That will be a hard few days… [OC, fm, slow build up]

He came home late today. Work had him going on his teeth lately, he basically didn’t have time for anything. There was no time to work out, going out, let alone finding a girlfriend or at least a one night stand. Lately he didn’t even have the energy to masturbate. 

The apartment he was living in was rather tall and had a nice view over Tokyo. However he, Dan, would always be the outsider. It was rather difficult connecting with people outside from work. Even more he was glad that he shared this apartment with another foreigner. 

He put his bag besides the door, and went to his room to prepare the clothes he wanted to wear after the bath. Maybe they even had some beer left so he could watch TV and relax a bit? 

Lost in thought he grabbed a fresh towel, his sweatpants and a T-shirt and went to the bathroom.  While the water was running into the bathtub, he prepared the laundry that he had to wash later. 

After 20 minutes the bathtub was ready, he undressed and looked in the mirror. He was still very attractive. He had wide shoulders, was trained with a visible Sixpack and had a soft, longer and thicker than average cock that was showing under his black pubes. His trained chest was clearly visible under his chest hair. He liked it as it was not overly growing and you could still see perfectly through it. 

He stepped into the bathtub and let the hot water do the work on his muscles. It was really hot, maybe even a bit too hot, he thought, but it helped release the stress of the past days. 

It was so nice of her brother to let her live her with him, even if it was just for a short amount of time. She adored him to death. Matt mentioned, that he had a roommate, but she had not met him. Since she was traveling for over 20 hours, she slept in her brother’s bed until now. 

When she got up, she thought about what to wear. But she was still tired so she decided to skip the bra and go directly with a tanktop and sweatpants. As she was grocery shopping before, she wanted to thank both of them with a nice dinner. Unfortunately she hadn’t met Dan, the roommate yet, but Matt told her, that he was usually late. Maybe her cooking was in time, when he arrived. 

When she was in the kitchen she noticed the note her brother left on the fridge 

Hey Dan, 

My sister will be living with us for a few days. 

I bet you don’t mind as you are working all the time basically. 

Safe me some beer for later! 

See ya


She smiled and opened the fridge, getting out the meat and vegetables. While she was cutting the vegetables she heard the water in the bathtub and was happy, that her brother got home in the meantime. 

Dinner was nearly ready when the door opened and she yelled “HI Matt!” 

She then looked at another young man, she had never seen before. He was only wearing sweatpants and was drying his hair with a towel, when he got around the corner. 

He was attractive. Overly attractive, and very fit. 

Being surprised she was, she dropped the cooking spoon. 

By the looks of it, he was as confused as she was. 

Damn, forgot the short in my room again, Dan thought as he opened the bathroom door. He was just drying his hair on the way to his room, when he heard noise in the kitchen. How nice of Matt to cook for us, Dan thought. 

He walked around the corner and stopped in his track. In the kitchen stood an extremely attractive young woman. Her blue big eyes looked at him as if she was just as surprised as he was. She had long blonde hair, which she had in a ponytail. She was pretty thin, but he could easily see her pretty large breasts behind her tank top. 

She dropped the cooking spoon, cursed and bent over to pick it up, leaving him a nice view on her trained ass. 

When she got back up she looked at him as he said “Who are you and what are you doing in my apartment?” 

She raised an eyebrow, pointed at the fridge and said “I am the little sister of Matt, he left you a note, here”, Naomi said as she handed over the note. 

He took it and was able to smell her perfume, she smelled of summer and fruits. Slowly he regretted not putting on boxer shorts, as his cock started to get flooded with blood. Quickly he read the note and put it back on the table. 

“what’s your name?”, he asked her. 

His voice was so deep, she immediately melted away, although he seemed rather pissed, that she was there. 

“I am Naomi. I was just preparing dinner for Matt and you, I hope you don’t mind I am using the kitchen?” 

So she was kind, too? He had to get to his room before she noticed what was going down in his pants. 

“I will be right back, let me put on some clothes. Sorry to have you surprised this way”, he apologized and went to his room. 

“No problem!” she called after him. 

Once he was in his room, he put on briefs to try to hide his beginning erection. 

“Great timing”, he thought “haven’t nailed in weeks, no, months, and now Matt’s sister is living with us?” 

Matt had showed him pictures of her of course, he loved his little sister to death, but this was bringing a lot of difficulties. He was barely able to contain himself and if it wasn’t for Matt, he would try to get her to bed. Usually he was successful with his intent, but this was Matt’s sister! He wouldn’t forgive Dan, if he slept with her. 

