Lexi Naked at School (part three)

Lexi Naked at School (part three)

The clock struck noon right when she walked onto the volleyball courts. Lexi’s shirt bounce playfully against her bare tits and round bootie as she headed towards the bleachers where the rest of the class was sitting. A few students were starring intently at her walking up while she was searching for a seat. The only spot left was at the top of the bleachers near the back. As she found a seat, Lexi noticed there was a guy right behind her trying to get a peak. He embarrassingly pretended to be doing something else on his phone when she caught him. The Coach came out with a couple students pushing a cart of volleyballs. “Lets quiet down get started everyone,” he said. “I know it’s the still the first week of the semester and everyone is still trying to get into a groove. Things to remember about our class. Before you head out the door, you need to pack a bag. Bring a water bottle, comfortable shoes with a change of clothes, hair ties, and towel for required showering afterwards. Also pack any toiletries you need for after your workout, like shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, and shower shoes or flip flops for the shower. Gyms can be germy, but you can steer clear and stay clean.” Lexi felt even more unprepared not having any of those things. “Don’t worry if you’re missing some of these items this week, but I’ll be checking starting next Monday,” the Coach continued. “However, know that we can’t tell you what is considered appropriate gym clothes. This is a touchy subject for many and the short of it is that you get to choose what you wear.” After hearing that, Lexi looked down at her bare legs and thought for a moment that she could just explain that exercising with pants or underwear doesn’t feel comfortable. “Alright, with that lets get into groups of four and warmup,” the Coach yelled.

As Lexi started to walk down the bleachers she saw some black sports tape and a roll of foam on the front row. Suddenly she had an idea. Quickly Lexi grabbed the tape with foam and ran into the locker room. Her shirt was just long enough that if she wrapped her upper thighs with tape that it would look like skimpy spandex shorts. She measured an inch below her shirt line and started wrapping one leg at a time, up to her inner thigh with the foam then next the tape, leaving her pussy untouched. While checking herself out in the mirror, it actually looked like she had bottoms on. She lifted her shirt up to see what the limits where. “Hmmmm, looks like a sexy female super hero’s outfit to me,” she thought. As she turned to walk out, Lexi nearly ran into a naked guy across from her. He was standing there for a few minutes watching her as he dried off from taking a shower. Not realizing she had gone into the boys locker room, she yelled,”Oops, sorry” catching her eyes go directly to his pretty large wet penis. “My mistake” as she looked away scanning for the exits. “Ummm, where is the…” Lexi started to ask when she looked at his dick again, this time it was a bit harder and thicker. He didn’t seem to care that she could see him and calmly continued drying off his hair. “Wow, um, how do you get out of here…” Lexi said getting visual red and flustered as she tried to get by him without starring.

After finally finding her way back onto the court, everyone had gotten into teams already except for one group that only had three. “Hey, um…You can join this group,” the Coach waved her over. To Lexi’s surprise, the boy trying to look up her shirt from before was part of the four team members. He smiled at her saying,” hi, I’m Adonis.” She thought he was actually cute. “Hey, I go by Lexi.” Looking down at her legs, Adonis continued,”Nice shorts, I didn’t notice those earlier. Honestly, didn’t think you were wearing anything at all,” he said jokingly. Lexi adjusted her shirt. “Actually, they aren’t shorts,” she said looking at him with raised eyebrows. “I forgot to bring any gym clothes today so I had to improvise,” Lexi said as she carefully bent down picked up a ball on the ground. They hit the ball back and fourth to each other for a couple minutes, then the group of four hit it to each other practicing ball handling skills. One ball was hit pretty high to Lexi, making her jump to get it. Her shirt raised up right to the limit of her taping job, but stayed down. After hitting the ball to another player, she came down trying to hold her shirt with one hand. Looking around, it seemed that nobody had noticed anything.

The Coach had gathered everyone to teach the six basic volleyball skills. Which are passing, setting, spiking, blocking, digging, and serving. “Passing is often thought of as the most important skill in volleyball,” he said. “If you can’t pass the serve, then you won’t ever put your team in a position to score a point. Now, I’ve started a team bracket here with all the groups that we have. Everyone will get a chance to face each other, win or lose. At the end of the semester, we’ll have a real bracket where the winner advances until we have a champion.” There were a few cheers and high fives from the competitive students. Lexi has actually liked volleyball since she was a little girl. She played freshman and sophomore in high school, but hurt her knee and couldn’t play anymore. She got a bit excited about winning a few games and redeeming herself. The Coach had four nets and there was eight teams, so everyone could start playing right away.

