An Ode to Uncertainty – Chapter 18 [MF][MFF][Fantasy]

Please read chapters 1 – 17 first if you have not done so. This is not a stand-alone story. Link to other chapters in comments.


Mirja lay awake most of the night, unable to keep the image of the strange creature out of her mind. She had always wondered what happened to the Westerlings. Was that it? Had they transformed somehow? It was rumored that the disaster that befell the Westerling Empire had been of a magical nature. It was perfectly reasonable that whatever immense magical power that the old Westerlings had wielded, turned against their own people when it got out of control.

The next moment her thoughts shifted to Master Olgric. Master Cerdic, that was what Master Olgric had said. What had he meant by that? Did Master Cerdic have a similar laboratory as the one in the Faculty of Animancy? Or was it in the Elemancy building? That shouldn’t be too difficult to figure out.

Finally, her thoughts drifted into dreams filled of the strange creatures and Sigrid. Sigrid turning into one of them and pulling Mirja with her to a strange realm of rivers of light and golden pools.

“Wake up.”

Mirja stirred to life. Sigrid was sitting next to her.

“There is another laboratory. In the Elemancy building.”

Mirja blinked her eyes open and sat up. It felt like she had only slept for a heartbeat and her body and soul was exhausted.


Sigrid frowned.

“There is another laboratory. My … friend told me so.”

Mirja yawned and sat up. Sigrid pulled the hair out of Mirja’s face with a surprisingly gentle motion. Mirja smiled.

“You have many friends,” Mirja said with a smirk.

Sigrid scoffed and stood up.

“I will go visit it tonight. You will come as well.”

Mirja nodded slowly. There was something she was forgetting. She rubbed her temples trying to make her brain do her bidding.

“I can’t,” she said finally, looking up at Sigrid.


“I … have a client that I cannot reschedule.”

“All night?”

Mirja nodded. Even if the ritual with the princess didn’t take all night, she would for sure be empty as a shell afterwards and of no use to anyone. Sigrid grunted. Mirja couldn’t help but smile. It was so strange how those sounds could come from that beautiful creature.

“Then I will go alone.”

Mirja nodded.

“Just be careful. And now. Come here and wake me up properly.”

Mirja drew some on her bond with Jarl while making love to Sigrid. Even if she couldn’t draw from Sigrid herself, it was always easier to utilize her bonds when she was excited. After Sigrid her brought her over the edge she lay back on the pillow and looked up at the ceiling. The power surged through her veins and she had to control herself not to jump out of bed.

“You have to be very careful when you’re inside the Elemancy building. There will be wards that you cannot see.”

Sigrid looked up at her from her vantage point between Mirja’s legs. In a surprisingly cat-like motion she crawled up on top of Mirja and kissed her.

“I am always careful.”

Mirja smiled a weak smile. There was something that told her that one day Sigrid would push things too far. It was a miracle that she wasn’t dead already. Mirja knew her kind. Just as her mind couldn’t stop wandering once it encountered a problem, Sigrid’s couldn’t keep her out of trouble. They enjoyed each other’s company for a few drops more before Mirja got up and got dressed.

“I have a lot of things to prepare. And Jarl should be here soon. I’ll see you here tonight?”

Sigrid nodded and stood up herself. Mirja gave her a kiss on the cheek before leaving.


Mirja was done preparing for her encounter with the princess just after the bells struck three. She brought out *An Analysis of Physioactive Substances and their Effects* which she always carried around with her. Both because she didn’t want to lose it now that she had it, as well as that she just couldn’t seem to fully understand how the concoctions worked, which irked her to no end.

Now that she had seen the inside of the Animancy laboratory a few more pieces fell into place. She had previously wondered how they could possibly get the reagents together since they were all extremely volatile, but the beaker system that she had found in the laboratory would make that possible, if still extraordinarily dangerous. Whoever manufactured these potions either possessed exceptional skill and exceptional bravery, or exceptional stupidity depending on how you wanted to see it. Or most likely all three.

The one thing that was clear however, was that all of the Essences of the Aether that were needed for the formula had to be gathered from the Isles of Westerling. Hence, one of the expeditions had to have sold it to whomever was making them. It was the only other lead they had than the rumored laboratory in the Faculty of Elemancy.

Mirja sighed and closed the book. She looked around before stuffing it into her bag. She didn’t want anyone to see that the book couldn’t possibly fit in her small bag. It was a gift from her mother and had kept her out of trouble more times than she could count.

