Bred on the Farm pt.2 [M/F] [hucow] [breeding] [lactation]

Daisy walked down the dark street, her arms crossed over her belly. Even though she was only a few months along, the young woman thought she could already feel the stirring of life under her skin. She hated the changes that her body was going through, always aching and growing in new directions. The cool night felt refreshing on her flushed skin, away from the suffocating small apartment she shared with her boyfriend.

Daisy’s fingers strayed over the bruise on her upper arm. Ryan didn’t ever mean it, but he was often prone to fits of anger, and God help anyone or anything that got in his way.

It was nicer to be out here, with the faint flicker of stars above and the quiet back road that stretched on for miles. Daisy wasn’t even sure how long she had been walking, she just knew that it was nice to put one foot in front of the other.

She turned sharply, her fair hair catching the light as the beams of a car appeared behind her. Heart thudding, she faced ahead and kept walking, her hands tightening at her side.

The car, a well-used red pick-up truck, rumbled to a crawl beside her.

Daisy glanced over, and was greeted by a smiling young man leaning over to crank down the window. He was handsome in a rugged kind of way, with a grin that could light up a room, the kind of honest expression that made her want to smile back. Dark stubble ran along the line of his jaw as he tilted his head, looking at her.

Molly hurriedly tore her gaze away, focusing straight ahead.

“Hey there miss, you alright?” The young man called, his low drawl making his words as smooth as molasses.

“I’m fine,” Daisy said coldly, already hating herself for going for a walk this late at night. Such a dumb decision – she hurriedly prayed she didn’t end up dead in a ditch before sunrise. The truck continued to slowly crawl alongside her, and the young man was quiet for a moment.

“I don’t mean to pry, miss, I really don’t,” he continued. “It’s just it’s rather late out, and there are coyotes out on these roads this time of year. It’s not really safe for a woman like yourself.” His gaze flickered down to her stomach. “Especially not one with a babe growin’ inside her.”

Daisy blushed. She was barely showing, and she didn’t know how the young man had noticed underneath her sweater.

“My Pa and I, we have a farm, just a few minutes that way,” the young man continued, pointing down the road over his steering wheel. “There’s a warm bed for the night, and a hot meal if you want it. No questions asked, and you can stay as long as you need.”

Daisy stopped in her tracks, frustrated tears prickling at the corners of her eyes. Her fear fell away quickly, replaced with something else – stress of the uncertainty of her life, of how she ended up pregnant on the side of a road, escaping from her abusive boyfriend in the middle of the night.

The young man jerked the truck to a halt, his eyes widening.

“Why are you being so nice to me?” Daisy blurted. “I don’t even know you.”

The man blinked, and then broke into another wide grin.

“Cause that’s what people are supposed to be to people,” he said. “My name’s Buck.”

*Two months later..*.

Daisy stirred awake, looking up as the pen door pushed open. Buck’s bright grin always made her smile, even early in the morning. He greeted her with a kiss on her cheek and a warm mug of peppermint tea, before lowering the milker from the barn’s ceiling.

“Sleep well, Miss Daisy?”

She blinked, rubbing sleep from her eyes as she sat up and held the mug between her hands. “I did – just like every night.” Daisy yawned. She still was adjusting to the early mornings at the farm, but it was part of life here.

Buck sat behind her on her bed, his strong chest pressed against her back. He reached around her and grabbed the translucent suction cups, holding them to her breasts as he flicked the device on. Daisy relaxed into his chest with a sigh as the machine whirled to life, the cups tightening in pulses around her nipples, beginning to draw the milk from her breasts. Buck’s calloused hands wandered over her body as his lips traced the curve of her neck, easing tension from her muscles with a practiced touch.

Daisy loved her daily milkings, with Buck’s arms surrounding her. She had been so nervous the first time, and so Buck had held her just like this, whispering reassurances with his arms wrapped around her slight bump. Now, it was routine, and Daisy knew that Buck didn’t mind from the hard press she felt at the small of her back, even through his overalls.

Although it had only been two months ago, her arrival at the farm felt like a lifetime ago.

True to his word, that night Buck had shown her to a guest room in the farmhouse, and had arrived with breakfast on a tray the next morning. He had introduced her to his father, a burly but kind man, who had taken her on a tour of the farm and their operations. Daisy had stared wide-eyed and open-mouthed at the woman, who had greeted her warmly and only had positive things to say about their time at Forrest Nursery and Farms. There were about a dozen of them, most of them in various stages of pregnancy, except for the two newcomers.

Buck’s father had taken her on for a half contract so that she could stay out the remainder of her pregnancy at the ranch, with the option to stay on a few months after the baby arrived. It was hard to turn down three square meals a day, a quiet place to sleep, and Buck’s kind touch, especially when Daisy thought of the angry resentment of her boyfriend at home. She visited her apartment with Buck to collect her things when she knew Ryan would be at work, and had left a simple note telling him they were done.

It was a fresh start, and Daisy loved it.

She had gotten used to the quiet companionship of the other woman, many of whom were on their second or third contracts with the farm. By their third contract, many had enough savings for down payments on houses in their home cities, but they spoke of leaving the farm reluctantly. They ate their meals together at the long wooden table at the rear of the barn, but otherwise spent most of their time in their pens. The women were encouraged to get lots of rest, but there were plenty of books, art supplies, and puzzles to keep their mind occupied.

