The Godkiller Chronicles – Part 11 – Treasures & Training [Freeuse][Breeding][Fantasy]

“Next!” Jorn shouted and slapped the girl on her butt.

She stumbled off, cum running down the inside of her legs.

“You’re busy I see,” came a voice from the doorway.

Jorn turned around just as the next girl got onto all fours in front of him.

“Come on in Mother Superior. I’m just filling up your girls. Hard work it is,” he said, wiping his brow and then thrusting into the young woman in front of him.

The Mother Superior nodded and walked around to stand in front of Jorn as he fucked the young acolyte. Next to him the next girl was on her back, her pussy being worked by Celia’s tongue. It was good that they were soaking wet when Jorn thrust his cock into them. Saved a lot of time.

“How many have you filled up today?” the Mother Superior asked raising an eyebrow.

Jorn shrugged and grabbed the whimpering girl’s hips and thrust hard making her gasp.

“Two dozen maybe? I kind of lost track after the first few. They mostly look the same from behind.”

The Mother Superior nodded slowly.

“That is an incredible feat. That kind of potency seems almost … unnatural.”

Jorn froze in the middle of a thrust. Then continued with renewed vigor.

“Have you by any chance been in contact with any supernatural beings of late?” the Mother Superior said, walking to stand behind him and putting her hands on his shoulders, running her hands down over his muscular arms.

Jorn’s mind’s eye jumped back to the last time he had had his cock up the Queen of Darkness’ tight butthole, then back to the present.

“Nah. I don’t think so.”

“No little supernatural trysts?” said, her hands running further down his body ending up at his thrusting hips.

“Nope. Can’t come to think of a single one,” Jorn said shaking his head.

The Mother Superior’s hands went around his body ending up at the root of his cock where she slowly massaged his balls. It was actually very nice, so Jorn didn’t complain. A little while after he let his seed run into the acolyte in front of him.


“A hundred girls in a single day. Huh. That’s really something,” Jorn said as he laid down to sleep for the night.

Celia was already snoring lightly beside him. Jorn shook his head. They were the only two people in the world who knew about his feat. Well. It felt good anyway. There was a creak at the door and a shadow flitted through.

“Kyrie?” he said out into the darkness.

There was a scuffling sound and Jorn jerked as the tiny thing suddenly lay next to him under his blanket.

“How did you know it was me?”

He could hear the frustration in her voice.

“There’s no one more silent than you. And I always make sure that the doors to my rooms creak when opened.”

There was a quiet giggle and a small hand ran down to his crotch. Jorn sighed as the tiny acolyte started stroking him hard.

“How many girls did you put your seed in today?” she whispered into his ear.

Jorn’s smile split his face in half.

“One hundred.”

Jorn gasped as Kyrie’s hand tightened around his cock. She was surprisingly strong for her size.

“Can I be number one hundred and one?”

Jorn grabbed the girl by her hips and lifted both her and the blanket, then he impaled her on his cock. He could barely see her face in the dim moonlight that reflected in through the window but the noises she uttered made his cock grow another inch.

“Fuck me harder,” she gasped.

The sounds of their loins slapping against each other filled the chamber and even made Celia shift in her sleep.

“Do you want to cum in my ass?” Kyrie said.

Jorn needed no time to decide and just lifted Kyrie up a little further and sank into her rear.

“Yes,” she breathed. “Fill my asshole up with your seed.”

Jorn grunted and made her wish come true. Then she collapsed on top of him with his cock still up her young asshole.

“I told you. I will be the best at taking cock up my ass.”

Jorn caressed her cheek and kissed her.

When he woke up Kyrie was gone. Celia was still asleep beside him and he lifted her blanket and after wetting his cock he slid into her cunt. She groaned a little as he bottomed out in her, but then came slowly to life as his cock grew to its full size.

“Morning,” he said squeezing her breast with one hand as he fucked her.

She mumbled something inaudible back. Jorn put his face into her hair and thrust slowly into her until he finally emptied himself into her cunt. She was still half asleep as he got up. After his morning meal and filling the mouth of the acolyte that delivered it, he headed up to the battlements to check on the retreating army.

