NOTE: I had a great response to this so I thought I’d repost during lockdown. DM’s open – (F)eel free to send me a message.
She walks in and sits at my desk.
She’d sent a text. She said she wanted to see me. She said she needed to discuss an extensive change order. It was a bulletpointed request order from the client.
My reply back – find me in my office. If I wasn’t there, my notes were likely on my desktop, she’s free to go through them.
She scooted my desk chair in a little.
She crossed her legs.
She’s wearing a pencil skirt of moderate length and leather zip-up boots with a low heal.
She clicks on my mouse to get my desktop up. The desktop is filled with a Word Doc – three sentences in micro font.
She highlights the font and brings them to size 14.
I had written two lines:
Say “hello, Sir” once – say nothing else.
Uncross your legs.
She wiggles her left leg – the one that’s crossed and raised in the air, as if she were tapping the toe end of her boot. Finally her toe tapping stops.
“Hello…” she says and pauses for a long beat.
Finally she continues – “Hello, Sir.”
And she slowly uncrosses her left leg.
I take a deep yoga breath, lean in, and breathed out – between her thighs.
Her legs go a little rigid and she scoots the chair further in. Her knees roll toward me and she spreads them even more to account for me and my shoulders.
I bring my hands up and let my fingertips graze across her bare knees and, slowly, toward her inner thighs.
She spreads further.
I lay my biceps atop her legs and let my fingers move against her legs, inside her skirt. I’m searching for her panties and I’m not being shy about it.
All the while I begin kissing her inner thighs.
She spreads her legs as far as the prefab work desk will allow.
I hook my thumbs into the sides of her panties.
She lifts her hips slightly.
I peeled her panties off.
They’re wet and have her scent.
I resume kissing her – now pushing her skirt up around her ass.
Finally, my mouth lands on her pussy – I let my lips envelope her and stroke all of her.
Her legs move themselves around me and over my shoulders, my hands cupping her ass cheeks.
I can feel her thighs quiver as I began to lick and kiss her rhythmically.
The chair tries to scoot away from me.
But I hold her ass cheeks tight.
It was a silent, quick, tug of war.
I hold her to me –
“Hey – “ came a voice from behind me – at my office door.
“Hey” she said back.
I blow on her pussy – and it responds as I knew it would.
“Do you know where he is?” The person at the door asks.
“He’s out for the afternoon. We’re working on a change order and he left notes here for me to follow.”
I know I could likely hold her there – but it would be a struggle – and so I release her ass cheeks and let her scoot away from me.
She moves herself away from the desk.
She crosses her legs.
“Ah, okay – I’ll look for him later.” The voice at the door said.
“Do you want me to text him? I’m sure he’s online.” She said.
“Not necessary, thanks – I’ll find him tomorrow.” Said the voice at the door.
Then silence.
She begins the tapping of her boot again.
I stare at those sexy legs.
She’s toned.
I can still smell her panties.
She continues to tap her boot in the air.
Finally – she uncrosses her legs, plants them on the floor, shifts her weight and stands up and walks around the desk to the door.
I hear my office door close and I hear the tumble of my door lock.
I hear the boots walking back before I see them.
Finally, she walks back around to the chair and sits down.
Seated, she puts her hands down against her skirt.
She spreads her legs and pulls her skirt back from her thighs.
The view between her legs is now framed by her skirt.
Her fingers go to her pussy lips, to her clit. She begins to stroke herself and spread her wetness.
She uses her thumbs and forefingers to spread herself for me – and she uses her tiptoes to scoot back to the desk and to my waiting hands and mouth.
She glides her ass right over my hands.
My mouth lands on her pussy.
I take the hood of her clit into my mouth, sucking.
My tongue playing at the button of her clit.
I can hear her breathing.
She’s working to keep the noise down.
She begins to rock her hips against me.
I slide one hand from her hot round ass and move two of my fingers into her pussy, hooking them upwards and begin pulsing them.
Ever licking and playing.
She’s rocking her hips to my rhythm – or I’m licking to hers.
Either way…
I moan quietly, deeply, against her pussy – into her pussy.
She lets out a gasp and quits rocking.
Her pussy quivers.
Her thighs quiver.
I can hear her breathing.
I hold my tongue against her, still, unmoving.
I feel her as her body goes into a tight spasm that begins at my tongue and rides up her body and then back down to end against me.
I feel her cum.
She pulls away from me.
She crosses her legs.
A minute goes by – and finally, she stands, straightens her skirt and pulls it down to a few inches above her knees.
Finally, she pivots on her toes and I watch her boots step out of my office.
I hear my door open.
I hear my door close.
And that’s how I got my raise.