Buck visited her daily, at first just to talk. He held her when she cried, when she recounted how unfair the world had been to her. When he had first kissed her, Daisy had melted into his arms, wanting him more than she had ever wanted anyone else. Even though she asked him to fuck her, he knew she wasn’t ready that night, her emotions too raw.

The following night, after she had begged for him yet again, Buck held her hips tightly as he slipped his thick cock deep inside of her. The young farmer was larger than she had ever had, and her whimpers filled her pen as he stretched her open. Buck took her on her hands and knees, her heavy breasts and baby bump hanging beneath her. With her ex, Daisy had thought being fucked in this position was demeaning and impersonal, but Buck worshiped her body as he filled her, and she had never felt so beautiful.

She came hard on his cock, dizzy and spent. As she collapsed to the mattress, Buck pulled out of her and stepped around to her side.

“Open up, Miss Daisy,” Buck murmured, and she obeyed without question. His cock, slick her arousal, slipped past her lips. The young man wrapped his fingers in her hair as he came down her throat, grunting as he twitched against her tongue. Daisy swallowed eagerly, the warmth filling her stomach.

“Oh, such a good girl,” Buck said with breathless laughter, as she cleaned a stray drop of his cum off of the side of her mouth.

He held her in his arms until she fell asleep, and Daisy had never felt so loved.

A few days later, Daisy and Buck were out in the pasture, following the trail along the sprawling green fields running parallel with the dusty rural road. Daisy’s hand strayed outwards to brush the blooms of the summer crops, her other clasped tightly in Buck’s strong grip. The sunshine felt heavenly against Daisy’s face, as the rich scent of the earth filled her lungs.

Daisy frowned as a truck thundered over the hill towards the entrance to the farm, and a cold chill washed down her spine. Buck immediately sensed her tension, and looked at her, his tanned face creasing in concern.

The truck jerked to a stop, pulling off the side of the road, and Daisy’s breath caught as Ryan slammed the car door shut, shouting her name. Buck swore under his breath, his hand tightening around hers.

“Daisy, stay back, I got this,” He murmured.

Ryan hopped the fence, his hands balled at his side, stalking towards them through the field.

“But -”

“I said *stay*.”

The command in Buck’s voice rooted her to the spot. The young man stepped forward, his hands held up.

“Hey, there-” He began, but Ryan ignored him, his fiery gaze fixed on Daisy.

“Daisy, where the hell have you been-”

Buck grabbed the man’s upper arm, stopping him in place. Ryan tried to wrench away, but Buck held him easily. “You better let me go, you red-neck fuck. She’s coming with me – that’s my baby -”

“Maybe so, but what the hell kind of father hits the mother of his child?”

“You fucking-”

Buck ducked Ryan’s first swing, but the second caught him in the stomach. Daisy bit back the scream as the young man folded in half, and Ryan turned towards her, a hateful glimmer in his eyes. Faster than she could have imagined, Buck lashed out, grabbing Ryan’s leg and hauling him to the earth. The two men rolled in the dirt, disappearing into the green stalks of the field, as Daisy’s heart pounded in her chest.

When they appeared, Buck had straddled the furious man, and his fist connected with the man’s jaw with a loud *crack*. Ryan went limp underneath him.

The young farmer’s gaze immediately swung to Daisy. His lip was bloody. “You alright, Miss Daisy?”

Daisy bit back a relieved sob as she nodded.

Later in her pen, after the cops had taken Ryna away in handcuffs, Buck wrapped his arms protectively around Daisy, hands tracing the swell of her stomach.

“I’m sorry,” Daisy began, but his arms tightened.

“Shh, there’s nothing that needs apologizing for,” he murmured, kissing the side of her neck. “I’m just glad you’re safe here with us now. Pa can help you file for the restraining order in the morning, and that’s that.”

Daisy felt Buck undoing his belt buckle, and he gently pulled the hem of her dress above her waist. He shifted behind her, lifting her top leg and pressed his hips forward. The young man slipped inside her without ceremony, and Daisy moaned. His body fit alongside hers like a missing puzzle piece, as their bodies moved together on the bed. Buck’s arm wrapped around her hip, fingers finding the place where they joined, drawing pleasure out of Daisy’s body as he touched her.

“That baby is gonna be so beautiful, just like you,” Buck whispered into her ear, before his lips found her neck. His fingers moved quickly against her sensitive bud. “You’re so special, Miss Daisy.”

Daisy’s hips pressed back against the farmer, whimpering each time he bottomed out inside of her. She began to shake in his grip, pleasure building inside her like the tightening of winch.

“Let it out, girl,” Buck whispered, his own voice strained with arousal.

Daisy obeyed without hesitation, her body seizing as the orgasm consumed her. Buck held her tightly, but his fingers refused to relent even as she moaned wordlessly. In that moment, she let the fear and pain of the past few years of her life disappear, surrendering

Buck grunted, and held her hips as he came inside of her. Daisy could feel each thick stream of cum as he twitched inside of her. His ragged breaths brushed against her neck, familiar and welcome.

“Can – can you stay until I fall asleep?” Daisy asked, when he had stilled behind her.

“‘Course I can,” Buck murmured sleepily, and she knew without doubt that he would.

It didn’t take long for Daisy to drift off. She could feel the warmth of Buck’s cum inside of her, and even the aching of her heavy breasts didn’t bother her, knowing that she would be milked come the morning.

She was finally being truly looked after, all thanks to the young man whose arms were wrapped protectively around her, and whose cock was still softening inside of her.



  1. I loved this one too. You write so well that I can almost see and feel what is going on in the stories, imagining myself as the character in them.

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