The werewolf exprimemt

I thought about posting this here for a while, I decided I will. I hope you enjoy it but it does have some things that not everyone will like or enjoy……

There were a whole lot of people that went missing. Mostly young women, they went missing in one specific area, in a wood behind a town.
Obviously these women went missing when going on a hike along a popular route.

Eventually a research team was sent out these. The research team consisted of 6 people 2 young women and 4 young men. The women were both 22,the men were older at about 30.

What they found amazed the whole world. They discovered a werewolf, something thought only to be in fantasy and lore. The women were found, many of them pregnant, the science crew did not understand what was happening.
That’s when one of the young female scientists said she would agree to try and mate with the werewolf. She went walking along the trail, naked to see if she could entice the beast to try mate with her.

A bit down the path, while the other scientists were observing and taking notes. They noticed the bushes opposite them started rustling, they heard a growl.
The girl, on the path, she walked along, merrily. Her hips swaying from side to side, her long blonde hair waved with each step and her DD cups bobbed in step too.
She was a sight to behold, wide hips, perfect for breeding they swayed from side to side as she walked. The werewolf stalked her for a bit, just watching. Then after a few minutes it pounced. The young girl screamed, despite her actually being quite ready for it.

The beast instantly grabbed her, flung her over is shoulder so her shapely ass was sticking in the air.
He carried her back to its lair, the other scientists following behind, trying not to get seen.
Once back at the lair, the beast threw the lady on the floor, but he threw her on a stack of leaves, obviously a make-shift bed.
Before she could actually take note of what was happening the beast and bent down and was licking her cleanly shaven cunt, she was screaming but not in pain or fear, she screamed from pleasure by the expert tongue licking her out. It was rough yet not like sand paper. The beast would lap up the length of her pussy causing her to shiver, then it would dart its tongue in her small pussy.
She merely lay there with eyes dreamily closed as a beast of werewolf ate out her pussy, and it was the best she ever felt.

The beast then stood up, allowing the scientist to breathe. When the beast stood it revealed something that made the girls eyes go big and the other scientists gasp. It’s huge cock had slid out the sheath, it must have been 22 inches in length and just less that half in diameter.

The scientist thought to herself, “what have I got myself into”. Just as that thought was finished she was lifted in the air and impaled on this utter shaft, she gasped and cried out in pleasure and pain.
The werewolf proceeded to bounce her on this huge shaft of a cock. The poor scientist was cumming so much, she even blacked out for a few seconds because of it.

The other scientists, who were watching. Well they were so turned on that the 2 men had dropped their pants and were tugging away at their Cocks, while the other female scientist had stripped naked and was sinking her fingers into her dripping snatch as quickly as she could.

The werewolf finally held the first female scientist onto its cock and filled her womb up.

Now that her womb was full of werewolf cum, and there was so much. It just came pouring out as the beast lifted her off that huge pole.
At that times, upon seeing their colleague used as a doll the other scientists all came together in unison, covering each other in cum.

Now that the werewolf had spent itself it merely cast the first scientist aside and left her there in a puddle of cum.

The other scientists were unable to retrieve the first and when they came back over the next few weeks they noted how her body had changed. Along with other girls, their bodies had grown huge with pregnant bellies.

Sadly all of these women gave birth, but to still bom babies, these babies were like the werewolf. Half dog/half person.

The team, thy checked on their fellow scientist daily were worried that she would also give birth to still babies. And because it was a canine it was a litter of 6 babies.

But to the scientists amazement their fellow colleague gave birth within tma canines gestational period, and her litter survived.
6 cute pups were running around. Healthy, werewolf babies. The science crew couldn’t believe it so they excitedly documented their findings.

It is not 100% complete but I just wanted to see the reaction to it so far….



  1. Nice start. Needs a few editorial touches, but I like it so far. I’d love to read more.

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