Two days had passed since Naija had chosen her Warchief and together they were preparing to depart. Jorn understood that it took some time to depart once you had been sieging for several months, but he was still surprised that they had not left yet. They were nomads after all. But at least the tents were all pulled down and a semblance of a caravan was taking shape. They would be gone by mid-day. One less thing to worry about.

“When will we start training?”

Jorn’s face twitched. He could still not believe how silent the girl was. Turning around he saw Kyrie leaning against a pillar. Jorn shrugged.

“Any time you want.”


Jorn laughed. Then he nodded. The he studied the girl. She was lithe as a willow but not big enough to wield a sword properly.

“Daggers or short sword?”

Kyrie blinked. Then she blinked again.


Jorn nodded.

“Good choice.”

They looked at each other for a moment.

“Well. What are you waiting for? Go get some daggers.”

Kyrie blinked again. Then she nodded and hurried off. Jorn turned back to the scene below. He saw someone raising a hand. Squinting he thought he could make out the figure of Naija. He raised his hand in return. It felt good to know that she carried his seed and that it would be his offspring that would inherit the tribe. He swung around and blocked the stab. Grabbing the thin wrist wielding the dagger twisting it sharply. Kyrie drew in sharp breath as he almost broke her arm. He twisted it a little further until the dagger dropped out of her hand.

“Next time you try to stab me in the back. Don’t breathe in before you lunge. And never, ever attack someone bigger than you without following through. It will be the last mistake you make.”

Tears glinted in the acolyte’s eyes as he kept the strain on her wrist. But she still didn’t make a sound. He let go and she drew back her arm, rubbing it. Jorn picked up the dagger. It was a fine thing. Far too fine for Kyrie to have.

“Where did you find this?”

“The treasure chamber,” Kyrie forced out through clenched teeth.

“Very nice,” Jorn said studying the edge of the blade.

It was made of darksteel and wouldn’t blunt even if you spent all day carving rock. He threw the dagger at Kyrie who quickly stepped aside and caught it mid-air.

“Try to hit me.”

Kyrie did. And she continued trying until the sun stood high in the sky and they both were drenched in sweat.

“Better,” Jorn said grabbing Kyrie’s wrist for the hundredth time.

She was getting closer and the tiny pointers that Jorn gave her after each failed attempt had a clear effect. She was an incredibly quick learner. This time he didn’t let go but instead reached out and grabbed her hair with the other hand and twisting her around forced her up against the parapet lifting her up so that she ended up on her stomach.

“You shouldn’t wear clothes like this,” he said pulling her dress up exposing her bare ass. “They just get in the way. Wear tight fitting things. Nothing that you can grab hold off. You should be slick as an eel,” he said jerking her hair back. “And your hair is too long.”

Swift as a falcon Kyrie reached behind her back and plucked the dagger out of the hand that Jorn held tight, bringing it up to her neck and slicing through the hair so that Jorn ended up with just a tussle of black hair in his hand. She spun around and stabbed at him. Jorn barely got out of the way and a red trail of blood could be seen on the edge of the dagger.

“Very good,” Jorn said punching out and hitting Kyrie on the wrist making her shriek and drop the dagger. “That was the best I’ve seen from you all day,” he said twisting both arms behind her back. He took both her slender wrist in one hand and grabbing hold of her dress he ripped it clean off in one go.

Kyrie breathed hard as Jorn bent her over the parapet once more and coaxed his cock out of his pants and thrust into her. Little droplets of blood drippled down onto her ass as he thrust hard into her cunt.

“Once I am done with you, I want you to go practice the moves that I taught you.”

He let go of her hands and grabbed her hips instead and sank deep into her with each thrust. Kyrie placed her hands on the parapet so that her naked skin would not rub against the uneven stone.

“I want you to be able to do them in your sleep. Then you train some more. Understood?”

Kyrie nodded. Her new self-inflicted haircut suited her. Jorn grabbed her arms again and pulled them back towards him arching her back as he continued pummeling her quim.

“Do you want to fill my ass up again?” she panted turning her face back towards him.

Jorn felt his cock grow an extra inch and between two thrusts he switched hole to her well-greased butthole. It was still an amazing feeling to stretch her tight little asshole open with his cock and he didn’t last five thrusts before he emptied himself into her.

