It Started Through the Wall (mf) (Incest)

The first time I heard it was a cool summer night, when the only other sound was the gentle rasping of crickets that came floating through my open window. At first it was only the creaking of bed springs, soft and inconsistent. Soon it grew louder, yet still intermittent. I checked the clock: 12:23. I was about to chalk it up to restless sleeping, when the first moan crept through the wall that connected my room to my sister’s. It was little more than shaky puff of breath, barely louder than the breeze in the trees outside, yet it was loud as a gunshot to me. I froze, unsure of what I had just heard. A few squeaks from the bed later, it happened again.

Now, if you have never heard the object of your constant desire moan sensually while masturbating, let me describe it to you. Simply put, it is the sexiest noise I have ever heard. I felt a tingle through my body, a physical shock at what I was hearing. Barely more than a pleasurably exhale, each breath wove its way into my mind, painting a picture of the erotic scene unfolding in my sister’s bed. Perhaps she was lying on her back, legs wide apart, her back arched in ecstasy as she probed frantically into herself. Or maybe she was propped up on her elbows, rubbing her clit into one of her many stuffed animals. The penguin, perhaps. Or the lion.

I am not ashamed to admit how quickly I became erect, nor how intensely. Within moments my cock was pressing uncomfortably against my loose-fitting boxers, a single drop of precum staining the front. Careful not to make a sound, I slide my arms down under the sheets and teased my boner out from my waistband. My balls soon followed, and before long the underpants were around my ankles. I stoked slowly, trying it to time the sensation with the steady stream of moans stilling seeping from her lips. I came more quickly than I care to admit, shooting burst after burst as my dick jumped in my hand, staining both my sheets and my t-shirt with the viscous fluid. I lay there, still moist, and as I began to soften, I drifted off to sleep with her sighs of pleasure ringing in my ears.

Before we go any farther into this tale, I must explain my infatuation with my sister. We’re twins, and before we graduated high school a year ago and went our separate ways to college, we had been inseparable. We spent every moment together and confessed all our secrets in each other. She was the type of girl that had a sexual awakening before most of her classmates, and having nowhere else to turn, she talked to me about it. She spoke passionately about her newfound love for porn, as well as stroking herself well into the night. She didn’t do this out of any desire for me, but simply because she had to get it all out. She talked about the boys she had crushes on, and what she would do if they asked her to prom, even though at the time it was years away. Her sensual and sexual desires seemed to occupy her every waking hour, and many of her sleeping ones. She was consumed by the new world that masturbation brought to her. At first, this bored me. I had no interest in sex, nor the complex world surrounding it. But it took only one night hunched over my phone screen, tugging at my genitals, before I understood. I have her to thank for many of my sexual tastes, as my earliest memories of porn were videos she recommended to me. It was of course only a matter of time before I began to lust after her. Soon I began to look for her type in the videos I watched, scrolling through pages looking for just the right color hair, or the perfectly sized bosom. Soon, her friends became enlightened as to the new corners of their bodies, and she no longer needed me to talk to. We drifted apart, and by the end of senior year, I wouldn’t have known if she was having an affair with the principle. I resented her for abandoning me as her confidant, but I never lost my want for her, to feel myself inside of her delicate folds of skin. If anything, my infatuation grew ever stronger.

Now, we had returned to our parents’ house for the summer, and in that one night, all my desire for her returned stronger than ever. If my lust had been at all weakened by the distance between us, that progress was lost in those heady minutes of unknowingly mutual masturbation. The next night was no better. The light seeping from under her door cut out, and within an hour her moans and sighs set my heart, and my dick, aflame. That first week was filled with the most complete, mind bending, ground shaking orgasms I had experienced in my eighteen years on the planet. As wondrous as those sessions were, it wasn’t long before I wanted more. After a few days, I began leaving more door open at night, amplifying the groans of delight that resonated so deeply with me. One night, I went even farther. As I heard the creaking begin, I slipped out of bed, my feet sinking into the soft carpet that muffled my steps. Leaving my clothes behind, I slunk out my door, wary of the creaking floorboards that could betray my excursion.

