Invasion part 4

Edie sobbed into his mouth and lewdly sucked Fred’s tongue, as her orgasm rolled through her, her juices dripping from her hyper-excited cunt and coating her anal pucker as Fred hammered his cock into her spasming belly. Her orgasm went on and on as she frantically fucked him back, bucking into him as he raped her.

That word echoed in her head. Raped. She was being raped. And the horror and revulsion she ought to be feeling did not materialize.

What she felt was shame and humiliation. She was completely humiliated by Fred treating her as an object, as a life-sized fuck doll. And she was horribly, devastatingly ashamed of herself, for she had discovered that she craved being a fuck toy, and could not, in fact, get enough of it.

Submitting to this man was the most sexually exciting thing she could imagine. Her sex life up to now, had been a pale imitation of what she was feeling right now. Getting raped like an object, being used with no regard for her, other than as a receptacle to dump their loads into. Whore, sex starved slut, cock crazy bitch, bounced around in her mind, and just infalmed her lust even more. Her orgasms were stronger and deeper and longer than any she had ever had in her life. She knew that she would submit to anything these men wanted of her, and that she would cum as they did what they pleased with her.

Fred pulled out of her still spasming cunt, and hauled the stunned woman to her feet, spun her around and bent her over the table, her plush breasts flattening against the tabletop. He used his hands to spread the firm cheeks of her ass, bent his knees a little, fitted his cock against her slick, juice coated anus, and rammed it into her, right to the hilt.

Her body snapped rigid, her feet leaving the floor and her legs wrapped around Fred’s hips, holding him still as a tortured groan was ripped from her throat. Her asshole burned around his deeply embedded cock, and he did not wait for it to fade before he started to fuck her.

The pain faded rapidly as he pumped her, and within minutes, she was moving with him, climbing towards another orgasm. He pulled her upper body up off the table, using her hair as a handle, and reached around her with both hands, roughly mauling her big tits, tweaking the stiff nipples as he sodomized her.

She spasmed into a huge orgasm as he brutally fucked her ass, spreading her legs to get the deepest possible penetration as raped her with his eight-inch cock.


Hoss rolled to his feet, and looked at the unconscious teen sprawled on the futon. Instead of waiting for her to come around, he decided to go get himself a piece of the big titted bitch in the kitchen, if Fred hadn’t beaten her too badly.

As he stepped through the kitchen door, he saw Edie, bent over the kitchen table, her face red and strained, cumming hard as she humped back against Fred. Surprisingly, she only sported a couple of bruises here and there.

Fred looked up and said, “Hey Hoss. How was the girl?”

Fred sounded to Edie’s ears like he might be waiting for a bus. He was completely disconnected from what he was doing, and stopped fucking her when Hoss walked in the room, hilting his cock in her spasming rectum and letting it soak as he talked to Hoss.

“Good,” Hoss replied. “She’s sleeping it off now.” A weight lifted from Edie’s mind. Her daughter was alive. Raped, but alive.

“You want a piece’a this?” Fred asked, slapping her ass.

“Is it any good?” Hoss wanted to know.

“Oh yeah! The bitch ought’a fit ya ok.”

Edie felt her cunt juice up as the two men discussed her as if they were talking about a used car. She turned her head, trying to get a look at the naked Hoss, but couldn’t see him. Then Fred’s hands dug cruelly into her swollen breasts. “Who told you to stop, cunt? Get movin’!”

Edie gasped and began to rock back and forth, screwing herself on Fred’s rigid cock.

“Hmm.” Hoss grunted, then saying, “You trained the bitch pretty good.”

“Yeah.” Fred agreed. Then, “Hey, you wanna double fuck her? Me up her ass and you in her cunt?”

“Sure,” Hoss said. “Hey, where the fuck is Mike?” Fred barked a short laugh.

“I told him to fuck off till I was done with the cunt. Told him to go watch you.”

“Damn it, Fred!” Hoss swore. “Ya probably got him all pissed off again, and now he’s out sulking in the truck. Now it’ll take forever to get him to come on another job!”