Frustrated he ran his fingers through his hair and took a deep breath. His erection started to subseed and he put on a large shirt, hoping it was long enough to cover an upcoming erection. 

He really looked annoyed when he got out of his room. She didn’t want to upset anyone. 

“Look, I am sorry. If you don’t want me to live here, I can just get a hotel room. It’s just for a few nights, I really don’t mind.” 

He smirked and looked directly in her bright blue eyes. 

“Absolutely not. Trust me, Matt will kill me if I send you to get a hotel room. If I knew you were here, I wouldn’t have used the bathtub first. That being said, it is hot if you want to take a bath. When did you arrive?”, he asked whilst going to the fridge, grabbing two beers, giving Naomi one. 

They talked about her travel and her job in Tokyo but his mind always drifted back to her boobs, as we could see them perfectly from the side. If the shirt would move a tiny bit, he should be able to see the nipple. But it wouldn’t move. He wasn’t sure if he was glad, that it didn’t move as she was still Matt’s sister, or if he should be sad because he was pretty sure, that she had stunning nipples. 

However he didn’t have much time to think about it, as the door opened and Matt came in. 

Immediately, Naomi had the brightest smile on her face,as she spring up from the couch and pressed herself against Dan as she tried to climb past him. He had to hold her arm, as she would have fallen on him if he didn’t. Her skin was so soft and she smelled so good, it was hardly bearable. 

“Matt, welcome home!”, she cried as she spring into his arms. Matt himself was a bit smaller than Dan but not less trained, so he caught his sister easily and swung her around. 

“Hey Naomi! I see you found the apartment without my help? And you have met Dan I see? Hey Dan, have you read my note on time?” 

Dan grinned and grabbed the back of his head as he said “Ha, unfortunately not. I met her when I got out of the bathtub”, he started as Matt raised an eyebrow. 

“Don’t worry, I was wearing pants”, he added as he clearly received a warning from Matt. 

Matt grabbed a beer from the fridge and took a seat at the other couch.

“I would take a bath if that is okay with you?”, Naomi asked. 

“Sure”, Matt said “let me give you towels.” 

When he got back he took a big sip of his beer. 

“Don’t get any ideas Dan, she is my younger sister!” 

“Matt, don’t worry, I won’t touch her. How long will be be staying?” 

“If everything runs smoothly until Sunday. She will be sleeping in my room and I will sleep on the couch.” 

Naomi undressed herself, placed her hands beside the sink and looked at herself in the mirror. 

Why did he have to be this handsome? Matt will make pretty clear, that he wasn’t allowed to touch her, but when she nearly fell on him and his strong arms held her in place… Just thinking about it made her weak again. 

She showered herself and enjoyed the hot water of the bathtub, as she slowly laid down. Although the water was a bit too hot, it was very relaxing. However it didn’t help against the thoughts of Dan. 

When she came out of the bathroom she looked nearly better then before. Her hair was still wet and fell on one side of her shoulder. Her cheeks were red from the temperature of the bath. 

“Are you okay Naomi?”, Matt suddenly asked,,”you look like a lobster.” 

“My body isn’t used to the temperature of the water. Everything is fine though”, she assured him smiling. 

“Well then it’s my turn”, Matt said and got up, not before shooting one last warning at Dan. 

She sat on the other couch and inspected the apartment a bit more. 

He stretched out on the couch, placing on arm under his head. 

She tried to look over to him without him noticing. He seemed lost in thoughts, so she didn’t want to ruin it. 

A few moments later he got up and told her “I am going to bed. Matt told me, you would use his room. Do you need anything for the night?” 

She knew exactly what she needed but couldn’t have. 

“No I am good thank you. Sleep tight!” 

He fell asleep but had very vivid dreams involving Naomi and himself, so he woke with a huge morning wood. 

“Great”, he murmured. 

He got up, threw on a shirt and shorts, as he wanted to have breakfast before heading to work. 

He waited a moment, before his morning wood subseeded and got out of the room.

Matt and Naomi were already sitting on the dining table, Naomi wearing a pencil dress and make-up, making here even more stunning. 

“Good morning sunshine”, Matt laughed at him. 

“Well I am off to work, wish me luck!”, Naomi waved as she went out of the door. 

“What does it depend on? The amount of time she will be staying?” 

“She tries to get an apartment near Shibuya, as she will be working for a marketing company.” 

