The Princesses in the Tower – Chapter 2, Part 5 – Zita [Maledom] [Male supremacy]

*The chapter to be concluded by the next part.*


I wish my textbook would burn!

The Four-winged Announcer of The New Androcentrism is the object we are instructed to cuddle like if it was our most trustworthy adviser and also bed warmer. Weatherby names all eight men who contributed to the text, not alluding to the presented ideas. He revels in underlining it´s central position in the sources of the new constitution. The content we are to experience in silent reading. I am not allowed to discuss a single statement. Class was safe from the pure disagreement.

The first quarter of the book was dedicated to the fact that in the case of human species, nature has created the duality of leading masculinity and the supportive feminity. This is manifested in physical and mental differences and people must accommodate to these roles. When they do, the reciprocal agreement and willingness to unquestioned division of duties will follow.

OK, the basis of this is true. We are naturally set in this way. The thing is, we are not just natural creatures, we are sentient. We also vary much more than other animals. Therefore it will be always more complicated with us. Some might find satisfaction in simple contract that might be expressed in a few words, others will need long list of exceptions and clauses that will clarify the best terms corresponding to their lives, not to some imperative we are born with. If we want to be human beings, we should know it can be transcended.

The following section stated how most societies evolved in accordance with this principle, that it was challenged only a very little and it came up of as an automatic supposition to both parties.

In other words it was saying: “everybody agreed.” Obviously not everybody, hence the protests and changes that came later. The culture can convince people about a lot of things, especially about social stratification, which in turn opens a doorway to corruption and misuse of power. That leads to somebody´s pain and in some cases, to death. Yes, after two days, I had an air bubbles in the throat, turning around into the boot stomping, ready to finish me off. Somebody should write the alternate history where Etruscans founded the Western civilization and women therefore were treated respectfully. Of course I know that without our actual history, I would never be born.

Fuck the causality.

With the exception of it´s condescending language, you couldn´t much respond to the third section, because the postulates were describing the broad phenomena. It started by stating that feminism and emancipation proved that woman can be born with sufficient intelligence a skills outside of domestic expertise, but it also made women as a whole more emotionally unstable, men became weaker and it limited the growth of the population tremendously. Woman can have abilities, but she must use them to the well-being of her male overseer, so the fruits of the labor will be better concentrated.

I am very sorry that my freedom offended you so much.

The final chapters were sketching more implementations of The New Androcentrism under the ignorant underlying slogan “Let´s go to the future by revisiting the past”. They talk about the essential concept of “The Secondary citizenship” encompassing the reinstated guardianship over us and female social credit system. Lastly they rambled about how to face our disobedience, unfaithfulness, hysteria and evading deserved punishment. It read like a breeders handbook. That I especially like when men are talking about us, as if we were some breed of dogs or horses, which happens to talk somehow.

Weatherby has informed the class that the lesson will continue right on Monday and he expects paper presentations, the topic being “Justification of my submission and servitude” with the references to all four parts of the book. The homework is to be carried out in the central library.

No matter how I felt about The Announcer, I gripped it, like any good student would do with the tome of earth-shattering knowledge. Barbara, of all people, embarrassed me, since she flat-out refused the pretension. Her arm moved like she was practicing before throwing a baseball. More than once she clasped the cover pages by fingers and the waving rest was just asking to be plucked out.

Did she polemize with every section thoroughly like me?

In the dining hall we asked for our cushions automatically. There was a foggy vision in my head of us sitting on the bench healed. Poor Julie could not sit at all. Some of the classmates looked upon her derisively, but none of them dared to insult her. In fact, Lydia, stark-eyed girl of black hair, with whom I tied her up, rose from her seat and assured her that she Is eager to cut her own hands now.

What was I doing during the heartful episode? Eating my favorite soup. Am I some sort of robot, whose settings are highly corrigible? I have to replay Stacey’s words, because she named something undeniable. I rose up too and snatched my cushion. Lydia sympathized, as she gave me hers. You can say the test of our dinner was spiced up, however this time we were naughty and Julie kissed us on the forehead.

The Day has gone back and forth its scheme. We came here in the morning together, in the evening we will be lying down at the same time. As a group we conveyed the germinating determination, Stacey and Jenine becoming models for the others. Therese with Barbara looked fascinated by their resolve that needed no words, but these two had more melancholy in their eyes. Not far from our room I was telling myself that I am not a robot, android or gynoid. I am the mediator, who can tip the scales of optimism.

The role made harder at the moment, when we weren´t uttering that many words and some being acting incomprehensibly. Like Jenine examining Stacey´s Homemaking outfit in the bathroom. I was the only one who wanted to know what is in the gift basket. Yes, who of the decent mind would collect prizes from such people?

The prizes in question… I won´t be mentioning the cute tiara or BDSM portfolio to them, it would aggravate their temper and opinion of me. The perfumed soup was more neutral and beneficial, I drawn attention to it.

“Even if it would be car-sized, it wouldn´t be enough”, said Stacey. Others, despite not answering, looked happier, perhaps lured into the sweet-smelling shower. The hot water and the lavender in the all over us made us much more vital. I counted on it, went to Jenine and offered her the last piece of Stacey´s delivery – the deck of rummy.

“You owe me some entertainment for the morning assistance!”

Jenine suppressed the last bits of bitterness in her face, caressed my hand and took a seat on the floor. I looked on Therese and Barbara with an invitation. They responded in kind. Before I could count to three, they waited for me to start dealing the cards. I haven´t done it until Stacey wasn´t also with the rest of us, leaning against the bed. With the enthusiasm, I gave each of us six pieces and flung the remaining pile into the center. Now, off to go with some ugly outsider. I had… Jesus, two jokers! The Batman blessing. Q of diamonds, 2 of spades, 3 of hearts, 10 of diamonds, well one alliance is possibly forming, but 2 of spades, you must go!

Stacey discarded J of diamonds. No, why I can´t take it!?

Jenine discarded 3 of spades. Two combinations for mine set or run, but I can´t use it for either type of meld.

My new card is Q of spades, I discarded 2 of spades. Barbara took it at once. She had A-2-3 and the heart Q-K-joker runs. She discarded the junk and so did Therese and Stacey. Jenine discarded J of diamonds and I did put a smile worthy of comic book Joker on my face.

I couldn´t imagine our captors having similar fun.
