The Lake House (MFFM)

(Note:The use of third person is due to this being a personalised story for someone told interactively.)
(If anyone likes it I might format it up better.)

So it’s hot and the family cousins and some of their friends are heading down to the lake to stay in the cabins and mess around in the water all day. Jessica decided that sounded perfect and decide to join in. One of your girlfriends says she had a spare bed in her room and she is happy if you share the driving.

You only are going to know half the people there most of them will be friends of friends. It sounds like fun and you pack up your favourite bikinis and summer dresses and head off with your buddy.

You arrive sweating after a hot long drive and some terrible country music that your friend insisted on playing the whole way there. Your friend made you pull up at the caretakers and went in to collect the keys to your cabin. You were going to be sharing with a couple of other girls you kinda knew and they were arriving in the evening.

Your friend was gone a long time and while you were waiting your cousin pulls up in his car with a bunch of his mates. He was younger than you and you couldn’t help notice his mates were very fit and watching them mess around squirting water bottles at each other while they waited was a joy to watch. You hopped out of the car as it was getting unbearable and to get a closer look.

Your swimwear under a light summer dress floated around you and you leaned in the shade against the car. You allowed the split in the dress to open and your leg to show right up to your upper thigh. You out your sunglasses on as if you were some kind of rock star and made like you didn’t notice the boys. Secretly you could see their reflection in the windows of the caretaker.

A couple of them had stared in your direction and glanced away. One of them had stopped messing around and was openly looking your body up and down. You turned a little to enhance your breasts. Your nipples poking through now. You hoped he noticed.

Your cousin came out and started walking to the car.

Hey. You said. And joined him. Hey! I didn’t know you were coming. Yea last minute choice. My friend is still in there. Why did you get out so quickly. Oh. Shit. There was a fuck up and your cabin has been taken. They’re trying to sort it out. She is going mad. She looked like she was going to kill me and take my keys when they got handed to me. How come you didn’t fuck up his booking. She said ha ha. Oops. I hope you get it sorted out. If you get stuck or anything let me know. I think we might have room on the couches. Haha. You punch him gently in the shoulder. Funny

You notice the guy still watching you. You catch his eye and give him a sexy look and your best angle. Turning to go back to your car with a sexy show of your ass.

At your car you look back over your shoulder and see the lad has a large lump on his pants and is trying to get in the car to cover it but the boys have locked the door on him.

They finally let him in and you see him adjust what looks like a rather large package as he gets in.

Your friend returns red faced.

What a fuck up. They double booked us.

She launches into a 29 minute rant that frankly you zoned out of after about 3. Your mind was on the big cock. She finally calmed down and she says. Well that’s it for us. We have to drive back home. I’d better let the others know not to come. Wait what. Fuck no. I’m not going home. We have to. We have nowhere to stay. Yea we do. My cousin is here with his mates. Let’s just crash at there’s. He just picked up his keys. Oh. Er. Yea I saw him. He is quite the looker. I was going to steal them if I could she laughed.

Alright. Let’s go and find his cabin. I know what his car looks like. See what he says.

Your friend brightened up.

You pull up next to your cousin’s car and big dick is getting something out of the boot. He bumps his head on the lid as he notices you.

With a cure grin he rubs his head. Hi. He says.

Hi. I’m Gemma. You hold out your hand to him. Johnny. He takes your hand. His rough callouses graze your soft fingers. Where’s Rick. Johnny leads you to the front where your cousin is collecting bags and dragging them inside. He jumps back when he sees your blonde friend innocently tailing you. She’s not here to steal my keys is she. He asks you warily. No. Well. Sort of. We have a favour. You know how you offered to help us. Well we are kinda stuck. It’s go home or sleep in the woods. Rick smiles. Come on in we’ll look after you. There’s another two coming. Are you sure. We will find space. Rick comes up and puts his arm around you. He whispers in your ear. Is she okay or is she a psycho. This is Jen. And she’s a blast. Just don’t let her near country music or double book her cabin and she’ll be fine. You grin. In fact, she is a neat freak. But she loves it so she will fit in perfectly with you slobs. Haha.

You get your gear out and the rooms are small but the main area is large. You decide if you spread out the cushions and mattresses you can squeeze everyone in.

