The hucow breeding program

There has been a terrible virus that has infected the earth, it affected most woman which made them unable to bear children, the earth’s population was in a downward spiral, that was until women started disappearing at night.

There had been reports of an underground scientist in the black market, who had experimented and found a way to alter a woman’s genome to produce the eggs required for insemination once again.

Suddenly pre-school were being filled again. But now in this new world. Girls were desperate to fall pregnant. Actually many young females would purposefully try get abducted by the “breeders” as they became known as.

Through genetic manipulation the “breeder” produced an egg which was inseminated and the baby was carried to term.
Facilities started to pop up known as “farms” which housed the breeding stock.

But what to do with a bunch of lactating, horny women. So hucow farms were set up, firstly to deal with the influx of new girls and them later to meet the demand for milk which suddenly sky rocketed.

Woman had become the new cattle and their breast milk was worth its weight in gold.
Farms were very lucrative and “cow girls” could make some serious money, depending how often they were bred, and how much they produced.
They jmhad good lives, not wanting for anything, they had it all. The only thing they had to give up was their bodies, but only temporarily, which most girls did gladly.

A good life for cows.
