Part 2 and 3

Part 2


Sir leads me on all fours to the dinning room. I hear chatter and silver ware and clinking if glasses. The floor is cold on my hands and knees. Which I don’t mind as I feel heat all over my body again. Sir stops and I assume sits. I kneel at his side. Head towards the floor. I feel him play with my hair and rub his hand across my shoulders. He slips I his finger under my chin and I feel the rim of a glass on my lips.

“Drink” I hear him say as I open and take in as much as I can. It’s sweet and bitter as I assume it’s wine. I swallow and feel him tap my chin again I take another drink. I obey though it’s not my favorite taste. He sweeps his hand across my face and then his touch is gone. I can hear him begin to chat with the people around him. Laughing and cutting up. After sometime I feel him lay a plate by my knees

“Eat my whore. Your going to need strength for the next activity”

Still blindfolded and bound at the hand I try my best to blindly eat. The food tastes amazing as I realize I was hungrier then I though. I come to the last few pieces and sir again places his finger on my chin and allows me a sip of wine.

“Good?” He whispers

“Yes Thank you Sir”

I feel a dribble of wine on my lips and sir thumb whip it away. He leave it sitting for a minute which I take as a sign to suck the wine off his thumb.

“Good girl”

 I feel him stand and tell the table to enjoy their dessert and we will see them in the play room.

Play room? I’ve never been there. I once again start to feel the heart beat in my clit.

I feel him tug on the leash and I fallow on all fours. When we leave the room he tell me to stand and walk behind him. Which I am thankful for as the carpet was burning my knees. After a few mins we stop and I hear him unlock a door.

Part 3

The play room 

 He leads me into the room and I can smell leather and wood …my only though is I’m about to be in some kind of pain. I feel his shoulder on my hips and am lifted up onto a table.

“Lay flat on your back, arms above your head legs spread” I’m not sure if I’ve done something wrong or if it’s just this room but his tone has gotten stronger and less gentle. I do as told and feel leather straps tighten around my wrists and ankles.

“Good girl. I’m going to have some fun with my whore before everyone’s done there dessert. I want u to count out loud with each hit you feel. And try your best to stay still.”

As I lay strapped to the table, I can feel the soft touch of leather across my belly and a hand on my face.

Sir’s hand is soft and cold as it traces across my cheek and pulls the blindfold off my eyes.

The room is mostly dark with accents of blood red curtains and the occasional stainless steal hook. The lighting is provided by a few wide spread lamps and strategically placed candles. As my eye adjust to the room, I look around to see multiple toys and whips. This brings no fear, only excitement deep inside me.

I focus my attention on Sir’s face. He is looking down at me with fire in his eyes and a deviant smile which sends lighting like shocks across my body

“Are you ready my pet?” He says in a strong tone whick make me flutter.

“Yes Sir.”

I was more then ready. I had been craving discipline for days and he had been denying me from it other then occasional slap to tease me.

“Don’t forget to count” he says as I feel his hand leave my face.

He dances the leather belt across my chest and my body tightens in anticipation. In seconds I feel the leather hit my skin, over and over. Sending pain over my chest and moister between my legs.

“One Sir…Two Sir…three sir…” I can hardly keep up as the belt slaps across my stomach. Moving to my thighs and then between my legs.

“Sixteen sir…seventeen sir….” Trying to catch my breath.

“Nineteen Sir… Twenty Sir…” As I feel the last lash and then Sir’s hand between my legs. Dancing his finger over my now swollen clit and then entering my wet hole. I moan and push myself into him. He must feel I’m close as he stops and my body falls in disappointment. Heart racing I feel his finger on my lips and know again this is my signal to clean my juice off his finger. I slowly lick and suck taking his finger in my mouth and moaning.

I can feel his breath on my face and he removes his fingers and replaces it with his tongue. His lips are soft and the kiss is firm. Sending those lighting pulses throughout my body once again.

“Good girl ” he whispers inches away from my face, with a kiss to my forehead.

I watch him walk around the table and release all four shackles that bind me in place.

He orders me to position myself on the edge with my legs dangling and laying on my back. I do as told and slide down the table. Body still red and burning from his belt.

He walks to the wall and returns with three metal clamps connected with chains. Standing between my legs he leans down and sucks on my right nipple. Biting at it and teasing it with his tongue. He then clamps it and moves to my left doing the same to that side. I moan as the clamps close around my nipples. The build up between my legs is almost to much to handle and I feel his lips sucking at my clit. I try to move away from him knowing if he continued I would cum almost instantly. He stops and give my clit a slap.

“Behave little girl.” He says as he positions the last clamp onto my clit.

“Sorry Sir… It’s becoming hard to hold in Sir.” I whimper as I feel him grab my hips .

“Hmmm I’m bout to make it harder.” He chuckles and I feel him slide into me almost effortlessly.

He is gentle to begin. Slowly moving his hips just right and finding a good slow pace. As he moves my body flows with his. Pushing against him so he is deeper inside me.

He begins to move faster and deeper. His grip becoming almost painful on hips. I can hear the low grunt in his throat and can feel myself so close climax..

“Please Sir …can ..I cum..please” I scream.

He smiles at me. Pulling on the chain attached to the clamps and raising me up so we are eye to eye

“Do you think you deserve it whore?” He teases knowing that I can only hold on so long.

“Yes Sir…please sir I beg you… PLEASE!”

“Keep them eyes on mine …and cum for me.”

In secs I am melting on him. My body starts to shake and tremble. Barely able to keep my eyes open to look at him, they begin to roll back.

“Good girl.” I hear and feel his hand on the back of my neck.

He kisses me again.

He lets me drop on the table. And slowly eases out of me.

I lay there for a min. Drenched not only in my sweat but also his. Body still shaking. Heart beating so fast I feel like it could break my ribs. I hear him call for me.

“Here my pet….crawl.” His voice calmer then when we entered the room.

I lower myself down off the table and onto all fours. I see him sitting in a large chair and proceed to crawl to him. As I reach his feet, I sit back on my ankles and look up at him. Again he looks down at me with a smile of what seem like appreciation. He pulls me closer and lays my head in his lap. Stroking my hair and making me so relaxed.

“You’ve been a very good girl so far. The next activity will be another challenge but I’m sure you will enjoy it. And I’ll be right beside you the whole time. ” His voice gentle and reassuring.

“Yes Sir” I moan as I relax in his lap waiting on what’s to come.