Dan nodded, got ready and drove to work.

He was glad about the distraction and finished earlier than expected,so he had the time to go to the gym. Finally he could let of some steam lifting weights. 

When he came home, he was feeling better then in the morning. His hair was still a bit wet, when he came through the door and saw, that Naomi dragged her blanket around. 

“What are you doing?”, Dan asked confused. 

“Why should Matt sleep on the couch? I am a lot smaller than him and I really don’t mind sleeping on the couch.” 

“There is another reason, why he is sleeping on the couch”, Dan murmured more to himself than to Naomi. 

She walked up to him, stood directly in front of him, pointed her face up and said “My brother doesn’t have to watch me!”, whilst poking him in the chest. 

“He is your older brother, what do you expect?” 

She backed off a bit. 

Why did he have to look so good? His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and the first two buttons of his shirt were open. She wanted to open the others so badly, but she help herself back. 

As she was still wearing her work clothes as well, she decided to change her clothes into something more comfortable. 

How about the top without straps? She undressed and got into tiny shorts and the shirt. 

When she returned to the living room, Dan was already sitting on the couch, wearing shorts and a long tank top. 

She could clearly see his chest muscles and chest hair under the tank top, starting to get her wet. 

He looked at her and raised his eyebrows. These few days would be absolute torture. 

He went to bed early, mainly because he was tired due to the training but because Naomi had already changed in her sleeping gown, basically even shorter shorts and a satin top, where the nipples were clearly visible when hard. 

He undressed and went to bed just in shorts, as usual. 

A few hours later he woke up, because someone touched his arm. He sat up, looking for light. 

“I can’t sleep!”, that was Naomi’s voice. 

He sighed and fell back on his back. 

“Why do you wake me then? Your brother is in the room across the floor.” 

“He can’t help me”, she said as she sat next to him. 

She was surprised, that he was sleeping shirtless, but she liked what she saw. However she was sure, that he wouldn’t touch her. And Matt had made very clear, that he didn’t like her seducing him. But she couldn’t help it. She needed him, Matt couldn’t keep that away from her. For a few months she hadn’t had sex, she committed all her time to working hard so she could be transferred to Japan. 

Her body was trembling as she was sliding down the straps of her shirt. 

“Naomi what are you doing?”, Dan asked alarmed, pushing up onto his arms. 

“Shh. Matt will hear us” 

“Naomi we can’t”, Dan started when she undressed her shirt, showing him her perfect breasts. 

This couldn’t be happening. There was a half naked woman sitting in his bed, basically begging him to take her and he had to take her down, although his body was clearly suggesting, to do it.

“Trust me, I want it as badly as you but Matt will rip my head of if he finds out”, he began but Naomi already sat on top of him, pinning him down. There was still a lot of materials between them but he was sure, that she could feel his cock. 

“Who says he has to know?” 

“Oh believe me, he will know. He probably even knows you are here right now, something like a big brother supernatural power. Please don’t put me in this situation.”

She backed off a little, covering her breasts with the shirt she just undressed. 

“You don’t like me”, she stated. She felt so embarrassed even trying to seduce him. “Or are you gay?” 

He had to snort a bit. 

“Trust me when I tell you, I am not gay. And I really like you, I do! If you weren’t Matt’s sister, believe me, you would not be standing there. You would be squirming under my fingers.” 

She swallowed hard, noticing her panties being flooded again, put in her shirt and left his room. 

There was no other way around, she had to take matters into her own hands if she wanted to sleep. Not that she minded when she was home, but doing it in the living room on the couch was strange. She laid on her back tried to fall asleep with no success. Slowly she undressed her pants and panties and started to rub her clit, massaging her breast and nipple with the other hand. The blanket was all over her so she hoped, that nobody would notice.

Fuck, he thought. He couldn’t sleep and now he was thirsty. So he grabbed a long shirt, got up and opened the door, seeing Naomi lying completely under her blanket. He had to smile a bit as he could imagine what she was doing, until he opened the door. She looked at him mortified. 

“I was just grabbing a glass of water, I am thirsty”, he explained, avoiding looking at her. 

He couldn’t be serious. Thirsty, now??? When he opened the door she was just at the brink of an orgasm, so she had to ruin it in order to not moan at him. 

Her uterus was clenching and she had to really pull herself together in order to not curse, as she had zero pleasure from the ruined orgasm. 

“Have fun and sleep tight!”, he added as he want past her and went back into his room. She was lying there, panties off, trying to start over again, but her clit was sore from the ruined orgasm. 

