Bonding With The Captain

I rubbed my eyes desperately hoping to rub out the exhaustion of the previous night. Perhaps having that last shot of vodka wasn’t the best idea. My head was pounding furiously from the alcohol-induced hangover that made itself present. I rolled to my left, to thankfully was an empty bed. *At least I didn’t take a guy home with me* I thought to myself.

I released an exasperated sigh from my slightly parted lips. I slid my slender fingers into my messy blonde hair. *Fixing this is going to suck*, I thought, soliciting another sigh from me. At least I was lucky enough to have the day off today. Doing swim practice like this wasn’t going to happen. I’d have to figure out what to do with myself in the meantime though.

I got out of bed and combed my mess of golden hair. I strode over to my desk and rummaged through hoping to find some ibuprofen. Thankfully there was still a couple left in the bottle I had hidden in my bottom drawer. Tossing the pills into my mouth, I tipped my head back swallowing the two blue gel pills. I always found it weird people struggled to take medicine without pills. *Maybe I’m just that good at swallowing*. That thought gave me a little giggle.

I walked back over to my mini closet, picking up my towel from the bottom shelving. Heading out my door, I walked over to the dorm showers. As soon as I entered I was relieved to see the near-empty room. There were a couple of girls using their own shower stalls but I was personally a bit self-conscious; so the less the better.

I didn’t really have any reason to be so uncomfortable about my body. I mean who would be if they had my body? I was a decent height of five foot six, my boobs were firm teardrops, very noticeable in any top and were similar in size to a grapefruit, with little nipple nub toppings. The light pink shade blended well with my creamy skin tone. My body was quite toned. I wasn’t like one of those Russian weightlifter girls with muscles on muscles but I was in shape like a runner would be. Swimming nearly every day and being on the swim team really helped keep me in shape.

My arms weren’t super long but they were thin like my fingers but more toned. I could definitely flex a muscle or two and get some of the girls here swooning. Now my legs were a different story, heavily toned and long, accentuating my firm bubble butt. My legs were the one thing I loved showing off. I constantly wore short skirts and when it was too cold out I had skin-tight jeans or leggings I could wear.

I walked further into the public shower room hoping to find a private spot in the back. Thankfully I was in luck. I could tuck into the corner with little worry of onlookers or peepers. Even being a girls-only shower room I knew this university had its fill of lesbians and bisexuals.

Stepping into the shower stall, I closed the door and stripped down. I placed the clothes in the safe space where they would be dry and threw my towel over the stall door. Immediately I set the water to a warm and jumped under the spray. A morning shower after a night of drinking was always amazing. I could still feel the remnants of the hangover creeping its way to the front of my attention. *Hopefully, this medicine will kick in soon,* I thought.

I reached for my shampoo first as I normally did, except it wasn’t there. *Fucking hell, I forgot my shower stuff in the room*. I didn’t really know what to do in this situation. My options appeared to be either bumming soaps and hair stuff off one of the other girls or taking the embarrassingly short walk back to my room in a towel to get my stuff.

I decided on enduring the latter. It seemed the lesser of two evils honestly. Besides, talking to random strangers and asking for their soap would be fucking creepy. I wrapped the towel around my chest, holding up as best I could. I shut down the water and bolted out of the room as fast I could to make it to my room. I must have such a sight running around dripping wet, hair a mess and in a tower. I found my stuff and headed back to the shower.

I thanked my lucky stars that the girls inside from before hadn’t noticed I left or that I returned. I made it safely back to my shower stall and got back to the task I had to delay. Shampooing my hair always felt nice, and lathering it up with my conditioner almost as pleasurable. Finished with my hair in a quick few minutes, I got to wash my body. The soft sudsy gel and my shower puff teased every sensitive nerve as I ran them over my body. My nipples were sure as hell waking up to the feeling. I tried to finish up quickly before I ended up taking a more personal shower.

