A Competition [Mff] [oral]

It was always a shock to have one student drop by my office at the university; when two came in together, it was an occasion for celebration. Especially considering who the two students were: Kameron and Faith. They were friends, but they were also stubborn and competitive, always trying to one-up each other on homework and comments during lecture. They had both had the gall to ask how the other was doing in class at different times during the semester, neither going so far as to ask specifically about grades, but both intimating it. I have to admit, it was a pleasant change of pace to have students competing to do well, even if they were a couple of brown-nosing goody-two-shoes.

They both looked pretty today; Faith was taking advantage of the last few warm days of autumn to show off her long, tanned legs in a white sundress with a sparse floral pattern. She was wearing pink lipstick that looked almost garish, and wore her long, dark, wavy hair down to frame her narrow face and bright eyes. She’d clearly seen plenty of sun this summer; freckles stood out on the bridge of her nose and across her cheeks. She flashed a smile when she came in, revealing perfect pearly whites, always the more outgoing of the two.

Kameron always dressed a bit dowdier, but today was in tiny denim shorts that showed off her pale, coltish legs and a spaghetti-strap white top. She looked to be a runner, though I’d never asked and she never brought it up. She had a pinched mouth and wore geek-chic glasses with her blonde locks pulled back into a loose ponytail.

“Well hi there, girls, what can I do for you?” I asked, leaning back in my chair.

They exchanged a look, both mouths opening and closing; clearly they had discussed this previously and hadn’t really considered who would do the talking.

“Well,” Kameron said at last, “we want to ask you about something.”

“Yeah. Can I close the door?” Faith asked.

I sat up a bit, worried now. “Sure. Is everything OK?”

“Yeah, fine, fine,” Faith said, shaking her head and closing the door to my office. “Nothing is wrong. We just have sort of a sensitive question.

Kameron laughed a bit. “Yeah. Sort of.”

“And we’re asking you because we trust that you won’t say anything to anyone else, even if you don’t want to help us out.”

“Is that OK?” Kameron asked. “I mean, can we trust you?”

“As long as you aren’t about to confess to a murder or something, sure,” I said.

“Well, OK…” Faith said, dragging the “k” out, trying to figure out how to proceed. “We want to have a little competition. But we need a judge. And we thought you might make a good judge.”

“A math competition?” I asked, puzzled.

They both laughed, too hard, the nervous sort of laughter.

“Noooo…” Kameron said at last. “We want to… uh… go down on you.”


“We both want to, you know, suck you… off…,” Faith said quickly, losing steam as she talked. “We want to know who is better.”

“Look, ladies, this isn’t how I expected to spend my office hours today. I’m sure this is very funny to you, but I could get in a lot of trouble just for you mentioning such a thing.”

“No, we’re serious!” Faith insisted, stopping just short of stomping her foot.

There was a bit of silence as we all regarded each other. Their faces were inscrutable to me, but I was mostly looking at them with suspicion. I couldn’t figure out what to do. It was clear that they were bullshitting me, but I couldn’t see their angle. I needed to buy time. Given the safe-space nature of the university these days, I was on edge about this sort of thing.

“Where the hell did you get such an idea?”

Kameron shrugged, and I guess that was supposed to be an answer.

“How would that even work?” I asked.

“Well, we’ll take turns,” Faith asserted. “For thirty seconds at a time.”

“And whoever makes you cum wins,” Kameron finished.

I shook my head slowly. “Why me?”

“Because you know us both, but you’re not one of our boyfriends or friends or whatever. You’ll be fair,” Faith said.

“Impartial,” Kameron added.

“Yeah. And you’re older, so you know what’s good. I mean, but not like old-old”

“And you probably never get blowjobs from your wife anymore,” Kameron quipped.

“I get plenty of blowjobs,” I groused, though she was mostly right—my wife only went down on me before sex.

I looked back and forth between them. “When did you plan to do this?”

They looked at me like I was dumb. “Right now,” Faith finally said when it was clear I wasn’t getting it.

“Why not?”

“I… look, you girls are both very attractive, and this is the sort of thing I used to daydream about when I was your age, but I’m not willing to lose my job when one of you changes your mind after the fact.”

Kameron licked her lips and stepped closer. “We would never do that, Mr. S. And you don’t even have to do anything. Just sit there and let us do everything, so we can’t even say you did something to us.”

I knew that would be no real defense, but looking at her gorgeous long legs and pale shoulders stopped my next complaint in my throat. Instead, I found I could say nothing, and just remained in my chair. Faith seemed to take this as a signal and came closer, slowly approaching until her dress brushed my knee, and then, even more slowly, sinking to her knees on the plush carpet that covered my office floor.

I was gripping the arms of my chair so hard I thought the plastic would shatter, and my heart was pounding in my chest. Faith tucked a lock of that wavy hair behind her ear, and then ran her hand up my leg and thigh, and then back down. “Is this OK?” She whispered.

I couldn’t bear to talk, so just nodded, slowly.