“I need to get into the treasure chamber,” Jorn said as he stepped through the door.

The Mother Superior’s head shot up. She was laying on her back with her legs spread and an acolyte’s face was buried in her cunt. Jorn walked up to the bed and looked down at the young woman who was pleasing the old lady with her tongue. He walked to stand behind her, lifted her shift and ran his fingers along her quim. She was wet as a spring river.

“Tell me where it is and give me the key,” he said bringing out his cock and thrusting it into the girl who’s face he had still not seen.

The Mother Superior would probably have looked shocked if it hadn’t been for her face being so flushed from being eaten out by the young acolyte. The girl tried to raise her head as Jorn started fucking her from behind, but the Mother Superior pressed the back of her head down into her snatch.

“Now. Why would I do that?” the Mother Superior asked and smiled at Jorn as he fucked the girl that was pleasing her.

“Because otherwise all you will feel today is this girl’s tongue. And I know you want more,” he said thrusting deep into the anonymous acolyte who squirmed under his efforts.

“Really?” the old woman said smirking.

Jorn pulled out of the acolyte and with one hand he shoved her aside so that she tumbled onto the floor. The he grabbed the Mother Superior’s feet and pulled her towards him.

“I’ll let you have my cock up your shriveled asshole if you let me have the key to the treasure chamber. Do we have a deal?”

Jorn put the tip of his cock against the old woman’s butthole. The Mother Superior tried to move herself closer to him to impale herself on his cock but Jorn backed off with every attempt.

“Please,” she begged.

Jorn pushed his glans slightly into her asshole. She gasped. Then he withdrew.

“The key. Where is it?”

The Mother Superior seemed to be battling her lust and in the end the lust won.

“The Sister of Secrets. She has it.”

Jorn smiled and thrust his cock all the way up the old woman’s ass. Her eyes rolled back into their sockets as he started ravaging her butt.

“Girl,” he said looking at the young acolyte who had gotten up on her knees next to them. “Rub her clit while I fuck her ass.”

The acolyte nodded and soon her hand was massaging the old woman’s clit and not moments later she reached her first climax. Jorn brought the Mother Superior over the edge two more times before filling her ass up with cum.

“Always a pleasure doing business with you,” he said and as he left the room the young acolyte, Tyrina or whatever her name was, had started licking the cum out of the Mother Superior’s ass.

“It is a holy duty to safeguard the Relics of the Lost,” said the Sister of Secrets as Jorn bent her over her desk.

Her office was the most depressing thing Jorn had seen in the convent. It was four levels below the ground and barely fitted the two of them. He ran his hand over her cunt to make sure she was wet before he thrust into her. She gasped. Jorn hadn’t seen the woman before. She was pale as a ghost. Likely she didn’t get to leave the dungeon very often.

“These relics,” Jorn said pulling her dress up further so that her pale ass was the only thing he could see of her in the dim light. “Where do they come from?”

She did have a very nice butt and Jorn squeezed it a little more as he worked her quim.

“They … come … from … all … over,” the woman gasped as Jorn thrust into her.

“That doesn’t tell me very much.”

He stopped thrusting and put her on her back on the desk and after sliding into her he held his cock inside her. She looked pleadingly up at him.

“Tell me more and I’ll fuck you good.”

She nodded eagerly up at him.

“There are relics from all over. Knights have brought them here for safekeeping over the centuries. There are items in there that no one has touched for a millennium.”

Jorn was surprised. Why keep relics here? In a place that couldn’t even withstand a siege by barbarians. But then again, religious people did stupid things, that was just a fact.

“Please. Please put your rod into me again,” the woman begged.

Jorn ran his glans over her wet lips down to her butthole. He tried pressing and to his surprise it slid in easily.

“Not the first thing you’ve had in there, now is it?”

The Sister blushed fiercely which looked very nice on her pale complexion. Jorn grabbed her hips and fucked her asshole hard. She gasped and put her hand on her clit and rubbed until she erupted all over his crotch. As she fell back on the desk Jorn upped his pace and emptied himself in her butt.


This was chapter 11 of our book The Godkiller Chronicles.

You can find the third collection here:


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