Lexi Naked at School (part two)

Lexi Naked at School (part two)

Her mom was on the phone when she got home. She waved her hand for Lexi to come sit down at the table. Her dad was already seated. “Hi sweetie,” Lexi’s dad said as he got up and gave her a hug. “Sit down, your mom and I need to talk with you about something.” Lexi sat down with a concerned look on her face. “Yup, I agree”, her mom said finishing up on the phone. “This would definitely build character and allow her to truly express herself in a artful and educational way.”

After she hung up Lexi said loudly, “what’s going on and who was that on the phone?” Sitting down with raised eyebrows, her mom said “that was the school calling to confirm what you agreed help out with for class. Looking stunned, Lexi spoke up “I, um…” she mumbled, “I wasn’t going to say anything cause I thought you’d be mad.” Looking over at Lexi’s Dad, her mom said “it definitely isn’t something we expected you to volunteer to do, but we haven’t actually been totally honest with you.m.” Lexi had her eyes wide and fixed on what she was about to say. “About two months ago we installed camera’s through the house for security reasons. We got a lot of interesting footage of you naked… pretty much all the time. It’s also amusing that you try and hide it from us.” Lexi was shocked! She opened her mouth to say something but her mom cut her off. “It’s alright sweetie. We have been meaning to talk to you about it. You don’t know this about your father and I but we also enjoy going to resorts and beaches where clothing is optional. We were going to sit down and encourage you not to worry. That you be naked if you wanted, even around family or friends. Then we got the call a few minutes ago from your school and knew it was the best time to talk to you about this.

Lexi was beat red at this point with embarrassment. Looking down at her hands, Lexi began “ I honestly don’t know what to say. I didn’t think you would be so accepting of this.” Her mom grabbed her hand. “Honey, we support you in whatever you choose. Especially something we believe in aswell.” Lexi’s shoulders relaxed and she let out a sigh of relief. Her mom went on to say, “and your school is one of the top art institutions in the state and there are plenty of nude models that volunteer for artistic purposes. They said nudity is completely normal to hear about for other subjects, but a first for an anatomy course.” She said pursing her lips and nodding with a little pride. Lexi sat there for a moment to let everything set in. “Ok, thanks for understanding,” she said. “It’s something I’m nervous about but a bit curious too. Knowing that you and dad support me means a lot.” Lexi then gave them both hugs and went to her room.

There was a lot going on in Lexi’s head as she was getting ready for bed. “I can’t believe that just happened”, she thought. “All this time I was worried what they would be mad at what makes me happy.” After her shower, she dried off with the towel hanging on the door. Lexi went to wrap herself before walking out but decided to take her parents advice. “Why not,” she said to herself. So, opening the door wide, she figured she could finish drying her hair then wrap it with the towel. While whipping her hair forward and bending over to let it hang, Lexi’s brother walked by towards his room. “Nice ass,” he said grabbing it as he walked by. Being startled, Lexi snapped straight up. “Punk,” she said turning towards him laughing. “Your fingers touched my asshole!” Looking amused, he said “well, you left the door opened while bending over naked. What did you expect me to do? Plus, I grabbed your butt cheek not your ass hole!” Lexi gave him a dumb look. “I’m pretty sure I know when someone touches me down there, especially on my asshole,” she said bending over again spreading open her cheeks. Lexi thought this would get rid of him but he just kept starring. “You know, you actually have a pretty pink pussy. And how did you get your asshole so white?” Seeing that it didn’t bother him Lexi stormed down the hall. “Um, you’re naked our parents at home by the way,” he yelled towards her. “I know,” Lexi said while looking back and smiling.

The morning rays peaked through the shades on the window. Lexi arched and stretched her arms above her head, letting her legs and toes extend outwards. For a moment she had to think about what the plan was today. Then it hit her. “That’s right,” she said snapping up. Rubbing her lower eyelashes with her fingers, Lexi slid out of bed and stood in front of the mirror. She looked at her bare breasts, front then side to side. Lexi then dropped her panties and took a good look at herself from every angle. Even turning around and bending over with her legs straight while looking back. “Hmmm, Not bad”, she thought. It felt good stretching her legs. She spent a few more minutes doing stretches, standing while pulling one leg straight up and grabbing her foot like a cheerleader then repeating on the other side. “I could use a quick trim though,” Lexi thought. She grabbed her electric trimmers and quickly shaved a little v-shape m right above her clit, and trimmed everything else clean. Lexi finished off by putting on light makeup with strawberry chapstick, and dusting on a white lotion powder with a pink toner between her legs, ass and chest. She had this light grey cotton retro T-shirt that was almost long enough to be a dress. grabbing it off the hanger and putting it on with nothing else. It dropped just below her bum line. “That should work, jus can’t jump or bend much,” she said nervously amused. It was a really thin, soft, and worn fabric which felt really good on her naked skin. Slipping on her favorite white all star sneakers, Lexi grabbed her bag and went down stairs.

