Kinky PPE’s

**For the strange times we’re living in i thought i’d share a light hearted, sexy story for people to read. i hope you enjoy it. comments and feedback welcome**

“Oh my god, people are crazy.” Anna, my Polish colleague said, laughing as she did so. We were sat waiting for handover, just about to start another 13hr shift. We work in a general ICU and had just gotten our first COVID 19 patient in, knowing there were a lot more to come.

“What?” I asked.

“Well, as a joke I put a picture of me in full PPE’s as my tinder profile.” She showed me the picture, gown, mask, goggles- the whole caboodle.

“So far I have over a hundred likes and five offers of marriage.”

“In fairness you do look pretty hot.” I said, smiling and continuing the usual banter that many of us shared.

“Yeah, very hot; fucking sweating under all those layers.” Caroline, another colleague piped up.

Handover started and our minds turned to other matters, but it got me thinking.

I’d recently broken up with my boyfriend and I was missing certain elements of our relationship more than I thought I would. Not the screwing, that was spectacularly unremarkable, definitely done for his benefit rather than mine. What I missed most was the role playing. We would take it in turns thinking up scenarios, some overtly sexual, some not, but all somehow ending in a bit of slap and tickle. And then there was the photography. John, my ex, was a keen amateur photographer and had always tried to get me to pose for some risqué photos. It wasn’t that I was opposed to the idea; more that I enjoyed keeping him hungry and begging. One night after a few too many red wines I finally relented, allowing him to pretend he was a great glamour photographer and I was his muse. This soon deteriorated into him playing the role of a leering old letch and me a bimbo starlet. It was great fun but the photos were rubbish. His excuse was that his glasses got steamed up and he couldn’t see properly through the view finder.

The flood gates opened after this and he wanted to photograph me constantly, always assuring me they were for our viewing only. Turns out he was a fucking liar; if you search the internet and find a buxom redhead with her legs spread akimbo, it might well be me. One scene he fixated on and pestered me about was one where I’d be wearing my work scrubs, slowly stripping out of them as he photographed me. After a particularly bad day at work I finally relented. He couldn’t believe his luck as I took off my coat and told him to get his camera. I slowly peeled off my top, throwing it to him like a seasoned stripper. I bent over, pulling my trousers and knickers down over my plump ass and then throwing them to him, telling him to sniff them. He took my scrubs and knickers and rubbed them all over his face, as I knew he would. If only he knew the shit and other bodily fluids I’d cleaned up that day, woohoo!

Back to my friends tinder profile. I didn’t miss my boyfriend but I did miss the attention and the photography. An idea was forming in my head. I’d never even taken an headache tablet from work, not alone items of clothing or equipment but as my shift continued I found myself keeping masks, disposable gowns and goggles, justifying it by the fact they would be thrown away anyway and that the patients I’d worn them with were only suspect infections, hopefully. I sneaked out at the end of my shift like a thief in the night, convinced that someone would stop me. I needn’t have worried; everyone was too fucking knackered to worry about anything other than getting home and having a hot shower.

I got home conflicted, Was this proper? Did I really want to do this? I wasn’t working the next day and two glasses of red can do wonders for a girls moral misgivings. I dressed in my full PPE’s trying to forget that I’d already worn them. I wasn’t use to taking selfies and it took a lot of messing with the lights and another glass of wine before I was happy with the results.

I sat down with my phone, I couldn’t be bothered registering on tinder or any other dating site. Instead I found an harmless enough looking fetish site where members would discuss their fantasies and some would post pictures. I had to choose a user name and came up with the not very original ‘Nurse Ratched’. I tried to fill in some of the profile, but the wine combined with the long shift made it difficult. I uploaded a full length picture before finally giving in. I nearly threw the PPE’s in the bin, good habits die hard.

Nurse Ratched woke feeling wretched. Or rather I woke feeling wretched, thinking my head hurts and what the fuck have I done. I had a coffee and was eventually brave enough to look in the mirror, scary enough at the best of times. The blotchy skin and bloodshot eyes told their own story, but I couldn’t help but smile. Thank god for masks and goggles.

