Annabelle and Sophia [FF] [Lactation]

Annabelle Holtzman smoothly applied a fresh coat of pink lipstick and puckered for a selfie, as she strode through the hall of Holtzman dorm, her pink-Louboutin clad hooves stepping over boxes and around students, as she strode past the move-in day chaos. The cowgirl looked at her selfie. The lighting was just right for her creamy white skin, she had the cleavage of her massive breasts in frame, and she caught the angle just right to make her little, button nose look cute, but the blue in her eyes was a little washed out and, worst of all, her horns were partially out of frame. She’d just bought new horn ornaments, and she wanted to make sure that all of her followers could see the array of gold rings and chains that she’d used nearly a week’s allowance on.

Annabelle sighed. “Why does everything in life have to be so hard?” she asked, as she readied to take another photo. She set her wide hips into the perfect runway sway and bounced her boobs to get a few moments of video before she snapped a still. “Perfect!” she thought to herself. She was really pleased with how big, round and full her breasts looked. She was still checking it, as she walked into the elevator, when she bumped into something, the impact nearly making her drop her phone, as she stumbled toward the back of the cube.

Sophia Katztien had just dragged a folded up bed sheet full of her second-hand computer equipment into the elevator, and was holding the edges together trying to make sure nothing spilled out. Bent over, in the corner, her curly, dark hair nearly matching her black skirt and cardigan, the mousy little catgirl looked like nothing so much as another piece of furniture. Something jostled her from behind loosing her grip and making her spill a stack of hard drives across the floor. She cried out, as she knocked into the side of an overstuffed armchair, and she turned to see what had hit her. Her brown eyes focused in on a tall girl in the opposite corner of the elevator. She saw the other girl’s long, flowing mane of platinum-blonde hair and her gilded, white horns. Sophie’s heart sank instantly.

Annabelle turned to see what she’d nearly tripped over. “Oh. It’s you…” she said, narrowing her eyes at the scrawny little catgirl nerd that she recognized from high school. “What are you even doing here?” she asked, raising an eyebrow, “This elevator goes to the singles suites.”

Sophia sighed and started to pick up some of her things, not making eye contact with Annabelle. “My scholarship covers a suite, and they’re the only rooms with space to set up my equipment.” She shot a pointed glare at Annabelle, as the doors closed. “I’m guessing that your daddy made another donation to get you into the school at all though…”

Annabelle huffed, “My family goes to this University as a matter of tradition, besides which, I’m very qualified!”

“Sure, I bet. Qualified to steal boyfriends and take selfies with them right in front of their girlfriends!” Sophie was getting angry.

Annabelle cocked a half-sneer. “As if! And maybe if you learned how to open a tube of lipstick, you could keep a boyfriend! Though he’d probably be done with these scraps pretty quickly,” she gestured toward Sophia’s flat bust and skinny figure, even draped in a loose cardigan and long skirt as it was.

Sophia crossed her arms, defensively, out of reflex, before she went back on the attack. “Oh! I bet you’d know all about getting done with things quickly,” she said, leaning forward as she pointed over the pink crop top containing Annabelle’s overblown bust, her bare midriff, and her tight, painted-on jeans. “You’re just an all-you-can-eat buffet, aren’t you! Take your fill! One cheap price!”

Annabelle gasped. Her eyes lighting up with indignance. “Oh, you can bet Trevor got all he could eat!”

“Oh! You slutty cow!” Sophia shouted.

“Felis Nerdus,” Annabelle taunted back with Sophia’s highs school nickname.

“Oh my god! Don’t you dare spread that around here!” Sophie shrieked, remembering the memes that had gone around last year. “I…”

She was cut off, as the elevator suddenly stopped, and the lights went out. Both girls held onto the walls, in silence, the shock of the situation dissipating their anger into fear and confusion.

“What was that?” Annabelle asked, after a moment.

“The elevator stopped..” Sophia half-whispered.

“Damn it, Daddy… I told you this building was too old!” Annabelle whined, to herself.

“It’s okay…. It’ll start up again…” Sophia said, trying to calm herself as much as anything, hoping to keep her building sense of panic and claustrophobia at bay.

It was a long few minutes before the lights came partially back on. The girls spirits lifted, though only for a moment, as the elevator still didn’t move.

In the dim light of the tiny room, a voice came over the elevator’s intercom. “All right, the elevator’s been seeing a lot of heavy use over the last few days. Your situation seems stable, and we’ve got a crew on the way. Traffic as it is though, especially leading into campus, it may be a bit, before they arrive. Please stay where you are, and do not attempt to exit the elevator. It’ll be at least a few hours.”

“A few hours?” Both girls cried out.

“I can’t… wait that long…” Annabelle said.

“I can’t stay in this box for hours!” Sophia yelled.

