
A Tale of Esma-Lee: Liberating the South

Now it was a hot afternoon, when I say hot, I mean, after noon in Alabama on a mid-July day hot, the only things worth doin’ were drinking and screwin’. And that was exactly what my clients had bin doin’, drinkin at least, they’d come to me for the screwin’ as I was known all around for bein the best lay south of the Mallahat. The trick of it was, neither of these two fellas knew I had the other lined up for a quick rodeo, I coulda’ been cordial and had one of em wait but there’s no guaranteein’ they would have and also both of em looked mean. Mean like, they don’t like hearin’ whats what if it ain’t what they want it to be. The first feller was fine enough, big and burly, red-brown hair all cut nice and mighty as an oak tree, looked to be a lumber man to me, wearin’ that flannely-like fabric shirt, what he was doin in these parts I did not know or particularly care, he flashed a wad o’ cash at me and the little sway in his stance told me his meanness had been abated for now. So I gone and set him up on the little standee I have down the path from my place, just a cheap wood platform like a porch with no house to hang out off of. The standee and that big ol’ piece a’ velvet I got in town when Merl’s cathouse closed down, practically a mile o’ the stuff, all shimmery and deep red, its perfect for blockin’ pryin’ eyes and even muffles sounds gettin’ out if things be that way. So I got that first man sittin’ waitin’ at the standee while I scampered back to my bungalow to “freshen up” when lo-and-behold there at my door is another, bigger, meaner lookin’ man! Hoo boy! He was big, black bristly hair on his arms and a big ol’ beard and caterpillar eyebrows and even his chest hair was jumpin’ up outta his shirt collar like springs outta an old mattress. He spits an sez, “how much? I heard youse the best in the county” he looks me up and down real hard. I sez back, “not just the county loverboy, come on down to the standee I got yonder and test yer grit” and give him a coy look and bite my lip. He gets a big, mean smile and a twinkle in his eye, and I pipe in real quick before he can start changin’ his mind, “but it’s gotta be my mouth, I’m just comin’ back from the river washin off ma lady bits cause they rip ragin hard this time” I look down like I might see somethin’ to be embarrassed about just to play the part, he looks down and his face curls up in disgust, I give a big smile and make sure my left cheek is extra tight, showin that dimple I got in my cheek. He looks at my mouth a good minute and says, “alright, this better’n be the best head I ever got or yer heads gonna get a crackin’”. I ignore his threat and take his hand, its so rough I could be leadin’ a tree down to do my business! I park him on the near side of the big mile of velvet, its hung across one side of the standee like a big ol’ broadway curtain with enough of a ledge on the side to walk around if need be, I tell him, “you sit tight and I’ll poke my head out once I slip off my delicates and slide a strap of my dress off my shoulder. I ran around the other side and theres Mr. Lumberjack just fumin’, he’s sittin’ and starin’ at the ground like I done up and left when a girl needs her time to get ready. I give him a smooch on the lips and slide the dress off quick as a whip. Now seein’ me there naked as a jay bird with all my points givin him directions and him knowin’ exactly where to go he changes his tune right quick, I have only enough time to dive onto the floor and tug my head under the velvet before hes off to the races on my hindquarters. I popped out to see Mr. Black bear just in time for hes already got his member out and is lookin’ around the velvet curtain all suspicious-like, so I pop out smilin’ as big as I can holdin’ myself on my hands and my tatas swingin to-and-fro as nature intended and he knows just what to do. Now a man can be as acutely insightful as any good-minded woman under normal day-to-day comings and goings, but now when a man has got the smell of a lady up his nose and he’s sportin’ more than beech wood down below, well, there ain’t much to foolin’ just about any man. Their vision gets so dang narrow you could ride a whole herd o’ branded, longhorn steer past their nose provided a big ol’ set o’ lady parts was there to be seen. Now this is where I found myself in the thickest of of this bramble of a situation I gone an’ got myself in, here I am gettin’ bounced back n’ forth between these two big fellers and gosh, they were big down below too, the fella in rear really had been blessed! And to boot he knew what he was doin, it hadn’t been five minutes of bouncin’ along and I felt my loins startin’ to do their flutterin’ dance like when somethin’ big is comin’. And this chap up front, well he had nothin’ to be ashamed of neither, his combination of girth and length meant I was grabbin’ little gasps of air through my nose when he was halfway out but not much more, not that I’m complainin’ mind you, I was happier than a scarecrow gettin’ restuffed on a day the corn field done ran outta straw so cobs are the next best thing. Mr. Blackbeard up front had my hair in his fist too, real tight, didn’t surprise me much with what I’d seen of him lookin’ mean, and again I can’t really complain neither since he had the knuckle down to my scalp so it wasn’t so much painful as controllin’ how far he was goin’ and how fast. I could feel the velvet swishin’ agains’t my back like maybe he’s tryin to look through to the other side so I did some oral gymnastics and got to moanin’ with a bit o’ vibration to get his attention back on me and he got back to his work deprivin’ me of oxygen. Now this was all fine and good, I am a professional lady and can last a good long while bouncin’ on next to just about anythin’ but even a professional has her limits and I could feel that flutterin’ down below really startin’ to make somethin’ of itself, so much so I was startin’ to have a hard time keepin’ the rhythm I had between these two fine gentleman and that fella from behind was startin’ to really throb too, somethin’ I knew meant there weren’t much time before he was all finished with this. Up front was another story this feller’d be at me all day like this (which normally would suit me fine if I had nothin better t’do) but circumstances as they were I knew drastic measures needed to be taken. So with one hand I start slidin’ it up under those big, black, bristly balls and cuppin’ and caressin’ as I do in dire times of expediency and lo-and-behold I feel some shiverin’. Now this could be good or bad, if this fella up front gets it in his mind to just stick himself all the way down my throat and stay there I don’t have much to do besides try to get the curtain movin’ and expose this fella in back and escape during the confusion, but that’s a sight riskier’n I’m comfortable with. So I keep goin’, even gettin’ a finger around back where his sun don’t shine and start givin’ him some gentle caressin’ of a deeper nature and surprise! He goes off like a powder keg on the fourth evening of July and keeps himself all the way down my throat just groanin’ on and on. Now I’m groanin’ too, tryin’ to cover these fellas hearin’ each other groan and I decide nows the time to let my little lady bits do their dancin’ and jumpin’ so I just clench down on Mr. Lumberjack from behind and he is all too eager to join me, so he goes off like a whole other fourth of July celebration and I’m there in between just hitchin’ and jivin’, filled up more’n a soggy rainbarrel on a Tuesday in April. Now as I’m slidin’ myself low and slinkin’ my way away I felt the velvet rufflin’ again and this time my mouth was in no place to be distractin’ no one so I made myself a hasty departure and scampered on back to my cabin (o’ course stoppin’ by their horses where they sat happy and reigned a good ways apart by my infinite, blessed luck-their saddlebags providin’ my pay in full of course). Then it was off to a spot in the river only I know about for a cool soak, them fellers could settle their differences without little ol’ me.