Free of incident this time, I came out of the shower stall drying my body off. After that, I squeezed the excess water out of my golden tresses. Satisfied I was decently dry, at least enough I wouldn’t be dripping on the wood floors again, I headed back to my room. Sarah, my roommate, was still absent. I remember coming back to the dorm house with her, and I was pretty sure neither of us had brought back a guy or gal.

I checked the clock and to my displeasement, not much time had gone by since I woke up. I went to my closet and grabbed a fresh pair of underwear and a bra. A matching sky blue color with black trim for both, I felt comfortably sexual in them but I wasn’t looking to score with anyone today.

I dove back into my desk drawers and fished out my hairdryer and flat iron. I went to work drying my hair and straightening it back into my usual look. I didn’t have very curly hair but it was very frizzy and needed to be touched up when I got out of the shower. Once I was back to my usual wire straight hair, full of renewed life and volume I collapsed into bed. I rested my hand over my forehead still aching. *Can these stupid pills hurry up and work already!? For fucks sake*, I thought hoping to be free of pain.

My eyes gravitated to the closet in my corner of the dorm room and then I looked over at my roommate’s bed. Today was Wednesday, so she was likely in class. I had maybe a few hours of alone time in the room if I was lucky. My eyes shifted back to the closet, inside were hidden silk ropes of varying length, a roll of duct tape, a couple of bullet vibrators and one yummy looking silicone ball gag. I had purchased them a few weeks ago planning to use them for self-bondage but I never had the chance, until now.

I felt the warm feeling building in my chest and then in my core. The conundrum became less should I and moved to how could I not. I bit my lower lip, internally warring over the idea. *It would just be an hour at most if I did it. I could get free before she came back and no one would be the wiser.*

I caved to the ideas of sexual pleasure, jumping out of bed and bolting right towards the closet. My teeth sunk into my lip again as I giddily opened the secret compartment containing my toys. I snatched at the ropes and vibrators but paused for a second wondering how I’d want to be silenced. The ball gag with its black leather straps was very enticing but the silver tape was just alluring. I decided on tape knowing already how it felt to have a ball gag in my mouth. I tried it on the second I got it. It was so worth buying.

Climbing back in bed with my variety of bondage gear, my nerves started acting up. I was feeling this mix of emotions; anxiety, and excitement mostly. I ran my fingers along the ropes enjoying the feelings, the anticipation. I took a few deep breaths, knowing they’d be my last big ones for a while and got to work.

First I needed to be shut up; a girl should always be silent unless spoken to, right? I snatched the roll of duct tape, tore off a strand that would cover from ear to ear if I placed it on my pink lips. Just before I pressed the adhesive to my mouth, I realized it might be more fun to have something stuffed in there. Excited, I jumped out of bed, jolted over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of my clean panties. I rolled the cotton underwear into a ball and quickly shoved it in my mouth. *Oh my god, this is so much better than I thought it would be.*

“Mmmmmph? Hmmmpf mmmmm pvmmmmmm!” I could still make some noise but I’m sure the tape would cover that. I got back in my bed and pressed the tape over my mouth. I turned to look in my roommate’s mirror; thankfully she left it open. The reflection of myself with tape was absolutely stunning. *Wow, I look so sexy gagged*. *This is going to be so much fun!* I tore off another few slices of tape and pressed them over my mouth. I needed to test how much quieter I was now.

“Hmmmmpppph mmmm pmmmmmmmmmm” I was way quieter now. Time for the rope. I snatched a shorter length of rope, folded it in half then snaked the ends through the loop at the halfway point. I slipped my feet into the coil and then tightened it just enough that I wouldn’t lose circulation. Wrapping circle after circle around my ankles I figured that was enough and it was time to secure the knot. I made some loops perpendicular to my original start and then securely tied a knot in front where I wouldn’t be able to reach. I wriggled my feet testing the durability of the tie and found it to be satisfactory.

