The Meaning of Pain [Str8] [M/F] [nc] [fist] [Mdom]

I could smell her through the painted door. An enticing combination of fresh berries and lavender seeped under the doorframe cracks, reaching my expectant nostrils and fuelling the impatient bonfire crackling in my pants. My neural synapses emitting sparks of concentrated desire, my brain lit ablaze by a deranged pyromaniac spreading flares of smoke that licked the back of my eyes, scorching them, leaving only two slanted, charred holes. Now was the time. Behind this door lay my plaything. The coaxing fumes that might extinguish my lust. Who she was didn’t matter. Her past, her preferences, her personality had no place in my realm. For I reigned over an obscure corner of humanity, where primal instincts stood supreme and the law of predator versus prey dictated all. And that’s exactly what she was, an innocent gazelle for my inner lion to feast upon, a target for my repressed convictions. She may have thought she held the reins of her life, but I was about to snatch control from her and leave her ruing ever having taken her life for granted. I was going to show her the value of life, then leave her in a hapless chasm devoid of any. I was going to show her what it meant to feel pain.

Forcing my entry was hardly a feat. The procedure of breaking into unseen public washrooms without causing disturbance was second nature to me. With a moment’s concentration, the lock had been broken, and the door swung open suddenly, revealing the quiet serenity of a woman washing her hands within. My actions were twofold: I pulled the door shut firmly behind me as I dashed forward and slid my arm out to smash her against the brick wall. Dazed, she looked up with more shock than fear in her eyes. That would soon change. I grabbed her by the hair, knowing that it would prompt a shriek from her mouth. Fortunately, my hold of her hair was strong enough to yank her to the floor, where I brought my boot onto the back of her head and pushed it into the mud speckled floor. Now, with her mouth struggling to open against the rough tiling, I pulled out the barbed wire chain dangling from my pocket, binding her wrists against one another so they hung taught against her ass. Drops of blood began to drip to the floor, and I caught a few with my finger just so I could smear her face in front of me with it. Just before I began brutally raping her, I surveyed my victim. Bent over with her puffy, smooth ass perched in the air, her feet buckling against my weight as I pressed against her and her mouth emitting garbled semi-phrases, presumably to call for help. Soon she’d realize shouting for help was futile. This is what I had been waiting for. My victory over this helpless mass of tangled limbs with a face peeking at me from the ground stained with mascara. I licked my lips, spitting on her face to signify this was the beginning of her end, and tore apart her sweatpants.

They always fought at first. And so I made sure to make it clear as soon as I ripped apart the cloth covering her ass that I was not one to be kept out. At this point, my cock would be a privilege, one that she hadn’t yet earned. Keeping one hand gripping her neck, pinching down on her vocal chords to silence her, I slid two fingers into her asshole. A cry of agony immediately split the atoms of the air. It was tighter than anything I’d ever seen. I lifted my boot from her head, maneuvered her to the corner, and slammed her face against the wall, being cautious to avoid knocking her unconscious. I wanted her to feel the pain. As if influenced by some dwindling source of hope, she bit down on my hand covering her mouth.

“I am going to hurt you. You can not stop me. Any attempts to combat me will be met with only more violence. This is happening. You will cease your groaning and enjoy what I am going to give you. You will enjoy it as I rape you. Do you understand?” My whispered warning was answered with more biting and kicking. “You give me no choice. I was going to pace myself for your sake, but you’ve forfeited your right to object now.” And with those words hanging in the now still air, I curled my right hand into a fist, before thrusting it through her asshole and up 3 inches. Her body shook and shuddered with the sensation of her opening being battered and ripped apart. I quickly pulled the fist out, only to bring it back down. My pace quickened. Her grunts had now morphed into feeble whining, subdued by my steady grip on her neck. I pulled my arm up, then threw my fist back in, repeatedly pounding into her with full force. The tension in her body had now resolved, leaving behind an empty suit of flesh ripe with cum to be extracted. I pulled my fist up one final time then, pausing only to slap her pale face, yanked my quivering cock out of my pants and shoved it deep into her pussy. It was already brimming over with moisture. Clearly some part of her, beyond the screams and tears, found pleasure in being raped. It didn’t matter to me. All I felt was the soft, superheated plush interior of her pussy, the grinding of my dick when I reached the bottom, followed by the slippery squeezing sound as my dick retracted upwards. My cock was too big for her, but I made space. I bulldozed through, with each thrust causing her to squirt a little more. Finally I pulled out of her, my cock glistening with more of her cum than mine. Twisting her around, I smacked the pained expression off her face, holding her by the chin as I lowered her to her knees. Looking in her eyes, I saw that she liked it. Even as she tried to clamber to her feet and move away, I saw the flash of ecstasy fly across her face. If her hands hadn’t still been tightly wrapped behind her back, she probably would’ve eagerly reached for a chance to feel the rock hard skin of my cock that was drenched in a sticky layer of her own cum. However, as it were, I was the only one with my hands free. And so I clutched onto either side of her head, and sunk my cock all the way into her mouth. She, being the weak, whiny bitch she had proven to be, started gagging. I pulled myself out, then swung my cock across her face so that it splashed against her cheek, leaving a bright red bruise mark. For the next five minutes, I didn’t even fuck her face. I simply stood there, one hand stabilizing her head, and struck her over and over with my cock, eventually cumming just from seeing her being hit by me. I stooped down, almost levelling myself with her, and lathered the entirety of her face with my cum. The naturally fair hue of her skin tone had been gilded with dripping sheets of my cum. It flowed liberally from my cock, a perpetual stream of viscous, honey-like sperm, pooling onto her forehead, where it would then trickle down to the rest of her face. By the third time I had cum, she could hardly open her mouth without swallowing mouthfuls of it. I had transformed her world into an ocean of cum, and she was merely flotsam tossing and swirling in the depths. She did have a pretty face, I observed – though it was difficult to discern its details when the cum permeated every inch of her skin.

My veiny, heavy cock had hardly tired, in contrast to the exhausted look of dismay she wore. Not wanting to halt her torture, I began fucking her face, thrusting harder and harder. Her tongue slobbered, my legs shook as I reached inhuman speed, and through it all my cum poured down into her throat, choking her. Adrenaline coursed through my veins in a parallel motion to the warm cum rushing through her body. As much as I tried to block out the sound of her voice, I couldn’t help but smile when I heard how she struggled painfully with each repeated thrust. Soon, when she had seemingly milked my cock of all of its contents, I kicked her to all fours. She sat weary and tired, hardly able to support herself with her arms as she took the moment of pause to nurse her still bleeding asshole and massage her cheeks made sore from my face fucking. Looking at her as I prepared my cock for its final assault on her ass, I basked in the glory of my achievement. I had reduced her to all she truly was: a cum sack with three holes. I slid my cock into her ass. By now, she knew better than to fight back. Lying on the floor, shaking every time I dug into her, filling the room with her panting, I had shown her what it meant to live. I had shown her the power of pain. I had raped her.
