Captured spy becomes a slave

This was inspired by a picture I saw.

There was once this female spy, she was 5’7 and had quite the bust.
She also had amazing hips that gave a very feminine look, coupled with a serious ass.

Sent on all or most of the missions that required that female touch. She used her feminine qualities to her advantage to lure her target into bed and then either despatch of the target or use her skills to squeeze the information out of him…or her
There wasn’t really an issue with male or female targets, she liked them the same.

One particular mission proved to be rather difficult. She was captured while sneaking through the gardens of a rich manor., when captured she was taken to the dungeons and tied up.

Tied up, she was stripped of the sequin dress she was wearing, the capturers did not take it off in a nice manor, rather slitting it from the cleavage down. It just fell away..
She was pissed, that was a beautiful dress.

Now naked because she didn’t wear a bra nor did she wear underwear.

A man’s voice is heard in a slight accent, he says “you were caught spying on us, why, what were you trying to find, answer or pay the price”.
She’s a trained agent so she just scoffs the man off “you’ll never get anything out of me, do your worst”.
This makes the man laugh in a very hollow tone.
Then he says something in a foreign language. “no no slut, you’re not going to tell us this but you will share everything, your life”.

Then the man steps into the light carrying a tray of ice, he picks up the ice and notions for someone to do something, then before she realizes it, she spun upside down and the man insirts a block of ice into her pussy.

She gasps in shock and let’s out a loud groan at that feeling. Then the man starts to clamp her nipples.
“i still won’t tell you anything” she yells out m, even more sure she won’t.

She heard evil laughing then, Whack, a slap to her bountiful tits.

“ahhh” she screams out, the ice in her pussy has melted by now so she is spun around again.

Each day this happens. And each day she keeps saying “I’m not saying a thing”.

Nobody else says anything but she hears them laughing and chatting in the foreign language.

In about the second week she is so annoyed, “say something” she screams, yet only recieves more laughter.

About 2 months in. Or she thinks it’s about 2 months, she’s lost count and also she feels herself losing her senses. Her training is failing, and by this time she can’t actually tell them anything.
Yet it continues, “make it stop” she cries out, “I know nothing”.

This conditioning torture goes on for who knows how much longer. She can’t even recognize her name.
She knows she must eat, use the bathroom and sleep, that is her life, but with the pain at exactly 10am every day.

She actually begins to look forward to it. She starts anticipating it. She begins to enjoy it.

Then it happens, her first orgasm during her conditioning.
Still she gets laughter.

Then, not knowing how long she’s been there, she gets told, still on that foreign accent. But what is foreign, her brain is sloppy. All she knows is sleep, eat, bathroom, pain.
Then one day a tray is shoved in her hands and in that strange accent “now you will do what’s told, you will serve”. “yes master” she says very obediently and quite excitedly.

He pats her head, she is beaming joy. Then he attaches a collar and she feels needed and part of something.

“she is complete” the man says, “our experiment is complete”, a few men applaud.

She is now a slave.

So that one was rather fun to imagine, let me know what you think?


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