“He’s arrived,” came a voice from the doorway.

Mirja smoothed her bag out and smiled at the girl who eyed her ruffled bag.

“Thank you. Send him in. And once the others arrive, send them in too.”

*Nothing to see. Move along*, she thought smiling through lips pressed thin.

The girl curtsied and moments later Aelric walked through the door. Mirja stood up and the young man took her hand in his and kissed it. Mirja couldn’t help but smile.

“You look quite striking,” she said.

Aelric flashed a smile back at her. He wore a dark blue tight-fitting suit that she had seen some noblemen wear of late, the one with a white ruffled shirt flowing out around the neck.

“I am going to fuck a princess after all.”

Mirja laughed. They talked for a few drops before there was a knock on the door and the merchant entered. Next to Aelric he looked like an obese imp, but Mirja treated him with all the respect she did all of her clients.

“Master Yorden,” Mirja said curtsying.

The merchant didn’t hide his lecherous smile as he ate her up with his eyes.

“This is acolyte Aelric of the University of Uncertain Arts.”

The merchant startled and seemed to see Aelric for the first time. The two men exchanged a handshake.

“Why …” the merchant began.

Mirja put her hand on his and murmured a soothing verse. She had not told him exactly what would happen tonight, only that he would be able to live out a fantasy that he couldn’t even have imagined. She leaned in and whispered into his ear.

“Relax. I have a surprise for you.”

The merchant nodded and Mirja sat him down in one of the big chairs and poured him a glass of southern brandy.

Half a bell later there were some shouts from the hallway and then came the princess’ shrill voice that made the glasses on the shelf rattle. As she entered the room, she took it in with the disdain suitable for a royalty.

“Your Highness,” Mirja said, curtsying deeply and bowing her head.

“Yes. Yes. Enough of that. Let’s get this over with, shall we. What is that!” the princess shrieked pointing over at the merchant whose cock was already in his hand, a wide grin on his face.

Mirja sighed and quickly stepped over to the princess.

“He’s the sacrifice for tonight.”

The princess blinked a few times. Then she nodded.

“Well. If that’s what it takes.”

Mirja smiled. It wasn’t entirely true that Master Yorden was a sacrifice as such. In reality it was the princess’ dignity that would be sacrificed, something that was worth much more than a lowly commoner. Even if he was very rich.

“There is one rule here tonight, if this is going to work,” Mirja said looking the princess straight in the eye.

Princess Else was a clever creature, Mirja knew that, and now her attention was focused entirely on her.

“You have to do whatever he wants,” she said nodding over at the merchant.

The princess pressed her lips together and her auburn hair seemed to undulate as she seethed.

“Do you understand?”

Princess Else nodded and Mirja let out a sigh of relief.

“Master Yorden,” Mirja said in a high voice. “The princess here is yours to do with whatever you want for the coming bell. Any command you utter shall be obeyed.”

For a moment Mirja thought that the merchant would spontaneously combust in his seat, but then he cleared his throat.

“Your Highness. On your knees and suck my cock.”

Mirja cringed at the man’s coarse words. She almost didn’t dare look at the princess. Then Else moved, and in her exquisite dress she kneeled in front of the man and, without ceremony, took the man’s erect member into her mouth. Mirja looked over at Aelric. He was watching the scene in front of him wide-eyed. Mirja walked over to him and kneeled in front of him in turn and soon his flesh was in her mouth. He had a very nice member and for a few moments Mirja just enjoyed the feeling of him.

“You’re going to make me spill my seed,” Aelric gasped.

Mirja looked up at him. She had completely forgot. She quickly murmured a few words into the young man’s shaft, and she could feel him retreat from the edge. He was still breathing heavily. Over the next three quarters of a bell Mirja kept both men erect, without spilling their seed, as they used her and Else over and over. The princess climaxed a dozen times and was currently riding the fat merchant with a supernatural vigor instilled by the power that Mirja slowly siphoned away from the two men.

“By the seventh!” the princess yelled as she climaxed once more.

Mirja knew the moment had come.

“Your Highness. Get on your back.”

Else looked over at her through her climactic daze but did as she was told. Mirja got on top of her and placed her quim at the princess’ mouth. To her surprise the princess immediately started pleasing her with her mouth. It was not part of the plan, but Mirja didn’t mind.

