Someone asked challenge people to describe their favorite erotic place. This was my answer.

It’s not about the place. It’s about the person. Just about anywhere can be erotic if you’re with the right person, or the right person walks into the room.

Let’s start with the former shall we? Say you’re sitting in a coffee shop, facing the door near a window sipping on a hot steaming cup of coffee. As you’re looking out the window feeling the warm sun on your elegant face sense the door open and a presence enter the room.

A tall man, with great hair, wear the clothing that you love to see on a man walks in turns his head slightly and locks eyes with you for just longer than he’s supposed to. Yet something about his gaze ignites a fire in you and your panties get wet. This makes this even more erotic because you’re in public. (For men it would be a hard on). You then begin to think about when that person last masturbated, or how they look when they have sex, and what portion is their favorite. You bite your lip and turn around to catch is gaze again.

Now, let’s say you’re with an amazing lover sitting at home on the porch next to a fire. engaged in a deep and meaningful intellectual an vulnerable discussion. As the discussion continues you both get more and more turned on. Light touches send sparks through both of your soon to be united bodies. It’s the moment though, it’s connecting, it’s not the place, it’s that person. The person you know intimately, but what to continuously jump at the sight of despite where you are. However, her, now, is this most erotic place, next to a fire under the stars with clothes soon to be on the floor and bodily fluids soon to be swapped.

Other pieces to note are the small moments she might make. The specific way unique to her that she adjusts a bra strap, or plays with her hair. Catching a momentary glimpse of a side boob that makes you want to rip her clothes off in the middle of the coffee shop because you must see more, and must have her there and then.

Anywhere can be erotic, as long as you have the imagination, and happen to serendipitously encounter the right people.