Lexi’s group had to play in one of the middle courts. Everything begin ok, until the game started to get competitive. Sweat perspired on her body and started to drip down Lexi’s back into her tape around her legs. This caused the adhesive to loosen and the tape start to move around just a bit, where she had to keep pulling them back up often. Passing and setting was manageable, but when she rotated to the front to block and spike the tape started moving a lot. The first jump her shirt came way up and exposed the back of her cheeks and tip of her clit. Most players were watching the ball, but After coming down, she noticed wide eyes from a couple people, including Adonis. He leaned over and whispered in her ear,” I see what you mean by improvising.” Lexi was trying to get her fake shorts to stay put when he said that. She knew it was going to be hard to keep everything from sliding down. “Yup,” Lexi said looking at him. “So much for my idea. Apparently the tape is failing me.” Getting frustrated about it, Lexi lifted up her shirt and tugged the tape up to her crotch again for both sides not caring who saw. “Damn,” Adonis said. “That’s probably the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. Looks almost like kinky lingerie.” Lexi laughed at that putting her shirt back down.

They kept playing, and more people noticed Lexi’s naked bottom half. Pretty soon there wasn’t anything she could do. The tape just wouldn’t stay up so she let them fall to her ankles and kicked them off to the side. The Coach noticed this and came over. “Continue playing everyone,” he said as he pulled Lexi aside. She had her arms folded nervously while talking with him. “What’s going on with your gym shorts” he asked? Looking down Lexi told him what she volunteered for earlier this morning. The Coach perused his lips, looked at her T-shirt and had her spin around to see the length. Then he looked down her legs and noticed her sneakers. “Well it’s long enough to cover everything I’d say, and you have the right type of shoes on. The school board is very specific about not discriminating our students on what to wear. You’re welcome to wear as much or little as you want. Just make sure your clothes cover your body parts without moving.” Lexi didn’t know this which made her feel much better about things. “So something like what I’m wearing is ok for playing volleyball?” He gave her a wink saying, “Yup. Wear what makes you feel comfortable.”

Lexi jumped back in to play feeling a bit more spunky. Now knowing what the school deems acceptable, she didn’t worry if her shirt came up. Playing felt a lot better without the tape between her thighs too. Lexi dove a lot more and spiked the ball pretty hard. She noticed other finished teams started to watch and video tape her. Lexi quickly went for a ball that was out of reach. Her knees stuck the floor while stretching out. Another teammate went for it at the same time but accidentally reached up with his right hand between her legs, grazing her pussy on the way down. “Oh man, I’m really sorry,” he said trying to help her up. “No worries,” Lexi said grabbing his hand and adjusting her clothes. “I’m pretty sweaty down there too so maybe I should apologize to you,” she said giggling and gave him a high five! She smiled and winked at him. The rest of the team enjoyed seeing her play. They thought she was brave to wear what she did and made friends pretty quickly.

Afterwards they wanted to get a picture with Lexi. “Absolutely,”She said. Everyone on got together for the picture. Lexi threw a peace sign with her tongue out. After the first picture, they decided to take a silly one. Lexi noticed the teacher wasn’t looking, so she quickly pulled her shirt up above her bellybutton right as the picture was taken. They couldn’t believe she did that. Lexi wasn’t sure how they would respond but went for it anyway. “You have a pretty gorgeous body,” a girl said to her. “Thanks, I guess I’m a model now,” Lexi said giggling telling her a little bit about this morning. “Really, you were a nude model for class? I could never do that. I’ve never been nude in front of anyone,” she said. Lexi told her she felt the same way and that she could teach her how to do it. Maybe they would have a make slumber party to feel better about it. “Definitely, That sounds like a lot of fun,” she said. Lexi realized how hungry she was and left home for lunch

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/g89hgh/lexi_naked_at_school_part_three

1 comment

  1. NGL, found this. Had to go read the first two parts. Started fingering myself while reading the second part. I was close to cumming reading this. Went all the way down in your profile and started reading the first post and came imaging everyone at the party looking at Lexi’s naked body.

    I must say, I’m kinda disappointed no sex or oral happened. But there’s still something very hot about Lexi’s ventures. I’ve gonna ahead and followed. Hopefully Lexi can get start giving head or something in the coming chapters.

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