In lock-down and bored? Enjoy some of our series starters for free!

Smashwords is running a “Authors give back” sale until 4/20 and below you can find the following free series starters from us. Links in comments.

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Join Peter and the gang on their debaucherous adventures in South Sweden

The Godkiller Chronicles

Jorn the Barbarian kills Gods and breeds with both the divine and the mortals

The Eclipse Annals

Exploring the universe one set of genitalia at a time

The City in the City

A world where freeuse sex is regulated

Confessions of a MILF Slut

Anne shares her dirtiest secrets

Happy reading!



  1. Like Mother, Like Daughter


    The Godkiller Chronicles


    The Eclipse Annals


    The City in the City


    Confessions of a MILF Slut


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