Great, she thought. “I can’t even have a normal orgasm in here!” 

The next day Dan got out of his room already fully dressed. Naomi smiled at him as if nothing has happened last night. Her clothes choice was always on point, he noticed. Not showing too much but always giving a hint of what was underneath. 

“I will be back late”, Dan said after taking a sip of coffee. 

“We should all go out tomorrow! Tomorrow is Friday and I have never been out in Japan. Pleeaaase?” 

Matt gave in directly. 

“Sure thing. Want to go out dancing or drinking?” 

She leaned into him, saying “both”. 

While she was leaning into them, he was able to see her bra a tiny bit. It was white, covered with lace in the shape of flowers. He had to get out of here. It wouldn’t take long until he would just grab her and nailed her on the kitchen counter. 

Instead Matt got up “I have to leave early today. Behave you two!”, he added. 

Dan went to the bathroom as Matt left the apartment. 

When he got out, Namo was standing on the opposite side of the room, leaning on the wall. 

“You know that you can’t resist me, right?”, she said, slowly unbuttoning her blouse. 

Dan walked over to her, stood directly in front of her, placing his hands directly beside her head. Slowly he lowered his head, thinking he would kiss her, she closed her eyes. But instead he whispered in her ear “Same goes for you apparently.” 

She was breathing quite heavily as he stood so close in front of her, leaving her no way out. He smelled so good, so masculine and she could see his trained body through his shirt. 

“Think about that, because the game can be played two ways”, he said, while he grabbed her chin forcing her to look at him. 

He let her go slowly, grabbed his bag and went to work. When he arrived, it was still too early for most colleagues, but he hoped, that Yuki was already there and he was right. 

The petit Japanese woman sat on her desk, her long black straight hair falling on her back, the dark brown eyes fixing the monitor, trying to figure out the numbers that were standing there. She had pretty small breasts that were barely visible under her shirt, but he knew how much he loved if he played with them. So far she hadn’t noticed him, so he stood behind her, carefully leaning in, stroking her hair aside and gave her a gentle kiss on her neck. Of course he knew, what that would do to her. Her body stiffened under him, as she tried to remain calm. 

“Are you free tonight? I could use a little company and I brought wine”, he said, showing her the bottle of red wine. It was months since they had last met. He knew it was pretty unfair to ask her out now as she was only a get-away for him and he knew, that she wanted more. She wanted a relationship with him. 

As he was pinning down her chair, she couldn’t turn around, but her hand reached back for the back of his head, slowly stroking it. 

“Sure. If we use my place however we have to be quite, my roommate is having friends over.” 

“That will be a challenge but we will manage”, he agreed, leaning in for another kiss of her neck. 

“I will collect you at 6.”

During work he wasn’t really able to focus. His body knew, that he would have sex later and his thoughts always went back and forth between Naomi and Yuki. Yuki was really a sweetheart. When they first had sex, she had huge trouble fitting him in, as she was so small. He wasn’t unusually big but for her standards it was enormous. It took a few weeks of dates until she was able to take all of him in. Over time she started to like being filled out by him, no other Japanese man could give her that. 

He collected her at 6 and they went straight to her room, ignoring the roommates. She rushed back to get two glasses and locked the door behind her. 

Both took a few sips, before he threw her on the bed, crawling up towards her. Slowly he undressed her, stroking every centimeter of newly undressed skin. Once she was naked, he pushed aside her legs, placing his lips onto her clitoris and gently started sucking. He used his other hand to rub her small nipple. Yuki bit her finger in order not to moan, but after a few moments, her body started to shake, as she got closer to orgasm. Dan stopped, tracing her clit with his tongue a few more times, before sitting back up. 

Both drank a few more sips of wine, before she started undressing him. She was still pretty shy but she was trying so hard to make everything right for him, it was pretty sweet. 

Once he had been completely undressed, she pushed him back onto the bed, crawling over him and slowly started sucking his dick. “She got better”, he thought while enjoying the movement of her tongue on his glans. A few minutes later, he grabbed her and pulled her up. He knew that she wouldn’t be able to let him cum just by blowing him, but he didn’t want to tell her. Yuki turned around for a reverse cowgirl position and started riding Dan’s cock at first slowly, over time getting faster and faster. His body slowly started to work for an orgasm, but he knew, that Yuki wasn’t nowhere close as she still refused to touch herself when having sex. So he moved his upper body up and guided her to her back, so that he was on top of her. Slowly he slid inside her again and told her, to hold her legs apart with her hands. Yuki did as told. He held his weight with one hand and used the other hand to massage her clitoris with his thumb, still thrusting inside her. It didn’t take long when her uterus clenched faster and faster, indicating that she was very close. 