“Master Yorden. Fuck my ass,” she said looking back at the man who had just got up from the floor, intentionally using the kind of language the merchant would trigger on.

He looked at her in confusion. She nodded. He stumbled forward and looked down, almost in surprise at his still hard cock. Mirja felt the familiar pressure against her rear, then he was inside. He had a very nicely shaped cock and it filled her rear in a most pleasing manner. Mirja beckoned Aelric towards her and helped him into the princess’ wetness.

“Are you ready?” she said looking up at him.

Aelric nodded. The merchant thrust deep into Mirja’s rear, which was well lubricated by her incantations.

“Master Yorden,” she said looking back at him. “I want you to fuck my ass hard until you are just about to spill your seed. Then you will put your cock straight into the princess’ mouth and fill it up to the brim.”

Mirja could see the effect her words had on the man.

*I do hope that he survives this*, she thought as he grabbed her hips and thrust harder.

Mirja put all of her focus on the link to the merchant and felt him rapidly approaching his climax. She closed her eyes and put her hand just over Aelric’s erect member, feeling him thrust slowly into the princess. It all happened almost to quickly for her to react. The merchant’s cock disappeared from her rear and she felt his energy surge. She spun the pattern and directed all of the energy generated into Aelric and released him from his spell allowing him to climax. Through her hand she felt the young man spasm as his seed flooded into the princess’ quim. And like that it was over. She collapsed onto Else and behind her she heard a thud as the merchant’s body hit the floor.

“Excellent,” Mirja said with a heavy breath. “That should do it.”

The princess drew a deep breath and put both her hands on her flat stomach.

“I can feel it,” she said with a smile.

Mirja nodded and climbed off the princess.

“Remember. You will be extremely fertile. I would suggest you seek out the Prince at once and have him fill your womb. You won’t be able to resist if someone else offers to.”

“I’m going there now,” the princess nodded and stood up making Aelric trip and fall backwards onto the floor.

“Is he dead?” she said looking down at the big-bellied merchant who was lying completely still on the floor.

Mirja bent down to check on the man.

“No. Just exhausted.”

“Horrible. Horrible man,” the princess said shaking her head. “You on the other hand,” she said putting her hand out to Aelric who was in the process of getting up from off the floor. “You may come see me at my mansion any time you want,” she said with a wide smile.

“I would be honored,” Aelric said, took the princess’ hand and bowed, kissing it.

The princess nodded and then she was off, still without a thread on her body.

“That was … interesting,” Aelric said shaking his head and looking after the princess. “Is she always like that?”

“Every time that I’ve met her.”

“By the seventh. At least now I know why that bastard prince is such an asshole. Living with that? By the Gods.”

Mirja laughed.

“So, you won’t be paying her a visit at her mansion then?”

Aelric looked at her with a grin.

“Oh. I will. There is no doubt about that. I’ll be filling her quim on a daily basis if I can just fit it into my busy schedule. If not to annoy that bastard prince some more.”

Mirja laughed again and fell backwards onto the divan.


“Time to go meet your lover,” Sigrid said, throwing down the dress Mirja was to wear onto the bed.

Mirja sighed and stood up. It wasn’t that she minded getting dressed up. She very much liked it but she couldn’t imagine how she would be able to put everything out of her mind and just focus on Leopold for the evening. She had slept all day and Sigrid had woken her up less than a bell earlier.

“You’ll do just fine,” Sigrid said, taking her hand.

Mirja looked up at the Sister. She was such a strange, and wonderful creature. Was it possible that she was somehow related to that strange being the Master of Animancy kept locked up? And not for the first time Mirja wondered if Sigrid really could read her mind.

The ride through the city was calming for Mirja’s nerves. It had been a busy few days and even though she didn’t sleep she felt more rested than in a long time when she finally arrived at the gates of Leopold’s house. But in all honesty, to call it a house was like calling an ocean a lake. It was essentially a whole quarter within the city itself with proper walls and guards on top of them.

“My dear lady Mirja,” Leopold said and took her hand as she stepped out of the carriage.

Mirja looked around and just in time reminded herself not to look up onto the roof of the carriage where Sigrid was lying flat, waiting for the right moment to get off.

The courtyard of the mansion was as big as a small park with thousands of bushes cut into wonderful shapes and figures. Mirja even thought she saw one that was a copy of the statue of the emperor, if only a bit smaller than the original.

