Sleepy story

It started with a simple argument. She was visiting his new place and only staying the one night. He was only doing the gentlemanly thing. He offered her his bed to sleep in. By herself, mind you, but the offer to swap places had been made. Currently all he had to offer a guest was a leaky air mattress. So her sleeping essentially on the floor would not do.

Her only argument didn’t make sense to him at the time. It was simply “I can’t sleep in your bed. It smells like you”. She kept repeating it but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. It would occur to him later the reason she couldn’t meet his eyes when she gave her reason. Finally she conceded and they stayed up til midnight, chatting as old friends often do.

Around 2 am,  the air mattress was only half full. He tossed and turned a short time before giving up and deciding to move to his chair to sleep. As he was shifting the blankets to the chair, he heard an odd sound. Almost like muffled crying. And it came from the cracked door of his bedroom.  

He slowly approached the door and peeked through gap. He was shocked by what he saw.

She was gloriously naked in the light coming in through the window. Even the junction of her thighs was naked and as she scissored her legs back and forth, he could catch sight of the faintest glisten of her sex.   Her eyes were closed with the most exquisite look on her features, as she arched back to cup her breasts in her hands. The best he could reason was that she was in the throes of some erotic dream. In his excitement, he nudged the door just a bit. Of course it creaked.

But still she continued, caressing her breasts and flexing her hips as if some invisible lover pumped himself deep into her. All too soon, she slowed and began to slide her hands over her body.  She rolled over and clutched his pillow, curling around it and snuggling her face into it before slowly stretching out on her belly. Her hands stayed clutching the pillow close to her for a few moments. He just watched as she slowly calmed, his cock throbbing in his pants. He was certain he hadn’t seen anything that erotic in a while.

Just as he headed back downstairs, determined to jack off as soon as possible, he noticed her hands start to slide down her body. She remained on her stomach but her hands ran up and down her sides before she slid them up and over her buttocks. Squeezing and kneading them, she again presented herself as if to some unseen lover. He was in the perfect spot to see her slit, swollen and glistening and the perfect pucker of her asshole. His cock jerked so hard at the sight, that he bumped the door again.  This time the noise was enough, she stopped. Her hands gathered the pillow against her once again.  He couldn’t chance it anymore. What would she do if she woke naked to him staring at her? She would freak out first and be mad second. He turned to leave but not before he heard her murmur to the night. Fuck me please.

He was in his lounger, furiously mastrubating mind you, when the import of her argument finally hit him. And the knowing that even in her sleep, she was begging to be fucked,  made him cum harder and longer than he could remember doing. In the aftermath, he decided rather than go to his room and join her, he would make tomorrow very interesting. She wasn’t headed out of town for another 24 hours. Seducing her would be much more rewarding.


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