As her body erupted in a shattering orgasm, he was taken over the edge by the clenching of her. Finally, he thought, he got some relief. After they had both regained some breath, he got up and disposed the condom, cleaning himself up. Yuki got up and got both glasses of wine, handing him one as they both laid back on the bed. 

“You know that you have to touch yourself in order to cum, right?” She looked in her glass, obviously ashamed. 

“I don’t know how”, she admitted quietly. 

“Wait, you never masturbated? Or touched yourself? Ever?” Slowly she shook her head. 

He took her glass and placed them both beside him. Both were already empty and he could see, that she started to notice the alcohol. 

Maybe this was the right time to teach her something. 

“Come here”, he said, opening his legs wide and patting on the blanket before him. 

She sat down between his legs, letting her back rest against his chest, slowly starting to caress his thighs. 

“Yuki, concentrate”, he demanded as she placed her hands back. 

He opened her legs with his hand and slowly guided her hand down her thighs with his other hand. 

Her fingers were lying under his fingers, so he gently pressed her middle finger against her clitoris, massaging it gently. 

He landed in for her ear and whispered “You only have to figure out what you like. Later you can guide me.” 

He stroked aside her hair and gently kissed her neck, letting her moan softly and he noticed, that her fingers on the clitoris changed. 

Good, he thought, now she is at least trying something. 

He laid one arm around her, slowly squeezing her nipples. She squeaked shortly and started to move her fingers faster. He placed her other hand on her nipple, so that could massage it herself, too. 

“What I am doing?”, he thought. “I have a willing woman between my legs and tell her how to masturbate.”

“Don’t cum for me yet sweetheart”, he whispered in her ear, as she slowly stopped all movement, heavily breathing. 

“Let’s go into the shower.” 

He was rock-hard again, seeing Yuki masturbate in front of him. 

Her room had a separate little bathroom only having a toilet, a sink and a little shower. 

She turned up the water and while they were waiting, that the water got hot, she stroked his dick, leaning in for a kiss. 

Just before he could kiss her, she let got, turned around, sticked out her tongue and filled the wine glasses again. He took a big sip before he pinned her to a wall, furiously kissing her. 

He then carried her into the shower, pressed her up against the wall and started fucking her hard. She held onto him with her left hand, while massaging herself with the right hand. 

The hot water ran down on both of them as she came first and he came a few moments later. He let her down and started to gently rub the shower gel all over her. 

“How can I not get enough of you?”, she asked genuine confused. 

“You still want more?”, he asked, pretty baffled. In his experience woman could take one orgasm, a second at most before they were sore. However Yuki didn’t seem finished. 

She nodded, leaning in for another kiss. 

He turned her around, let her back lay on his chest and softly opened her legs. 

“I need a little break but I could make it short for you.” 

Dan was late. Really late. She knew that he was saying that, however she was lying on the couch not being able to sleep because she knew, he had to get past her. 

Around 1 am the door finally clicked and she acted as if she was sleeping. 

He looked down at her sleeping. She was so beautiful and he felt so guilty, that he had slept with another woman but he had no other choice. She left him no other choice. There was a strand of hair in her face, he noticed. His finger slowly stroked it away, as he leaned in and kissed her on the forehead, before he left. 

What was that all about, Naomi was thinking? He had clearly been drinking, she smelled the alcohol when he leaned in. Unsure what to think, she fell asleep a few minutes later. 

They wanted to go out the next day and she had handpicked the outfit. Revealing, but not too revealing, sexy, with high heels and no bra. 

Looking and feeling absolutely stunning, she got out of Matt’s room, who looked at her and raised an eyebrow. 

“Really Naomi?” 

Dan got out of his room a few moments later, wearing Jeans and a shirt, sleeves rolled up and the first buttons open.

“Shall we?” 

Naomi was dancing nearly the whole time. It didn’t surprise anyone, that she got a lot of attention by guys nearby, but she only had eyes for Dan. Dan however was lost in conversation with her brother which drove her mad. 

“Matt in all honesty, you can’t control her any longer. She is 27, let her do what she wants to.”

“I know her. And I know that she would fall in love with you in a blink, just to have you crush it months later. Then I have to pick up the pieces of her and have to kick you out. I really don’t want that.” 