“My lord duke Wissgretch. It is an honor,” Mirja said curtsying.

The young duke’s smile knew no bounds. They headed inside to what turned out to be an excess in marble and gold. There were so many lights in the entrance room they passed through that Mirja had to watch it all through narrowed eyes. They passed through long hallways and finally entered a room that would better be described as a grand ballroom. She could see people standing against the far wall and they were far away enough that she couldn’t even see their faces clearly. There was a single small table with two chairs standing in the middle of the vaulted room that looked so out of place it was comical. Around it stood massive candelabra that held hundreds of candles each. As they got closer Mirja could feel the heat emanating from them.

“How many of you live in this house?” Mirja asked.

Leopold glanced over at her and raised an eyebrow.

“You mean the staff?” he said looking slightly confused.

Mirja laughed.

“No, silly. I mean. I assume you have siblings. Or relatives at least that live here also?”

Leopold looked at her in horror.

“By the seventh. No. Absolutely not. This house is not large enough to share with any of my kind. They’re truly horrible people,” the young duke said with an alarmed look on his face. “Well. That’s not entirely true. I have one aunt that I don’t hate. But she lives in the far south. As far away as she could from her husband and children, in fact. And I don’t blame her,” he said shaking his head.

Mirja stared at him trying to absorb what he had just said.

“So, you live here all by your own?”

Leopold looked at her as if she had asked if he always wore clothes in public. Then he nodded.

“Oh,” Mirja said looking down at the floor.

“Please. Have a seat,” the young duke said pulling out one of the chairs.

“I can’t have another bite,” Mirja said running her hand over her extended stomach.

The table should have been piled high with empty dishes, but whenever she was almost about to finish one a servant was there to take it away. The table looked as immaculate as when they had first sat down. And without any use of magic at that. A smile curled Leopold’s lip.

“What?” Mirja said returning the smile.

“That’s quite the appetite you have,” the young duke said nodding at her.

Mirja sat up.

“You’re the one who kept bringing more stuff!” she complained.

“It is the polite thing to do. You didn’t have to eat it all,” Leopold laughed.

Mirja felt herself blushing. Good thing this dinner was only for the two of them so that she did not make a fool of herself in front of the entire Eldor nobility.

“I’m sorry. My mother taught me to always eat what was put in front of you. You never know when the next meal will be served.

The young duke seemed to be contemplating this conundrum for a moment then just shook his head.

“Different worlds,” Mirja said apologetically.

The duke nodded.

“Tell me something of yours,” Mirja said to break the awkwardness.


“Your world. I know very little of it,” Mirja continued. “You never did tell me why you hate the Burdogawi so much.”

A shadow descended on Leopold’s face at the mention of the rivalling archduchy.

“I’m sorry,” Mirja said quickly. “I didn’t mean to−“

“It’s fine,” the young duke cut in. “I want to tell you.”

He drew a long breath and let it out slowly. Mirja leaned back trying to make some extra room in her too tight dress. She really shouldn’t have eaten that last piece of pie. But it had been so good.

“I don’t think anyone really knows how it started. But the first recorded clash between Burdogawa and Schwabenland predates the Empire itself. And to be honest, we would probably still have been at open war if it hadn’t been for the First Emperor.”

“The one who made peace in the lands and joined the nations together?” Mirja said repeating what she had read in the history books.

Leopold laughed.

“Yes. If you call beating everyone into the ground and forcing them to be friends, or else … then yes. That’s him.”

Mirja pressed her lips together. She should have known not to trust the texts literally. Naturally he hadn’t made peace without spilling a lot of blood.

“As I said,” the young duke continued. “The enmity has always been there, but lately. In the last century or so, the relationship has deteriorated. During the last war against the Fallen the Emperor put Burdogawa and Schwabenland together to fight off the Southern Break forces.”

Mirja squinted trying to remember what she knew about the imperial wars. The Fallen was likely what in the books was called the Fallen Kingdoms. The Empire’s closest neighbors to the south east. The constantly warring city states that lay beyond the Broken Land. She had no idea what the Southern Break was and reminded herself to look it up next time she was in the Library.

“He shouldn’t have done that. With tens of thousands of soldiers out of reach from direct imperial command there were as many skirmishes between the Burdogawi and the Schwabish as there was fighting against the common enemy.”