“Don’t sweat it, Hoss. He always does, don’t he?”

“Yeah, yeah. Bring the cunt out to the living room. We’ll double up on her on the bed. Maybe teach the kid somethin’ while we’re at it.”

Edie’s belly cramped, and she almost came as she thought about being raped by these two men at the same time, in front of her daughter. The humiliation as her daughter watched her cum would be enormous. She started crying, unable to imagine how she would ever be able to face her eldest daughter again, after she had watched her mother getting raped, and enjoying it enough to cum.


Sam was on her knees over Mike, in the middle of the bed, her belly undulating as she rose and fell on Mike’s cock, her hands fondling her own breasts, grinning lasciviously down at the older man as she fucked him.

His six-inch cock fit her perfectly, her snug little cunt massaging his slim shaft with its buttery soft walls, as the small head of his cock lightly prodded her cervix.

“You like this, huh, Mike? You like me fucking you?” The obscene words coming from her mouth excited both of them. The forbidden aspect of fucking this hot cunted teen turned him on beyond belief. She was absolutely the best fuck he had ever had, bar none. Not because of any particular skill on her part, but simply because they fit together so well.

He had been inexhaustible tonight, fucking her willing young body in a variety of positions, and she came steadily as they balled each other. She made no objection to taking his cock in her mouth or up her hot, tight ass, or in her weeping little cunt, where he was now. He was on the verge of a huge orgasm, his third one with her tonight, and that would pretty much finish him for the night.

Sam rode the man below her, straining for another orgasm. She didn’t like him much, he had hurt her and scared her and he was way too pushy, but she was grateful to him for showing her how much fun it was to fuck. She had plans to get fucked a lot, from now on. Bobby was in for a surprise; she couldn’t wait to see his face as she fucked him with her ass.

Mike had told her that the other two guys were downstairs, fucking her mother and her big sister, and she wondered if they were having as much fun as she was. She supposed not. More than once she had heard Patty say that she was waiting for the right guy, before she fucked someone. And Mom was pretty much of a prude. She probably fucked in the dark.

For right now, she knew that this was their last fuck. He had to get back downstairs before they missed him. She also knew that Hoss had put her off limits as far as screwing her went, so she was making the most of her last ride.

She could feel her orgasm building in the pit of her stomach, and she did everything she could to hurry it along. Her ass was bobbing and weaving on Mike’s cock, scrubbing it against the inside of her cunny, but that wasn’t enough.

“Mike!” she said, her voice low and furry with lust, “Play with my button again, and make me cum.”

Mike smiled at the little sex kitten writhing on his cock and nodded, his fingers going to her clit, and fingering it. “Cum for me, you gorgeous little cunt!” he said hoarsely, “Cum on my cock!”

He pressed her clit hard with his thumb, and she bit her lips to bottle up her scream as her belly ignited, another glorious orgasm thundering through her, her hot little cunt clamping down on his skinny cock, and setting him off too. She spasmed on his cock, feeling the rush of heated sperm spraying all over her tight sweet walls as he mauled her tits, something that really got her going when she was cumming.

All too soon, it was over, and Sam was lying on his chest, feeling his cum leaking out of her pussy. He kissed her tenderly, and told her to get dressed.

She got off him and hunted around for her clothes, finding her bra last, and putting it on as he zipped his fly.

“I gotta tape you up again, Sam. If Hoss sees you loose, there’s no telling what he’ll do.” Mike said apologetically.

“Its ok Mike. I understand.” Sam said. Mike quickly taped her up, then leaned over and kissed her, slowly and sweetly.

“See ya, kid.” he said, his eyes bright, and went out the door.

“Shit!” he said, as he came back into the room. “They’re both in the living room. I gotta go out the window.” He threw the window open and stuck a leg out, and then turned to Sam. “I was never here tonight, right?”

Sam nodded and said softly, “Right.” He eased himself through the window, and she heard him land on the lawn. Then silence.

Sam’s eyes closed, and she slept the sleep of a sexually sated woman.



  1. I hope Sam tries to find him after the night so she can get her fill. Well I hope they all do that tbh

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