Cougar waiting at Valvoline

I was unemployed, and living at home. Way too much free time for a tall, dark and handsome 30 year old. It was morning on a weekday and I had just arrived at Valvoline to get an oil change. The first thing I noticed when walking into the waiting room were those goddamn legs, her posture, her straight brown hair down to her shoulders, She wasn’t in a flattering outfit, but she looked good under anything.

I went to the desk to talk with the service rep, as soon as i felt her gaze i looked over and winked at her.

I sat next to her, and we started chatting almost immediately. She was hot. I felt hot. She was definitely older, maybe 45.

When she walked up to the service desk, i wanted to service her. I could see the outline of her underwear through her thin sweatpants, a little bunched up in her crotch. I wanted to un-bunch them with my mouth.

Before I knew it she was leaving! Had I missed my chance, did I turn her off? Fuck. This girl had me fired up.

I went home with my tail between my legs, but I remembered parts of our conversation. She told me what she did, and what town she lived in. I scrambled on my computer, and after about 2 hours of searching through social media. i found my oil change mistress. I sent her a message on facebook and instagram. she didnt respond. days went by. I ended up moving on, and started seeing another chick. a couple weeks later, i get a response from the oil change girl.

This is where non-fiction becomes fiction.

“Well that was a long ass wait”

“haha, i never check this thing. are you the guy from Valvoline???”

“I am. and i’ve been thinking about you since then”

“What!? hehe that was weeks ago. Did i make a good impression??”

“you did. and now I’d like to return the favor”

We set a time and place to get together later in the week, then continued texting all afternoon.


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