Jen starts making food and fussing in the kitchen and you decide to change into your one piece swimsuit as everyone is talking about going down to the water. You look for a place to change but there isn’t really anywhere private. The bathroom is too small to easily change. In the end you decide fuck it and just do it in the main room. Nobody really notices until Jen shouts out from the kitchen. Gemma put some clothes on. You laugh as suddenly everyone looks at you except for Johnny who is outside somewhere. You freeze mid stride with your foot in your swimsuit. Johnny bursts in as if he thinks he missed something barrelling into Jen knocking strawberries on the floor. In the commotion you finish getting dressed flipping the top part over your breasts and noticing Johnny is feigning picking up berries and looking at your tits. He almost pokes Jen in the eye.

What he out clutz. She says. And the guys all laugh at him. You are getting the dynamic. Johnny is the youngest. But also the hottest. So the other guys tease him mercilessly to keep him down a notch. He stands up and you notice something else that is about to poke Jen. You bend over to put away, nothing, pointing your tight ass at him.

Out the front a water fight has broken out with some of the boys and you get hit in the chest with a water balloon. Right. Who threw that. You race off after one of the guys.

You find the stash of balloons and are busy filling them when Johnny joins in to help. You both bend over to the fill balloons and you see his smouldering eyes glance down. You don’t need to look to know. He can see your nipples. This swimsuit was getting old and you remembered it was stretch at the front when it was wet. He got an eyeful and it made your nipples erect.

You enjoyed returning again and again to fill balloons with Johnny as the war continued. You got wetter and your tip more droopy each time. A hungry look had filled his eyes and he greedily drank in your puppies every time. The battle ended with Jen copping it from everyone at once when she came outside in her white bikini and declare she won because she wasn’t wet yet.

Completely drenched by a wave of water balloons her white bikini looked a little see through. Not that she noticed. She was too busy laughing. It was one of those, for show not for getting wet, bikinis. And the boys had noticed. Rick seemed to be giving her the red carpet service bringing her a towel like a knight in shining armour.

You all headed down to the lake and splashed around for the rest of the afternoon.

After the evening meal cooked by the boys under the direction of Jen you were all laying around in the cramped main room playing cards waiting for the other girls to arrive.

You thought back to the lake. Johnny and Trent had convinced you to play a game in the crystal clear waters. Stand with your legs apart and see if the other could swim between them underwater. You had done it easily to Johnny and Trent as they were taller. But Johnny kept bumping you when he went between your legs. He wore goggles and you swear he was spinning around and gliding between your legs looking up just inches from your pussy. Trent had some something similar.

More than a few times you thought something brushed your pussy lips. A finger, a tongue, an accidental touch. You weren’t sure.

The girls arrived and a long debate ensued about beds. Suzy had a bad back and Bella was being precious. In the end the boys gave up their beds and Jen, you Trent and Johnny were to cram in the main room.

Everyone was exhausted and sleep came quickly. Even though you could roll onto Johnny in a dream you didn’t have the energy tonight. You watched his eyes watching you in the darkness as you drifted off.

In the morning you woke up to the sun streaming in and Jen doing breakfast. Rolling over and stretching you see Johnny watching you from an easy chair smiling to himself.

When you stretch you notice your shirt t-shirt you slept in is stuck to your chest. It’s kind of crinkly. Strange you think. You pull your hair back and feel something crusty in your hair. You don’t pay a lot of attention. You think maybe you were sweaty during the hot night and ignore it.

The day was uneventful as far as Johnny was concerned. He spent most of his time driving a speedboat with water skiers in tow. Trent was his spotter and even though you went on a few laps of the lake. They were otherwise busy.

At the boat ramp you find out there is a party there after dark. Everyone decides to go.

There isn’t much time and nothing is organised for a meal so you all decide to eat party food and drink there. Everyone gathers up some things to contribute. You choose a light flowy summery dress no bra and a small g-string.

In your flowy dress you are getting a lot of attention from guys at the party. They all seem young and horny. More than once you felt hands on your ass or breasts as you danced around. Or socialised. You were getting a little wet from all the attention and you noticed Johnny sitting sullenly on a chair near the fire someone had made. There were a heap of people sitting around him chatting and drinking but he wasn’t talking to anyone he was just nursing his beer looking into the flames.

You sauntered over and sat yourself down on his lap. He jumped and almost spilled his beer. He gave you a floppy grin when he realised it was you. Hey. He says.

Hey you say.

At that moment Jen arrived with your Cousin the girls and a group of people you didn’t know. They all came up and started laughing and talking around you reminiscing about the spills in the waterskiing. And how one of the guys nearly lost his trunks in the stack.