Suddenly Kameron was at my other knee, smiling a sort of smile I’d never seen on her face before, a tight, mischievous smile, and something about it finally made it all real to me. I leaned back as she started to rub my other leg.

After a moment, the girls seemed to reach for my belt simultaneously. Kameron relented and let Faith undo the buckle, but took the opportunity to finally move further up my thigh while Faith was struggling with the clasp. She reached for my crotch, and suddenly my student was stroking my rapidly hardening cock through the thin fabric of my slacks. She opened her mouth a bit and inhaled slightly, as if surprised. What did she expect to find there?

Faith undid my belt and started struggling with my button. At this point I was eager to get my pants off, but I made myself stay passive, as if trying to maintain some plausible deniability by virtue of having not relented my grasp of the chair. She eventually figured it out, and then the zipper, and then she was tugging down my pants to reveal the bulge beneath the fabric of my jockeys.

“Me first,” Kameron piped up, digging her fingers into the waistband of my underwear and slowly, carefully pulling it down to let my cock spring free. I was already as hard as my restrictive shorts had let me get, and the sudden exposure—and the prospect of having two beautiful young teenage mouths on me for the first time in over a decade—quickly had me painfully rigid.

Kameron’s mouth dropped open a little bit and she eyed my throbbing erection hungrily. “Is that for me?” she teased.

“I’m starting your thirty seconds,” Faith snapped, her eyes drifting away with some reluctance from my crotch to the clock on my office wall.

Kameron began by wrapping her pale, thin fingers around the base of my shaft and giving me a gentle squeeze. If I could have got any harder, I would have. Then she leaned in and put the head directly against her puckered lips, giving it a series of soft, plush kisses. Then she released her grip a bit, keeping her palm along the top side to pull the shaft away from my tense abs. She nuzzled the length of my shaft against her cheek and nose for a minute, and then snaked her tongue out right where my shaft met my balls, running the tip of her tongue all the way up my length to the head and then back down.

Faith was eyeing Kameron’s opening efforts skeptically, biting her lip as her eyes darted back and forth between the clock and her friend’s nimble tongue. Kameron retraced her earlier motion, the sharp wet tip of her tongue leaving little wet trails up and down the underside of my prick. Finally, she stopped at the top, and began to swirl her tongue around the head.

“Time!” Faith whispered sharply, and Kameron backed off with a smirk up at me.

Faith immediately tried a different technique: no sooner had Kameron backed away then she roughly grabbed me by the base and pulled me deep into her warm, wet mouth. Her cheeks hollowed as she drew me out, and she made steady little jerking motions at the root. She quickly settled into a quick rhythm, sucking hard, her tongue tucked tight along the underside of my shaft.

Kameron laughed as she watched, eyes flashing. “What, you think he’s ready to blow already?” She glanced up at me. “You can wait for me, can’t you baby?”

I wasn’t sure. The change in pace was intense, and Faith’s tight grip and vacuum suction felt like she was trying to milk me.

“Time!” Kameron chirped after a couple more seconds, and Faith let my wet prick drip out of her mouth and her fist to bob in the air. She glared angrily at the clock and leaned back to watch Kameron take over again.

The blonde guided me back between her thin pink lips, her pale little hand splaying flat against my waist to give her leverage. She settled into a steady rhythm, bobbing her head in short little movements, tucking the head of my cock into the curl of her tongue. I closed my eyes and savored the feeling as I tried to get a handle on my reeling thoughts. Everything had happened so fast—I couldn’t believe I was in my office getting a double blowjob from two cute students.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw Faith biting her neon pink lip, watching her friend anxiously. And then I noticed she’d slipped a hand to her crotch, and was rubbing softly through the fabric of her dress and whatever panties lay underneath. A number of options flashed unbidden through my mind, and I felt my orgasm suddenly begin to well inside me.

But just then, Faith blurted, “Time!” Kameron withdrew me from her mouth, her tongue trailing behind, smiling wickedly up at me, the light from my desk lamp flashing in her glasses. Faith wriggled her way back in, wrapped her fingers around my cock again, and immediately set a strong, steady rhythm again. Her mouth was amazingly wet, and I could see her saliva glistening on my cock and starting to drip down over her knuckles. Her other hand stayed between her legs, pressing into her sex while she sucked me. It was clear that the girls had different plans—Kameron was strategic and patient, and Faith made up for a lack of technique with her reckless enthusiasm.

Kameron noted her friend’s masturbation with a little chuckle and then tried a dangerous move, slipping the straps of her shirt off of her shoulder and pushing the top down around her waist to reveal her breasts. She had small ones topped with sharp pink nipples, the perfect proportion for her lithe form. She locked gazes with me as she ran her hands over her sides, across her ribs, and then up to cup those little tits, squeezing them firmly. If she wasn’t careful, she’d have me blowing into Faith’s eager mouth.

