me. But he doesn’t get it. I start to cry. ??‍♂‍ Annabelle what the fuck are you doing??‍♂‍!
Coach D doesn’t know what to do but he pulls me into his sweetheart body! He smells like fresh cut grass!

I can’t do anything right!

It’s ok it’s ok shhhh it’s ok!

This calms me down. I just had a break down In front of my sons soccer coach??‍♂‍! Get it together Annabelle.

I thank him and he get in his truck as he’s driving off a gust of wind picks up my dress showing off my panties Coach D just stares.

I’m so embarrassed ??‍♂‍ fuck fuck fuck!
