Do ‘geeky’ girls get responses on here or is it just the sluts?

With my degree currently on hold thanks to the plague of 2020, I’m back to my first love: the internet, where artificial confidence goes as far as you can type. So far my only real post on here was a while back after seeing UNDERWATER (yeah, anyone remember that) and just *having* to be the person to bust in with a film theory, about the monsters being bullshit. Still think I’m right, by the way.

But admittedly, just in front of Pokemon, Animal Crossing and Netflix’s YOU… my second love is reading, and not just reading: erotica. I find myself whisked away by a powerful passage about two long-lost loves intertwining or a chance encounter with perfect strangers in a hotel room. I’ve written a bit here and there but God knows I’ll never share that in my social group of Tinder addicts and Tik Tok bitches…. sorry social group, but you basic. You wouldn’t understand the subtlety of lust if it slid into your Dm.

On that note, While they spend their time getting hit up in their DM’s, I like to hide away in my room and channel up the literoticas of the world…. to escape.

Tonight for example, no joke, I’m currently sitting over my sheets in a fleece hoodie from some top 5 apparel store that swallows my entire body and throughly covers the fringe panties I’m sporting underneath. Why am I wearing such risque underwear? Be a girl on laundry day at 9PM and you’ll get it’s NOT to be sexy. As I lay sprawled across my bed with my bare toes pointing upwards and my open laptop shooting white light into this dark bedroom, I guess I have a question. Anyone else *like* the shit I do?

Anyone else love bringing naughty little tales to life with the quality that porn misses? Actual woven plots and richly described worlds with actual characters that you could run into at the grocery store by accident? Don’t get me wrong, porn has its place in a pinch, but I prefer to aim higher… I prefer to channel the erotic films on late-night cable I used to crave growing up before I even knew what porn really was; the beautiful police detective working undercover at a strip club, the gorgeous couples swapping and exploring at a weekend retreat?

I could go on so much longer but I’ve written this much already to weed out the amateurs, and the creepy ‘fuckbois’ just looking to send me one-word messages about how hard their cocks are or asking what color my toenails are tonight. YOU reading right now, the one with the fine passion for erotic literature and the degree (or at least the vocabulary) to back it up, that’s who I wanna talk to tonight. That’s who I’d like keeping this nerdy little gamer girl company tonight…

So while I try to think of a name for my Animal Crossing island, impress me, message me boasting of your talent with a pen and your desire to make my lonely dreams come true, the more detail and eloquent wording the better.

That’s who I want sliding into my DM’s.



  1. Would you be interested in reading some of my writing? Admittedly, I’m not as good as I’d like to be.

  2. This is so much more than other quick fixes. The character play, the interaction, the hidden nuances and correspondence blended between storytellers and stories. I’d love to share ink with you and weave a web of intrigue and intimacy.

  3. Well this definitely seems like a interesting request, I think. I doubt what I write about would fit this but it would be cool to see what does.

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