The Elvish Bride, the Orcish Groom (PART 2) [MMF] [fantasy] [oral] [buk]

The rapid knocking was what awoke him. Dumag opened one eye, groaning as he forced himself to sit up. He was still in the Elvish castle, and someone was knocking away on his door. He swung his legs off the side of the bed, which creaked loudly as he rose. He threw open the door with a glare down, only to be greeted by his fiancée and another Elf- a man with long ginger hair and small golden spectacles.


“Morning.” Yalanue breezed by him, glancing up with a tiny smile. It seemed she’d somehow cloaked their activities the night before. “This is my manservant, Gailin Elmaria. He’ll be ensuring you don’t embarrass yourself tomorrow.”


Gailin gave a bow, smiling as well but fearfully so as he looked up and down the Orc towering over him. “R-right, I’m to ensure that everything goes smoothly… This is part of the treaty after all… It would be a disaster if something were to go wrong.”


“I’m aware.” Dumag grunted, going to sit at the small table provided with the room. “the arrangement is that one of my tribe is to marry one of the royal family of this region. I saw the details of the treaty.”


“Ah, you can read?” Gailin sounded surprised as he laid a few scrolls out on the table. “Sorry, I just…”


“Yes, I can read. And I can speak Orc, Human, Trade, and a little bit of Elvish.” Dumag smirked, looking to the back of his fiancée as she stood out on the balcony. “I was chosen because I’m the smartest Orc of any of the major tribes. So make of that what you will.”


“Very well, that makes this easier. Let’s just go over the important details of the ceremony tomorrow…” Gailin began speaking of important rites, speeches, and ritual to take place during the marriage ceremony. Dumag paid as much attention as he could, eyes still glancing over to Yalanue as she gazed out over the city below.
After some time had passed, she returned to the men at the table with a sigh. “I’m bored. Can’t you take a break?” She whined, twisting a lock of pale blonde hair around her finger.


“V-very well, miss… I don’t see why not…” Gailin shrunk back slightly.


“I have a question, first.” Dumag raised a finger, pointing it to Yala. “Why is she the one I’m to wed tomorrow? The family seems to have no shortage of children. Was this a random choice?”
“Not exactly…” Gailin glanced between them. “Yalanue is…”


“I’m too much trouble. I seduce the guards, I sneak out to play with the peasantry, I have too bad a reputation to see me married off to anyone respectable.” Yala smirked, tugging at the light dress she wore. “Go on, Gailin, tell him all about me.”


“I… That’s hardly appropriate.”


“Oh, it’s not, you’re just a coward. Dumag knows all about what he’s getting into by now, don’t you dear, sweet fiancé of mine?” She pressed her breasts together lightly. “Gailin, I brought you here for a reason. We’ve a contract to work out, don’t we?”
“Contract? What contract?” Dumag’s eyes followed her chest. “Stop with this trickery, why don’t you? Speak plainly.”


“It is tradition for marriages between royals to have contracts written up before the ceremonies… Making arrangements for things like children or finances… Princess, must you do this now?”


“I do what I want. Now get your nice quills going while we negotiate.” She sat down at the table, smiling at Dumag.


“Yes Princess…” Gailin’s voice quivered slightly.


“First order of business, you’re not going to stop me from fucking anyone I want. You may be my husband, but you don’t own me. Got it?” Yala pursed her lips. “I don’t know how your Orcish women are, but I refuse to belong to anyone.”


“That’s fine with me. Our women are just the same. They choose who they want to sire their children.” An idea wormed into Dumag’s head. “But if I’m letting you keep this freedom, then I want something in return.”


“Of course.” Yala smirked as she leaned forwards, resting her chest on the table. The edge of her gown was being tugged dangerously low.


“You have to ensure that any children born are mine.” He didn’t take his eyes off her breasts. “I know your kind are concerned with keeping lineage, so any children you bear are only mine, understand?”


Silence as Yala and Gailin just stared at him, dumbfounded.


“Why would an Orc care about a litter of bastard half-breeds?” Yala finally asked.


“You both said this was for the sake of the treaty. I’m just thinking ahead. If the marriage only produces full Elf children, won’t that invalidate the whole point of it?”
“Put that down, Gailin. I agree, on the condition that there are to be no other half-orc children sired by my dear husband.” Yala smiled again, folding her fingers on the table. “Looks like this one is a clever Orc indeed.”


Dumag felt a grin creeping up the sides of his face. “What else do you want?”


“That was mostly it. The rest will be mostly me bringing my personal servants along and such. Speaking of…” She looked to Gailin. “You’ll have full use of them too once the marriage is Validated. Gailin will work for you as well… He’ll do anything you require.”
“PRINCESS!” Gailin sputtered, knocking over an inkwell as he jumped back. “Don’t say such vile things!”