I repeated the process I used on my ankles to wrap the silk rope around my legs both above and below my knees. I tested all three ties with a couple of squirms happily. I was starting to get really turned on and I only had my legs bound. I looked over to the mirror, feeling more attractive than my first peek. I made a few poses with my hands behind my back. I looked so much like a real damsel in distress, it was so hot.

I ran my hands over my bra covered breasts, already hardening from arousal. There was no turning back at this point, I needed this. I wrapped a few coils around my chest highlighting my breasts a little more; not that it was needed. Then I had to get to work making wrist bindings. I had searched the internet for tips on self-bondage. I found an easy way to make some wrist shackles on my own and how to tightly secure them.

I made a few loops around my wrists while they were still in front of me, measuring about roughly the size I’d need. I tied off to a decent size and then used another smaller length of rope to make a hangman’s noose. I wrapped it around the wrist coil making two distinct holes for my hands. It looked like rope handcuffs so I assumed I was doing it right. I slipped my two hands into their respective holes and snatched up the hangman’s noose. I tugged the loose tip of the noose and quickly I found myself unable to get loose.

*Goddammit, I’m such an airhead. I forgot the damn vibrators.* I peeked over to where I left them in the bed. I figured I could maybe fiddle my way into getting them situated. I wanted one on my clit and the other inside me so badly. Since I forgot I’d have to settle for just stimulating my clit if I could even manage that.

I slid down the bed, with great difficulty. When I made it to where the vibrators were it took me a long while to snatch them up. Thankfully I hadn’t bound my elbows so I was able to sting my arms around a bit. *Fuck I can’t even get this damn thing in all tied up like this. I guess I’ll just have to cut myself free.* Then panic struck in full force. I looked all around the room and realized there was no way for me to free myself. I hadn’t thought to put out a knife or a pair of scissors. *Oh no… Sarah will come back find me like this and think I’m a total perv, fuck!!*

I struggled as best I could to slip a hand free but the more I struggled, the tighter my bindings got. There wasn’t any hope of getting out before Sarah returned. *I can only hope she doesn’t think too little of me after this*. A pounding on the door tensed up my muscles.

“Knock knock.” The voice was manly and not just any man, someone I knew. I crushed my eyelids closed praying he would go away. I would prove not to be that lucky as the door opened creepily slow. My whole body tensed up. *Please please please don’t come in. I’d rather it be Sarah than you!*

“Wow,” the voice said.

My back was to him but I knew already he was referring to me. My whole body felt hot, I thought I might faint. I could hear his faint footsteps closing the distance between us. *Maybe if I feigned sleep he would think Sarah left me like this and I could play it off as a prank,* I thought. I couldn’t help the worst thoughts from entering my mind nor the reactions they caused on my body. The tension and need between my legs were reaching painful heights. Just as badly as I wanted him to leave, I also wanted him to help me.

“Jessica,” he spoke.

*Please just believe I’m sleeping*.

“Well if you’re asleep,” He paused, “You won’t mind if I enjoy the view for a bit.”

*Of course, he would want to see me like this! Grrr, why do guys have to be such pervs!*

“Damn Jess, if you were awake right now I think I’d flee in embarrassment. I’ve got such a hard-on for you,” he said.

That’s when the scariest sound occurred, the unzipping of pants and the locking of my door. Oh, no way am I letting myself get raped! You better fucking, not you damn perv. Moments passed and I felt nothing, heard nothing. I was starting to think he just left, but why would he leave after taking his pants off. Then, the silent noise crept its way into the airwaves; he was moaning. *Holy shit*, I thought to myself, *He’s actually masturbating to me tied up in my room.*

As he kept going I couldn’t help the dampness and growing desire down there. I so badly wanted to roll over and beg for him. It would be so hot if he took me like this but I wasn’t interested in being forced. I could consent I guess, rolling over was all I had to do. A couple of noises and he’d be all over me. But did I want him to?

He kept stroking and his pace started to quicken. I could tell by the increased sounds he was making. My clit was throbbing, demanding I give it some kind of pleasure but I couldn’t. I ran over and over the thought of asking him for it. I had a crush on him and he was super hot but it would be so awkward sleeping with the swim team captain! Practices would be so weird I don’t know if I could handle it. I didn’t realize my body acted of its own volition, as I gently rubbed myself into the bed.