I crept down the hall, completely naked, my cock gripped firmly in one hand. As I rubbed from the tip to the base, I approached her closed door. As I drew closer, her moans became louder, bringing even more blood rushing to my rigid nethers. I came all at once to the door frame from which emerged the sounds of pure sexual pleasure, and the gentle susurrations of ancient bed springs. I could hear now even more than I could from the folds of my blankets: the rustling of fabric, the incredibly erotic sound of a hand on a glistening pussy. I pressed my ear to the door, wanting nothing but to hear more. The noises filled my mind, all I could think about was my unending, persistent urge to cum. Suddenly, silence. Had she finished? I hadn’t heard the long, drawn out moan that usually accompanied the ends of her sessions. Several creaks, a moment of silence…

..and the door was flung open. There she stood, the very image of beauty in her oversized t-shirt, draping just to her mid-thigh and only barely hiding her pussy. I am several inches taller than her, yet she seemed to look at me from my own level. Her eyes tracked down my body, eventually settling on what I had been vigorously fondling only moments before. She raised her eyebrows and met my green eyes with hers. She smirked, and though we said nothing, that simple motion spoke volumes. My cock twitched, and that motion was enough to break her complete stillness. She stepped back, opening the door wide in a single relaxed step. The invitation could not have been clearer. I stepped forward and followed her to the bed.

You may think that my mind would be racing, consumed by violent fantasies of throwing her onto the bed and fucking her within an inch of her life. I must say, you are not completely wrong. Visions ran through my thoughts: oral, anal, and everything in between. But my mind wasn’t racing. It was more tranquil, more at ease than it had ever been. We both knew what the other wanted, and we both were willing to give it. She fell backwards onto the bed, her body stretching out across the mattress. As she did so, the hem of her battered t-shirt slid up, and for the first time I saw what I had longed after for so many years.

It was perfect, more beautiful than any from the tawdry porn I used to supplement my usual jerk-off sessions. She flicked on her bedside lamp, and I must say I was entranced. Her pussy was full, plump, even, bright pink softness peeking out shyly through her outer folds. Her clit was exposed, small and dainty, and practically begging to fell my touch. She reached down and pulled the hem of the shirt up and over her head, exposing her luscious breasts. They too were perfect. The pick nipple, the soft skin, the way they sat on her body, everything about them made me want to act out some of my more violent fantasies.

She giggled, and I realized that I was standing frozen, dick out, staring at her body. I stepped forward, and placed my hand on her knee, running it up her thigh until I found her hip. She spread her legs and I lowered my body until it was just above hers. My dick brushed against her stomach; the sensation more powerful than I could have imagined. I brought one hand up to her face, my other arm propping my up as I hovered over her vulnerable form. I brushed a strand of hair from her cheek and felt her body shudder in expectation. I lowered my mouth to hers. Her breath was coming faster now, puffs of air rushing past my face. Our lips met, and something clicked. This felt right. It felt like we finally had met after knowing each other for so, so long, like we were pieces destined to fit together. I know she felt it too. Her pulse began to race, and she pulled my face to hers, one hand twining in the hair on the back of my head. As we kissed furiously, passionately, I took my hand away from her cheek and grabbed my cock. I pushed it down, feeling it glide over her clit, her lips, until finally it was placed at her entrance. Gently, I began to guide myself inside of her.

As I finally penetrated my sister, I cannot describe the feeling. It wasn’t love, or even lust. It was a deep feeling in my gut, a truth that the universe had been shouting at me for years: we were meant to be together. As a pumped in and out, we became more than people. We were two primal beings, making love at night. My mind went blank, save for the bottomless feeling of me inside of her. I went faster, and she moaned, loud and clear. It was no longer muffled by walls or the fear of discovery, it rang forth proudly. She was finally being taken by the one she loved the most. I thrust forward one last time and exploded into her depths. Three pulses, four, and I was spent. She lay beneath me, equally satiated, eyes closed in pure bliss. I realized that she had wanted this for a while, perhaps longer than I had. We were twins, and we were meant to be with each other. We spent that night in each other’s arms, waking just in time for me to creep back to my room.

Had that been the end of it, I would have been satisfied. If she never mentioned the night again, I would have been content to go about my life, knowing that we had finally been true to ourselves and our feelings. But that night, just minutes after I had turned off my light, I heard a soft knock at my door. It swung open. There she stood, naked. She smiled shyly, and tip-toed over to my bed where I was waiting, and I knew that it could never be any other way.



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