You feel Johnnys cock rising beneath you. You adjust your dress so that it’s a thin layer of g-string between your pussy and his cock. You feel it jerk beneath you. He isn’t moving. Good. You think. Surprised that it hasn’t stopped growing yet.

You can feel the wetness coating his shorts from your pussy. You join in a conversation and laugh hysterically at a joke bouncing up and down on his cock as you do. It’s so big now. He is in trouble if I get up you think.

Shifting in his lap you realise that the growth of his cock has the tip sticking out the waistband of his shorts. You can feel it on your ass. You wriggle again on it to be sure.

When no one is looking you reach behind you and flip aside your panties so your wet pussy is exposed. As Trent comes up to talk to you you rest back down your slit sliding down along the tip of his cock soaking it in your juices. As you talk to Trent you laugh and wriggle trying to get the tip of the cock to your entrance but the angle isn’t right. You lean back again and yank the front of his shorts and now your slit sits along his shaft. It is soaked and it reaches from your asshole to beyond your clit. If you look down you look like you have a cock as it is tenting your dress and creating a wet patch of its own.

You know your pussy is a tight little thing and Johnny’s huge boner is going to be hard to take so after as much wiggling and sliding your slit up and down soaking it you prepare to make your move.

You ask Trent to go get you a drink and as he’s gone you talk to Jen. You tell her you saw her blowing your cousin. She gets excited and starts detailing every little move. You know she loves blowjobs so much and can’t help giving you a detailed breakdown every single time. She would blow everyone at the party if she wasn’t a touch shy. Her detailed account is having the effect on Johnny. If anything his size huge and now at steel hard. He could crack nuts with that thing. You glance at him and his eyes are rolling back in his head.

Trent returns with a drink for you and you lift yourself up enough to grab the drink and for Johnny’s cock to stand up and you sit back down on it plunging the shaft into your soaking hole. It fits but it stretches you. The feeling is total fullness and you slide down his pole as far as you can the pressure on your clit is intense and you almost drop your drink.

Trent hears the tail of the story about the blowjob and fascinated he starts asking Jen questions. Since it’s her favourite subject she animatedly springs into how much she loves it. Trent is captivated suddenly and is cracking jokes trying to impress her.

You laugh hysterically at every one of Trent’s lame jokes. Bouncing up and down vigorously at each appropriate moment in the conversation. You are so deep you feel like Johnny is about to show his cock at the back of your throat. You feel his balls begin to tighten. You sit stock still. You feel them relax. You slide up and down a few more times your juices must have soaked his shorts by now. His balls react. You stop.

A third time there are about six people all around you trying to talk to Johnny you and the others you feel the balls tighten. You stand up. Turn to Johnny and whisper don’t you ever come on me asleep again.

You say goodnight to everyone and stalk off leaving Johnny to figure out what to do with his wet soaked shorts and flag pole.

It was late and hot and even though you were tired you couldn’t sleep.

Trent had crashed next to you and you were watching his chest rise and fall. Two of the girls had stumbled it earlier and were laying crossways at your feet and Jen had maybe taken up residence in your cousin’s single bed. Johnny didn’t appear for at least an hour.

You spotted him peering through the glass. Trying to see who was in. You were sure he could see you. Your thin white cotton tank top no bra that barely covered your cutest knickers positively glowed in the moonlight streaming through the window.

Your nipples had yet to calm down even hours later and despite the change your knickers were getting wet again.

Finally Johnny crept in. You watched him with your eyes half closed feigning sleep. You wanted to see what he was up to. The only spot left was next to you and he arrived He stood over your supine body watching you drinking you in with dark glittering eyes flicking up and down. Nothing escaped his scrutiny, the triangle of panties showing, the nipples. The only thing he missed was your eyes on him.

He started to move his hand. Looking around the others he pulled his shaft out. He knelt next to you and you could hear his soft grunts as he began jerking. You laid still controlling your breathing despite your excitement. Slow breaths of a sleeping girl were all he would see.

He jerked for a while and he was unable to come maybe because he knew how good the real thing was. You thought. He shifted down and you felt him gently lift your tank top to see your panties. They were now on full view an he was looking intensely as if trying you make out the outline of your pussy lips. He was jerking harder and harder giving off little grunts with the effort. He looked like he might be getting close so you feigned discomfort and rolled onto your side facing him making a show of settling back to sleep.

He had frozen when you moved but now he was jerking again. His orgasm ruined again. This time not being able to see your pussy he pulled at your tank top gently moving it aside until one of your breasts flopped out. He started wanking again his cock inches from your face. His quiet squeaks and uh’s were cute. He began to get close again you could see pre-cum glistening, drooling from the end of his cock. In his excitement he had flicked a stringy line of it and it bridged between your nipple and his cock. He hadn’t noticed but it glittered and shook near your face. You could almost lick it.