Then it was time to switch again, and Kameron shouldered Faith aside. Faith slid back, leaving my throbbing cock behind. Kameron spent precious seconds inspecting my turgid member, slick with her friend’s spit, before grabbing it again, giving me a couple strokes now that I was thoroughly lubed. I groaned as she stuck that sharp tongue out and spanked it with my dripping shaft. The corners of her mouth twitched up, and I knew she was figuring me out, being mischievous and playful. She dragged my cock up and down across her tongue and then finally took me all the way into her mouth for the first time. She drew me in so painfully slowly that I nearly burst.

Faith was steadying herself at my knee with her free hand and had the other stuck under her dress now. I could catch glimpses of white panty every so often beneath the bunch of her hem around her waist, and I could see her fingers rubbing insistently at her pussy through the cotton. Her mouth hung open, and she panted both with her own lust and to catch her breath from her own efforts.

She proved I’d underestimated her when it was her turn to suck me again. She didn’t abandon her own fingering, but this time as soon as she had me in her mouth, Faith began humming steadily, sending vibrations through my cock and down into my balls. I groaned in pleasure, tilted my head back, and finally let go of the arms of my chair to bury my hands in the dark waves that framed her face. She took this for the encouraging sign it was and began humming harder and louder.

Kameron laughed softly and leaned in behind her friend, whispering “shhhh” into her ear. She stayed there, pressed against Faith’s back, her hands rubbing my thighs slowly and gently in contrast to Faith’s furious, noisy sucking. I buried my hands deeper in Faith’s hair, unconsciously starting to control her rhythm to find the perfect pace that would get me off. I was getting close.

“Five,” Kameron suddenly whispered into Faith’s ear, and then, “four.”

Faith made a whine of frustration in her throat and sucked me desperately.

“Three. Two. One. Time.”

Faith popped me audibly from her mouth with a growl and leaned back angrily, glaring up at me as she rubbed her pussy. “I want that cum, Mr. S,” she said, and it sounded like a warning. “I need it. Don’t give it to Kam.”

Kam chuckled and now dove in fully for the first time, sucking me with a sudden ferocity. She fumbled for her breast with a free hand and tweaked her nipples, meeting my gaze, looking up at me from behind her glasses with big glistening eyes while she bobbed up and down on my dick. Despite having been ready to blow at the end of Faith’s attentions, the delay before entering Kameron’s mouth seemed to have given me a bit of a reset. Over her thirty seconds, Kameron’s even, intense sucking built me back up.

“Oh my God, girls. That feels so fucking good.”
As the time wound down, Faith wiggled a bit closer. She was squeezing her thighs together around her wriggling fingers, and I could tell she was torn between trying to get herself off as she watched her friend blow me and being focused on taking her next turn.

“Time,” she said hoarsely, and she I could see her competitive spirit come out as she abandoned her slit to grip my hips with both hands and sink me anew into her mouth. She pulled me in, deeper and deeper. I could feel the head of my cock slide against the roof of her mouth as she drew me in, her swollen lips sliding along my length. And then it happened: I bumped against the back of her throat. She made a guttural cough on my cock, backed off a bit, and then did it again, tucking the very tip into her throat.

“Oh, baby,” Kameron said, and I could see the lust in her eyes as she watched Faith work me into her throat. Then she surprised us both by reaching around and slipping her hand into Faith’s panties and finding her clit. Faith withdrew a bit in surprise and squealed a bit, and then resolutely drew me back in. Her eyes practically rolled back in her head, and she stopped moving her head entirely, holding me there in her throat. Drool leaked out around her lips and dripped down my shaft and onto my balls.

I was shaking, now, as stimulated as I’d ever been. And then suddenly Faith scrunched up against me, and I could tell she was coming against Kameron’s fingers, her whole body shuddering, just holding me tantalizingly in my mouth, torturing me as her face flushed.

I don’t think it had even been thirty second, but Kameron calmly said, “Time,” and Faith slumped back away from me, sweat standing out on her brow.

Kameron calmly wrapped her stacked fists around my cock so just the head stuck out. Her knuckles squeezed firmly under the head and she started tugging insistently. Her eyes gleamed as she looked up at me.

“Give me that cum, Mr. S,” she whispered throatily. “Give it to me. Cum for me. Cum on me.” She paused, swallowed. “Cum on my face.”

And I did, suddenly, my body seizing. A thick jet of cum shot out of me and splashed right into the left lens of her glasses. Kameron gasped, and the next spurt caught her open lips and her chin. She flinched back as a third burst hit her cheek, and the fourth and fifth found her chest, catching her on the sternum and then the right breast. She gradually slowed the pace of her stroking and squeezed one last bit of cum out that dribbled down across her knuckles.

Faith watched, still catching her breath, apparently too overwhelmed and sexually sated to be too disappointed that Kameron had made me cum for the moment.

There was an awkward moment as we all caught our breath, Faith and I admiring Kameron covered in cum, before the blonde girl thrust her skinny arms and triumphant fists into the air. “Winner!” she said with a laugh.

Faith grinned up at her wryly. “Rematch?”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/fvgqrf/a_competition_mff_oral