“Oh calm down, I know you’re curious. You were asking me so many questions when I came back last night… You just pretend to be all uptight because that’s what Daddy tells you to do.” Yala stood up, stepping over to Dumag and slowly pressing her chest against him. “You said you can barely tell the difference between male and female Elves, right? Want to get a closer look?”


Dumag wasn’t sure what he wanted, but he wasn’t going to turn this offer down. “He seems uneasy.”


“He’s just as bad as I am. He’s just a lot better at hiding it. He gets himself off looking at pictures of Daddy every night… Don’t you, Gailin?” Yala giggled. “Why don’t you just let those thoughts go and try something attainable? Besides… Orc is delicious.” She licked her lips, hands sliding down Dumag’s chest.


“Princess, please…” Gailin looked down. “That’s not…”


“It is. But, if you don’t want to… I guess I’ll just have to go enjoy this alone.” She shrugged, going to go sit on the bed, slowly spreading her legs apart. “Dumag, get over here. I need that tongue of yours again.”


Dumag did as he was told, positioning himself so she could sit astride his face again. He leaned back, inhaling her warm, sweet scent again before diving into those delicious pink folds once more. He used one arm to hold her thigh in place, stroking himself with the free hand. He didn’t care about their observer- back in his tribe it wasn’t uncommon for a mating couple to be so brazen.


Yala squeezed his head with her soft thighs, moaning as she began to grind against his eager mouth. She tugged her dress down, freeing her round breasts and massaging her rosy nipples slowly.


Dumag pressed his tongue deeper into her, seeking out that spot that had driven her so wild the night before. He was so occupied in his search that he didn’t realized at first that another hand had begun stroking him. He paused, pushing Yala aside for a moment to see that a flustered and quivering Gailin was staring up at him needily.


“Took him long enough. Now get back to work.” Yala shoved Dumag’s head back down with a moan.


With the needy princess holding his mouth hostage, Dumag simply tilted his hips to the Elf and used both arms to hold Yala’s thighs on him, tongue exploring her warm hole again. It wasn’t long before he felt a familiar sensation of two small Elfin hands wrapping themselves around his cock, and a tongue being run around the head. Then, slowly, the warmth of the inside of a mouth encircled him. He kept suckling at the pink pussy on his face, but couldn’t stop a deep groan from escaping as he ran his tongue over that perfect spot inside Yala, causing her to quiver and moan, grinding down harder on him.


Gailin was clearly an amateur, barely able to take even half of Dumag’s length down his throat before gagging and coming up for air. But he made up for the inexperience with enthusiasm, desperately rubbing and suckling as much as he could. Meanwhile, Yala monopolized his mouth, moaning with pleasure every time he hit that spot inside her again. It wasn’t long before she came, filling his mouth with that delicious sweetness again as she quaked and moaned.


“Gailin dear, you’ll never get him off with that pathetic attempt. Let me show you how it’s really done.” Yala slid down, running her slick tongue up Dumag’s shaft and wrapping her mouth around the head expertly. She suckled, rubbing his manhood with her delicate hands. After a moment *(and a moan from Dumag)* she removed herself, a silver strand of saliva still connecting to her mouth. “See? That’s how it’s done. You’re so needy…” She chuckled, then gave Dumag another lick.


Dumag found himself at a loss for words as the two elves both slathered his cock with their tongues. Yala was by far more experienced, but Gailin was in a fervor, desperately trying to keep up with the princess.


Between the two mouths, he knew he wouldn’t last very long. Gailin was swirling his tongue around the head while Yala licked up and down the shaft. They were attacking his girth with a nearly religious zeal, at some points appearing to be trying to kiss around him.


Gailin was furiously trying to pleasure himself with his free hand, face flushed as he stared up into the Orc’s eyes. In that moment, Dumag could hold himself back no longer, and the building pressure in his loins spiked as he erupted, cumming across both of their faces.


Yala giggled, trying to lap up as much as possible. It splattered her face, dripping down into her ample cleavage where it began to pool. Gailin seemed to be in a daze, letting his face be covered in the sticky ropes with a vacant expression.


“Dear Fiance… I think you’ll quite enjoy the use of the servants I will be bringing into this arrangement.” Yala tried to lick a bit off her cheek. “And I dare say they’ll enjoy it too.”


“They’re your servants because they’re all like you, aren’t they?” Dumag sighed heavily as he glanced to the quivering Gailin. “Nymphomaniacs and unapologetic perverts, am I right?”


“Perceptive, love. And you can have your pick of any one of them, provided you follow the rules of our contract.” Yala’s grin widened as she pressed her sticky chest against him. “I won’t give you any bastards, so long as you don’t go around impregnating the maids.”


“Deal. I’ll see you tomorrow.”



  1. I’ll take “Things I didn’t know I was into” for 200 please, Alex.

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