This time you rolled to the other side just when he was close. Ruining his rhythm again. You presented him with your ass. But in a twist you decided to spread your legs apart. Pulling a knee towards your chest and stretching the other one out.

He was quiet for some time. You felt a finger silently slip under the elastic. He pulled your panties aside exposing your wet glistening pussy to the hot night air. He was tugging himself again and you lifted your head slightly to see what he was up to. He had his cock near your pussy and he was worshiping it kneeling there with his rod stretching it just inches from your holes. He was so intent he didn’t notice you lifted your head to watch him.

He was getting close again and you had to admire his persistence and stamina. If only he used those powers for fucking instead of creeping over your body while you sleep. Especially after you had given him instructions not to.

You were about to ruin it for him by speaking loud enough to wake the other two girls in the room. When Trent rolled. Johnny froze. Trent rolled right into you. Face first his face practically between your boobs.

You were suddenly pressed against Trent as he snuggled into you and the only comfortable position was to rest your knee on his hip. This exposed your pussy even more.

In the darkness Johnny was getting close. All the anticipation had him ready to fire. Just as he was flogging away inches from your pussy you pressed back towards him. His cock touched your pussy. He stopped. He touched it again wetting the tip with pussy juice. He went in again and you shifted against him. It slipped in. He left it there. You couldn’t believe he was going to fuck a sleeping girl the bastard. He dipped his cock in deeper and deeper watching you for a reaction. You felt Trent’s cock hardening against you it was either a dream or he knew what was going on.

Johnny was getting bolder or perhaps less in control. He began pumping at your hole with his thick shaft and his characteristic squeaks and grunts. Your own breathing began to increase and you slid your hand down towards your clit.

You felt something wet on your nipple. In the dark you looked down to see Trent’s mouth sucking your exposed nipple. You felt his hand pull out his cock and start pulling on it gently.

Johnny was slowing but you wanted it harder. You jerked your ass back into him going deep. He moaned. You could tell he almost came right there. He paused deep in your tightness and held your ass so you couldn’t move. He wanted it to last a bit longer.

Trent now had both of your breasts out and was swapping between them. Trying to make sure they both stayed as hard as possible. You felt him pull your hand away from your clit rubbing and it was replaced by a new sensation. Trent was rubbing the tip of his cock across your clit. You could tell that when he flicked it up and down your slit his cock mashed into Johnny’s balls wetting them with his pre come.

Trent was getting more and more urgent. He stopped sucking your tits and plunged his mouth down clamping it on your clit sucking it into his mouth like an oyster. Thrashing it with his tongue. His chin grazing Johnny’s balls as he held himself deep in you trying not to come.

Trents movements became more frantic. You could tell he was desperate for a hole. He came up from your pussy and shoved his cock straight in your mouth. His moan as you lashed your tongue up his shaft and took him as deep as you could made one of the girls roll in her sleep.

He started fucking your mouth and Johnny started moving again. They somehow got into a rhythm together with both of them doing as deep as they could at the same time. Your throat and pussy had never been so full at the same time.

Trent was whimpering now and Johnny had plunged deep and was gripping your hip like his life depended on it. There was no way Johnny was giving up his position but you could tell Trent was desperate for pussy.

You looked up and in the night you could see the desperate lust in his eyes. He pulled his cock from your mouth wiped it on your cheek, your breasts and nipples on the way down and then bunted it at your hole.

His slippery saliva covered cock mashed against Johnny’s and up into your clit. He was humping at your filled pussy like a dog on heat.

The sensation woke Johnny too and he began humping at you.

Suddenly you felt stretched and they both stopped. Two cock tips had mashed together and entered your pussy at the same time. The softer tips stretched you but your eyes widened at the thought of two thick shafts trying to get in.

Er guys. You whispered. But they weren’t listening. Like there was some unspoken signal they wriggled against each other not wanting to give up and be the one to slip out. They were making short little thrusts in time with each other deepening each time stretching you as your arousal level went through the roof. Your clit was being mashed beyond all pleasure to another plane. They were finally both in and the wetness and slick tightness was pure ecstasy they just held you both one on each side deep in you cocks together.