The young duke went silent seeming lost in memories best forgotten.

“Is that when your father was killed?”

Leopold looked up at her, then he nodded.

“Officially he was killed in battle of Scythe Hill against the Southern Break heavy cavalry, the deciding battle where the outlanders were finally pushed back. But it is a badly kept secret that he was killed in his tent while asleep, by a Burdogawi assassin. After the battle where he carried the day.”

The young duke clenched his jaw.

“I do not know how many Burdogawi my uncle had killed in their sleep after that, but there is a reason why they say that the Schwabish never lets an argument go unresolved.”

He shook his head and then as if by magic his smile returned.

“Enough of me. Tell me something else about your homeland. I’ve read about the fabled Lights of the North. Is it true that they are greener than any leaf in spring?”

Mirja laughed. Then she nodded.

“It is true.”

“And no one knows where they come from?”

Mirja nodded again.

“There are rumors of course. Many rumors. Some say that it is the Seventh that is running her fingers down from the heavens tearing at the weave of reality. Others say it is the Pipers from the Beyond that play and that their tunes show up as colored lights in our world. My own personal favorite is that it is the Weavers that disturbs the weave of reality and it is the complains of the world as they try to reorder the skein of the world.”

She sighed. It had been so long since she had seen the lights. Those marvelous lights that could light up the entire sky.

“Truth be told. No one knows. But aren’t some things better left unknown?” she said her lip curling up into a smile.

The young duke nodded. Then his smile grew even further.

“Do you dance?”

Mirja thought she knew how to dance. The next bell taught her that she definitely did not. However her misadventures on the ballroom floor only seemed to put the young duke in an even better mood.

“I think that’s enough for one evening,” Mirja panted after the music had stopped. “Or a lifetime.”

Leopold laughed and took her into his arms.

“You did just wonderful,” he said and then he kissed her.

Mirja closed her eyes and for a moment she forgot that she didn’t belong in his world. As his lips left hers, she longed for more. He looked deep into her eyes.

“What’s your family name?” he asked her.

The question stumped her.

“Family name?”

The young duke nodded. She thought about it for a moment. The Kelivese didn’t have family names like the Imperials did, and even among the imperials it was only the nobility that really and them. Unless you counted Cobbler or Smith as a family name.

“I guess you can call me Mirja Hedvigsdottir,” she said after a little while.

Leopold seemed utterly pleased with this. Then he held her hand in both of his.

“Mirja Hedvigsdottir. Will you do me the honor of accompanying me to the Imperial Ball.”

Mirja’s mouth fell open. He looked so naïve. How on the name of the Seventh could he invite *her* to a ball?

“Please,” he added as he saw the hesitation in her face.

*Well. What’s the worst thing that can happen at an Imperial Ball? I eat all the food and throw up on the emperor?* Mirja thought and then she nodded.

“Oh! How wonderful!” the young duke exclaimed hugging her tight.

Then he took a step back to gaze over her.

“You are just the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on.”

The compliment made Mirja’s heart race a little, but at the thought of being put on display in front of she knew not how many noblemen and women she instantly cooled down.

“Don’t you think it will be strange that you bring me … a courtesan to the Emperor’s ball?”

Leopold shook his head.

“All of my peers will be most intrigued by me bringing a student of the arcane to the Emperor’s ball,” he said with a grin.

“Is that uncommon?” Mirja asked not knowing if she should feel insulted or not.

“Most,” he said his smile widening. “In fact. I do not think it has ever been done before. If you do not count the nobility that attends the College. They are of course invited. The nobility are …“ the young duke seemed to be searching for the right word and lit up when he finally found it. “Unsettled around people who work magic. Nothing as intimidating to the powerful to meet someone more powerful than themselves. Especially if that person happens to be poor. Or poorer at least.”

Mirja felt a thrill run through her body. Never in her life had she expected to ever attend the Emperor’s Ball.

“Well then, how could I possibly decline?”

The smile on the young duke’s face nearly split his face in half.


This was chapter 18 of our book An Ode to Uncertainty.

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1 comment

  1. Chapter 1


    Chapter 2


    Chapter 3


    Chapter 4


    Chapter 5


    Chapter 6-7


    Chapter 8-9


    Chapter 10


    Chapter 11


    Chapter 12


    Chapter 13


    Chapter 14


    Chapter 15


    Chapter 16


    Chapter 17


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