“Mmmm,” I moaned.

The sounds froze instantly, there was no sound of movement. *Oh, fuck! He heard me. Oh god, I’m so screwed. Please just be a dream please, please.* Then my body moved again. No please stop, don’t! If I keep going I’ll for sure be caught. The task was impossible as my groin rubbed against the sheets slowly causing minor sensations of pleasure.

“Mmmm mmmmmph,” I moaned again and again. This whole situation had worked up my body so much I couldn’t handle it any longer. I couldn’t take this much longer so I conceded to letting it happen. I rolled over slowly exposing my burnt red face and damp wet panties. I couldn’t even look him in the eyes. I was so embarrassed.

“Jess… Have you been awake this whole time?”

I nodded meekly, still avoiding eye contact. He walked over to me from where he was masturbating. I could see from the corner of my eye how hard he was. His cock looked like it would fill me pretty well and that only made me want him more. He leaned down in front of me, putting us at face level. His hands tore off the tape slowly until it was all off. With the help of my tongue, I shoved out the wet wad of panties that I had stuffed in there.

“H-Hi… S-Sean.”

“Hi, Jess. Wanna tell me why you’re like this?” He ran his hands down from my shoulders over my curves and onto my thighs where he rested his hand. Sean’s eyes had been following his hands and were now sorely fixated on my soaking panties. He made a loud gulp before breaking eye contact. *Please do it. I know you want to and I’m afraid to say it. Please take me Sean, I need you so bad.*

His fingers slid down my thigh towards the center of the stain. He paused hovering over where my clit eagerly awaited him. Every single bit of my willpower was holding me still when I so badly wanted to push my hips forward to meet his hand. *Don’t show how desperate you are Jess.*

“Did I do this?” Sean asked.

I bit my lip and closed my eyes as I nodded again just slightly. I was rewarded as his fingers gently pressured my clit.

“Aaaaah,” I moaned but quickly bit my lip stifling the sound midway.

“I’ll give you a choice Jess okay? I’ll untie you and we can forget about this or I can keep going.” Sean applied slightly more pressure causing my toes to curl and my eyes to close. No matter how bad I wanted him this was beyond humiliating. He applied more pressure as if my silence was permission to continue.

“That’s as far as I’m going Jess. You have to tell me what you want now.”

“D-Don’t… stop,” I whispered in between soft breaths.

True to his word, he rolled me on my back, straddling himself on top of me. It was a bit uncomfortable with my hands crushed underneath. My hips moved of their own accord, grinding up against Sean’s cock. I could feel it throbbing against my slow agonizing movements, which was equally torturous for both of us. Sean leaned forward, his lips inches from mine. I could feel his hot breath as he panted, each breath stimulating me more.

“Jess you’re so hot, and I couldn’t resist when I saw you like this,” Sean apologized.

*Sean, you have no clue how much I’ve been crushing on you. I wish this wouldn’t have been so awkward between us.* I thought unable to admit that aloud. answer him. Sean’s lips crept closer but instead of kissing me, he left little pecks down my jawline. *Skip the fucking foreplay I’m desperate Sean!* My inner thoughts screamed.

It was almost as if Sean had heard my thoughts. He pulled my panties down skillfully as he continued peppering little kisses on my cheek, jaw, and neck. Once far enough down, I finally felt him at my entrance. Excruciatingly slowly he impaled into me. I was right, I didn’t feel like I needed to adjust to accommodate him; a near-perfect fit.

“Mmmm,” I half whimpered, half moaned. His finger was back putting pressure on my clit; not moving but just pressuring. “Please… Sean,” I whispered desperately hoping for him to continue.

“Please what Jess?”