After more coffee I logged onto the site. Wahl! Over a hundred messages. Many of them were asking if I was a real nurse and thanking all the health care professionals for their hard work at this difficult time. My favourites were a couple stating that I was a transsexual whilst others argued that if I was then I had the best boobs and hips they’d seen on a tranny. WTF, I’d only posted one picture, I think, and I had a gown on. I quickly searched my profile and I had only posted the one, although the gown did appear to be figure hugging. I was definitely a woman.

There were a few gross ones asking would I give them an enema, and some very sweet ones telling me about themselves and their kinks. Others asked for more photos, some suggesting some rather interesting ideas. Full gasmasks seemed popular but I didn’t have access to one of those so I ignored them.

I normally only smoke if I’m on a night out and have had a few drinks but now seemed a good time to have a cigarette as I weighed up my options. As I sat there coughing and choking I remembered why I didn’t smoke normally, the burning in my throat and the tears in my eyes finally convincing me to put it out.

I set myself some questions. Why was I doing this? Because I enjoyed being tarty and posing. It was my kink and for my benefit, if others enjoyed looking, all the better. What were my limits? We’d wait and see, but my face and hair to be hidden at all times, long red curls tend to stand out in a crowd. That seemed all I needed to decide, now for the next photos.

Some of the requests asked to see my boobs, ass or fanny or all three. It was tempting but I wanted to make this last, tease a little bit. I composed a post saying that I would post one picture each day, not showing my face and that I would take requests. The chosen requests would get a virtual kiss from me and a private photo to their inbox.

I looked at my PPE’s and felt a bit nauseas, deciding to put the hair net, gown and mask in a cool wash and see what happens. The goggles I washed in soap and water. Remarkably they all came out in one piece, so now it was down to business.

I looked at the requests from the previous night but none really inspired me. Then I had a light bulb moment; prove I was a woman. I stripped off my pj’s and stood in front of the mirror. I was definitely a woman. I hadn’t shaved my fanny since I kicked John out, only recently getting over the itchy stage. As I stood there I considered shaving it, but after running my fingers through the fine hair and giving myself quite the thrill as my finger parted my lips, I decided I liked it.

I couldn’t believe how horny and sexual I felt stood in front of the mirror. My fingers roamed further, eventually giving myself the best frigging ever. As my breathing settled I put on my PPE’s, the gown back to front so I could expose my cunt, my thighs still glistening. I took a couple of quick snaps, trying to emphasize my red bush and glistening thighs. Only when I looked at the images did I notice my big nips nearly poking holes in the thin materiel, if they didn’t believe I was a woman now they must be fucking blind.

I posted my updated status and photo and decided to go to the gym. You can’t be too shy at a gym, everyone stares at everyone else, even when they’re pretending not too. I don’t generally mind, often choosing to wear fairly loose clothes so as to hide my curves a bit and not garner too much attention. But as I got dressed I felt as horny as fuck and wanted attention. I chose tight leggings that hadn’t seen daylight for months, I twisted and turned in front of the mirror, looking at myself from every angle as my big boobs bounced about, the knickers would have to go. I considered going bra-less but decided I might get arrested, instead wearing a sport bra to keep the girls in place and a top a size too small.

The gym was busy, a few regulars who I recognized saluting as I entered, a couple of the men smiling far more than they normally would. I tried to concentrate and get into my workout but was totally distracted by my own horniness, choosing machines that I never normally used just so I could prostrate myself into some obscene position. Each time I looked up I would see eyes staring at me, both male and female, most blushing and looking away, others nearly drooling as they looked on, I was in heaven.

“You look like you’re enjoying yourself.”

It was my turn to blush as I looked up and saw Caroline from work staring down at me. I just smiled, not really knowing what to say.