The intercom remained silent for a moment. “Help will be on the way as soon as possible. Please remain in place,” was all that it finally said.

Both girls groaned.

Annabelle tried to call her father, but she was getting frustratingly little cell signal. Even connecting to the internet was hardly worth trying, something that Sophia also noticed, as she too tried to busy herself on her phone. Sophia was sitting in the front left corner of the elevator, next to her stuff, her knees hugged to her and her eyes closed, breathing deliberately. Annabelle had mostly camped out in the opposite corner at the rear, though she had taken to pacing back and forth the two or so steps that she could manage, after the first hour.

“Please stop walking around. You’re shaking it,” Sophia said, her voice quiet.

“I’m not shaking anything!” Annabelle said, and rolled her shoulders. “I just need to keep my mind off of…” she trailed off, but her arms seemed to move involuntarily, as if to squeeze her breasts together, and she was clearly struggling to keep her hands off of them. She straightened her back and shimmied, her huge tits seeming to sway rather heavily. “I just need to… Mmhh… keep my mind occupied,” she said, as she started to pace again.

“Please stop walking! You’re shaking it!” Sophia practically shouted, fear clear in her voice.

Annabelle looked at the catgirl oddly, a hint of actual concern in her expression. “O… kay,” she said, as she carefully made her way back to her corner, sinking to the floor. Annabelle sat with her legs splayed, watching Sophia for a bit. The other girl was clearly in fear. “Are you okay?” she asked, as gently as she could.

Sophia scrunched up her face, and then, with just one eye open, she looked over at Annabelle. “I don’t… I don’t like being closed into things!” She whispered.

The blonde’s expression softened. “That’s… that’s okay. That’s normal. We’ll get out of here soon enough.”

Sophia took what comfort from the reassurance that she could. “I… I hope so,” she said, taking a deep breath and trying to calm herself. She could swear that the air was starting to smell like cream, but she decided not to say anything.

As time passed, Annabelle seemed more and more to be trying not to touch or squeeze her breasts, even though she was fighting with herself not to. Even through her t-shirt, it was obvious that her breasts were bulging out of her bra. She couldn’t take it anymore, and she started to unclasp the undergarment.

The front clasp of Annabelle’s bra popped apart loudly enough to almost startle Sophia. The two halves of the bra practically leapt apart, under her shirt, and her breasts nearly fell out of the bottom of the crop-top, their undersides exposed and Annabelle’s large nipples clearly stiff and poking into the fabric.

“What are you doing?” Sophia asked, as she looked over to see Annabelle pulling her bra out from her shirt.

“It got way too tight,” The cow-girl said, as she set aside her enormous and rather sturdy-looking bra.

“What do you mean,” Sophia asked, even as she could see that Annabelle’s breasts were clearly even bigger than their normally huge size.

Annabelle looked away, sighing. “I… I need to be milked. I haven’t been milked all day, and my tits… well… I’m full.” She cradled her bloated boobs in her arms, clearly in discomfort, trying not to squeeze them even though she clearly wanted to.

“How are you lactating?” Sophia asked.

Annabelle raised an eyebrow and rolled her eyes, as if it was a stupid question. “I’m a holstaurus! It just starts! Really easily, anytime after we have tits. We don’t even have to get pregnant.” She groaned and shifted her bloated breasts again, involuntarily running her hands over their taut curves, her fingers tracing the blue veins visible on the exposed undersides of her tits. “I make a lot…” she said, trying to push through the discomfort. “I have a pump in my room, but now I’ve been stuck here, and I feel like my tits are going to explode, if I can’t let this milk out!” She closed her eyes in discomfort, trying to ignore it all.

Sophia couldn’t help but feel sympathy, seeing her rival in such a needy state. Her eyes wandered to the cowgirl’s inflated bust.

Annabelle’s breasts had actually started to leak a bit, even as she struggled not to make it any worse. Dark, wet spots had started to form on her shirt, and small rivulets of milk were leaking down the exposed undersides of her taut, shiny breasts.

The catgirl was transfixed. Subconsciously, she licked her lips, and despite herself, her stomach growled.

Annabelle heard it. Her eyes shot open, and she looked at Sophia. Both girls locked eyes, both thinking the same thing and both resisting it.

Annabelle cracked first. “I won’t tell anyone if you wont!” she said.

Sophia shook her head. “No… I… I can’t! That didn’t mean anything! I was busy and I didn’t eat breakfast this morning!” she dissembled.

“If you didn’t eat breakfast, you must be pretty hungry then!” Annabelle hooked her fingers under her shirt and slowly lifted it up over her swollen breasts. “Come on,” she said, as seductively as she could manage through the stress on her body, “I’m an all you can eat buffet…”

Sophia stared at Annabelle’s hugely swollen breasts and at the droplets of milk leaking from her stiff strawberry nipples. The scent of milk in the air was intoxicating.