“You do know, that you have to pick her up after every other guy, too?” Dan took a big sip of his Cuba Libre. 

“Did you know Matt, that she was in my room the other night, starting to undress and I had to stop her?” 

Matt laughed loud. 

“You stopped her? Since when are you able to stop yourself let alone anyone else?” 

Dan said nothing, looking up and saw Naomi walking up to him. A little drop of sweat trailing down between her breasts. 

She pouted as none of the boys would dance with her. 

“Fine”, she stated, lifted what was left of her Cosmopolitan, it was nearly full, and chugged it down in one go. 

“I guess we can go home then”, she said annoyed. Matt got up to pay the bill. 

She sat next to Dan, leaning on his shoulder.

“You two are boring.” 

“I was trying to tell your brother to let you do what you want to do. But the performance just now pretty much killed your chances.” 

Great, now they are always talking about me, she thought. 

“I don’t need anyone to look after me”, she yelled, jumped up and sprained her ankle, as the alcohol kicked in and she lost balance. 

Dan looked alarmed, rushed over and helped her up. 

“Show me”, he demanded. 

They sat down and she lifted her foot. 

“It doesn’t hurt, let go of me!”, she demanded while softly punching his shoulder. 

Matt came back, looking at the two, raising an eyebrow. 

“She fell over and sprained her ankle.” 

Matt had to suppress laughter. 

“Yes, she can clearly look after herself. Let’s go.” 

Back in the apartment her ankle still didn’t hurt a lot but her feet did because of all that dancing. 

She let herself fall on the couch, heels still on, complaining that they were killing her. 

Matt shot out a last:” You can deal with this, right?”, before he closed his bedroom door. 

Naomi was still lying on her back, eyes closed. 

Her breasts looked spectacular in that dress. 

Slowly he lifted her legs, sat down next to her and let them back down, so that they were laying on his legs. 

He untied her shoes in slowly slid them off. Naomi let out a relieved sigh, when both heels were off. 

“Does this hurt?”, Dan asked as he carefully grabbed her left foot and moved it slowly. 

She shook her head. 

“They hurt because I was dancing.” 

As Matt wasn’t there he wanted to use this opportunity to spend a bit of alone time with her. Even if she was pretty drunk. 

He moved himself, so that they were sitting directly opposite and laid both of her feet on his chest. 

She looked a bit confused at first but when she noticed, that he was about to massage her feet, she closed her eyes again. 

“You don’t have to do that”, she murmured. 

“I know”, he smirked, “but I want to.” 

He softly massaged her feet and they talked. A lot. 

“I will make it up to you when Matt is not around, I swear”, she murmured tired. 

Dan slowly got up, placed the blanket over her but she resisted.

“Can’t sleep in that dress.” 

“Then take it off when I am in my room!” 

“Can’t. You do it”, she babbled. 

Dan let out a deep sigh and went back to the couch. 

She sat up and turn the back to him, so that he could open the zipper. She slid off the dress, showing him, that she was completely naked. 

“Naomi put this on”, he grabbed her sleeping pants and looked away. 

“No I will sleep naked as I usually do”, she babbled again, grabbed the blanket and rolled herself in. 

Dan woke, when he heard that Matt was upset about something. His hearing was still blurry but after some time, he heard him. 

“… make it hard… Sleep naked… Dress… Damn God Naomi, you are 27 and you run around like a 16 year old girl in puberty. Now get dressed before Dan gets up. That poor guy is trying so hard to control himself, don’t make it so hard for him!” 

He heard the front door shut. 

After some time, at least enough time for Naomi to get dressed, he got up. 

She smiled at him, when he got out of the room. 

“Let me make breakfast okay? Thank you for stepping up for me. Matt told me… Everything about yesterday is a bit cloudy but I said something about making it up to you, right?” 

He nodded and went to the bathroom. 

When he got out of the bathroom Naomi told him” Matt had to go working today. Do you want to go shopping with me today?”

“If you need something I can show you the places I like to go. You will leave tomorrow, right?” 

She didn’t say anything, just stared at her pancake. 

“Well uhm, I didn’t get the apartment beginning now. I will have to wait another month to move in.” 

He didn’t say anything. What should he tell her? My balls are ready to burst everytime I see you? 

She saw, that he was uncomfortable. 

“I am so sorry, I…” 

He cut her off.

“Let’s go shopping, shall we?” 

To be continued…



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