Echelon [MF] [fantasy]

Drowning on the battlefield. The magical mists congealed inside her nasal cavity and her throat, blocking the movement of air in her body. She could hear the laughter and jeers of the witches and warlocks standing in relative safety behind the defensive lines of the opposing army while they conjured and manipulated the foul pinkish gray gas that was killing her and her comrades, but veering away from the enemy combatants.

Every second she stood there in the melee, sword and shield in either hand, blocking and striking at foes coming from every direction, she got weaker and weaker until she could stand no longer.

Her final thought before passing out was, if only there had been a mage in her echelon, she and her comrades would have countered the mystical capabilities of the enemy and would most likely have won this battle.

“Ms. Bridges?”


Aurora Bridges lifted her head off her desk with bleary eyes. Afternoon sunlight was coming through the windows of her classroom. She rubbed her eyes and focused on the voice coming from in front of her. Henry Campbell, a seventh grade student, was looking at her sympathetically.

“Oh, hi, Henry. What can I help you with?”

“Sorry for disturbing you-”

“You’re not disturbing. It’s totally fine. Please, tell me what you need.”

“I was absent for a couple of days and there was a test that I missed out on. I was wondering if it would be okay if I took that tomorrow morning.”

“That would be great, yes, tomorrow morning. No problem.”

“Thanks, Ms. Bridges. And sorry again for waking you.”

“No, not at all. Thank you, in fact, for the wake up. I need to be somewhere very soon.”

Henry left the classroom satisfied and the woman known as Aurora Bridges gathered her things and locked the door before leaving the school building.

To the world, she was a high school science teacher, however, unbeknownst to all, except a handful of people, Aurora Bridges was a former soldier in an imperial army from a planet located in another corner of the Milky Way galaxy.

Her skin was naturally deep pink in color, which wasn’t a problem, since on Earth a good portion of the inhabitants had skin that was similar in tone. Her eyes were dark blue as was her hair, which she allowed people to believe she kept perpetually dyed. Her apparent age was somewhere in the thirties – thirty six according to fake documents – but her actual age was seventy seven, which was mid-teens by her world’s standards.

Aurora Bridges was the name she had taken on arriving on Earth by accident via a wormhole in space. Her real name sounded almost like a sensitive reproductive part of the female anatomy in the English language, thus she had chosen a name that would be less conspicuous. Aurora kept fighting fit. Needless to say, she had a great body and had bedded many males of Earth since arriving. Due to a difference in biology, she was unable to have child by human insemination nor was she able to contract STDs or other illnesses.

She drove to an address she knew very well. It was a private residence. The door was unlocked and she entered without knocking. Many women frequented this place. It was the home of Darius Senko, who wore the guise of an African immigrant, but who in actuality was an immigrant from a planet in a system near the one Earth was a part of. A lifeform of Darius’s species had naturally gray skin. He discovered that eating black pepper or foods containing black pepper changed the color of his skin from gray to black and kept it that way for almost ten days.

What Darius did for a living was root women. He was paid to go balls deep into women, and in many cases, was paid extra to inseminate and impregnate them. The population of the town was almost all Caucasian and people seemed to have a hankering for children of slightly darker hue.

Another source of income and fascination that caused people to gravitate toward Darius was his ability to keep plowing into women for hours on end. They simply called him a freak in a fond way. They didn’t know how literally true that label was. In comparison to the humans he lived among, Darius was indeed a freak. A true alien.

He was also one of the few people who knew Aurora’s secret. He smiled instantly on seeing her enter his home and workplace.

“Aurora, how wonderful to see you!”

He was sitting with two women at a table. They looked freshly fucked and very much satisfied, it was plain as day. Aurora was desperate and she knew from past experience that Darius was the only man in that town who could sexually satisfy her without needing to get off himself.

“I need you now,” said Aurora, pointing to the hall down which was located Darius’s ‘office’. It was more like a porn studio with several couches and beds for copulation and breeding.

Darius saw the need in Aurora’s eyes and excused himself politely from the women he was chatting with. He went down the hall and entered his office to see Aurora already naked and in position, face down and turned to the side, knees folded, body leaned over, ass up in the air. Darius licked his lips in relish and quickly disrobed. He and Aurora paid little attention to the two women who followed him from his dining room into this room and watched in fascination as he gave Aurora’s pussy and ass a hard working over.

Darius gripped and spanked Aurora’s ass as his balls banged repeatedly against her labia. He gathered her blue hair in a single bunch in his fist, holding on as a rein while continuing his sexual onslaught on her holes. He switched back and forth from ass to pussy, not stopping when she announced each climax he brought her to. The bed was drenched with her juices.

Darius turned her over so she was facing upward, looking at him. He held her legs apart and proceeded to fuck her deep and hard. He made sure to grab and squeeze her boobs, twiddling her nipples just the way she liked it. With a barage of heavy thrusts, he made Aurora climax on his cock three more times. Then he turned her over so she was face down on the bed, splayed out. He covered her and rammed his cock deep and hard into her again, bringing her to climax twice.

Their session took a little over an hour. The two spectators watched in awe as Aurora shakily got up with a satisfied smile on her face. She waved at them and headed for the shower.

“What a trooper,” said one of the ladies when it was just her, the other woman and Darius again.

“Oh, she’s definitely a trooper,” replied Darius with a smile. He knew Aurora was a soldier, but from another planet. An alien to Earth as he was.

Aurora poked her head back into the room after the shower.

“Thanks for the fix, Darius. Stop by my place sometime when you’re not busy, okay?”

“Sure will, Aurora. You take care.”

She bid the three of them goodbye and drove back to her place, thinking about that battle all those years ago.

She had passed out, but had been saved when reinforcements from her side had arrived, overwhelming the enemy, forcing them to retreat. After that battle, Aurora had requested for and her echelon had been granted a mage. Unfortunately, she would never know how good the mage was because a few days after being granted the mage, she and her echelon were sent on a mission to destroy an enemy outpost hidden in an asteroid belt. Strange energies bombarded their ship when it entered the belt and the last thing she remembered was seeing the wormhole open on the forward view screen.

Once she had sorted herself out, settled on Earth, Aurora had searched the planet for members of her echelon and signs of their ship. She found nothing.

Her squad was called an echelon because it was just that. When the imperial army was assembled, they were arranged in rows. Every individual unbroken row was an echelon and it was this group of soldiers that would go into battle together as a unit. An imperial echelon consisted of twenty two troopers.

Entering her flat, Aurora felt great, despite sadness that she would probably never see her fellow soliders again or return to her home world. Right now she was satisfied with the sensation of having been well and thoroughly fucked by a big cock from another alien on this planet. That would have to do for now, she told herself as she collapsed on her bed and fell asleep. She dreamt of the day she had been drafted into the imperial army and slotted into her echelon.