“Don’t worry, you know what they say, if you’ve got it, flaunt it,” She said this with her gentle Irish lilt and a very sexy smile. I’d never heard her talk about any boyfriends and I wondered if she fancied me, ‘umm, that could be interesting’ I found myself thinking.

“Have you finished, um err, exercising.” She said this with a smirk as if she knew exactly what I was up too. I said I had and we said we’d go for a coffee after our showers. I’d never been into women but had admired Caroline from afar. She was a natural beauty, very sensual and self contained. I was lathering up in the shower cubicle when the door opened and Caroline slid in, her hair full of suds.

“The bloody waters gone cold next door, scoot over.” I did this without thinking, allowing her to stand under the warm streams of water. It must have been something in my face because she laughed and said, “Don’t worry, I won’t molest you, unless you want me to.” Again sensing my feelings she said, “Shame, you’re a very sexy lady.” With this she finished washing her hair and slapped my ass as she left my cubicle.

We were the only ones in the changing rooms as we stood in front of the lockers drying ourselves.

“So come on spill the beans, why so sexy today. I’ve often seen you in here wearing virtual tents.”

I giggled, “I don’t know really, just felt horny and decided to flaunt it.”

“Well you certainly did that, I thought we might have to do CPR on a couple of the fellas out there.”

We laughed and kept on chatting as we went for coffee, Caroline confessing that a weird part of her loved turning men on, even though she was definitely a lesbian. I didn’t go into detail about the site, just that I was in the frame of mind to have some fun.

I got home feeling great, leaving Caroline and promising that we’d meet up again at the gym and maybe even put on a bit of a show together, giggling as we imagined the scenes “Both show a bit of cleavage, I’ll spot you, making sure I bend forward and squeeze my tits together as I do so.”

I couldn’t wait to see what sort of reaction my post had got. There weren’t as many posts as I was hoping for, but then I remembered time zones and that it was the middle of the night in some places. It was a mixed bag, some loving it and others saying it wasn’t really fetish enough and I shouldn’t be on that site. One reply that caught my eye said he loved the picture, that I should ignore the naysayers and do whatever floated my boat. He said he loved my curves, thought I was incredibly sexy and would love to see more. I read it a couple of times before pulling my leggings down and taking a photo of my ass, a little bit of my quim showing as I bent over and aimed the phone at the mirror behind me. I sent it to him with a love heart attached.

By seven o’clock that evening I hadn’t gotten any suggestions that stimulated me or got my juices flowing, as it were. I was concerned that I was working the next day and wouldn’t have a picture that I was happy with to post online. I kept checking my inbox but nothing caught my eye. I eventually ended up in the chat room and tried to follow some of the conversations there, but the typing was too quick and I didn’t understand many of the abbreviations they used. I was about to leave when someone noticed I was there and posted a message welcoming me. This was followed by lots of other welcomes, some saying they had seen my picture and loved it. I typed back long hand, thanking them and explaining I couldn’t understand half of what they were saying.

There were a few smiley faces and a lot of quick typing flying across the screen. Eventually a user called ScarletV sent me a private message asking me to click on a link, saying I’d be able to see her and talk to her but she couldn’t see me unless I wanted her too. I clicked on the link and a heavily tattooed goth girl appeared on screen. She was actually quite cute and pretty and spoke with an Australian accent. She asked was I really a nurse looking after infected patients

“Yes I am.”

“That’s so frigging cool.”

“Thanks, are you in Australia?”

“Sure am, I should be going to college but we’re locked down.”

We talked some more and she explained a bit about the chat room and things you could do there. She asked what brought me there. I explained briefly and said I thought I was a bit of an exhibitionist.

“That’s so cool, lots of people on here like to show off what they’re up too, some of it’s damn right weird, even for my tastes.” We both laughed at this and then she asked would I like to exhibit myself there and then.

“What, like on video or something.”

“Sort of, we can open up a chat room for up to twenty people and you can see them and they can see you. You can do whatever you want to, even just chat, which is easier than typing.”

