The Nurse

A little something I wrote after a recent stay in hospital. Enjoy!

She tended to me every day. Clean my wounds, bring me food, bring me pain meds. She was there when I took my first steps again. She’d laugh at my jokes, tell her own, cheer me up with only a smile. She encouraged me to take a walk around the hospital, pulling my IV drip along so I didn’t have to. We’d walk to the entrance to the old wing, where she would take a shortcut to other parts of the hospital. It had been closed to patients since my accident, the supposed renovations having ground to a halt. I wandered in there once, old rooms with old beds just sat unused, sunlight leaking in through dust covered windows.

I became obsessed with her. The way she smiled as she pulled back my curtain. The way her nose wrinkled as she read my notes. The way a piece of hair would always fall from behind her ear as she changed my dressings. The way she tucked it back, joining the rest of her hair in a long blonde ponytail. The way she poured water from her bottle into her mouth, the plastic never touching her lips, just water cascading in. The way she smelled. The way she wore a uniform a size too small, it outlining her curves, struggling to contain her breast, showing just enough of her thighs….

I pull my own drip along now, my strength improving every day. I’d still walk with her until we part ways, her light green uniform hugging her hips, outlining her ass, swinging away into the blackness. That was it. Over the next few days, I hatched a plan. While she tended to the wounds on my back, I took bandages and medical tape from her trolley, stashing them under my pillow. I’d get up in the night, telling any staff I bumped into I was having trouble sleeping and needed to clear my head. I’d make my way into the old wing, working out what path she’d take, choosing a room off from the main corridor, enough light to see, but secluded from any potential prying eyes. I’d leave the bandages there. After a few ‘sleepless’ nights, I was prescribed pills to help me sleep. I’d never take them. I gathered a few together, breaking them open, pouring the powder into an empty plastic cup.

The day came. The sun hung low in the sky, filling the ward with a hazy orange glow. She gave me a smile as she pulled back my curtain,
“You know the drill. Shirt off and on your front” she laughed. I obliged as usual. While she prepared clean dressings, I managed to grab her water bottle unseen. In went the powder. Some dissolved instantly. The rest stayed suspended, immediately obvious to the naked eye. I had to think. I grabbed my phone, dropping it on the floor
“Fuck” i exclaimed ‘reaching’ out for it and ‘accidentally’ knocking into her supplies. I dropped her bottle on the floor.
“I’m so sorry!” I faked, picking her bottle up, giving it a good shake in the mean time. The powder all gone. Excellent. She did as usual, patching me up, tucking back her hair and swigging her water.
“We walking together?” I asked, as I did every time. She smiled at me. Oh god that smile.
“As always” she replied, gathering her bits together. I swing myself off the bed, my bare feet hitting the sun warmed hospital floor. I grab my IV, and off we walk.

“You feeling alright? You look a little off?” I mention as we near the old part of the building., fake concern in my voice.
“Yeah, just a little tired.” she replied, putting her mouth as she yawned.
“Okay, well make sure you get some rest!” I smile
“I will, don’t worry!” She smiled back “See you tomorrow!” I watched as she vanished into the darkness. I took a look around, waiting for the coast to be clear, before following her into the dimly lit ward. Round a few corners, there she was, slumped against a wall, completely out of it. I stood hr up as best i could, draping her unconscious body over her little medical cart, wheeling it around down a small corridor, into the room I’d prepared. With a lot of effort, I managed to get her onto the bed. I hadn’t taken into account my own lack of strength. I took a moment to regain my composure. Now what I’d waited for. I carefully unbuttoned her uniform, allowing the deep orange glint of light to bounce of her milky white skin. Her perfect breasts restrained inside simple white lingerie. A small strip of dark blonde pubic hair visible beneath her white panties. I could wait no longer.I rolled her onto her front, removing the uniform entirely, followed by her bra and panties. Bunching her knickers in my fist, I sniffed them deeply, filling my nostrils with her intoxicating fragrance, before placing them between her lips. I had plenty of tape, which wound around her head, parting her soft pink lips, holding the balled up lingerie within. Her wrist were next, binding them tightly behind her back with bandages, securing them with plenty of tape. The same above her elbows, pinching them tightly together. I rolled her back onto her back, pinning her arms beneath her. She remained motionless, her restrained arms causing her breasts to seem even more prominent. I pulled her down the bed, wrapping lengths of bandages around each ankle, spreading them apart, binding each one to a corner of the old hospital bed. I reached a hand behind her head, releasing her ponytail, her glorious golden locks cascading over the pure white sheet upon the firm mattress. I grasped her right breast in my hand, squeezing gently. In all the dreams I’d had in this hospital, I’d never once imagined her to feel this way. I placed a hand between her legs, gently running a finger between the lips of her pussy. She flinched slightly, before returning to sleep. I grabbed yet more bandage, wrapping around her head, covering her eyes. She wouldn’t have seen much in the room anyway, but I wanted to be sure.

Now to take what I’d desired. I disconnected my drip, climbing up onto the bed, my rock hard erection clearly visible beneath my hospital gown. I discarded the gown quickly. I had could feel my heart pounding in my chest, feeling as though it could burst through my rib cage at any moment. I slid my length inside her, the warmth of her insides caressing every inch of me. She was everything I’d wanted and more. In and out i started, caressing her breasts, sucking on her hardening nipples. She began to get wet, her cheeks flushing red, her breathing getting deeper. Suddenly her head turned. She started to scream into her gag, thrashing about wildly. I wasn’t giving up my prize easily. She managed to kick one of her legs free, my knots clearly lacking. It gave me the opportunity to flip her onto her front, grabbing her hair, twisting it into my fingers. She let out another scream as I drove back into her, our two naked bodies smacking together, he back arching as I pulled her head back. I placed my other hand around her neck, leaning over and grunting near her ear as I pounded away. Her screams mixed with clearly unsolicited moans as her body began to betray her. Her fingers clenched, before opening die, stretching outwards as her whole body tensed, twitched, her orgasm a loud yelp, followed by intense silence, before she collapsed, panting loudly, pleasure laced anguish in her muffled cries. I felt myself getting lightheaded as my own orgasm built within. The sensation got stronger, I felt myself getting weaker. My drip. I needed it. I reached out desperately for it before darkness took me.

I awoke back in my hospital bed. The sun a hazy hanging orange. Had I dreamed it all? The curtain rattled back. There she stood, her usual smile on her lips.
“You know the drill, shirt off and on your front” she laughed. I obliged, annoyed at how vivid everything felt. The cup of sleeping powder had gone. Had I done anything?” Just then she leaned over me, whispering into my ear,

“Next time just ask me. And I’ll bring the bandages…”


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