*Please don’t make me say it Sean. I know what you want, just don’t make me say it.* Sean was frozen stiff, his cock buried inside me, unmoving. I whined trying to apply some pleasure by thrashing and squirming under him. It was pointless he was on top of me and I was still tied up. I’d have to say it.

“What do you want Jess?” He cooed teasingly. *Don’t you play fucking smug you cocky bastard you know exactly what I want.* Sean was in complete control. I felt both equally aroused and frustrated that he was doing this. I whined ever more with frustration; giving in was my only choice.

“Please fuck me Sean! I’m too horny for this,” I begged.

With a smirk as wide as his face would permit Sean began thrusting at a modest pace. My reactions were immediate. I hated and loved the feeling of being totally fucked while bound. The only thing that would make it hotter would be the gag. Sean got faster with his movements, his finger started circling my clit, and his groin was slapping into mine. Our sounds of sex filling the air, it wouldn’t be long before people noticed.

“Jess,” Sean whispered as he thrust, “You need to quiet down or someone will hear you.”

“I can’t! the aaaah feeling is to AAAAAAH overwhelming,”

Sean’s eyes fixated on something besides my head, the balled up panties. Sean leaned over with haste grabbing the still moist wad and shoved it in my mouth between my moans.

He spun around grabbing the duct tape, tearing off a strand and slapping it over my mouth.

“Mmmph!?” I spoke into my returned gag.

“That should keep that slutty mouth quiet,” Sean mocked.

“Mmmmp mmm mppph mmmn,” I shouted into the gag only getting garbled words that barely made any noise.

“God, you look like such a hot slut. I’m gonna fucking… cum Jess.”

With a strained voice and one painful final thrust, I began to feel shot after shot of his warm semen swimming inside me. He relaxed a bit but I still wasn’t done. *Please Sean please I need to cume so bad. It hurts, please make me orgasm, please!*

“Mmmm! MMmph mm mmmmm!” I prayed he would understand as my hips continued to rock.

Shockingly he did. Sean barely down from his high started flicking my clit, doing a circle with his thumb then applying light pressure. It only took a few repeats of this pattern before I screamed into my gag with delightful bliss. My walls clamped down him hard, squeezing out a few extra shots of white gooey fluids. I breathed quickly through my nose making what I thought to be weird sounds. Sean just chuckled.

A few moments passed before he got composed and slid out of me. Our fluids mixed together inside me dripped out just a bit. He looked down on me with another wide grin. I felt afraid in this moment since he still hadn’t removed my gag.

“Not exactly how I would have wanted our first time but that was pretty amazing,” Sean joked.

“Hmmp hmmp,” I made a mocking laugh sound through my tightly sealed mouth. He realized I was still gagged and quickly tore off the tape. *You didn’t have to rip it off that quick jerk!* My skin stung a little bit from the fast separation. I spit out the wad of panties ready to give him a piece of my mind.

“First off, You don’t just let yourself in Sean!” I said furiously.

“You wouldn’t answer your phone so I got worried. Funnily enough, I wanted to ask you out for some drinks.” I glared daggers at him to which he laughed.

“Next, untie me!”

“I dunno Jess I don’t think we should. You just look so damn hot like that.”

“SEAN!!!” I shouted

“Okay okay!”

It took Sean some time but he finally got me free. My wrists were hurting from being crushed under my back for so long, my shoulders felt stiff along with my legs and feet, but I was happily satisfied. Sean got up to get dressed to which I quickly grabbed his arm before he could escape.

“I’m not done yelling at you yet.”

“I’m sorry Jessica.”

” I wasn’t going to ask for that.”

“Then what were you going to ask for?” He looked perplexed.

I tugged him back on top of me, pushing my lips against his. I melted a little despite my earlier resolve because I was just so damn elated. I fell back to bed still tired while he looked down on me stupified.

“Lastly, if you’re ever fuck me without kissing me I’m gonna kick your ass.”

“I can do that,” Sean giggled as he leaned in for another kiss. It wasn’t the perfect way or the most romantic but it was just as good as any way to start a relationship.
