Observational Drug Test – Was Kinda Hot – True Story


For my new job I had to go do an “observational drug test”. I’ve gone through loads of drug test in the past. Typically once a year because of the type of work I do. I guess the rules have changed because people have been getting around it so now we have to do observational drug testing.

Finally – I’m an exhibitionist so it was exciting for me, probably not for most of you.


I go to the facility and give them the paper work. A young female and male in training (probably in their 20’s) immediately take me back to this room. I put all my stuff in a basket for them and they open the door to a little bathroom on the side.

On one end of the bathroom is a toilet, the other end is a large mirror. While they stood in the other room watching through the mirror they asked me to pull my pants down past my knees. I drop my pants all the way down to my knees and stand up. Ass in pink thong facing the mirror. They whisper a bit, can’t understand them, then the guy says “panties too”. I shrug like, did this guy just really say panties.

I drop my panties all the way down, being sure to bend at the waste just so they can get a good look at my ass. I got the feeling they were both enjoying themselves as they were taking their time. I stood up completely naked from the waste down… waiting. Next he asks me to turn around and left my shirt up. It was kinda long and covering up the front. I pull it all the way up and bunch it under my bra.

Again, these guys were taking there time. I stood there forever. Finally he tells me to have a seat. To my right is a little cubby in the all with a cup in it. He then asks me to spread my legs and pee in the cup. I spread my legs for them as wide as possible and do the deed, putting the pee cup back in the cubby. In the cubby is a little box of wet wipes. I grab a wipe and with two fingers spread my pussy apart and start to clean myself. It’s completely unnecessary but thought it’d be entertaining for them.

Standing up I take my time getting dressed. Slowly I pull my thong up and turn to make fix it all bunched up in the bag. Then I pull my pants up bending at the waste for them again. Finally I fix my bra and shirt, wash up and head out.

It’s funny because alot of the women had warned me how degrading it would be and to be sure and ask for a woman because it was my right to do so. All in all I had fun and can’t wait to take it again next year.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/ftsv7f/observational_drug_test_was_kinda_hot_true_story


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