You’re a fucking bastard Johnny. You said. I told you not to try and come without my permission. And with that you squeezed your pelvic muscles as hard as you could sending Johnny into spasms. You could feel his juice flooding inside you what felt like gallons making Trent all slippery. Trent started fucking with reckless abandon. Against your clit and Johnny’s slightly softer cock. Still hard enough to stay inside you but not as tight.

The slapping noise of ball on ball and pussy filled the room and you were amazed the girls hadn’t woken up. Johnny was hardening up again and it was getting too tight so you thrust hard at Trent making Johnnys cock skip out taking some of Johnny’s come with it.

You felt it immediately against your ass. Pressing against your hole.

Suddenly Johnnys cock returning in all its hard rock status was pressing into your anus. It was slick with come and you felt it mash in and spread his come juice between your ass cheeks and press it inside you. He worked slowly and gently into your ass while on the other side Trent was building up a pace. The feeling of a cock on the other side of the wall against his cock and the slick juices was sending him over the top. He has clamped his lips onto your nipples and was sucking like a newborn. Every now and then he would return to your lips to caress your tongue and cheeks with his passion before slamming his cock into you roughly. The fire of passion in his eyes met yours and you thrust into him matching his bang with a crush of your pelvis into his.

Johnny was moaning now as your tight ass swallowed his large cock. You could feel the two cocks rubbing inside you both filling you and stretching every ounce of pleasure from every nerve fibre between your legs and nipples.

Johnny was struggling with the rhythm and you wanted badly for Trent to slam your pussy with all his passion. You rolled back on Johnny sitting down on his cock sending it deep within you. Trents cock came out and as you positioned yourself he stuffed it in your mouth. You could taste yourself on him you could taste Johnny and come. It turned you on even more. You lifted your hips and started slamming Johnny’s big cock with your ass torturing him and his big sloppy cock. Trent returned to your pussy. You leaned back with your legs spread waiting for his cock when you felt his mouth suck onto your clit.

He locked up and down your slit eating and slurping all the juices like it was his first meal. You felt him trail his tongue down your folds to your ass where he grazed the entrance Johnny was working, and backup to your clit. Your knickers were long gone and Trent ripped off your tank top and pressed his dick desperately into you. He began with a pace and strength of a man possessed. Johnny had no chance of keeping up he just lay there and let it happen but your orgasm came and just kept rolling on. You kept pace with Trent slamming back at him. Trent exploded in you and pulled it out halfway squirting it over your clit and up to your tits a little even hit your chin. You could feel an orgasm coming so you flipped taking Johnnys cock out of your ass and slamming it with your pussy. Make me come. You growled at Johnny. You fucking pervert. Johnny reacted to your hot pussy by slamming into you. You fucked him on top as hard as you could but you wanted him to work harder. Doggy. You said. You rolled on top of Trent who lay on his back still puffing and covered in sweat. Johnny knew what to do and started fucking you from behind. You felt Trent sucking your tits and you heard voices. The girls had woken and were saying something to Johnny. Liz was there next to Johnny holding some sex toys. Trust me she will love it. She was saying. You felt Johnny slow and you felt a plug slip into your ass. Liz. You say. Only if Johnny has one too. She giggled. Of course she says sucking on another one. Trust Liz to bring a bag of sex toys. The girls had decided that you deserved the biggest orgasm they could provide so they started giving directions. Trent was told to spin around and put his hardening cock in your mouth and hold this vibrator hard against your clit. Liz and Sue both sucked on a breast each and after shoving the biggest plug they could find up Johnny’s ass they slapped it and told him to ride. If he slowed hey slapped his ass more.

They threw a few spanks in your ass too for good measure and before long they had the whole thing going like a rodeo.

You had a cock stuffed in your mouth breasts being sucked on recklessly a vibe on your clit, the biggest cock in your oussy you’d ever had and a plug in your ass that Johnny kept playing with. The plug in his ass spurring him on to slam his balls into you.

The girls worked up the pace and they could tell Johnny was about to go again so one of them pushed your head down hard onto Trent’s cock your tongue reaching for his balls drooling all over them. He came down your throat as Johnny grunted another load into your pussy and all over your ass. At that moment one of the girls ripped out your plug and rimmed you licking up the come.

Your orgasm seemed to last for ever. But eventually Trent’s cock slid from your mouth and Johnny was a blubbering mess on the floor and the girls had finished your tongue bath you rolled over to go back to sleep. Hell naked who cares you thought as you closed your eyes. The last thing you saw was your cousin and Jens shocked faces in the kitchen.

It was possible they saw a lot of that you thought as you drifted off into peace.
