Learning About Sex As A 15 year Old Part 3 and last

Being from a small town in Georgia was not easy to find out things about sex when everyone knew what was going on in the community. As I said Ray was my best friend at 15 and we shared everything. That summer we learned a lot especially from Laura. This story is from memory, somethings maybe not exactly as it happened but for the most part it all true. Laura who came every Thursday to Ray’s house to clean, wash and iron was the one we could find out about sex. She was our teacher so we thought that could tell us the facts of life and we would know all that is to know, ha-ha. We were naive boys that our dicks got hard when there anything to do with sex. Ray would rummage through his parents room while they were at work, he found a box of condoms hidden in his dads drawers, also cigarettes which he stole and we smoked. Under the bed he found a small black box that had a glass dildo in it, we didn’t know what it was but we found out later. Laura would not have anything to do with us for 2 weeks, she would not let us in the house until she was ready to leave a 4PM. Looking back on it, I think she got scared as to how far things had gone.

It was the middle of August that Ray found out they were moving to Atlanta because his dad got a promotion. They would be leaving the first of October, his mother would quite her job on the first of September to start packing. Ray’s mom told Laura she would not need after the first of September but is wanted to she could come and help her pack, which Laura said yes she would. The very next Thursday, we went to Ray’s house at 2PM, the time when Laura ironed clothes, she had on a summer house dress that came just a above her knees. She looked gorgeous, hair pulled by into a pony tail and when we came in she said to Ray you moving to Atlanta so your mama says. Ray left the room and came back with the little black box and opened it in front of Laura and says what is this. Laura was so surprised that her mouth fell open and says where did get that. Laura says that is personal for you mama, Ray says what is it and how is it used. Laura says you don’t need to know.

We knew right away it was something that we needed to know and we pressed it for Laura to tell us. She tells us it is something a women using on their body, we asked how, Laura says it a dildo, a glass dildo, it was about 8 ins long and curved upward with a ball on the end. We pressed her to show us how it used, she said no I can’t put it back, after 30 minutes she finally agreed but said this is the last time I will do anything else for you boys. We agreed, she said sit on the couch then she went to the bathroom.

Laura came out carrying her bag then sat in the chair opposite of Ray and I, then said you boys think you know it all, you want to screw a girl and 2 minutes later its all over for you but not the girl. She is wondering what happened but you are so proud of yourself then you wonder why she is not up to doing again. A girl has to learn too and what it takes to make her like sex. It took me a while to learn but I going to show you what to and how to do it to make a girl happy. I want to show you so you know how to treat a girl. Laura raises her dress up to a point of showing she had no panties on, I got hard immediately, Laura pulls her legs up and props her feet on the edge of the chair, her pussy is on full display. She puts her finger on what she calls a clit and says this is the little button that turns a girl on, I like my men to lick it and she rubs it. We asked if we could come closer, she say yes but you have to pull you peckers out, o my gosh I thought I was going to cum. We did what she asked standing in front of her with our dicks in our hand, Laura then pulls out the glass dildo and places the ball end to her pussy lips. She then says Ray this is what you mama uses when you daddy can’t take care of her. She then pushes the dildo in further and says jack them peckers, for me a minute and for Ray 30 seconds. When we were done, Laura says to Ray wash this dildo up and put it back. I could not believe what happened, Laura gets up goes to bathroom is in there about 20 minutes and comes out. She says to get out and this never happened. I personally thing Laura masturbated in the Bathroom.

Ray left for Atlanta in October and we lost contact after about a year. Never saw Laura again but boy what a summer.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/g1ibnz/learning_about_sex_as_a_15_year_old_part_3_and

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