She explained that she would moderate the room and block anyone that was behaving badly. I took a deep breath and said I’d do it. I said I needed five minutes to get ready. This was no problem as she had to set it up, she’d send me the link.

I stripped off quickly and donned my PPE’s, waiting nervously for the link.

I clicked on the link and nineteen little boxes opened up. I found that if I clicked on them they would become bigger, allowing me a better view of whoever was there. I was pleasantly surprised that five of the room were female, adding an extra kink to the proceedings. I was only upset that I was using my phone and not a PC with a big screen. I could only talk to whoever was big on my screen and I was aware that typing was still going on. After saying hello to a few people ScarletV came back on and asked me what I wanted to do.

“What do people want me to do?”

After a few seconds Scarlet came back to me, “If you want I’ll direct you, telling you what people want and the reaction you’re getting. Just keep my face on your screen.” I nodded

“Put some music on in the background, something you can move to.”

I set up my deck and put on some vinyl.

“Wow, everyone thinks you’re really cool with proper records.”

“Thank you, I am.” I said, smiling behind my mask. I started to dance, wishing I’d had a drink but then thinking about all the people watching me, embarrassed by my dancing and then thinking ‘fuck it’ it’s not my dancing they want to see.

“Turn around.”

Shit, even the best gowns don’t do up that well at the back, especially when you’ve tied them yourself. My whole body was a mixture of dread and excitement. I slowly turned, trying to maintain my wiggle and rhythm as I did so.

“Wow! everyone thinks you have a great ass, can you pull the gown apart a little more.”

I did as I was asked; beginning to really enjoy myself, my nips zinging every time the rough material rubbed off them, sending shockwaves through my body.

“TK in Arkansas thinks you have a great back, loves the muscles.”

Thank god for the gym, I turned my head and blew a kiss.

“BabyJulia in Spain wants you to shake your booty and then bend slowly over.”

This is more like it, I twerked, trying not to laugh as I did so. I bent forward allowing the gown to fall completely off my ass, only the string around my middle holding it on. I felt delightfully exposed.

“Touch your toes.”

I can do better than that. I shuffled my feet apart before bending fully and placing my palms on the floor.

“Ooh flexible. That’s an incredible view, everyone loves it. Are you wet?”

I try to nod.

“Good, BabyJulia is being very demanding tonight. She wants you to soak your middle finger with your juices and then bring it behind you and stick it in your ass.”

What? Things have only ever come out of my ass. I’m so wet, my fingers are squelching around in my cunt, first one, then two and now three fingers.

“Fist yourself.”

I moved my feet further apart, I knew I could nearly do the splits if I had to. I made my knuckles as small as possible as I pushed harder, oh my god it’s in. I pushed in and out faster and faster, bringing myself to an incredible orgasm, my splayed legs nearly giving way.

“Those that are not masturbating are applauding you. I’m masturbating, you’re incredible.”

Should I stand and take a bow, I did need to straighten up. I was halfway up when ScarletV says,

“Don’t forget your asshole.”

Fuck it, in for a penny… I straightened fully, wiggled and slapped my ass harder than I intended, causing me to yelp and then laugh. I bent again, pulling my cheeks apart to give them their monies worth. I probed my bud with my finger. It felt tender but not unpleasant. I needed more lube so I slid my hand down and inserted two fingers into my tender cunt. I pushed into my anus, it tried to resist. I’m in, tight muscles contracting around my finger as I try to breathe slowly. Slowly it became easier as I probed in and out, ooh..this is nice, will I try two fingers? I wait for the instructions but none come. Slightly frustrated I straightened and saw the screen dark, my battery dead. Fuck it!

By the time I had recharged, the mood and most of my audience were gone, probably for a shower according to ScarletV. I fully intended to carry on with my shows but when I went to work we had multiple more patients with the Corona virus and were already running short of PPE’s. Maybe I’ll be back when it’s all under control x.