“Sophia, please,” Annabelle pleaded, her voice soft and needy.

The catgirl slowly started to crawl toward her. She seemed to be in awe, as she drew her face near to the cowgirl’s hugely swollen milktanks. “You can’t tell anyone!” she whispered up at Annabelle, fixing her gaze.

“Never!” she swore, nodding.

Sophia knelt between Annabelle’s spread legs and brought her mouth to the cowgirl’s left breast. She licked at the nipple, tentatively, but she was surprised at how rich, creamy and just delicious Annabelle’s milk was! She was also surprised at how readily it started to squirt out! Milk sprayed across the catgirl’s cheek, eager to come out, and she quickly had to take the whole nipple right into her mouth, starting to gulp down the rich cream, as the flow only increased, the milk seemingly under pressure inside the cowgirl’s swollen tits.

The feeling of relief was exquisite, and Annabelle let out a moan of pleasure, more than vaguely like a moo, as she felt the pressure in her breast begin to lessen. She’d been aching to express her milk for what seemed like forever, and she could hardly believe how good it felt to finally release her pent-up cream.

Sophia tried to accustom herself to the flow of milk, even as the pressure became more steady and less insistent, and soon she was happily drinking down the rich treat.

Annabelle noticed that Sophia seemed to be able to handle the flow well, and the cowgirl brought her hands to her own breast, massaging it and helping the milk to flow somewhat more quickly. Sophia seemed slightly surprised at first, but adapted almost immediately, and soon she was squeezing Annabelle’s breast, herself, even starting to lick at Annabelle’s nipple, as she drank. Annabelle moaned again, in pleasure. It had been far too long since she had had someone drink from her, and she’d missed how good it felt. A blush started to spread over her skin, as her arousal mounted. She started to writhe about, but Sophia kept at it regardless, continuing to lick at Annabelle’s nipple, as she gently sucked on it and gulped down the rich milk.

The two girls relaxed against each other, Annabelle leaning back into the corner, while Sophia lay atop her as she drank. Annabelle started to gently stroke Sophia’s hair, while she nursed from her, and the catgirl found it oddly soothing and comforting; Sophia even started to purr.

Sophia drank and drank, even as she could feel a blush spreading over every part of her companions creamy white skin, and she actually started to lick and suck at the cowgirl’s big nipple even more. A gentle orgasm spread through Annabelle, and the two girls exchanged a look. Shrugging and smiling at each other, even as Sophia continued to suckle.

Soon, the milk in Annabelle’s left breast started to taper off, and Sophia had a moment to catch her breath. “You sure make a lot of milk,” she said, as she started to switch to the other breast, which was already leaking in sympathy.

“Thanks,” Annabelle replied absently, still immersed in the bliss of breast-feeding

Sophia hadn’t meant it as a compliment, at first, but she decided to let it pass, not least of all because, even with a belly almost full of milk from the first breast, she still found herself eager to drink more, like the desire to finish a whole carton of ice cream no matter how big it is. She eagerly lapped at Annabelle’s other nipple, deliberately stimulating her, as she brought her lips in to drink.

The two girls simply enjoyed each other, Annabelle experiencing another gentle climax as her right breast was drained and, in time, the blondes breasts were empty. They were still quite massive, but not as tight, swollen, and full as they had been. Sophia’s stomach, on the other hand, was looking a bit round.

Still idly sucking and licking at Annabelle’s tit, Sophia let out a small burp after the milk had tapered off. Both girls giggled.

“Thank you,” Annabelle said, dreamily, as she stroked Sophia’s slightly swollen tummy. Annabelle felt wonderful, practically drunk on the relief of being milked.

Sophia nuzzled into her, feeling quite satisfied herself, contented with her tummy full of milk. “Can we stay like this for a bit?” she asked.

Annabelle merely sighed, and the two lay in the corner for a while, both idly stroking each other’s bodies or playing with Annabelle’s tits.

Annabelle walked into programming 219, quickly spotting her friend. “I can’t believe you got me to take this class! There’s so much homework!” she said, jokingly, as she found a seat next to the dark-haired catgirl.

“You’re doing fine!” Sophia replied, looking up at the much taller blonde, as she sat down.

“You’re doing better, yourself, but this could use a touch up,” Annabelle said, as she took out a makeup palette and started to touch up Sophia’s eye shadow. Sophia’s makeup was better than Annabelle’s coding skills, but the two were glad to help each other.

For some reason, Sophia had gained a bit of weight over the course of the semester, and all of it was going to the right places, a hint of a bust now even visible underneath her clothing, much of which was more fashionable than it had been before and which better expressed her personality. “I can’t wait for lunch after this class!” she said.

Annabelle smiled, and subtly angled her heavy bust toward Sophia. “Neither can I,”

Both best friends shared a look, and blushed. They broke into giggles just before class started.
