Embarrassed Naked Volleyball Girl – Part 4 (Final) – [ENF]

Part 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/fkst4n/embarrassed_naked_volleyball_girl_part_1_enf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

Part 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/fl6nxg/embarrassed_naked_volleyball_girl_part_2_enf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

Part 3: https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/flsahz/embarrassed_naked_volleyball_girl_part_3_enf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

Jo and Yvette entered the arena. The wait for the remaining group games to finish had been a long one and Jo had become a little edgy. The crowd had become quite big and what seemed an easy business had become more difficult in her mind. She was still set, though, and up against the tournament favourites she was sure they would lose, so the outside possibility of winning the whole thing and making the back pages had ceased to be a factor.

They started well, but Jo quickly lost concentration. A couple of photographers had come down onto the court and although this would make the whole thing that bit more delicious she worried that Yvette had seen them. They trailed into the first break 10-4.

Jo and Yvette were on the other side of the umpire this time so at the first break Jo pulled over the cover as she had before.

Jo got inside and sat and waited. But Yvette was just drinking. Jo quickly slipped out of her own kit, hoping that Yvette would follow. The photographers, the full crowd, the semi-final, Jo was sitting amongst it all, completely naked, trying to remain calm, but she was shaking, with fear and exhilaration.

The whistle went and Jo slipped her costume back on.

The first set was slipping away. It was becoming clear that Yvette was getting agitated at Jo’s drop off in performance. It culminated in a “stupid bitch” when Jo uncharacteristically placed a serve into the net. They were behind 19-9 at the second break the first set all but lost.

Jo sat in her chair. She knew she was up against time now, if they lost the second set she might only have three more breaks to get Yvette naked. She must have seen the photographers. Trembling, Jo lifted her top clear and slid her shorts to the floor. She sat back and she shut her eyes hoping the photographers stayed at the end of the court, but all the time imagining them turning the corner of their canvas shelter and finding her there.

“You are playing like shit.” Yvette eloquently broke the silence.

“I’ll get it back, relax.” Jo tried to sound convincing.

Yvette took a swig from her bottle and then she removed her top, which she held in her hands, brushing out the damp sand. Jo imagined those fabulous breasts on display across the morning’s papers, there was still a chance.

They returned to the court, but the set was over pretty quickly. When they sat back down Yvette’s mood had turned a little more sour.

“I’m supposed to be new, you look like you’ve never played before.”

“We’ll take the second set off them.” Jo pushed her shorts down and held them in her hands. What little breeze there was she could feel between her legs, the only thing cooling her fire.

“We’ll only do it if you start playing.” Yvette’s head was down. She was probably also tired, it was the fifth game of the day.

Jo sat patiently. But Yvette just sat there. The whistle went and Jo slipped her shorts back on. They might have to send it to a third set if this was ever going to happen. The image of her hand on the canvas in the last game was beginning to gnaw away in her mind.

Jo stole herself for a big effort. She started to take control.

“Move yourself”, “You’ve got to get higher”, “Send it deeper”, “You’re setting up too close.”

Jo was getting vocal, pushing Yvette. Yvette was responding, but they were still hanging on. At the first break they were 8-6 down.

Jo reckoned they may have two more breaks. They were probably not going to win this set. Even if it went to a third set the game would become too important, focussing on it, Yvette would probably not strip. Jo changed her tactics.

“We’ve given it a great go anyway, Yvette, win or lose. And you’ve been much better than I thought you were.”

Jo removed her vest, and then her shorts. She could feel the crowd closing in. The desperate situation was heightening the rush, she wanted to plunge her hand between her legs.

“Semi finals is a good achievement, let’s enjoy it.”

Jo wondered if Yvette had noticed how far her nipples were sticking out. But Yvette was quiet.

Jo dressed again at the whistle. Yvette was quiet through the play. The game was quickly getting away from them. They returned to their seats 17-11 behind. Another 4 points and it was over.

Jo stripped instantly and sat down, she put her vest and shorts on the edge of the bowl, she had to encourage Yvette to follow but she would need quick access to her own things.

She closed her eyes and hoped for the best, but she knew it was too late. No-one would be exposed out here today.

“Do you not think we’ve done well, Yvette? There’s no shame in losing.”

Yvette leant forward.

“You get me to play in this thing, I play out of my skin, and when we’re in the semi-final you give up.”

Yvette leant a little closer. “If you want to give up, I can give up too.” With that Yvette stood the bowl in one hand, her other hand dragged the canvas cover out into the court.

The darkness was instantly lifted from Jo’s eyelids, and she sat bolt upright, the crowd in complete silence. She sat there everyone looking at her and then the silence broke, pandemonium. Jo fell to her knees looking for something to cover herself, there was nothing but the sand that stuck to her shins as she scrambled naked in front of the onlookers. There was nothing to do so she ran, ran for the exit, grabbed her bag and stumbled her way out to the car park. The clinking of the courtside photographers accompanying her flight.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/fmc8fg/embarrassed_naked_volleyball_girl_part_4_final_enf