“He cute girl, did you have any breakfast yet,” her mom quickly asked as she was running by the kitchen. As Lexi spun around to see who was talking, her shirt twirled up as she turned revealing her nude bottom. Her moms eyes went wide, but then smiled at her. “Today’s the day, not wearing much I see,” she said winking while sipping coffee. “A, ya,” Lexi said as she tugged her shirt down embarrassed. “It’s ok, don’t be embarrassed. I’m proud of you. Not being ashamed of who you are. Ive been giving it a lot of thought, more nudity is going to be enforced in our house,” Lexi’s mom said. “You mean like being naked as a rule,” Lexi asked confused. “Sure,” her mom said looking away thinking about it. “lets say the new rule is 7 hours a week naked. It can be any awake hour and at least one family member needs to verify clothing is off for your time to start. You can’t put clothes or cover up at all during your time no matter what the circumstances or it doesn’t count. There will be a penalty of an extra hour if you break the rules. I’ll have a sheet made by the time you get home from school, and I’ll let your dad and brother know.” she said confidently. Lexi couldn’t believe her parents were so encouraging of this. “Penalty?” Lexi asked. Her mom gave a nod while drinking. “Sure, whatever you want,” she said while walking out the door.

The nerves started to sink in as she pulled into the school parking lot. Lexi thought about all the classmates who were going too see her naked in class. While walking through the parking lot and down the hall to class, she did get a lot of smiles for her skimpy outfit which made her feel a little better. Lexi quickly went into class and sat down. A few people were talking when the teacher walked in and set down his books. He took a minute to organize his notes and get his laptop ready. Lexi sat back with her arms folded and leg shaking nervously in anticipation. “Alright everyone quite down. We’re going to get started,” the teacher said. “Now todays chapter is over the female anatomy, and we have a volunteer from our class to help model a few things. Lexi, will you come up here please?” You could hear a pin drop as she stood up to walk to the front. There was a changing partition that he guided her to and instructed her to put on the hanging robe with nothing else. After Lexi went behind it, the teacher continued. “For artists, life models can play a very big part in teaching them about the form and anatomy of the human body. As much as they can learn about the makeup of the human body in Biology and Anatomy classes and practice drawing people in the street, it is almost impossible to really understand the body without seeing it in real life.” The students were looking forward now with real intent understanding what was happening.

“Lexi has volunteered to be our model today, but please be respectful. There will be a test on what we cover Friday, so make sure to take notes. Feel free to take pictures or a video to study on your own time.” Lexi’s eyes opened wide at the last comment. She wasn’t aware that pictures would be taken, but it made sense to her. The teacher looked back to see if she was ready. She looked worried but gave a half smile and nod, then walked out to holding her robe closed. You could hear most kids pulling out their phones and propping them up to record video. “Over here please,” the teacher said pointing to a high platform in-front of class. He then turned the lights off and triggered a spot light onto Lexi, which made her squint and cover her eyes. She stood there for a moment waiting for instructions. “Ok Lexi, go ahead and undress and set your robe on the floor. The bright lights blinded her from seeing the whole class which made her feel a little better. Although, the front row was two feet away and under her, three guys and one girl that she could see clearly. Lexi untied her robe and opened it slowly, dropping it to the floor behind her.

A few cheers and whistles came from a couple boys right then. “Quiet please,” the teacher said. “Lexi, could you set you feet shoulder width apart and put your hands on your hips?” After doing so the teacher began using a laser pointer to showcase different parts of the body. When he got to her vagina, the teacher put a table with stirrups for Lexi to lay with her feet up. He had her spread the vagina lips open with her fingers to expose the clitoral hood, labia, urethra, and vaginal opening. Then, had her roll to her stomach arching her buttocks up with both hands spreading her cheeks open. One student raised his hand and asked if he could get a closer picture for reference. “Absolutely,” he said turning on the lights. “All those who wants, feel free to come up and take any pictures you need while I answer questions for the last 15 minutes of class. Lexi stayed in that position for sometime. She turned and stretched as people asked her too. She heard a couple guys whispering on how sexy pink her pussy was. She smiled to herself and pretended not to listen. One boy reached up and cupped her hanging boob. “No touching,” the teacher said. Lexi just smiled and said, “that’s ok, if it will help you remember things for the test go ahead. Suddenly, she felt someone put a hand on her pussy, spreading the lips and playing with her clit. “No no,” the teacher said as he waved students away from her. “You can look but not touch. Lexi can move things for you but that’s it.”

Class seemed to be over quickly. Students grabbed their things and headed out. Lexi hopped up and threw her shirt and shoes on. “Thanks again for volunteering, it definitely helped a lot,” the teacher said turning towards her with his notes. “What other classes do you have today?” While Looking up for her response he was shocked. “Oh, is that all you wore to school today?” Realizing he could clearly see her pussy while squatting and tying her shoe laces. Lexi said “Yup! You mentioned to wear something easy to take off. And no problem about helping out. I was unsure about doing this but I definitely enjoyed it.” It was just then that Lexi realized it was Thursday. She had her coed volleyball class next and didn’t bring any shorts. While grimacing at the thought, Lexi grabbed her things and muttered “This should be interesting,” as she walked out

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/g6ces5/lexi_naked_at_school_part_two


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