The Long Weekend, Part 1: Lucas [MF] [age gap] [MILF] [female perspective]

The women all together for their girls’ weekend had all known each other at least ten years, some longer. Between the five of them, they’d had eight husbands, three of them still husbands; and fourteen kids, now mostly in high school and college. All of them would be just fine managing on their own while the women got pedicures and massages and probably too drunk at their large airbnb house, out of town.

The Friday night after they arrived and unpacked, they went out for drinks and dinner and were taken care of at the bar by a man too impossibly hot not to notice. Ginger hair, ginger beard, torso in the most perfect reverse triangle. His shirt outlined his pecs every turn he made, and Cady caught a glimpse of a gorgeous, vaguely floral tattoo peeking out from his t-shirt sleeve. They shamelessly gawked at his perfect ass when he walked away. The friends all gasped and giggled about him when he was out of earshot, and when it was time to go Cady decided she might as well shoot her shot. She added her name and number to the receipt for the bar tab, adding an extra $100 to the bill.

She didn’t really expect to hear from the incredibly hot guy who was probably 15 years younger than her, but felt a thrill of excitement when her phone pinged with a text very late that night as she was lying in bed, thinking of him.

*Cady? I’m Lucas. I’m sorry it’s so late, I just got off work, but wanted to tell you that I’d love to take you out tomorrow.*

Cady gasped, and stared at her screen momentarily, trying to settle on a response. Finally she typed,

*Hi Lucas. I’d love to see you. You don’t have to take me anywhere though. Except maybe heaven.*

Cringey as hell, she knew, but she wasn’t going to be in this town long, and she was going to be damned if she left any sliver of doubt about what she wanted to do with this man if he would let her. There was no time for subtlety with a creature this fine. She felt her panties getting warmer and wetter just reading his text.

They went back and forth a few times, and finally settled that she would meet him at a bar called the Ivy Tavern down the street from his apartment the next evening. If things went well, she would be welcome to come back to his. They said goodnight, and Cady plugged her phone back in. She was grateful she had the foresight to both pack and charge her clitoral vibrator before she left, and she got it out straight away thinking of him. She turned on her little travel fan, which she also took everywhere with her, and which had the added advantage of providing a little white noise cover for the hum of the vibrator. Thirty seconds of her back arched and positioning the vibe just right and she was gasping as the powerful waves of her orgasm overtook her, then subsided. She fell blissfully asleep, the throbbing of her clit gently winding down as she drowsed off.

The girls had already planned out the next day, which included some hikes and outdoor activities to get in the scenery, followed by mani-pedis and plans for more dinner and drinks, maybe some live music. Cady needed to figure out whether she was going to lie to her friends, or tell her the truth about her intentions of taking a hard left turn away from the group right after the spa. Oh, and to add a wax to the spa menu. Finally, she just told them that she loved them all very much and she would spend the rest of the long weekend with them all, but she had an opportunity to get gloriously and indulgently laid by the hottest man she had ever laid eyes on and she planned to take it.

They were wildly supportive when they found out it was the perfect young bartender, and Laura even looked decidedly jealous. They laughed and hooted, and agreed that anyone currently paying full freight for her son’s college tuition deserved to be able to chase down almost any pleasure she wanted.

Cady tried very hard all day to live in the moment, and she had a great time with her friends, but she couldn’t stop counting down to when she got to see him. By the time they got to the spa, she didn’t dare turn on the massage function in the massage chair in case it nudged her the rest of the way to orgasm just sitting there. She got a full Brazilian wax, hoping that her fair skin wouldn’t still be hopelessly red by the time Lucas hopefully had his beard down there.

She had not brought much in the way of clothes that would impress, but because she’d left from work on Friday she did happen to be wearing a tight black skirt she particularly liked. It hugged her ass nicely but wasn’t uncomfortable, and she had caught various male opposing counsels sneaking looks at her when she wore it. She gave it a quick hand wash and left it out to dry Saturday, and paired it with a lowcut green v-neck sweater. It wasn’t remotely enough of a look that should attract a guy like Lucas, but hey, he’d texted her, hadn’t he? She knew there was a little more to her than there used to be, but she would do the best she could to accentuate the good parts and hope for the best.

When she saw him at the bar, stomach full of excitement, he was even more beautiful than she’d remembered. Blue eyes, nice close-trimmed ginger beard, glasses. Tight black t-shirt and jeans. He had the most amazing arms, very fit and strong without being ostentatiously huge. When he hugged her and kissed her cheek,that beard brushing up against her, he smelled like heaven. They enjoyed a couple of drinks together and talked, and she was pleasantly surprised to find that she absolutely enjoyed his company with clothes on as well. He was smart, and sweet, and she loved watching his face and eyes while they talked and flirted. Cady knew that the other patrons of the Ivy probably thought she was paying him for his time, but she didn’t care. FInally she absolutely insisted on seeing his houseplants, which she had heard about and proclaimed herself very eager to see in person, and they closed out their tab and started walking to his apartment.

…to be continued
